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Nakhon Sawan Is The Most Wonderful Place Ot Live.


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I have been to the shopping paradise known as Tesco today, Sang Som has returned to the shelves at 245bts!!!!, Cheeky or what? Its 235 in 7-11! At a local shop across the road from Kosi Road market, adjacent to where the buses park up a little shop there is doing them for 230 bts, looks like the 207bts is long gone, sadly. The only good point is that now you dont spill a drop, personally I did not before, had it on a drip over night.

The Great Wall or promenade is progressing and will soon be the longest of its type in all Thailand, I expect the big nobs from Bangkok will all want to have a mansion along there somewhere. Its going to be so long there is talk of having a tram or railway to run up and down it, it could end up being the next thing to Disneyland, personally I would not be surprised to see a Nakhon Sawan EYE!

In my poor little village Sang Som is only 225 baht a (new) bottle.

If you want to pay postage or transport costs I am sure I can send a case or two.

Edited by billd766
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Visibility at Mar 27, 12 19:00

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So you really have many hills in KP and they make so much mist. Good they don't have hills or mountains up north, would be bad for them.

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Could be steam off the manure oh Hunt Master! Air quality here top hole, air quality for you lot is rear holegiggle.gif No you cant come south, you stay where you are and sort it out! How is the hunt doing caught anything lately apart from your shadows!!!!!!!!!!!

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Could be steam off the manure oh Hunt Master! Air quality here top hole, air quality for you lot is rear holegiggle.gif No you cant come south, you stay where you are and sort it out! How is the hunt doing caught anything lately apart from your shadows!!!!!!!!!!!

Alas have had to forgo the old hunt for the last few week's it's this bloody kitchen that's taking up all H/M time and energy. I'm begining to regret taking on this new French chef of our's, It's just one demand after the other.

How's the great wall of China going ??? must send one of the staff down to give it a look over, one of the gardener's maybe their none to bright. Only hope the bypass is improving as in a month or so H/M will be wending his way via it for a trip down south. And Buddha forbid I would have to do a detour via your Big C.

A few update's from you mob might help us upper class outsider's.

There a thought how are your new plant's doing last heard about them during the garden make over. Not all cockled over under the weight of the dust.

H/M K.P.P.


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The Great Wall is expanding, but not sure where they measuring the 3M from, it looks impressive but if the water turns up like last year it will just come into town from a bit further up river ( the new bridge )! Still there are some nice steps down to the river which I believe have been reserved for visiting equestrian types from up country to sit in ornamental fancy dan chairs to block the gaps should the worst happen again.

King Canute has not been booked yet.

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Could be steam off the manure oh Hunt Master! Air quality here top hole, air quality for you lot is rear holegiggle.gif No you cant come south, you stay where you are and sort it out! How is the hunt doing caught anything lately apart from your shadows!!!!!!!!!!!

Alas have had to forgo the old hunt for the last few week's it's this bloody kitchen that's taking up all H/M time and energy. I'm begining to regret taking on this new French chef of our's, It's just one demand after the other.

How's the great wall of China going ??? must send one of the staff down to give it a look over, one of the gardener's maybe their none to bright. Only hope the bypass is improving as in a month or so H/M will be wending his way via it for a trip down south. And Buddha forbid I would have to do a detour via your Big C.

A few update's from you mob might help us upper class outsider's.

There a thought how are your new plant's doing last heard about them during the garden make over. Not all cockled over under the weight of the dust.

H/M K.P.P.


I have to admit ,Fred, that the reason why the bypass is so bad is because it was sabotaged by the Kamphaeng Phet Security Forces to keep the buggers from venturing north to our wonderfully clean UNESCO province.The floods were another ploy to keep them in and to give the place a bit of a clean up.Don't worry about the hunt as the horses are being well cared for and your favourite chestnut is champing at the bit awaiting the return of it's master.

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Could be steam off the manure oh Hunt Master! Air quality here top hole, air quality for you lot is rear holegiggle.gif No you cant come south, you stay where you are and sort it out! How is the hunt doing caught anything lately apart from your shadows!!!!!!!!!!!

Alas have had to forgo the old hunt for the last few week's it's this bloody kitchen that's taking up all H/M time and energy. I'm begining to regret taking on this new French chef of our's, It's just one demand after the other.

How's the great wall of China going ??? must send one of the staff down to give it a look over, one of the gardener's maybe their none to bright. Only hope the bypass is improving as in a month or so H/M will be wending his way via it for a trip down south. And Buddha forbid I would have to do a detour via your Big C.

A few update's from you mob might help us upper class outsider's.

There a thought how are your new plant's doing last heard about them during the garden make over. Not all cockled over under the weight of the dust.

H/M K.P.P.


I have to admit ,Fred, that the reason why the bypass is so bad is because it was sabotaged by the Kamphaeng Phet Security Forces to keep the buggers from venturing north to our wonderfully clean UNESCO province.The floods were another ploy to keep them in and to give the place a bit of a clean up.Don't worry about the hunt as the horses are being well cared for and your favourite chestnut is champing at the bit awaiting the return of it's master.

Thank's O/G I knew I could rely on you. Here's a thought how about us getting our odd job men to knock up some ducking stool's we can have them placed along the side of the River Ping (That by the way is now at least 1mt lower so you N/Smog peep's might get your so called beach back) That might be a deterrent to that uneducated mob that live on the other side of the track's.

I noticed on another post that you can obtain gas mask's in N/Smog cant say that I'm surprised. Must be a best seller there.

O/G H/M is orrrf to Mike's tonight need a break from the chore's at the Chateau. This blasted cooking room is now getting beyond a joke. The G/L has now informed H/M that when it's finished the chef won't be using it just in case it might get splash mark's on it. And they the N/Smog lot think they are on the bottom rung of the ladder.

Orrrf now for a trip round the palatial ground's with the game keeper and my dog knasher.

H/M K.P.P.


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I thought it was so everyone would be forced to venture into the town to purchase gas masks so they can proocede to anoy those further north.

Got them Harry well done, you see when you get old the memory goes AOL! I have to keep reminding Fred He likes Tiger Beer!
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I see Abhisit stayed in NS at the chinese new year and was heard to say " what a lovelly place NS is it is truly the Heavenly City!" "I was going to KPP but my aides tell me they infested with nutters up there, riding around the province like a bunch of loonies on horses, sam laws or anything they can get their hands on, the brewery is ok but the rest of the place is going to get a fence round it to keep the cuckoos in! I think this is a good manifesto point and I intend to make my base here is NS, Ghosh this place is so beautiful, pass the Sang Som Bill."

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I see Abhisit stayed in NS at the chinese new year and was heard to say " what a lovelly place NS is it is truly the Heavenly City!" "I was going to KPP but my aides tell me they infested with nutters up there, riding around the province like a bunch of loonies on horses, sam laws or anything they can get their hands on, the brewery is ok but the rest of the place is going to get a fence round it to keep the cuckoos in! I think this is a good manifesto point and I intend to make my base here is NS, Ghosh this place is so beautiful, pass the Sang Som Bill."

I am trying to boost the price of Sang Som buy buying as much as I can for hoarding but for some strange reason the tops seem to come off the bottles and the contents seem to jump into a glass and then evaporate when the glass close to me.

I just can't understand it but I do sleep well at nights.

Perhaps it is because I live in the hills where there is little pollution other than that generated by masaman or panang curries and Sang Som.

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I see Abhisit stayed in NS at the chinese new year and was heard to say " what a lovelly place NS is it is truly the Heavenly City!" "I was going to KPP but my aides tell me they infested with nutters up there, riding around the province like a bunch of loonies on horses, sam laws or anything they can get their hands on, the brewery is ok but the rest of the place is going to get a fence round it to keep the cuckoos in! I think this is a good manifesto point and I intend to make my base here is NS, Ghosh this place is so beautiful, pass the Sang Som Bill."

I am trying to boost the price of Sang Som buy buying as much as I can for hoarding but for some strange reason the tops seem to come off the bottles and the contents seem to jump into a glass and then evaporate when the glass close to me.

I just can't understand it but I do sleep well at nights.

Perhaps it is because I live in the hills where there is little pollution other than that generated by masaman or panang curries and Sang Som.

You seem to live in a more refined area of the Province.

The Sang Som mystery is rum one eh! I think you need sit in a dimly lit room and watch happens froma safe distance of course. I can only offer 2 possibility's one is that it might be that bunch of loonies who think they out with the "HUNT" out of their heads more like, they might be creeping about and having a few tipples whilst your blinking or resting, listen for horses and is there a new aroma on the wind perhaps?

The other is you've got Goblins down the end of the garden, very common in KPP.

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One of the wonderful things about Nakhon Sawan is that we dont get any overnight stayers from up country, there is usually no room at the Inn as they tend be a bit aromatic in the equestrian sense and scents and local hoteliers are not keen to be known as stables for the "lost huntsman of the KPP."

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One of the wonderful things about Nakhon Sawan is that we dont get any overnight stayers from up country, there is usually no room at the Inn as they tend be a bit aromatic in the equestrian sense and scents and local hoteliers are not keen to be known as stables for the "lost huntsman of the KPP."

You mean NS is not a friendly place for RedCoats. jap.gif

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One of the wonderful things about Nakhon Sawan is that we dont get any overnight stayers from up country, there is usually no room at the Inn as they tend be a bit aromatic in the equestrian sense and scents and local hoteliers are not keen to be known as stables for the "lost huntsman of the KPP."

You mean NS is not a friendly place for RedCoats. jap.gif

H/M posted earlier in another section about his trip there yesterday and as far as wanting to stay there wild horse's couldn't tempt me, two hour's was three hour's to long.

The thought of it is still reverberating in H/M head. And I have not stopped coughing since.

H/M is orrf now to partake in a large Meridian VSOP to try and clear his head. Not the thing for you lower class you just stick to your Sang Som....... Just taken my first sip and the world seem's better already. Now where did chef put the imported Scottish Smoked Salmon.

H/M K.P.P.


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I expect the head spinning is down to the Sang Som and that medicine you take 3 times a day (Tiger), the coughing and wheezing is likey from the joss sticks, or sugar burning.

Its another perfect day here in paradise.

Had a run up the by pass wednesday, making a good job of it, I do like the sign the are putting up at the traffic lights on the northern end, pointing north "The Road to Hell." with apologies to Chris Rea.

Now I must go out to the balcony and adress the fans.

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I see Abhisit stayed in NS at the chinese new year and was heard to say " what a lovelly place NS is it is truly the Heavenly City!" "I was going to KPP but my aides tell me they infested with nutters up there, riding around the province like a bunch of loonies on horses, sam laws or anything they can get their hands on, the brewery is ok but the rest of the place is going to get a fence round it to keep the cuckoos in! I think this is a good manifesto point and I intend to make my base here is NS, Ghosh this place is so beautiful, pass the Sang Som Bill."

I am trying to boost the price of Sang Som buy buying as much as I can for hoarding but for some strange reason the tops seem to come off the bottles and the contents seem to jump into a glass and then evaporate when the glass close to me.

I just can't understand it but I do sleep well at nights.

Perhaps it is because I live in the hills where there is little pollution other than that generated by masaman or panang curries and Sang Som.

You seem to live in a more refined area of the Province.

The Sang Som mystery is rum one eh! I think you need sit in a dimly lit room and watch happens froma safe distance of course. I can only offer 2 possibility's one is that it might be that bunch of loonies who think they out with the "HUNT" out of their heads more like, they might be creeping about and having a few tipples whilst your blinking or resting, listen for horses and is there a new aroma on the wind perhaps?

The other is you've got Goblins down the end of the garden, very common in KPP.

We eat horses and tourists (after we have fleeced them of course) up here.

Usually curried or barbequed and washed down with a pint or 2 of Mothers ruin more commonly known as Sang Som.

We leave the Lao Khao to you lower country people.

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I expect the head spinning is down to the Sang Som and that medicine you take 3 times a day (Tiger), the coughing and wheezing is likey from the joss sticks, or sugar burning.

Its another perfect day here in paradise.

Had a run up the by pass wednesday, making a good job of it, I do like the sign the are putting up at the traffic lights on the northern end, pointing north "The Road to Hell." with apologies to Chris Rea.

Now I must go out to the balcony and adress the fans.

Address the fan's A I cant say I blame you, but they need to be bloody great big one's on full power if only to slightly delay the fume's getting in the room.

I know you have seen it the brick thingy that straddle's the road north of you you know the one that say's welcome to heritage city, that's on the N/Smog side the other K.P.P. side it say's on your head be it you have been warned. But have you had a really good look. If you had you would have seen the colour of the brick's on the N/Smog side are several shade's darker, I stopped on Wednesday to inspect and would you belive it it's all down to the traffic fume's on the N/Smog side.

Thank Buddha the bypass is getting there, but no matter the state H/M would still use it. Talking of state I thought they were re surfacing the soi's there cant say I noticed it they were still all rubbish, not unlike the stuff that abound's along the side of them. Thank god that they are fixing the bridge to the north in several month's one might be able to get passed it without the one way bit.

Sorry to say that with all the work that's being carried out there it's not made any improvement to the place. T/Light's are still out of sequence, not that that really matter's as it's nose to tail fume belching vehicle's in all directions as far as the eye can see, but when you have lived next to a train line most of your life I don't suppose you notice it.

H/M. K.P.P.


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I expect the head spinning is down to the Sang Som and that medicine you take 3 times a day (Tiger), the coughing and wheezing is likey from the joss sticks, or sugar burning.

Its another perfect day here in paradise.

Had a run up the by pass wednesday, making a good job of it, I do like the sign the are putting up at the traffic lights on the northern end, pointing north "The Road to Hell." with apologies to Chris Rea.

Now I must go out to the balcony and adress the fans.

Address the fan's A I cant say I blame you, but they need to be bloody great big one's on full power if only to slightly delay the fume's getting in the room.

I know you have seen it the brick thingy that straddle's the road north of you you know the one that say's welcome to heritage city, that's on the N/Smog side the other K.P.P. side it say's on your head be it you have been warned. But have you had a really good look. If you had you would have seen the colour of the brick's on the N/Smog side are several shade's darker, I stopped on Wednesday to inspect and would you belive it it's all down to the traffic fume's on the N/Smog side.

Thank Buddha the bypass is getting there, but no matter the state H/M would still use it. Talking of state I thought they were re surfacing the soi's there cant say I noticed it they were still all rubbish, not unlike the stuff that abound's along the side of them. Thank god that they are fixing the bridge to the north in several month's one might be able to get passed it without the one way bit.

Sorry to say that with all the work that's being carried out there it's not made any improvement to the place. T/Light's are still out of sequence, not that that really matter's as it's nose to tail fume belching vehicle's in all directions as far as the eye can see, but when you have lived next to a train line most of your life I don't suppose you notice it.

H/M. K.P.P.


You know I really expected more from you than that.

Nakhon Sawan is to throw its hat into the ring for the big screen gems up and coming, its noticeable that films are not made in KPP unless it something like Jack Hargreaves "Out of Town." So N/S is now in the mix for "Five go Mad in Nakhon Sawan." , Harry Potty and the Goblet of Chang (Export) "with a sequel "Harry Potty and the Rum experience of Sang Som" ( adult audience only between 11am and 2pm) also the new James Bond film "Red MIst" where a bunch of twerps dressed up in Hunting regalia try to invade the province from the north and capture the kingdom for Queen Victoria! James Bond is dispatched from the ministry to help Thailand's magnificent boys in brown catch the naughty boys from rice fields and chuck em in the chokey!

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I expect the head spinning is down to the Sang Som and that medicine you take 3 times a day (Tiger), the coughing and wheezing is likey from the joss sticks, or sugar burning.

Its another perfect day here in paradise.

Had a run up the by pass wednesday, making a good job of it, I do like the sign the are putting up at the traffic lights on the northern end, pointing north "The Road to Hell." with apologies to Chris Rea.

Now I must go out to the balcony and adress the fans.

Address the fan's A I cant say I blame you, but they need to be bloody great big one's on full power if only to slightly delay the fume's getting in the room.

I know you have seen it the brick thingy that straddle's the road north of you you know the one that say's welcome to heritage city, that's on the N/Smog side the other K.P.P. side it say's on your head be it you have been warned. But have you had a really good look. If you had you would have seen the colour of the brick's on the N/Smog side are several shade's darker, I stopped on Wednesday to inspect and would you belive it it's all down to the traffic fume's on the N/Smog side.

Thank Buddha the bypass is getting there, but no matter the state H/M would still use it. Talking of state I thought they were re surfacing the soi's there cant say I noticed it they were still all rubbish, not unlike the stuff that abound's along the side of them. Thank god that they are fixing the bridge to the north in several month's one might be able to get passed it without the one way bit.

Sorry to say that with all the work that's being carried out there it's not made any improvement to the place. T/Light's are still out of sequence, not that that really matter's as it's nose to tail fume belching vehicle's in all directions as far as the eye can see, but when you have lived next to a train line most of your life I don't suppose you notice it.

H/M. K.P.P.


You know I really expected more from you than that.

Nakhon Sawan is to throw its hat into the ring for the big screen gems up and coming, its noticeable that films are not made in KPP unless it something like Jack Hargreaves "Out of Town." So N/S is now in the mix for "Five go Mad in Nakhon Sawan." , Harry Potty and the Goblet of Chang (Export) "with a sequel "Harry Potty and the Rum experience of Sang Som" ( adult audience only between 11am and 2pm) also the new James Bond film "Red MIst" where a bunch of twerps dressed up in Hunting regalia try to invade the province from the north and capture the kingdom for Queen Victoria! James Bond is dispatched from the ministry to help Thailand's magnificent boys in brown catch the naughty boys from rice fields and chuck em in the chokey!

H/M has come to the conclusion that you lot down there are loosing the plot.

Tonight a thought popped into my head it was just after H/M had finished his Scotish Waitrose kipper's and delish they were to. "Smoked" that's the problem it's nothing to do with the train line bad as it is, it seem's that you were all employed in the herring business not only can you not smell that stench at that Buddha forsaked place N/Smog anything must be an improvement from the oak smoke house's.

And you have the effrontery to have a go at our sweet smelling horses.

Re five go mad in N/Smog H/M cannot comment on all of them but I know of two that have lost the plot big time.

Orrrf to Mai Sot with a couple of the hunt peep's tomorrow so reply's will be thin on the ground and no we are not going by horse, or like you mob a congested mini van/bus, we will be going in style as usual in the Limo. Well that if H/M can get his chauffeurs out of the arm's of the new parlour maid, bounder me think's he's not long in H/M employ. I would offer him to you lot but he doesn't do moped's.

H/M. K.P.P.


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Do have a joolly good day at the border, I myself am going to see the Immigration peeps about my retirement visa, I am sure they will be jolly glad to see me after your lots visit recently. much more civilised, no horse play hanky panky etc.

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Do have a joolly good day at the border, I myself am going to see the Immigration peeps about my retirement visa, I am sure they will be jolly glad to see me after your lots visit recently. much more civilised, no horse play hanky panky etc.

Hope you got on ok with the visa peep's H/M found then all very nice. All sorted for my chum in about 20min: but that might have been because H/M was there and my reputation precede's.

H/M K.P.P.


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They were closed an not opening until tuesday, apparently they have had to fumigate the place and clear up all the horse luggage, nothing to do with bank holidays OK

As we arrived via the Limo we were smelling of K.P.P. the young a little on the poggy size lady happend to remark how nice it was to have for a change peep's not humming with Deisel fume's, all be it she found our upper crust lingo a trite difficult to understand. After being informed it was Oxford English her remark's were Oh i remember now your the nice peep's that say thing's like would you mind going away, and not git aut of eeer. Impressed was not the word.

Oh well look's like exeter will just have to spend yet another uneventful boring few day's trolling around N/Smog.

H/M K.P.P.


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First significant rain for 6 months late yesterday and into early hours, Bill you will understand this I was out on the bike this morning when I came across a hosepipe across the protected by bamboo on both sides, not hitting it at 90 degrees was a mistake and ended up back at home with cuts and bruises all down the left side, lucky only had a 200 yds to get home. Tomorrow will a confined to barracks day, an excuse to get the Sang Som out me thinks.

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First significant rain for 6 months late yesterday and into early hours, Bill you will understand this I was out on the bike this morning when I came across a hosepipe across the protected by bamboo on both sides, not hitting it at 90 degrees was a mistake and ended up back at home with cuts and bruises all down the left side, lucky only had a 200 yds to get home. Tomorrow will a confined to barracks day, an excuse to get the Sang Som out me thinks.

Sorry to hear of your misshap Dave hope your better soon. Have I not warned you of the perils of moped riding in N/Smog. H/M could hitch up one of the horse's to a buggy if it's any help.

H/M K.P.P.


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First significant rain for 6 months late yesterday and into early hours, Bill you will understand this I was out on the bike this morning when I came across a hosepipe across the protected by bamboo on both sides, not hitting it at 90 degrees was a mistake and ended up back at home with cuts and bruises all down the left side, lucky only had a 200 yds to get home. Tomorrow will a confined to barracks day, an excuse to get the Sang Som out me thinks.

There are a couple of thoughts on stuff like this.

Always hit at 90 degrees if possible and if you have the time and can slow down that's great, If not goes as fast as you can and try to jump it

If neither option works then you need rubbing alcohol on the outside for bruises and medicinal rum on the internal wounds.

Please don't get it the wrong way around as many people will be chasing you to lick the rum off your body (try to choose the young goodlooking girls) and rubbing alcohol tastes awful.

In Kuwait I did drink ethanol which is 99% plus pure alcohol but I did cut it but using a 20% to 80% ethanol and Cocoa Cola mix. Tasted OK and no hangover in the morning either.

I believe Fredob uses rubbing alcohol on the horses over in KPP but I have known him to drink it after it was scraped off the horse.

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First significant rain for 6 months late yesterday and into early hours, Bill you will understand this I was out on the bike this morning when I came across a hosepipe across the protected by bamboo on both sides, not hitting it at 90 degrees was a mistake and ended up back at home with cuts and bruises all down the left side, lucky only had a 200 yds to get home. Tomorrow will a confined to barracks day, an excuse to get the Sang Som out me thinks.

There are a couple of thoughts on stuff like this.

Always hit at 90 degrees if possible and if you have the time and can slow down that's great, If not goes as fast as you can and try to jump it

If neither option works then you need rubbing alcohol on the outside for bruises and medicinal rum on the internal wounds.

Please don't get it the wrong way around as many people will be chasing you to lick the rum off your body (try to choose the young goodlooking girls) and rubbing alcohol tastes awful.

In Kuwait I did drink ethanol which is 99% plus pure alcohol but I did cut it but using a 20% to 80% ethanol and Cocoa Cola mix. Tasted OK and no hangover in the morning either.

I believe Fredob uses rubbing alcohol on the horses over in KPP but I have known him to drink it after it was scraped off the horse.

Well he would do that wouldn't he!
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First significant rain for 6 months late yesterday and into early hours, Bill you will understand this I was out on the bike this morning when I came across a hosepipe across the protected by bamboo on both sides, not hitting it at 90 degrees was a mistake and ended up back at home with cuts and bruises all down the left side, lucky only had a 200 yds to get home. Tomorrow will a confined to barracks day, an excuse to get the Sang Som out me thinks.

There are a couple of thoughts on stuff like this.

Always hit at 90 degrees if possible and if you have the time and can slow down that's great, If not goes as fast as you can and try to jump it

If neither option works then you need rubbing alcohol on the outside for bruises and medicinal rum on the internal wounds.

Please don't get it the wrong way around as many people will be chasing you to lick the rum off your body (try to choose the young goodlooking girls) and rubbing alcohol tastes awful.

In Kuwait I did drink ethanol which is 99% plus pure alcohol but I did cut it but using a 20% to 80% ethanol and Cocoa Cola mix. Tasted OK and no hangover in the morning either.

I believe Fredob uses rubbing alcohol on the horses over in KPP but I have known him to drink it after it was scraped off the horse.

Well he would do that wouldn't he!

If only I could. It's one of the perk's for the groom's. For the last 6 month's H.M Has been supping Meridian VSOP and delish it is to.

Hope your improving Dave.

H/M K.P.P.


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