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I'M Sick - High Fever (99.8), Whole Body Aches, The "Runs"


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Whatever you do, don't go looking for advice on the internet. By midnight, you'll have found out you 'have' AIDS, Malaria, Hepatitis (all of them) and a strange disease only previously seen in Somalia. edit: And Dengue Fever.

Get to the shop, buy lots of water and 10 sachets of ENO (10B a pack, to replace salts etc, it tastes of metal and salt, excellent stuff).

But I must repeat, don't look for advice on the internet. You've got AIDS.

"But I must repeat, don't look for advice on the internet"

Hilarious, what was it you just gave to the OP? laugh.png

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I hadn't been out of the city for weeks when I got Dengue!

Maybe Malaria is uncommon in cities, but not Dengue..

In my 10 years in Thailand I've never met anyone with Malaria. I've met tons of people who had Dengue though. In the city or not, doesn't matter. Avoid getting bit by mozzies, by all means!

Somebody up there said Dengue carriers are now out at night as well? That sucks... is there a source for that?

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It's most important to follow these precautions around dawn and dusk, as this is when the Aedes mosquito is most active. However, it's important to remember that the Aedes mosquito can bite at any time of the day or night, so making sure you always take the necessary precautions can help to reduce your risk of catching dengue fever.


I am pretty sure that I read that there is some reason why this is even more true in Thailand as two kinds of mosquitos interbred, but I could not find a source with just a quick look at Google.

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High Fever???? What 99.5 Really??? I don't know who's more pathetic - the OP for being a Nancy boy or me for responding with this dribble. Two pages of responses to a post saying I don't feel good. You've got to be kidding me.

At first it was kinda fun reading what other people had to say on TV but now I'm a bit ashamed wasting my time reading unknown posters threads - very pathetic indeed. That felt good. Ta-Ta

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I woke up feeling apparently much worse than the OP. Had stopped breathing, no pulse, skin a grayish-blue, very cold all over. My first impulse was that I may have died, but thought I would query all the experts on TV just to be sure.

I concur with the helmsman.

Edited by Lobo4819
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Whatever you do, don't go looking for advice on the internet. By midnight, you'll have found out you 'have' AIDS, Malaria, Hepatitis (all of them) and a strange disease only previously seen in Somalia. edit: And Dengue Fever.

Get to the shop, buy lots of water and 10 sachets of ENO (10B a pack, to replace salts etc, it tastes of metal and salt, excellent stuff).

But I must repeat, don't look for advice on the internet. You've got AIDS.

Always good to look on the optimistic side.

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Consider clean water colin enema every other day. Use an enema bag or the bum gun directly if you are more experienced.

Yeah, indeed you should be experienced, and/or gay. Not too easy to get the bum gun in, and then you need to remember to plug your ears or else you have some wall cleaning to do.

You only need to put bum gun right at the but hole. Angle it, especially if there is a hard piece of crap already there. An enema bag/kit comes with a very small nozzle and lubrication (or use any suitable nut/palm/veggie oil) that you insert a couple of cm into the anus or vagina for douches.

And no, you wont burst or have crap water reverse through your digestive system. The water travels back, loosening hardened/builtup crap along the way. Then you crap it out.

Btw, when using a lot of water or when inexperienced, good idea to not go far from toilet for a few min after you finish the enema/colonic.

Why not head down to massage shop afterwards for foot massage? That's a wellness package.

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

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High Fever???? What 99.5 Really??? I don't know who's more pathetic - the OP for being a Nancy boy or me for responding with this dribble. Two pages of responses to a post saying I don't feel good. You've got to be kidding me.

At first it was kinda fun reading what other people had to say on TV but now I'm a bit ashamed wasting my time reading unknown posters threads - very pathetic indeed. That felt good. Ta-Ta

I, for one, take offense at the term "Nancy boy" being applied to the OP. He's a whimp, whiner, whinger (whatever terms the Brits use), but not a "Nancy boy". A temp of 99.5 is not high.

Incidentally this "Nancy girl" has a very similar condition this week. Hubby went to the Two Sisters pharmacy (aka Peera Pharmacy) across from the Hotel M and got the pills to fix me. Antinausa, tylenol and charcoal. They said the charcoal shouldn't be used either two hours after or before other meds because it deactivates them. Interestingly, they said to avoid dairy and FRUIT for a couple days. Hubby quizzed them at great lenght about this because a banana-milk smoothie is one of our standard remedies for these situations.

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Consider clean water colin enema every other day. Use an enema bag or the bum gun directly if you are more experienced.

Yeah, indeed you should be experienced, and/or gay. Not too easy to get the bum gun in, and then you need to remember to plug your ears or else you have some wall cleaning to do.

You only need to put bum gun right at the but hole. Angle it, especially if there is a hard piece of crap already there. An enema bag/kit comes with a very small nozzle and lubrication (or use any suitable nut/palm/veggie oil) that you insert a couple of cm into the anus or vagina for douches.

And no, you wont burst or have crap water reverse through your digestive system. The water travels back, loosening hardened/builtup crap along the way. Then you crap it out.

Btw, when using a lot of water or when inexperienced, good idea to not go far from toilet for a few min after you finish the enema/colonic.

Why not head down to massage shop afterwards for foot massage? That's a wellness package.

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

What a load of crap! Great remedy you have there for a cold. Stick a bum gun up your ass with vegetable oil and then get a foot massage. Then plant a tree.


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Most people I know say it is not a good idea to get a massage if you are feeling under the weather. A lot of the time it can make you worse.

Try drinking large amounts of ginger tea (ginger with Chinese tea), if that doesn't do the trick then you might need some pharmaceutical help.

No dairy is because of the phlegm aspect of dairy which clogs you up. No fruit seems a bit strange as mostly not all fruits are classified together unless its no sugar, in which case no fruit and nothing sweet.

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temp of 100 and body aches and diarrhea are no reason to go the hospital. I know thai love to go even when just a stuffy nose, but this sounds like a typical flu or mild food poisioning.

tylenol, and keep yourself hydrated.

unless you seriously can barely move or break out into rashes or feel like ur going to die...

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What a load of crap! Great remedy you have there for a cold. Stick a bum gun up your ass with vegetable oil and then get a foot massage. Then plant a tree.


The veggie oil is only to lubricate the tip of the enema tube, if other lubrication is unavailable. Do not mix the oil with the water in enema bag. I suppose if you have very large buttcheeks you could oil the area right around the butthole.

The enema basically speeds up the fasting process. It assists the person in seeing for themself what kind of diet is best for them by removing built up waste of the old diet (often months or YEARS of undigested crap).

It's like starting fresh; cleaning out your closet and realising how much space (energy) you were missing. Plus it has an added benefit of being able to continue eating what you want (within reason) and have a quick way to remove the undigested parts. At some point, you will reduce the foods that dont agree with your body. And you are less likely to return to them.

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

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Just got this from Dr. Morgan


Recently We have been seeing many patients especially young schooling students come in with acute fever and gastro-intestinal symptoms mainly nausea, vomiting and fever.

Some blood work was done and it seems likely to be acute viral infection.

We therefore would like to inform our patients, to be aware of the problem, please make sure that your kids wash their hands thoroughly, eat freshly cooked food and avoid uncooked food and non-peeled fruits. Use alcohol rubbing gel whenever touching any objects in public places/school/kinder garden.

If your family members develop the following symptoms.

- Acute high fever

- Nausea/vomiting

- Diarrhea

- Stomachache

- Body Aching

Rehydration with electrolyte drink and supportive treatment ( ie paracetamol for fever)is recommended. If rehydration can not be addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Quite wasting time: see a good GP, like : get rehydrated by IV if necessary.

Loi Kroh Clinic

Dr. Tawatchai

622 Loi Khoh Road


m-fri 8am-1pm, 4:30-8:30pm

sat 8am-1pm

sun 4:30-8:30pm


Diarrhea is not a typical sign of Dengue, and, believe me, if you had Dengue, you would have crawled (barely) into a hospital or clinic by now.

good luck, ~o:37;

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Just got this from Dr. Morgan


Recently We have been seeing many patients especially young schooling students come in with acute fever and gastro-intestinal symptoms mainly nausea, vomiting and fever.

Some blood work was done and it seems likely to be acute viral infection.

We therefore would like to inform our patients, to be aware of the problem, please make sure that your kids wash their hands thoroughly, eat freshly cooked food and avoid uncooked food and non-peeled fruits. Use alcohol rubbing gel whenever touching any objects in public places/school/kinder garden.

If your family members develop the following symptoms.

- Acute high fever

- Nausea/vomiting

- Diarrhea

- Stomachache

- Body Aching

Rehydration with electrolyte drink and supportive treatment ( ie paracetamol for fever)is recommended. If rehydration can not be addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Helpful, wish I'd seen this earlier, one of my sons just had this & spent a couple of nights on a drip to rehydrate, at the local hospital, when he couldn't keep anything down. projectile-vomiting at both ends ! sick.gif

Although thus far, none of his classmates have had it, fingers-crossed. cool.png

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Just got this from Dr. Morgan


Recently We have been seeing many patients especially young schooling students come in with acute fever and gastro-intestinal symptoms mainly nausea, vomiting and fever.

Some blood work was done and it seems likely to be acute viral infection.

We therefore would like to inform our patients, to be aware of the problem, please make sure that your kids wash their hands thoroughly, eat freshly cooked food and avoid uncooked food and non-peeled fruits. Use alcohol rubbing gel whenever touching any objects in public places/school/kinder garden.

If your family members develop the following symptoms.

- Acute high fever

- Nausea/vomiting

- Diarrhea

- Stomachache

- Body Aching

Rehydration with electrolyte drink and supportive treatment ( ie paracetamol for fever)is recommended. If rehydration can not be addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Helpful, wish I'd seen this earlier, one of my sons just had this & spent a couple of nights on a drip to rehydrate, at the local hospital, when he couldn't keep anything down. projectile-vomiting at both ends ! sick.gif

Although thus far, none of his classmates have had it, fingers-crossed. cool.png

I said something similar in the thread... im not sure what all these people are talking about running to the doctor for diarrhea and a temp of 100...

as someone else said, if this was dengue he would of had to crawl to the hospital and likely would of had a rash as well...

all a doctor will do is prescribe para and electrolytes...and they love to give u unnecessary antibiotics as well.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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"doctors...love to give you antibiotics...."

I wash my hands of such generalities, particularly as I've known a number these days who avoid many meds without clearly established cause.

Indeed, the doc's notice above illustrates home treatment before requesting medical care.

In any case, if one is greatly worried, it is quite inexpensive to see a doctor; peace of mind is nice.

Edited by PaulD
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"doctors...love to give you antibiotics...."

I wash my hands of such generalities, particularly as I've known a number these days who avoid many meds without clearly established cause.

Indeed, the doc's notice above illustrates home treatment before requesting medical care.

In any case, if one is greatly worried, it is quite inexpensive to see a doctor; peace of mind is nice.

agree with most everything u said here ... but I doubt dr. morgan is ur typical thai doctor. ...beyond the name, the wording of the letter hints at it... though its juest a guess

re antibiotics, my experience has been otherwise, but hoping the doctors u speak of pass this practice on ...

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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"doctors...love to give you antibiotics...."

I wash my hands of such generalities, particularly as I've known a number these days who avoid many meds without clearly established cause.

Indeed, the doc's notice above illustrates home treatment before requesting medical care.

In any case, if one is greatly worried, it is quite inexpensive to see a doctor; peace of mind is nice.

agree with most everything u said here ... but I doubt dr. morgan is ur typical thai doctor. ...beyond the name, the wording of the letter hints at it... though its juest a guess

re antibiotics, my experience has been otherwise, but hoping the doctors u speak of pass this practice on ...

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Dr. Morgan is certainly not your typicalThai doctor. She is very much Thai though, from Isarn, but her husband is Welsh (and not in any kind of medical profession).

/ Priceless

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The posters that are telling people to stay at home and take tylenol and keep hydrated are dead wrong in advising not necessary to see a Doctor. One of the best internists (internal medicine Docs) in Chiangmai indicated to me that the reports they were getting concerning this endemic is that it is a form of food poinsoning bacteria spreading virally. Don't take a chance with your kids or yourself. If you get sick see a good doctor and see if you need further treatment.

Especially with kids, it can progress fast. So please don't advise on a public board to just take tylenol and electrolytes. Bacterial infections, if present require antibiotics from a good doctor that kinows what to prescribe. Viruses don't. There is something about this combination of infection going around, especially with kids in school that is not the usual virus.

BTW, there now is a bacterial infection that is quite quick to reach the bronchials and lungs with just a couple of days of nonstop coughing and high fevor in Chiangmai. Starts with allergy type congestion and drains downward. Requires a visit to the pediatrician or Dr.

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The only thing i would add would be using some TeaTree essential oil or Tea Tree/Lavendar essential oil mix. a drop or two on your fingertips or during a massage. I have not been able to find pure essential oils here in thailand. I'm sure there is a health shop somewhere in bangkok.

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The posters that are telling people to stay at home and take tylenol and keep hydrated are dead wrong in advising not necessary to see a Doctor. One of the best internists (internal medicine Docs) in Chiangmai indicated to me that the reports they were getting concerning this endemic is that it is a form of food poinsoning bacteria spreading virally. Don't take a chance with your kids or yourself. If you get sick see a good doctor and see if you need further treatment.

A bacteria spread virally? I hope thats not what was actually said by one of Chiang Mai's "best internists"!

Especially with kids, it can progress fast. So please don't advise on a public board to just take tylenol and electrolytes. Bacterial infections, if present require antibiotics from a good doctor that kinows what to prescribe. Viruses don't. There is something about this combination of infection going around, especially with kids in school that is not the usual virus.

Perhaps someone who can't differentiate between a virus and a bacteria should avoid advising on health matters on a public board. I'm not quite clear as to whether this infection you're talking about is a virus or a bacteria. And to say that bacterial infections "require antibiotics" is shockingly bad advice. The over-prescription of antibiotics is a huge problem and repeated use of antibiotics causes the weakening of the immune system and thus development of a reliance on antibiotics that is entirely unhealthy.

BTW, there now is a bacterial infection that is quite quick to reach the bronchials and lungs with just a couple of days of nonstop coughing and high fevor in Chiangmai. Starts with allergy type congestion and drains downward. Requires a visit to the pediatrician or Dr.

The "bronchials", whether you mean bronchi or bronchioles, are both parts of the lungs so surely any infection of the "bronchials" is therefore an infection of the lungs synonymously, not additionally. I had an infection that sounded just like this. The doctor I visited prescribed sold me two drugs, one an antitussive and the other an expectorant - so one to increase mucus secretions and one to decrease mucus secretions. Being a little unsure of what he had sold me, I researched to find it is dangerous to take both at the same time. I decided not to take either as I had lost faith in the doctor. Surprisingly, the cough cleared up by itself, though it took longer than I would have liked. "Requires a visit to the pediatrician or Dr." Haha!

Edited by naboo
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