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Home Interior Painting Cost


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We're trying to paint up the interior of our apartment. I'd have like to paint it all by myself. But with small children and all, it seemed impossible task to manage.

Post flood, it seemed difficult to find good painting guys. And I'd like to ask if anyone can recommend a good painting contractor (pm me?). Also, will anyone know what is a reasonable cost per sqm in Bangkok? In the province it seemed as low as 30baht/ sqm but here, I've been quoted all kinds of prices.


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Unless you don't have the time or where-with-all, why don't you DIY? A "good painting contractor" in Thailand is usually oxamoron. Why do you think impossible task? In any case... I wouldn't do any deal for per sq. meter. They like that b/c it ends up making more than they would if they were on a project. Pay 250/350 baht per day - you pay for materials - and make sure they do it right (which you will need to know); Cheers.

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tks steve. I've little kids tagging along with me (the mum); making it tough for me to paint DIY. Hubby works full time.

I did it before and it was really tough. But you're right about the contractors. A lot of them are so busy now they aren't interested in smaller projects. The ones free really just wanna jack up the price.

I know there are daily rated workers, but I have really no idea where to find them and if they are trustworthy. Or will I have to spend more time cleaning up after their splatters...

If nothing works out, I guess we'll DIY and shift move-in date later.

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Oh. Yeah, little kids and DIY by the mom not a good mix. Well, some other ideas... Does your apt manager have any suggestions? Are you just redecorating? Or, if serious surface prep is needed, you really need to know what a proper job consists of whether you hire out or DIY if you plan to stay there for long term. ie: no matter who does it, make sure it's done right no matter how much they complain. Cheers.

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