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I Miss Ya


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If you love her so much, don't you think you would feel better if you go find her and make up for what you did to hurt her instead of letting time go by in grief?  Is she already married to someone else?  Dead?

I know, I intend to do that. She's probably looking to marry already.

I guess it would help matters if you laid out what happened....

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If you love her so much, don't you think you would feel better if you go find her and make up for what you did to hurt her instead of letting time go by in grief?  Is she already married to someone else?  Dead?

I know, I intend to do that. She's probably looking to marry already.

So what? At least that way she knows that you care.

Women hate it when you are a jerk, and they love it when you admit you WERE a jerk.

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If you love her so much, don't you think you would feel better if you go find her and make up for what you did to hurt her instead of letting time go by in grief?  Is she already married to someone else?  Dead?

I know, I intend to do that. She's probably looking to marry already.

So what? At least that way she knows that you care.

Women hate it when you are a jerk, and they love it when you admit you WERE a jerk.

I know but it's not a matter of being a jerk or not being a jerk in this instance. My case transcends all that because it's a deep personal matter. Women do like a little bit of a jerk anyway lets be frank, but that doesn't apply to me in this instance.

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If you love her so much, don't you think you would feel better if you go find her and make up for what you did to hurt her instead of letting time go by in grief?  Is she already married to someone else?  Dead?

I know, I intend to do that. She's probably looking to marry already.

So what? At least that way she knows that you care.

Women hate it when you are a jerk, and they love it when you admit you WERE a jerk.

I know but it's not a matter of being a jerk or not being a jerk in this instance. My case transcends all that because it's a deep personal matter. Women do like a little bit of a jerk anyway lets be frank, but that doesn't apply to me in this instance.

Sorry. My attempt to be funny failed. Forget the jerk thing then. :o

But, okay, let’s not completely forget it yet. The following may not apply to you, but I’ll post it anyway: some women, probably most women, prefer the complete lack of jerk element in men. I can promise you that. I am sick of the “nice guys finish last” BS.

Don’t believe me? Should we vote?

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ohh u r such a nosy monkey brit, but yes, tyell us samart, what happened. :D

Leave out the names to protect the innocent. :o

well in a nutshell, i was in an unsavory personal situation that ultimately caused tremendous stress and anguish on her and thus the end of the relationship.

Understandable that she left. You can't change the past, but you do have 2 choices:

1. Learn from it

2. Repeat it

Oh and one more

3. Keep obsessing over it.

I strongly recommend option #1. It's the only one that gets you out of where you are, and you certainly don't sound very hasppy there.

It's been said that there's more room in a broken heart. certainly there is potentially more wisdom and maturity. If you can truly learn from this mistake you'll be a better person and -- perhaps sooner than you think -- a better partner to a new love.

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ohh u r such a nosy monkey brit, but yes, tyell us samart, what happened. :D

Leave out the names to protect the innocent. :o

well in a nutshell, i was in an unsavory personal situation that ultimately caused tremendous stress and anguish on her and thus the end of the relationship.

Understandable that she left. You can't change the past, but you do have 2 choices:

1. Learn from it

2. Repeat it

Oh and one more

3. Keep obsessing over it.

I strongly recommend option #1. It's the only one that gets you out of where you are, and you certainly don't sound very hasppy there.

It's been said that there's more room in a broken heart. certainly there is potentially more wisdom and maturity. If you can truly learn from this mistake you'll be a better person and -- perhaps sooner than you think -- a better partner to a new love.

Thank you.

I know it's unhealthy to obsess over it and I will probably and eventually come across someone new, but there will always be the fear of failure that haunting the deep recesses of my mind. I don't want it to happen again and so now I avoid people. Personal change is not without it's consequences. I'm on my own and estranged from family. I also agree that one should learn from this and move on. It's very easy for many of you to simply say that if the man doesn't add up just move on, move on, just a little further West. However there are simply times where there's just too powerful a reservoir of emotion to fade away. This is a knot I can probably never untie because I find myself thinking about it every single day. When I leave this mortal coil we call life, it may be the thing that keeps my eyes open.

rainx: thanks I know you were joking, at least half-heartedly. I don't know about the nice guys finishing last thing but it seems women still do prefer some small part of the "jerk" because it creates an edginess and playful characteristic that is somewhat attractive. I have a hard time believing any woman would want to be with someone that's just one-dimensionally nice all the way.

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Dont worry Smart,

You will get over it and if it makes you feel any better she will not be lonely if you know what i mean.

In fact any of us could be looking after her too for all you know real soon. Give me her name and i will look after her for you in Feb if you like ;0)

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<<<<< Taking my Top hat and Tails with me in Feb just in case i bump into her..............

Smart !! I will tell you one thing for free, you are not the first and wont be the last person on here to cry over a Thai Girlie. Hop on a new one there is enough of them

I am certainly aware of that, thanks. She's not Thai and I will hop on a train instead. :o

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sbk, my intentions were good... maybe i really know her... who knows... if you think its not a nice comment then sorry samart... just trying to help out... i know the feeling just hope that the ex i've been with is like you. and i hope sbk will not be rude to an honest comment... :o

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I know how you feel Samart. You wanted to hear that didn't you? Sometimes when you truly believe that you found the person you'd always been looking for - and it doesn't work out- it can take years to get over it.

We all heal in our own ways, so if exile is your choice then I hope you are a much happier person at the end of it. There will be an end... there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I truly wish you happiness for the future! :o

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sbk, my intentions were good... maybe i really know her... who knows... if you think its not a nice comment then sorry samart... just trying to help out... i know the feeling just hope that the ex i've been with is like you. and i hope sbk will not be rude to an honest comment... :o

That was rude? I don't think so. It is highly unlikely that you could possibly know his ex and after the comments from the previous poster your post seemed to be in a similar vein.

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sbk, my intentions were good... maybe i really know her... who knows... if you think its not a nice comment then sorry samart... just trying to help out... i know the feeling just hope that the ex i've been with is like you. and i hope sbk will not be rude to an honest comment... :o

That was rude? I don't think so. It is highly unlikely that you could possibly know his ex and after the comments from the previous poster your post seemed to be in a similar vein.

Guys it's ok. There were no smart comments really because we all reflect a different frame of mind. Some take it with a grain of salt and some can't. Whatever the case may be it's ok. I am not offended.

It's unlikely you know her personally but perhaps indirectly through this forum. In any event she's in Gruengthep Mahanakorn so that's that. :D

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Did i fall asleep and end up on some nightmarish Oprah Winfrey show? Faux concern, crocodile tears, empathy by email.

The OP screwed up and lost someone as a result of it. I dont think it helps him/her to indulge their feelings with lots of pats on the back and 'there, there, it will all be oks"

OP . .I'd resign yourself to a lonely and miserable future as a result of this loss. And when you (inevitably) find someone to fill the void, then you'll feel much better.

Life is pretty simple when you don't try to complicate it.

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Did i fall asleep and end up on some nightmarish Oprah Winfrey show?  Faux concern, crocodile tears, empathy by email.

The OP screwed up and lost someone as a result of it.  I dont think it helps him/her to indulge their feelings with lots of pats on the back and 'there, there, it will all be oks"

OP . .I'd resign yourself to a lonely and miserable future as a result of this loss.  And when you (inevitably) find someone to fill the void, then you'll feel much better.

Life is pretty simple when you don't try to complicate it.

Well everytime I find myself in this situation i need to hear all piece of advice that people can give me.

depending on my mood i will agree with this advice or another...I will listening to you or not...

however it doesn´t matter what you say to a broken heart person only time will cure their grief...

however when we don´t find ourselves in that situation we try to comfort, help, open their eyes (your case)....

Thus I think all pieces of advice are welcome in this case...

when you are broken heart is like when you have a cold only time will restor it to its previous healthy state.

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Well . .you might be right.  I dunno.    I would have thought it more helpful to talk it over with someone in real life, rather than seeking comfort from a bunch of strangers on a computer screen.  But I guess I'm old fashioned.

I don´t care much who is giving me the advice, comfort, opinion...If I like them and I learn something from it they are very welcome. At the same time sometimes strangers can give you a good piece of advice....they have diferent education experience...they can give you a point of view which you never think about nor the people close to you...

That´s why I like Thaivisa forum...

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Well . .you might be right.  I dunno.    I would have thought it more helpful to talk it over with someone in real life, rather than seeking comfort from a bunch of strangers on a computer screen.  But I guess I'm old fashioned.

I don´t care much who is giving me the advice, comfort, opinion...If I like them and I learn something from it they are very welcome. At the same time sometimes strangers can give you a good piece of advice....they have diferent education experience...they can give you a point of view which you never think about nor the people close to you...

That´s why I like Thaivisa forum...

Hey guys I welcome all sides. Whether it's supportive or the boo-hoo reality bites approach it's ok. I express myself better in words anyway and I figured she probably is on this forum too. It doesn't mean much anymore but it's like confession, I just wanted to get it off my chest.

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Well . .you might be right.  I dunno.    I would have thought it more helpful to talk it over with someone in real life, rather than seeking comfort from a bunch of strangers on a computer screen.  But I guess I'm old fashioned.

I don´t care much who is giving me the advice, comfort, opinion...If I like them and I learn something from it they are very welcome. At the same time sometimes strangers can give you a good piece of advice....they have diferent education experience...they can give you a point of view which you never think about nor the people close to you...

That´s why I like Thaivisa forum...

Hey guys I welcome all sides. Whether it's supportive or the boo-hoo reality bites approach it's ok. I express myself better in words anyway and I figured she probably is on this forum too. It doesn't mean much anymore but it's like confession, I just wanted to get it off my chest.

Curious why do think all hope is lost? My mate went from breakup/move out for two weeks then engaged shortly after then married last newyears eve. That turn of events made me consider anything is possible. :o

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Well . .you might be right.  I dunno.    I would have thought it more helpful to talk it over with someone in real life, rather than seeking comfort from a bunch of strangers on a computer screen.  But I guess I'm old fashioned.

I don´t care much who is giving me the advice, comfort, opinion...If I like them and I learn something from it they are very welcome. At the same time sometimes strangers can give you a good piece of advice....they have diferent education experience...they can give you a point of view which you never think about nor the people close to you...

That´s why I like Thaivisa forum...

Hey guys I welcome all sides. Whether it's supportive or the boo-hoo reality bites approach it's ok. I express myself better in words anyway and I figured she probably is on this forum too. It doesn't mean much anymore but it's like confession, I just wanted to get it off my chest.

Curious why do think all hope is lost? My mate went from breakup/move out for two weeks then engaged shortly after then married last newyears eve. That turn of events made me consider anything is possible. :o

I just have a strong feeling that's all. Some folks get lucky but I know from personal experience I'm not as fortunate when it comes to these things.

Still all hope isn't completely lost as you said but I think this time it's hard to salvage.

Funny how I should concern myself with this during Christmas when I ought to be doing other things.

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I just have a strong feeling that's all.  Some folks get lucky but I know from personal experience I'm not as fortunate when it comes to these things. 

Still all hope isn't completely lost as you said but I think this time it's hard to salvage.

Are you sure about that or is it just a bit of wishful thinking? If so, it's better to pack up and move on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

samart, I can understand how u feel and I am sure those who posted here know it's hard to move on. they asked u to move on cause its the right thing to do. time is the best medicine for curing any bleeding heart.

btw, as long as she is not married u always stand a chance.but nine times out of ten u wont be able to patch it back, hope its not too discouraging....

what u cant get back is always the most beautiful.....

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