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PM Yingluck's Upcountry Tour Is Little More Than A Publicity Stunt


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Upcountry tour is little more than a publicity stunt

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- PM Yingluck's visit to flood-hit provinces will mean nothing if the govt cannot come up with effective flood-prevention plans before the start of the next rainy season

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will start her highly anticipated inspection trip to flood-hit areas from the North down to Bangkok next week. A government spokesperson said Yingluck's trip is meant "to bring love and hope" to the people. But the trip is nothing more than a publicity stunt.

While the government has yet to come up with a concrete plan to lay down future flood prevention measures, the highly publicised trip has so far succeeded only in diverting the public's attention from other criticism of the administration. This follows a recent pattern of coup and conspiracy rumours that have provided a smokescreen for the government as it comes under fire on a range of issues.

Apart from the hype over how well Yingluck will fare during her upcountry visit, the trip is designed to send a message to investors and the public alike that the government is committed to go ahead with flood-prevention measures.

But so far, the government has only talked about these plans with water experts, and there have been incessant arguments over the right methods and ways to prevent a repeat of last year's deluge. After the massive flood subsided, there was talk about new floodways and the planned set-up of a new "super agency" to oversee flood-related issues. That agency has now been set up - within a typically confusing structure - but nothing else has gone beyond heated discussion.

Concern over the Thai government's slow reaction to this matter has been repeatedly voiced by Japanese investors, who were adversely affected by the floods. The chairman of Keidanren, the Japanese Business Federation, raised the issue during a recent meeting with Yingluck on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The government has announced a huge budget earmarked for flood prevention, but this has not been accompanied by any clear details about how the money will be spent. Of course, the recent flooding was partly attributable to the mismanagement of water levels in reservoirs. But Thailand is naturally vulnerable to flooding, which is why we must have coherent and effective city planning, designs for floodways, and water-retention facilities to store the water during the dry season.

It would be unfortunate if Yingluck treats this upcountry tour as another photo opportunity. She should use this trip to obtain firsthand information from people affected by flooding. This is a chance to learn about people's real needs, and to assess how to assist them when things go wrong. She should bring the best water-management experts along with her to see for themselves the problems and how to prevent them happening in the future. In addition, the prime minister must take into account how each community can deal with water management based on geography and specific situations.

However, we are concerned that Yingluck's trip will not promise anything more than another news event. The media has already called the trip a "parrot tour", reflecting its lack of substance and the likelihood that the same promises and statements will be repeated. In all likelihood it will not be about what local people can gain, but how Yingluck comes across, in the same way that Thaksin managed to create news when he rode a motorcycle during an upcountry trip.

Some people might enjoy such publicity stunts, but most will find it harder to be amused now, with the economy still suffering from the massive damage caused by last year's disaster. Many factories have not yet fully recovered from the flood, leaving the future of thousands of temporarily unemployed workers still uncertain. Many houses that were submerged have still not been repaired.

If Yingluck wants to survive politically in the longer term, she will have to start acting with conviction instead of avoiding some issues and claiming ignorance of others. Political publicity stunts can help her buy time, but they will not keep her in office forever. The public has only so much patience.


-- The Nation 2012-02-11

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When Thaksin undertook his tour of Issan, staying at temples overnight, it was dubbed the nok khamin tour- นกขมิ้น the oriole (bird) tour, as the oriole is considered to sleep wherever it finds itself at dusk, so the bird analogy continues with the less flattering ' parrot tour'!

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When Thaksin undertook his tour of Issan, staying at temples overnight, it was dubbed the nok khamin tour- นกขมิ้น the oriole (bird) tour, as the oriole is considered to sleep wherever it finds itself at dusk, so the bird analogy continues with the less flattering ' parrot tour'!

I must admit that I thought an oriole was a hua nom.

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The constant Yingluck bashing from the Nation is becoming tedious.

Much as is the rhetoric from the ministers in this maladministration.

Criticism comes with the position she was shoehorned into,.

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The constant Yingluck bashing from the Nation is becoming tedious.

Wait, what the citizens of T. Sam Ngao and Ban Tak will say when Yingluck comes to visit the Bumiphon Dam. "She has to stay in her chopper ..............we don't want her" - local voices.

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Upcountry tour is little more than a publicity stunt


Publicity stunt?......Ms. Y's tour anywhere in the country is to be commended.

Beats "Bangkok-ifrication"

PM Yingluck's visit to flood-hit provinces will mean nothing if the govt cannot come up with effective flood-prevention plans before the start of the next rainy season

Given the effectiveness of this Govt., I fully expect that they will.

This follows a recent pattern of coup and conspiracy rumours that have provided a smokescreen for the government as it comes under fire on a range of issues.

It was no conspiracy rumour in 2006,

To have a heightened sense of alertness about this is not a smokescreen for the Govt., it is common sense.

Certainly so in light of the Opposition running to the Judges with this in mind, plus the current constitution stll being in effect, loaded with coup-bomblets.

Undoubtedly the Govt. will come under fire on a range of issues, but that doesn't mean they are valid.

It is just the Opposition doing what Oppositions do. Their validity will be assessed in due course, and particularly at the next election 3+ years from now.

"..... a new "super agency........That agency has now been set up - within a typically confusing structure"

What is this "typically confusing structure" thing all about?

The Opposition remain ensconced in their illusions of grandeur,

Suggesting that in reality, they are the only ones who can govern effectively (without confusing structures), even though they cannot be elected as a result of all that perfection.

She should use this trip to obtain firsthand information from people affected by flooding. This is a chance to learn about people's real needs, and to assess how to assist them when things go wrong..... In addition, the prime minister must take into account how each community can deal with water management based on geography and specific situations

Yeah, OK. That is what it is all about. What is the problem?

The media has already called the trip a "parrot tour"

Similar to how the opposition would denigrate anything she does.

Strange the media would do the same.....strange.

In all likelihood it will not be about what local people can gain, but how Yingluck comes across, in the same way that Thaksin managed to create news when he rode a motorcycle during an upcountry trip.

Obviously what went on before was pretty effective. Considering Ms. Y's electoral success, with Thaksin's involvement fully declared to the electorate.

If Yingluck wants to survive politically in the longer term, she will have to start acting with conviction instead of avoiding some issues and claiming ignorance of others. Political publicity stunts can help her buy time, but they will not keep her in office forever. The public has only so much patience.

The entire theme of this statement suggests that her four-year electoral mandate may not be dependent on electoral realities.

This brings us full circle back to the above comment about coup-alertness.

I rest my case.

Edited by CalgaryII
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It is a good idea for the leader of Thailand's government to get out of Bangkok and to meet with the people. Appreciably those that were involved in the coups were not much for meeting the electorate since the electorate was unimportant to them, but visiting the regions is expected of Thailand's PM. Chokdee Madame PM.

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Upcountry tour is little more than a publicity stunt


Publicity stunt?......Ms. Y's tour anywhere in the country is to be commended.

Beats "Bangkok-ifrication"

PM Yingluck's visit to flood-hit provinces will mean nothing if the govt cannot come up with effective flood-prevention plans before the start of the next rainy season

Given the effectiveness of this Govt., I fully expect that they will.

This follows a recent pattern of coup and conspiracy rumours that have provided a smokescreen for the government as it comes under fire on a range of issues.

It was no conspiracy rumour in 2006,

To have a heightened sense of alertness about this is not a smokescreen for the Govt., it is common sense.

Certainly so in light of the Opposition running to the Judges with this in mind, plus the current constitution stll being in effect, loaded with coup-bomblets.

Undoubtedly the Govt. will come under fire on a range of issues, but that doesn't mean they are valid.

It is just the Opposition doing what Oppositions do. Their validity will be assessed in due course, and particularly at the next election 3+ years from now.

"..... a new "super agency........That agency has now been set up - within a typically confusing structure"

What is this "typically confusing structure" thing all about?

The Opposition remain ensconced in their illusions of grandeur,

Suggesting that in reality, they are the only ones who can govern effectively (without confusing structures), even though they cannot be elected as a result of all that perfection.

She should use this trip to obtain firsthand information from people affected by flooding. This is a chance to learn about people's real needs, and to assess how to assist them when things go wrong..... In addition, the prime minister must take into account how each community can deal with water management based on geography and specific situations

Yeah, OK. That is what it is all about. What is the problem?

The media has already called the trip a "parrot tour"

Similar to how the opposition would denigrate anything she does.

Strange the media would do the same.....strange.

In all likelihood it will not be about what local people can gain, but how Yingluck comes across, in the same way that Thaksin managed to create news when he rode a motorcycle during an upcountry trip.

Obviously what went on before was pretty effective. Considering Ms. Y's electoral success, with Thaksin's involvement fully declared to the electorate.

If Yingluck wants to survive politically in the longer term, she will have to start acting with conviction instead of avoiding some issues and claiming ignorance of others. Political publicity stunts can help her buy time, but they will not keep her in office forever. The public has only so much patience.

The entire theme of this statement suggests that her four-year electoral mandate may not be dependent on electoral realities.

This brings us full circle back to the above comment about coup-alertness.

I rest my case.

Your case

"Publicity stunt?......Ms. Y's tour anywhere in the country is to be commended."

How about she stays in Bangkok and governs in a reasonable way.

Tours are what you do when you are on vacation. What makes you think she will go to a home devastated by the flood where the government has promised 5,000 baht relief money to help repair it and failed to deliver. She may be ignorant of what happened but she in no way wants to see the damage it caused to the individual home owners. Just another photo op for her. She might want to consider getting a competent staff who can keep her informed of the need of the people sit in her office and take the necessary steps to accomplish it.

Touring the country and taking directions from a convicted criminal on the run from the law in Dubai is not getting the job done nor will it ever get the job done.

She will know no more when she gets home than before she left but she will have impressed people who don't know any thing.

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It is a good idea for the leader of Thailand's government to get out of Bangkok and to meet with the people. Appreciably those that were involved in the coups were not much for meeting the electorate since the electorate was unimportant to them, but visiting the regions is expected of Thailand's PM. Chokdee Madame PM.

You are right on.Visiting the regions is what is expected of her people have given up hope of leadership from her.

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She will know no more when she gets home than before she left but she will have impressed people who don't know any thing.


".....by people who don't know anything"..............?

This statement speaks volumes.

It is probably the most reflective of those who cannot get elected.

It is the primary, arrogant vein-of-thought that runs through the unelectable elitists.

And then they wonder why they get continually rejected by the electorate.

Not complicated

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Upcountry tour is little more than a publicity stunt


Publicity stunt?......Ms. Y's tour anywhere in the country is to be commended.

Beats "Bangkok-ifrication"

PM Yingluck's visit to flood-hit provinces will mean nothing if the govt cannot come up with effective flood-prevention plans before the start of the next rainy season

Given the effectiveness of this Govt., I fully expect that they will.

This follows a recent pattern of coup and conspiracy rumours that have provided a smokescreen for the government as it comes under fire on a range of issues.

It was no conspiracy rumour in 2006,

To have a heightened sense of alertness about this is not a smokescreen for the Govt., it is common sense.

Certainly so in light of the Opposition running to the Judges with this in mind, plus the current constitution stll being in effect, loaded with coup-bomblets.

Undoubtedly the Govt. will come under fire on a range of issues, but that doesn't mean they are valid.

It is just the Opposition doing what Oppositions do. Their validity will be assessed in due course, and particularly at the next election 3+ years from now.

"..... a new "super agency........That agency has now been set up - within a typically confusing structure"

What is this "typically confusing structure" thing all about?

The Opposition remain ensconced in their illusions of grandeur,

Suggesting that in reality, they are the only ones who can govern effectively (without confusing structures), even though they cannot be elected as a result of all that perfection.

She should use this trip to obtain firsthand information from people affected by flooding. This is a chance to learn about people's real needs, and to assess how to assist them when things go wrong..... In addition, the prime minister must take into account how each community can deal with water management based on geography and specific situations

Yeah, OK. That is what it is all about. What is the problem?

The media has already called the trip a "parrot tour"

Similar to how the opposition would denigrate anything she does.

Strange the media would do the same.....strange.

In all likelihood it will not be about what local people can gain, but how Yingluck comes across, in the same way that Thaksin managed to create news when he rode a motorcycle during an upcountry trip.

Obviously what went on before was pretty effective. Considering Ms. Y's electoral success, with Thaksin's involvement fully declared to the electorate.

If Yingluck wants to survive politically in the longer term, she will have to start acting with conviction instead of avoiding some issues and claiming ignorance of others. Political publicity stunts can help her buy time, but they will not keep her in office forever. The public has only so much patience.

The entire theme of this statement suggests that her four-year electoral mandate may not be dependent on electoral realities.

This brings us full circle back to the above comment about coup-alertness.

I rest my case.

Have you ever considered writing books for children? Your fantasy and writing skills are excellent. The children would love your fairy tales and you would probably make millions.

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An upcountry tour to promote what ?


The only politically noteworthy theft, was of an entire Govt. in 2006.

Attempts to do so again, will come to nought.

Another lie - at the time of the coup the Thaksin government's mandate had expired and Thaksin had lodged his resignation.

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She will know no more when she gets home than before she left but she will have impressed people who don't know any thing.


".....by people who don't know anything"..............?

This statement speaks volumes.

It is probably the most reflective of those who cannot get elected.

It is the primary, arrogant vein-of-thought that runs through the unelectable elitists.

And then they wonder why they get continually rejected by the electorate.

Not complicated

You are rite there are people who know which side of the toast their butter is on.

There we are now agreed on all my statements. I feel so munch better how about you?

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The constant Yingluck bashing from the Nation is becoming tedious.

Cry me a river GK, at least your not writing an epic essay using all the obscure and irreverent excuses to defend Yingluck like Calgaryll.

PM Yingluck's visit to flood-hit provinces will mean nothing if the govt cannot come up with effective flood-prevention plans before the start of the next rainy season

Given the effectiveness of this Govt., I fully expect that they will.

Yes they have a plan, 2000 boats in the river this time.


It was no conspiracy rumour in 2006,

That was 6 years ago, get over it. There have been a few Thaksin government since then.

To have a heightened sense of alertness about this is not a smokescreen for the Govt., it is common sense.

Yingluck and Charlem both said there wouldnt be a coup! Who do you believe? Rally around the flag all you redshirts.

The entire theme of this statement suggests that her four-year electoral mandate may not be dependent on electoral realities

and more coup smokescreen

The reality is like all political leaders of most countries her life will be under a microscope, Yingluck should have known this when she accepted the job. However, Yingluck is a monumental screw up, her lack of leadership is demonstrated through her inability to debate and has led to the fracturing of the cabinet of millionaire, with all members saying whatever they want and often at cross purposes to each other. Yingluck lacks even the basic skills neccessary to be PM and as such is fertile ground for critics and reporter as she blunders from one misadventure to the next. You better get used to the bad press boys I feel there is mak mak more to come.

Edited by waza
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Yep get out there Yingluck, show the population they are a consideration for a dedicated PM

Publicity stunt? the Nation does not seem to mind too much when they try and perpetuate any adverse publicity!! keep in touch with your public Yingluck, make others work hard for every vote they attempt to gain at the next election

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Yep get out there Yingluck, show the population they are a consideration for a dedicated PM

Publicity stunt? the Nation does not seem to mind too much when they try and perpetuate any adverse publicity!! keep in touch with your public Yingluck, make others work hard for every vote they attempt to gain at the next election

Show the local population, but keep the rabble at bay:

"The Lower Northern Province of Uttaradit is preparing to Welcome the Prime Minister and her Entourage. Nawin Sinthusa-ard, deputy Uttaradit governor, said about 200 plainclothes and uniformed police officers will be deployed to provide security to the prime minister during her visit tomorrow."

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Another lie - at the time of the coup the Thaksin government's mandate had expired and Thaksin had lodged his resignation

A coup is a coup.

And a good coup is a good coup. Especially one to dislodge a totalitarian demagogue like Thaksin who had eviscerated the democratic institutions of this country and adulterated the court system that could otherwise have been used to contain his criminal activities.

God bless the military for doing their civic duty and protecting this nation from those domestic enemies who were attempting to usurp it for their own, nefarious ends.

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Yep get out there Yingluck, show the population they are a consideration for a dedicated PM

Publicity stunt? the Nation does not seem to mind too much when they try and perpetuate any adverse publicity!! keep in touch with your public Yingluck, make others work hard for every vote they attempt to gain at the next election

Show the local population, but keep the rabble at bay:

"The Lower Northern Province of Uttaradit is preparing to Welcome the Prime Minister and her Entourage. Nawin Sinthusa-ard, deputy Uttaradit governor, said about 200 plainclothes and uniformed police officers will be deployed to provide security to the prime minister during her visit tomorrow."


Oh dear Rubl you state deploying 200 plainclothes and uniformed police to control the over enthusiastic crowds...is to "Keep the rabble at bay"

Your Bangkok elitism slip is showing Rubl

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Yep get out there Yingluck, show the population they are a consideration for a dedicated PM

Publicity stunt? the Nation does not seem to mind too much when they try and perpetuate any adverse publicity!! keep in touch with your public Yingluck, make others work hard for every vote they attempt to gain at the next election

Show the local population, but keep the rabble at bay:

"The Lower Northern Province of Uttaradit is preparing to Welcome the Prime Minister and her Entourage. Nawin Sinthusa-ard, deputy Uttaradit governor, said about 200 plainclothes and uniformed police officers will be deployed to provide security to the prime minister during her visit tomorrow."


Oh dear Rubl you state deploying 200 plainclothes and uniformed police to control the over enthusiastic crowds...is to "Keep the rabble at bay"

Your Bangkok elitism slip is showing Rubl

Elitism? Maybe more reminiscence of then PM Abhisit who had to fight of the enthousiastic crowds a few times. Anyway we'll see later today if PM Yingluck really needed 200 people to provide security. Wondering only why she needs that large a number. Maybe fear that some locals like to show their gratitude for a flooding well-performed ?

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Yep get out there Yingluck, show the population they are a consideration for a dedicated PM

Publicity stunt? the Nation does not seem to mind too much when they try and perpetuate any adverse publicity!! keep in touch with your public Yingluck, make others work hard for every vote they attempt to gain at the next election

Show the local population, but keep the rabble at bay:

"The Lower Northern Province of Uttaradit is preparing to Welcome the Prime Minister and her Entourage. Nawin Sinthusa-ard, deputy Uttaradit governor, said about 200 plainclothes and uniformed police officers will be deployed to provide security to the prime minister during her visit tomorrow."


Oh dear Rubl you state deploying 200 plainclothes and uniformed police to control the over enthusiastic crowds...is to "Keep the rabble at bay"

Your Bangkok elitism slip is showing Rubl

Elitism? Maybe more reminiscence of then PM Abhisit who had to fight of the enthousiastic crowds a few times. Anyway we'll see later today if PM Yingluck really needed 200 people to provide security. Wondering only why she needs that large a number. Maybe fear that some locals like to show their gratitude for a flooding well-performed ?

Rambling doesn't suit you Rubl......stick to elitism......smile.png.

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The constant Yingluck bashing from the Nation is becoming tedious.

Much as is the rhetoric from the ministers in this maladministration.

Criticism comes with the position she was shoehorned into,.

criticism in this case comes from those with fewer ideas than the PM... agree with Oberkommando.

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Upcountry tour is little more than a publicity stunt


Publicity stunt?......Ms. Y's tour anywhere in the country is to be commended.

Beats "Bangkok-ifrication"

PM Yingluck's visit to flood-hit provinces will mean nothing if the govt cannot come up with effective flood-prevention plans before the start of the next rainy season

Given the effectiveness of this Govt., I fully expect that they will.

This follows a recent pattern of coup and conspiracy rumours that have provided a smokescreen for the government as it comes under fire on a range of issues.

It was no conspiracy rumour in 2006,

To have a heightened sense of alertness about this is not a smokescreen for the Govt., it is common sense.

Certainly so in light of the Opposition running to the Judges with this in mind, plus the current constitution stll being in effect, loaded with coup-bomblets.

Undoubtedly the Govt. will come under fire on a range of issues, but that doesn't mean they are valid.

It is just the Opposition doing what Oppositions do. Their validity will be assessed in due course, and particularly at the next election 3+ years from now.

"..... a new "super agency........That agency has now been set up - within a typically confusing structure"

What is this "typically confusing structure" thing all about?

The Opposition remain ensconced in their illusions of grandeur,

Suggesting that in reality, they are the only ones who can govern effectively (without confusing structures), even though they cannot be elected as a result of all that perfection.

She should use this trip to obtain firsthand information from people affected by flooding. This is a chance to learn about people's real needs, and to assess how to assist them when things go wrong..... In addition, the prime minister must take into account how each community can deal with water management based on geography and specific situations

Yeah, OK. That is what it is all about. What is the problem?

The media has already called the trip a "parrot tour"

Similar to how the opposition would denigrate anything she does.

Strange the media would do the same.....strange.

In all likelihood it will not be about what local people can gain, but how Yingluck comes across, in the same way that Thaksin managed to create news when he rode a motorcycle during an upcountry trip.

Obviously what went on before was pretty effective. Considering Ms. Y's electoral success, with Thaksin's involvement fully declared to the electorate.

If Yingluck wants to survive politically in the longer term, she will have to start acting with conviction instead of avoiding some issues and claiming ignorance of others. Political publicity stunts can help her buy time, but they will not keep her in office forever. The public has only so much patience.

The entire theme of this statement suggests that her four-year electoral mandate may not be dependent on electoral realities.

This brings us full circle back to the above comment about coup-alertness.

I rest my case.

Thanks for taking the time to decipher The Nation's drivel. Interestingly, VoiceTV didn't glamorize the trip but just gave the agenda - I'm starting to think that they are less biased than The Nation.

Yingluck to View Anti-Flood Measures In Ayudhya

Yingluck Shinawatra will inspect anti-flood measures in Ayudhya, one of last year's most devastated areas, next week. The premier is scheduled to visit Ayudhya on Feb 16 and Feb 17 during which time she will see ways and means to prevent severe flooding in the central province.

According to provincial governor Wittaya Pewpong, the woman leader will be shown repaired watergates and elevated embankments along the rivers, the ''monkey's cheeks'' or low-lying terrains to contain floodwater in Bang Ban district and Bang Pa-in industrial estate, which was among several factory complexes seriously damaged by last year's flooding.

Known as a major rice-growing province, Ayudhya was usually inundated with flowing waters from Chao Praya, Pasak, Lopburi and Noi rivers during rainy season.

Yingluck will spend the night to see a light and sound show at a Buddhist temple in Ayudhya, he added.

The premier and her cabinet members are also scheduled to visit several other provinces in the central and lower-northern regions to inspect similar anti-flood measures later this month.

Ayudhya lies on the way of the flowing floodwaters from the lower-northern region to Patumtani, Nontaburi and Bangkok. Several other rice-growing provinces lying above Ayudhya, such as Nakorn Sawan, Chainat, Singburi and Angthong, were also severely flooded.

Sounds like a pretty reasonable thing for a PM to do...

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