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Do You Know Any Farang Men In Danger From The Wife/Gf


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At the sake of sounding morbid.

One sees reports of farangs meeting their demise through 'accidental death/suicide' etc and of course the police investigations leave a lot to be desired.

Of course we see these reports and just know there is something more sinister than a suicide as reported.

Do any expacts hold fears for the safety of anyone they know from a relationship starting to go bad. Have you voiced concerns to friends that maybe they should look over their shoulder?

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I met a guy (falang) in Bangkok once who was buying an airticket to escape his Thai Wife and her "crazy family" ( as he put it), He said they were after him because he did not pay the money to the family he promised when married and had numerous threats. He really looked and sounded scared. I would NEVER get mixed up with "poor low class Thai" in a relationship, You are doomed from the beginning.

Edited by KKvampire
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I met a guy (falang) in Bangkok once who was buying an airticket to escape his Thai Wife and her "crazy family" ( as he put it), He said they were after him because he did not pay the money to the family he promised when married and had numerous threats. He really looked and sounded scared. I would NEVER get mixed up with "poor low class Thai" in a relationship, You are doomed from the beginning.

Hiso's are capable of cutting your balls off as well !!

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I don't know about life but I fear for my sanity every waking moment.

The reality is that life is cheap in Thailand, the value being how much it costs to pay someone to take it from you.

You may never know when you push someones buttons enough to make that investment..

Edited by necronx99
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I don't know about life but I fear for my sanity every waking moment.

The reality is that life is cheap in Thailand, the value being how much it costs to pay someone to take it from you.

You may never know when you push someones buttons enough to make that investment..

Well said!! Not married to a Thai and no family within several thousand K's to be considered but it's certain if I felt any of the pressure being mentioned here I'd be beating feet out of the relationship. Is it the "living on the edge" factor I wonder, that makes some stay in such a threatening relationship?

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I know of one guy who has been missing in thailand for some time now...

I remember I was living in the same guesthouse as him, his wife was all smiles and he was an alcoholic...

One morning I was walking down the stairs to grab some breakfast, and in the corridor I bumped into some motor-bike taxi dude helping this poor bastard down the stairs, he had been hit over the head with a sharp instrument, blood everywhere and his skull opened up. His wife took to him....

Anyway about a year later I was back in town, and last I heard of him was that he went up to the village, its been several years now and nobody has heard from or seen this bloke since... we have all assumed he is 6 feet under.

LOS my arse.

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I met a guy (falang) in Bangkok once who was buying an airticket to escape his Thai Wife and her "crazy family" ( as he put it), He said they were after him because he did not pay the money to the family he promised when married and had numerous threats. He really looked and sounded scared. I would NEVER get mixed up with "poor low class Thai" in a relationship, You are doomed from the beginning.

Hiso's are capable of cutting your balls off as well !!

and have the money and contacts to get away with it. So i would say they are more dangerous.

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I know of more farangs that are a danger to themselves than under threat from their partners.

I get seriously amazed at the amount of ridiculous things I see, from drunk driving ( mental ) to violence inside and outside of the home.

Don't fight in Thailand.......you will come to a bad end.

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  • 1 month later...

Hmmm its been 5 years and I have been watching her very closely, she is all smiles and talks sweetly as she caters for my every need. But I am not fooled, I know she is after something, this is too good to be true.

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I don't care for stupid people engaging with the wrong woman. It's their business, their brain and their c**k. Why should I care for them ?

I live for myself, and for sure not to lose time with other stupid foreigners who would not hear my advices.

Somnmnaa, live your life and suffer if you're stupid enough to engage with the wrong people.

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I met a guy (falang) in Bangkok once who was buying an airticket to escape his Thai Wife and her "crazy family" ( as he put it), He said they were after him because he did not pay the money to the family he promised when married and had numerous threats. He really looked and sounded scared. I would NEVER get mixed up with "poor low class Thai" in a relationship, You are doomed from the beginning.

poor low class as you put it are less likely to have the means to get someone whacked than better heeled influentials methinks...


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I don't care for stupid people engaging with the wrong woman. It's their business, their brain and their c**k. Why should I care for them ?

I live for myself, and for sure not to lose time with other stupid foreigners who would not hear my advices.

Somnmnaa, live your life and suffer if you're stupid enough to engage with the wrong people.


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My wife is a policewoman and she has a Glock.. bought it only for one reason (guess who had to pay). Her idea of a divorce is to see how far I can run before she can get the second clip in.

She must be a really bad shot.

yep! she got her marksman badge at police academy - but I think the instructor got paid to shoot the target ,, the trick is to run in the straight line and not zigzag. :-)

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Much against my better judgement a few years back I met one of my pals at an expat pub in Khon Kaen. There was this expat guy and his local wife there both aged about 50. Every other word out of their mouths seemed to be "f#cking# this and "f#cking that"

We were drinking at an outside table next to theirs and I knew I hadn't accidentally wandered into the lobby at the Oriental when she decided to relieve herself by walking about 5 feet from their table into the shadows and squatting in full view to take a piss.

I knew it was time to gracefully retire when he called her a "c#nt" and she proceeded to smash a Chang bottle over his head....

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While living in a town in Issan among a tight social group of mature expats and their wives. When we would visit other expats homes for dinner or a few drinks, the guys would retires to the verander or pool room to drink, while the ladies would join in the kitchen serving beer, chatting and eating som tam. When we got home my Mia would tell me what she had heard, most of the wives would talk about how much money they would have when hubby died, their Thai boyfriends and how much they hate their husbands. It shocked both of us, my Mia because they would speak so openly about it and me because I thought they were loving, caring and faithfull wives. I have heard 2 of the guys have dies so far, but they were quite old and lived good full lives.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Much against my better judgement a few years back I met one of my pals at an expat pub in Khon Kaen. There was this expat guy and his local wife there both aged about 50. Every other word out of their mouths seemed to be "f#cking# this and "f#cking that"

We were drinking at an outside table next to theirs and I knew I hadn't accidentally wandered into the lobby at the Oriental when she decided to relieve herself by walking about 5 feet from their table into the shadows and squatting in full view to take a piss.

I knew it was time to gracefully retire when he called her a "c#nt" and she proceeded to smash a Chang bottle over his head....

Cue the Music! Wild thing, you make my heart sing....

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