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Nuclear reactor temperature at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant rises to 82°C


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I just checked. The pictures have indeed been removed.

But I just found another link with 22 pictures from a Korean website who assembled this image collection of produce from towns and villages surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi


and here are pictures of kiwi fruit from as far away as California ohmy.png


Based on this can you imagine the possibilities of what kind of genetic mutations are occurring regarding sea life in the

Pacific Ocean? vampire.gif

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Unbelievable. He says: "the USA is the main reason". Talk about shirking their own responsibility.

No mention of the Chinese nuclear plants....I am pretty sure they are all safe, or perhaps the Chinese will be a little less understanding if they try to blame them for their ineptitude.

Absolutely unbelievable.

He talks about reactor types and that there are 31 similar reactor types in the USA. guess the malfunction we see in Fukushima Daiichi can happen only in that certain reactor type.

He actually didn't said one single English word. between what he said, how it was translated and how you understand it might be a wide gap in the meaning.

That also doesn't mean that nuclear energy is totally unsafe and dangerous at all. I share your trust in the Chinese nuclear plants and think they are safe.

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Unbelievable. He says: "the USA is the main reason". Talk about shirking their own responsibility.

No mention of the Chinese nuclear plants....I am pretty sure they are all safe, or perhaps the Chinese will be a little less understanding if they try to blame them for their ineptitude.

Absolutely unbelievable.

He talks about reactor types and that there are 31 similar reactor types in the USA. guess the malfunction we see in Fukushima Daiichi can happen only in that certain reactor type.

He actually didn't said one single English word. between what he said, how it was translated and how you understand it might be a wide gap in the meaning.

That also doesn't mean that nuclear energy is totally unsafe and dangerous at all. I share your trust in the Chinese nuclear plants and think they are safe.

My own interpretation of what he said overall (no matter how close or otherwise the English translation happened to be) was he wanted to send out an alert regarding the extent of the cover-up by TEPCO, which is still going on to this very day. From the very beginning when this accident first occurred TEPCO has been telling the world “don't worry everything is under control “ when very clearly it is not. angry.png When you say it doesn't mean nuclear energy is unsafe or dangerous , how can society possibly determine this when so many facts keep being hidden? It's all very well when nothing goes wrong but when something does go wrong like this one could say the potential danger and flow on effect around the world is actually unquantifiable?

TEPCO now says 2,000 Fukushima workers exposed to high radiation doses Several workers told The Asahi Shimbun that TEPCO has never provided a careful explanation about the risks of radiation exposure in thyroid glands. Some subcontractor workers have already quit their jobs, complaining that they were never told about the radiation doses or received any notification of thyroid gland tests.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Radioactive Water Detected at Fukushima Levels Recorded Haven't Been Seen Since Soon After 2011 Disaster

TOKYO—Extremely high concentrations of radiation have been detected in water from near one of the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. 9501.TO +8.01% said Saturday.

The levels recorded haven't been seen since soon after the March 2011 disaster, it added.

The radiation is millions of times higher than Japan's acceptable limit under normal circumstances.


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Over 14000 spent fuel rods are a little problematic. Can't they just get them out, properly seal them and get rid of them at a secure storage facility? If Unit 4 sinks, be prepared to short the Japanese market! With the money you make buy a des res in Greenland or Iceland!

spent nuke fuel rods need to kept in refridgerated water. If not, even if submerged, they can heat up dangerously, and emit radioactivity, rather like a large 'dirty cloud.' At another Nuke plant in Japan, a piece of heavy equipment fell in the primary core, and couldn't be retrieved. It's costing millions of dollars a month just to pay for electricity to keep that non-operational plant from being problematic. One of the big ironies is: though the plant cost millions to construct, with the purpose of producing electricity, ....now it's needing bunches of 'outside electric' just to keep from spewing radioactivity all around. Fukushima is similar, in that it's been needing fossil-fuel powered generators just to try to keep it from becoming a worse problem than it already is.

How does this relate to Thailand? Believe it or not, there are still Thai VIPs (and EGAT) who want Thailand to go nuclear. Let's hope it's not the same ilk who maintain the oil pipeline off Ranong.

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I would think this should be a big deal. Seems like world leaders would be helping Japan fix this problem ASAP. The implications are, to me, more devastating and long term than say Syrian conflict, Iran nuclear program or North Korea's mighty midget. Radiation in the ocean and already reaching California. What percentage of the world's population's food comes from the Pacific Ocean? What are they going to do with all of this radioactive water that is a by product of their cooling efforts to keep from having a melt down?

i agree !

Listen to Mr Kohei Murata , who was the former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland. What he says in this interview makes every other issue going on in the world seem quite irrelevant….


A scary video thanks for posting. Over 14000 spent fuel rods are a little problematic.

Can't they just get them out, properly seal them and get rid of them at a secure storage facility?

If Unit 4 sinks, be prepared to short the Japanese market! With the money you make buy a des res in Greenland or Iceland!

here is your answer

Top Nuclear Experts: Technology Doesn’t Yet Exist to Clean Up Fukushima

Containing Fukushima Is Beyond Current Technology

listen to this podcast of what World-renowned physicist Dr. Michio Kaku said recently:

It will take years to invent a new generation of robots able to withstand the radiation.

(The radiation inside the reactors is too hot even for robots.)


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The Wall Street Journal notes that radiation levels outside the plant are likely higher than inside the reactor:

NRA [Nuclear Regulation Authority] officials said highly contaminated water may be leaking into the soil from a number of trenches, allowing the water to seep into the site’s groundwater and eventually into the ocean.

Both radioactive substances are considered harmful to health. An NRA official said Monday that the very high levels were likely to be even higher than those within the reactor units themselves.

Atsunao Marui, head of the Groundwater Research Group at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, said, “Groundwater also flows beneath the seafloor, so it’s possible that contaminated groundwater could spring up outside the port.”


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So there you go………… They have confirmed they haven't got an <deleted> clue ! Probably never have had all along

The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is struggling to come up with new ways to prevent contaminated water from leaking into the sea.

The operator learnt on Wednesday that its efforts to prevent radiation-tainted groundwater from seeping into the sea are failing.


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Reuters Exclusive: Barrier is breached at Fukushima says official — ‘Highly radioactive’ water entering ocean — Will flow ‘extremely fast’ if it reaches surface —

" Tepco sorry for trouble "

a company spokesman said Tepco deeply apologized to residents in Fukushima prefecture, the surrounding region and the larger public for causing inconveniences, worries and trouble.

[Kinjo] acknowledged that if the water reaches the surface, “it would flow extremely fast.”


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Are there any engineers in this forum? Is this idea feasible and likely to work?

Government Funding To "Freeze" Fukushima With Giant Ice Wall

Via Spiegel (via Google Translate),

Japanese government have sanctioned the funding of a 1.4km wall of ice to surround the building that holds Reactors 1 to 4

leaked an estimated 300 tons of water per day from the damaged nuclear plant into the ocean, said a representative of the Ministry of Industry on Wednesday.The countermeasures of the operating company Tepco are obviously insufficient . The energy company has "dry walls" claims to be injected into the soil, which should be there to harden a lock. However, as the company announced on Tuesday , the water flows around the wall into the sea.

To further penetration of water into the damaged nuclear plant to prevent, is now an underground wall to be built from the ground is frozen to the reactor building, the Japanese news agency Kyodo reported on. To this end pipes with chemical refrigerants to promote the building of reactors 1 to 4 are laid in the ground. The thus created barrier was expected to have a length of 1.4 kilometers.

Thanks to the already heavily burdened financially operator TEPCO Group the necessary funding will not be able to apply for the state to step in as a government spokesman said on Wednesday. The construction of a protective wall of such proportions was unprecedented in the world. In order to build such a thing, the state must help the spokesman was quoted as saying


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We do have engineers on the forum, actually I think we have quite a few, but I don't know how many we have with much experience in the area of nuclear plants.

No comments on this site yet but I have to say reading around other various websites, there doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm . In fact it is being viewed as even more can kicking.sad.png

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Professor Christopher Busby from the European Committee on Radiation Risks says Fukushima

is “ certainly worse than Chernobyl “ and warns the Japanese people " the east coast of Japan, the sediment and sand on the shores, will now be horribly radioactive."

And for the rest of the world…………….

The future is bleak. I see no way of resolving the catastrophe. They will either have to pour water on the wreckage forever, ohmy.png and thus continue to contaminate the local sea, or find some more drastic immediate solution


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But as they pump more and more water this increases the risk of other dangers ...........

a risk to changing the flow of groundwater in the ways that Tepco is considering, said Tatsuya Shinkawa, nuclear accident response director of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, at a news conference last month. The water could pool dangerously underground, softening the earth and potentially toppling the reactor buildings, he said.

Remember what the former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland warned in that video clip about the reactor buildings sinking………………..

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National Geographic: 3 years for contamination to reach U.S. coast from Fukushima, scientist estimates

A mathematical model developed by Changsheng Chen of the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth and Robert Beardsley of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute found that radioactive particles disperse through the ocean differently at different depths. The scientists estimated that in some cases, contaminated seawater could reach the western coast of the United States in as little as five years. [Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution who has analyzed thousands of samples of fish from the area]thinks the process occurs a bit more rapidly, and estimates it might take three years for contamination to reach the U.S. coastline. [...]


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Radioactive water overruns Fukushima barrier - TEPCO

Contaminated groundwater accumulating under the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant has risen 60cm above the protective barrier, and is now freely leaking into the Pacific Ocean, the plant’s operator TEPCO has admitted.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which is responsible for decommissioning the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, on Saturday said the protective barriers that were installed to prevent the flow of toxic water into the ocean are no longer coping with the groundwater levels, Itar-Tass reports.


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We do have engineers on the forum, actually I think we have quite a few, but I don't know how many we have with much experience in the area of nuclear plants.

Years ago, I posted a photos + description of a house I built in north Thailand. It had a uniquely constructed carport roof and also corner windows. A couple of retired engineers on Thaivisa responded that the roof would be blown off 'in the first wind' and the corners of the house wouldn't hold. I'm glad to report, 6 years later, that despite gale force winds on multiple occasions, the house is as strong as ever. Maybe there's a reason - engineers are put out to pasture when they reach a certain 'due date'.

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Fukushima now in state of emergency, leaking 300 tons of radioactive water into the ocean daily

from: http://www.naturalnews.com/041610_Fukushima_radioactive_leak_state_of_emergency.html#ixzz2bqEWOyqJ

"I believe it's been leaking into the ocean from the start of the crisis two-and-a-half years ago," disclosed a 12-year TEPCO veteran named Suzuki-san

"There are still reactor buildings we haven't gotten into yet," said another worker named Fujimoto-san. "So there's always the possibility of another explosion..."

"At this current time in July of 2013, Fukushima is 80 to 100x more expansive and more intense -- letting out about 100x more of the radiation of Chernobyl," reports Dr. Simon Atkins during an interview on Phoenix Rising Radio. "The problem with Fukushima is that it's not only continuing for 865 days... I mean, let's wrap our minds around that for a second -- it has been leaking out radiation in increasing volumes for 865 days."
boomerangutang's spin: There are still those who claim nuclear is cheaper than other types of power generation, like solar or wind. Can they still say that with a straight face?!? One the craziest facets of this, is that there are still some big shot power players in Thailand (influential individuals and EGAT) who want Thailand to go nuclear. Heavens to Murgatroid.

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Fukushima now in state of emergency, leaking 300 tons of radioactive water into the ocean daily

from: http://www.naturalnews.com/041610_Fukushima_radioactive_leak_state_of_emergency.html#ixzz2bqEWOyqJ

"I believe it's been leaking into the ocean from the start of the crisis two-and-a-half years ago," disclosed a 12-year TEPCO veteran named Suzuki-san

"There are still reactor buildings we haven't gotten into yet," said another worker named Fujimoto-san. "So there's always the possibility of another explosion..."

"At this current time in July of 2013, Fukushima is 80 to 100x more expansive and more intense -- letting out about 100x more of the radiation of Chernobyl," reports Dr. Simon Atkins during an interview on Phoenix Rising Radio. "The problem with Fukushima is that it's not only continuing for 865 days... I mean, let's wrap our minds around that for a second -- it has been leaking out radiation in increasing volumes for 865 days."


boomerangutang's spin: There are still those who claim nuclear is cheaper than other types of power generation, like solar or wind. Can they still say that with a straight face?!? One the craziest facets of this, is that there are still some big shot power players in Thailand (influential individuals and EGAT) who want Thailand to go nuclear. Heavens to Murgatroid.

According to one TEPCO worker is it all about the money……………………..

Stunning Story from a Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Worker By OSHIDORI MAKO

Worker: It is stinginess not only with money but with time, too. Orders such as “It is the fiscal year-end. So hurry up and complete the construction work!” are common. Sometime you hear things such as “It is the fiscal year-end, there is no more funding available”. Why should the “fiscal year-end” take priority over any other matter in an unsettled situation of a Level 7 nuclear disaster?


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“ Letting Tepco "Clean Up" Fukushima Is Like Letting a Murderer Do Brain Surgery On a VIP “

Insight: After disaster, the deadliest part of Japan's nuclear clean-up

TEPCO is preparing to remove 400 tons of highly irradiated spent fuel from a damaged reactor building, a dangerous operation that has never been attempted before on this scale.

The operation, beginning this November at the plant's Reactor No. 4, is fraught with danger, including the possibility of a large release of radiation if a fuel assembly breaks, gets stuck or gets too close to an adjacent bundle, said Gundersen and other nuclear experts.

That could lead to a worse disaster than the March 2011 nuclear crisis at the Fukushima plant, the world's most serious since Chernobyl in 1986.


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The beginning of the end. Really not a d*mnn thing anyone can do. Might as well live it up and use and abuse the forsaken planet at pleasure. Deteriorating environment with exploding population, doomed.

Glad to not be any younger, kids born today will really see their lives degrade.

Good bye mother.

Anyone else catch the Bkk Post article stating 300 litres ... The correction the next day was so tiny as to be laughable. Guess who wants public monies spent on nuclear

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If not for the sovereignty issues, it is well past time for some organization with more than just monetary concerns (Tepco) to step in and take over. After the accident Tepco obfuscated the extent of the damage and remediation. Since then they have just been hoping it will all just go away.

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