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I have beem living in thailand nearly a decade and i own small profitable business...but i am looking to supplement my income...and with any new business i will surely do all due deligance .

I don't mind studying and have close to half million to invest? I desire doing somthing professional in fields like IT or financial or real state...etc........try to stick to your own recommandation.....please don't hijack my thread, as i am serious.


I "recommand" you take an English class :)

Alternatively, how about a proof reading course ? You can do them online, distance learning, and there is always demand for this skill in South east Asia.


Close to half a million what, baht/dollars/euros/pounds? Big difference.

As the old business adage goes - "only invest in what you know, and only invest what you can afford to lose". Most things that earn money in IT takes technical know-how, in which to be in a position to compete you do not have enough time. What is your current business? Is it possible to offshoot or expand this in someway? Do you have any hobbies that could be leveraged into making a venture from?

Hard to answer as a layman with no idea about your strengths and weaknesses, background, knowledge or interests, to be fair. It's like the oft asked "what can I do to earn a million dollars in a year?" questions that come up on Q+A sites.

Good luck.


As the old business adage goes - "only invest in what you know, and only invest what you can afford to lose".

Excellent advice!!


Teach your self stocks trading & technical analysis (to buy and sell stocks over a period of days/weeks rather than buying and holding for years) and invest your money in Thai stocks. I did this myself beginning a year or so ago- its fun when you get into it and profitable (sometimes:) . Only invest in solid growth stocks so that if your technical analysis goes wrong you will still get you money back with change if you wait a few weeks/months.

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