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A Few Questions From A Thai Girl To English Men, Or Any Nationality Really...


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If the thing with this guy ends up 0 , and if you're serious, I'm up for a coffee smile.png

btw, Don't think twice it's alright has been on my playlist for a while now...

Edited by Japhy
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If the thing with this guy ends up 0 , and if you're serious, I'm up for a coffee smile.png

btw, Don't think twice it's alright has been on my playlist for a while now...

So much in common already.

Given time I can introduce you to tunes such as,Pledging my time,I want you,lay lady lay and more.

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Plenty of good careful girls out there, please don't let a reckless one like me defines my generation :)

and I'm not quite sure about the 'western' part, not sure how that have anything to do with it... but it mostly troubles me because I find this concept of western/eastern thing to be very tricky....


I like them all too, but I'm listening to Johny Cash's version of Don't Think Twice :P

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Hmm, ok just to make it clear, just because I want it doesn't mean I would go at it with anyone.

I go out on dates to get to know them because personally I find men more attractive sexually once I get to know them a bit better (hence I find this photographer unbelievably irresistible) If all a girl wants is sex from a drunk stranger then I agree with you we usually have no problem getting it... and I have no problems with girls who do that but that's not me. What I am after is not just someone to go to bed with, but a nice caring relationship where you can be yourself together and sex is also important...

I know I don't come across as easy, but as you can tell from this thread I'm not that difficult either. I'm very polite at first but once I get to know someone I'm quite straightforward and I'm very eccentric and say things that might sound crude or out of place. I guess I'm more used to open, easy going kiwi men, with whom I find quite easy to open up to in general. English men on the other hand seem quite reserve to me, and I admit finding it hard to be anything but polite to them, though I've come out of it. What I am used to is a few dates, sex, then relationship, but 7 seems to me ridiculous, and it gets me questioning myself, whether I've done something wrong on these dates, if there is something I haven't quite understood about these men (hence the thread), or is it just pure bad luck.... sad.png

after reading all your comments, I agree... this is quite hard to believe.... and I bloody well wish it wasn't true

The first date I had with this guy he actually said, I can't believe a girl like you isnt taken, to which I replied, believe me, I'm as shocked as you are.

So ho hum...

Impressive. A woman who has lived in the Western world for 5/6 (?) years understands all the vernacular well enough to use it in posts rolleyes.gif ...

All credit due..........its the best Troll for a long time!

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Troll!!! this is not the way a teenager girl would talk like this. also the english skills you got with only 5-6 years study abroads .

I am NOT a teenager, thanks. About the language, I actually know plenty of asian people who come to an English speaking country at an early age ie. 15-17 and after a few years can speak fluent English. We came when we were young and had to try really hard to fit in, I like languages and all art but it was and is still hard work... so it's not uncommon at all, and I'm no genius, nor am I trolling... About my critical thinking skill, and being 'professional' that didn't come without a price either... So, I've explained myself.. Believe it or not that's up to you.

Totally didn't expect this at all, all came as a surprise, righto, let's not argue about whether I am really me or not, dunno how that's gonna be useful for anyone. So, I'll stop here. make up your mind about me if you can be bothered.

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The Samaggi Games are being held March 17th & 18th this year at the University of Warwick. Thousands of Thais from all over the UK come and participate.

If you are legit, contact the TSA at your uni and come on by. (or just show up by yourself) It's a great place to network with other Thai women who are in the same boat as you. jap.gif

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This is a load of bull; sorry young lad, but a load of rubbish. No guy, especially at uni, goes on a date (or even speaks to a girl) without wanting to get her into bed. So therefore you are either the most horrendous looking thing in the world and men are dating you for a bet, or you are a bloke getting his jollies from other people talking about sex. My guess is the latter.

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If you are genuine, why are you posting on a Thai Visa related forum even if in the 'relationship' section. There are thousands of relationship related forums, not to mention universtiy forums, on the internet. Also many Thai/English language forums for Thais abroad and specifically in England. Nobody questioned your spoken English, but your written English has perfect spelling (no, spell check isn't that perfect), very good grammar and good punctuation.

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This isn't the "relationship section" this is the section for women to discuss women's issues with other women, Since OP is looking for male opinions I dont' see its relevance in this forum.


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what should we be jealous about?

anyhow....thats a rhetoric question. you need not answer. in fact it is rather off topic, so I suggest you leave that line of debate there.

OP - still letting this thread stand...for now. but the next post that takes this further into the grey area, this thread will be closed.


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This is a load of bull; sorry young lad, but a load of rubbish. No guy, especially at uni, goes on a date (or even speaks to a girl) without wanting to get her into bed. So therefore you are either the most horrendous looking thing in the world and men are dating you for a bet, or you are a bloke getting his jollies from other people talking about sex. My guess is the latter.

Harsh, but pretty much straight to the point.

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So shag is a dirty word huh ??

v. shagged, shag·ging, shags Chiefly British Vulgar Slang

Unless we are talking about baseball then no. wink.png

See the link below. In the UK we have a bird called a Shag and if your taking about more than one - Shags. I could probably come up with an example of shagged and shagging with the said bird but at present my mind is blank. giggle.gif


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Sorry about posting in the wrong forum.

I think discussing my real identity here is kinda futile,but I know no one likes to be made a fool of and I'm not sure I like being called a liar. My writing is actually better than speaking. I did my first degree in Lit, and I inhale books. Apart from that I've explained myself enough, I think.

Some of the posts rang true though, I'm often very critical, but think it's a trait many overseas students have, having to grow up away from home and all. And I've been told more than once by friends that sometimes I think like a man coffee1.gif So no offense taken,and hope I didn't offend anyone. Kinda understand how this might seem bogus to strangers online, but now we seem to have exhausted the thread, moving on.

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Hi ‘Japhy’………..Your one of four things.. Troll, certified delusional minger, ladyboy or some old farang who wishes he was an Asian bar girl…..reading these replies with his pants around his ankles!

More ‘Japseye’ than ‘Japhy’

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She said 'root'.....clap2.gif .....my kinda gal.

You can grab my crotch anytime honey and not be worried about not goin the distance.

Your problem...not your problem...its the Poms, they're a bit strange like that.


reading Ms Japhy's posts, sounds more like your kind of guy

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She said 'root'.....clap2.gif .....my kinda gal.

You can grab my crotch anytime honey and not be worried about not goin the distance.

Your problem...not your problem...its the Poms, they're a bit strange like that.


reading Ms Japhy's posts, sounds more like your kind of guy


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Here we have a perfect example in progress of guys feeling threatened by a Thai girl that has bothered to go and educate herself and actually did it very well by the looks.

I can kind of understand now why she is having this problem....she is choosing weak minded guys that are put off because she is smart.


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