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Looking For Male And Female Vocalist In Chiang Mai


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I would like to meet up with some vocalists in Chiang Mai for musical collaboration. (recording in Chiang Mai). The vocalists shoulds have good english diction and pronounciation. I have a few musical projects (progressive death metal and acoustic guitar) and would also like to start some new ones, where I in example write most of the music (acoustic guitar, mostly) and we collaborate on lyrics/vocal melodies (or the vocalist takes care of that by him/herself)

In the near future I would like to record some additional male vocals (clean vocals, like a guest performance) for the second album of my progressive death metal band Okular (some lines on a few songs). You can look up Okular on myspace and on google.

Send me PM and include your email adress, and I can send more info and some samples.

Btw: I will be offline until monday.

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Wait.. you want to reach Thai musicians so then you advertise in Citylife, with a mostly foreign readership? Does not make much sense.

It's just a matter of a bit of asking around and networking; just about any musician who would sing in a pub, hotel or restaurant will also be available for other work.

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progressive death metal?huh.png

yes progressive death metal, whats wrong with that... clean vocals are not my deal.... Chiang Mai to far... looking for myself for some people like to Jam some Djent, Metal Core, Hard Core Death Metal what ever, I was bass player but can handle withsome practice the drums too.

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