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BTW what's wrong with being a gay friend?

Nothing wrong with being "that gay friend", Endure. My apologies for insulting gay people by comparing them to Great Britain.

I will leave a music video to make up for it. And Britain, if you want to continue to be America's gay friend...I guess, "you go girl".


BTW what's wrong with being a gay friend?

Nothing wrong with being "that gay friend", Endure. My apologies for insulting gay people by comparing them to Great Britain.

I don't mind being compared to Great Britain. After all I'm Great and I'm British. It's being compared to Blair that worries me ph34r.png


Oh Great Britain, what's happened to you? At one time this tiny little country ruled the world. The sun never set on the British empire? Remember that? How about that time you enslaved India? You conscripted the Indians as your soldiers and made them fight YOUR wars. Those were the good old days. Then you got soft.

Nowadays when you ask the average British ex pat the question of what happiness is, you'll get dopey answer like "happiness is a pint on the beach with some bird". WRONG! Happiness is to crush your enemy, see him driven before you, and hear the lamentations of his women! You and your countrymen have forgotten that.

Do you see China thinking about human rights when it invaded Tibet? Noooooo. Did the United States care about human rights when it invaded Iraq. Nope. You know what Tony Blair said to George Bush? "Yes, master."

Britain, what I want you to do is pull yourself together, and just start invading some country. You really need to start colonizing again to get back in your groove. I mean, you don't have to start by invading a powerful country that will put up a fight, like Thailand. You can start off small...maybe Trinidad and Tobago...something like that. (Really, you need a colony with warm weather and a good beach.)

I hate to break it to you but...well you know how a beautiful woman has "that gay friend". You were once the overlord of America, the world even; now you've become "America's gay friend". Snap out of it!

To inspire you, I leave you with Dick Cheney's words on the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom:

"Be still my dog of war. I understand your pain. We've all lost someone we love. But we do it my way!

We do it my way. Fear is our ally. The gasoline will be ours. Then you shall have your revenge.

There has been too much violence. Too much pain. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give me your pump, the oil, the gasoline, and the whole compound, and I'll spare your lives. Just walk away and we'll give you a safe passageway in the wastelands. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror."


From your previous posts I take it some British bloke has shagged your bird and now you hate all of usdrunk.gif

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You're already on page three and I still don't know what you are talking about. There is no such word in the cambridge dictionary as wingeing! Now if you are taljkng about whining, I agree brits are at the top of the list! I used to have a ex RAF bloke working for me in Singapore. He actually carried a thermometer in his pocket to measure the temperature of the beer in the local pub after work and if it wasn't right there was no end to the "wingeing"! But have at it, this could be the longest thread in TV history!

Yeh ! i can imagine how the poor bugger must have felt. Tiz bloody hard to find warm beer in Singers!


Good lord, a thread about whingers that's got to 74 posts without any being deleted, has to be some sort of record smile.png

As a Brit and confirmed (by my Aussie mates) whinging Pom I do like a good moan, it sets you up for the day and things can only get better smile.png

as for the ozzy guys,

if it wasnt for the brits , they would not be where they are today.

the old country gave them two choices ,

hang , or go to australia ?

with either choice,they ended up .

DOWN UNDER . best place for em . IMO .


Talk about total ignorance of the facts.

Free British settlers starting arriving in Australia in huge numbers from 1815 on attracted by the virtually free crown land.

It gets better...

2% of the population of the British Isles immigrated to Australia in the 1850's after gold was discovered.

South Australia was settled exclusively by free settlers from the British Isles.

After 1850 skilled immigrants started arriving from Europe in large numbers

From the 1940's until the 1960's over 3 million immigrants arrived from Europe (including the British Isles).

In Australia and NZ whinging Poms are legendary in their fervour - but they never want to leave despite all their complaining.

Typically they lack the "she'll be right" mentality of their Australian "cousins". One theory is that the cold, damp climate of the UK messes them up.


My Australian friend says it comes with the passport as a requirement. Said he wanted to be a Brit but couldn't whinge all day every day so failed the exam!

First time i have ever heard of an Aussie wanting to become a Brit. Had he been laying in the outback sun by any chance ?

brits are entitled by birth rite, to whinge and moan.

once upon a time we used to be great ,and never had it so good .

look at us know , over run with immigrants ,

and borrowing money , to bail out the euro .

i say whinge on , while we can .


Britain should return all immigrants to whence they came forthwith.

I'm sure the population will be so happy they won't even notice when they come in about 35th place in the medal count in the olympics!

Yes but for gods sake don't send their cricketers back to South Africa.


Good lord, a thread about whingers that's got to 74 posts without any being deleted, has to be some sort of record smile.png

As a Brit and confirmed (by my Aussie mates) whinging Pom I do like a good moan, it sets you up for the day and things can only get better smile.png

as for the ozzy guys,

if it wasnt for the brits , they would not be where they are today.

the old country gave them two choices ,

hang , or go to australia ?

with either choice,they ended up .

DOWN UNDER . best place for em . IMO .


Don't think there is an Aussie alive,who will disagree with that MATE !


So you are British and you started a thread complaining about Brits who complain?

The irony...

When ppl first come to Thailand they think its paradise. However when you start to see some of the cracks the reality kicks in. If you stay here quite a while, you will realise that you are probably better being in the UK (despite the cold weather). Thus those who throw alot of money at Thailand before they realise they would be better off in the UK have alot to grumble about? As we say in Thailand: som nam na

I have the feeling this thread will become a racist/cultural slanging match and it will get closed by the mods... Anyone want to take a bet?


Oh for the day when Scotland is no longer British, only problem is more people in the England are in favour of Scottish Independance than there are in Scotland.

unbeleivable irony as stated a brit whinging about Whinging Brits. best of all on a thai forum and he dont even live in Thailand.

Nobody puts a gun to your head and say you must read this, if you dont like it dont read it.

God forbid that we (when I say we, I mean you, of course, and my family and friends who are your - oh and once again my vocabulary fails me - co-in-patriates - your fellow countrymen who live in that country) should have to suffer Alex Salmond and his cronies in Holyrood with untrammelled access to the corridors of power, and the full set of reins in their hands... I suppose that we (you) get the government that we deserve...

Anyway, 95% of Scots believe that their country is the best in the world, and 15% would live there, if they had no other choice.


Sorry to say,but putting it mildly Salmond could do more for Scotland by stepping down,shame the English can't vote to keep him out of England and our Parliament.

Now there you really do have a major problem career whinger,that no English Politician could ever hope to emulate for best whinger medals.

Sorry Street Cowboy not even the Scottish people deserve him,let alone the English.


Oh for the day when Scotland is no longer British, only problem is more people in the England are in favour of Scottish Independance than there are in Scotland.

unbeleivable irony as stated a brit whinging about Whinging Brits. best of all on a thai forum and he dont even live in Thailand.

Nobody puts a gun to your head and say you must read this, if you dont like it dont read it.

God forbid that we (when I say we, I mean you, of course, and my family and friends who are your - oh and once again my vocabulary fails me - co-in-patriates - your fellow countrymen who live in that country) should have to suffer Alex Salmond and his cronies in Holyrood with untrammelled access to the corridors of power, and the full set of reins in their hands... I suppose that we (you) get the government that we deserve...

Anyway, 95% of Scots believe that their country is the best in the world, and 15% would live there, if they had no other choice.


Sorry to say,but putting it mildly Salmond could do more for Scotland by stepping down,shame the English can't vote to keep him out of England and our Parliament.

Now there you really do have a major problem career whinger,that no English Politician could ever hope to emulate for best whinger medals.

Sorry Street Cowboy not even the Scottish people deserve him,let alone the English.

I think streetcowboys post has sailed right over your head


Haha great post

A brit coming on whingeing about the fact he dont like Brits whingeing. lol

The irony

Tsk tsk, I'm not wingeing, I am observing. There is a very subtle difference which, ironically, you missed.


The OP makes a valid point. It's just a pity that he feels the need to mention that he lives in one of the roughest parts of Glasgow in nearly every thread - is it some form of boasting?

Let me clarify.......Bridgeton in Glasgow is famous / infamous beyond virtually any other borough in Scotland. I will not go into the reasons why, except to say that any idea our English compatriots have of Patriotism towards the Queen and the UK is nothing as compared to here. I mean nothing, so I won't be taking lectures on loyalty to the crown, "Hearts of Oak" etc from anyone on Thaivisa.

On that subject I will say no more, the Scots amongst us know exactly what I'm saying, and everyone else can carry on with their blissful ignorance.

Even though it is a seriously ( and I mean seriously ) rough and tumble area, we have a massive immigrant community, and they are accepted with next to no difficulty. It is possible to be a good patriotic Brit ( and Scot ) without being a closet racist and hypocrite.

So if I refer to where I live, it is for the purpose of the topic and for illustration purposes.


What we have are anti immigrant immigrants. I think that is a longer way of saying 'hypocrites'.

Cue the malcontents who will whinge that they're not immigrants in Thailand because their visa is stamped 'non-immigrant'.

Oh the irony. Here we have a group of people who resent the influx of immigration 'back home' but are equally resentful in Thailand because they're not allowed to be fully fledged . . . ummmm . . immigrants.

I would say that this is the reply of the topic......in these words Bendix has nailed the utter hypocrisy of many people.


to the blether,

things must of got a lot worse in Glasgow.....your the first Scot who i have read or heard say they are a Brit.

By the grace of God I was born Scottish, by an accident of birth I was born British, by an act of democracy in 2014 I will retain the grace of god and discard the accident.

I am english and think there is a huge amount of hypocricy from my own,they complain about the muslims back home not intergrating and speaking english then they come live in thailand dont speak hardly any thai and knock about in falang bars.

Fredtitmus, your a genius.


Build a wall around Glasgow and make Scotland happy.

Re-build Hadrian's wall (higher) and make the English happy.


It's interesting that an Englishman does not understand the historical importance of Hadrian's Wall..........it was the point where the greatest nation in human history ( the Romans ) held up their hands and said we cannot defeat the people beyond this wall.........( the Scots, or to be exact, the Picts ).

Beyond that wall lay freedom, behind that wall lay a defeated and subjugated England. So that wall is a symbol of our freedom, and a symbol of your defeat and capitulation. Do you still want to build it higher?

How would you like another history lesson? the name "Great Britain" was imposed when the Scottish king took over the English crown, so we Scots had to take over you rabble to make the country "Great".

How about another history lesson? The United Kingdom of Great Britain came into being when we Scots joined England in political union. Only after that union take place did the new country start to make it's way across the world in the "accidental empire".

Before we joined with you, you were nothing but pirates and vagabonds. The first professional regiment in the British army was Scottish, so be careful what you ask for sir, as I can easily destroy the myth of England with the reality of the last 300 years.

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The hypocrisy of the OP of this thread.

I love Brits. We are one of the most open-minded nationalities to new cultures and experiences.

The small portion of moaning idiots are nothing more than that. Why dwell on them? I hear the Sam sh*t the OP cites coming from Americans, Aussies etc. Again, just a small portion of them and not to be mistaken for the wider population.

England is also undoubtedly one of the least racist countries in the world. It is completely and utterly unacceptable to make/be racist in general society in Britain.

OP is clearly narrow minded and likes to dwell on negatives.

Welcome to the forum, let me point something out to you..............you are correct, the UK is one of the most open and tolerant nations in the world. We have a long history of taking in the dispossessed and refugees from religious and sectarian conflicts.

This started with the influx of the persecuted Huguenot protestants from France, all the way through to the Jews who fled the Russian pogroms of the early 20th century, to the dispossessed Poles and others who had to flee Russian domination after WW2, to the Asians who were persecuted and evicted by Idi Amin, the Vietnamese boat people, the Iranians who had to flee the Mullahs during the 80's et al.

We have a long and proud history of racial integration, of looking after refugees, and of religious tolerance as a nation, as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

One way we maintain such tolerance is by hammering down on racism and hypocrisy. You have completely and embarrassingly missed the point of the OP, I am not attacking the record of the UK when it comes to the race issue. I am attacking the racist hypocrites who live in Thailand and constantly carp on about immigration to the UK.

Your misjudgement of what I said is so great that it can only be that you misread the post. Please read it again in light of what I pointed out to you, and if you agree that you have misjudged what I said, an apology is in order.

  • Like 1

Oh Great Britain, what's happened to you? At one time this tiny little country ruled the world. The sun never set on the British empire? Remember that? How about that time you enslaved India? You conscripted the Indians as your soldiers and made them fight YOUR wars. Those were the good old days. Then you got soft.

They really don't like to be reminded of this little indiscretion.

I hate to break it to you but...well you know how a beautiful woman has "that gay friend". You were once the overlord of America, the world even; now you've become "America's gay friend". Snap out of it!


BTW what's wrong with being a gay friend?

Nothing, as long as you don't mind taking it up the keister.


Oh Great Britain, what's happened to you? At one time this tiny little country ruled the world. The sun never set on the British empire? Remember that? How about that time you enslaved India? You conscripted the Indians as your soldiers and made them fight YOUR wars. Those were the good old days. Then you got soft.

Nowadays when you ask the average British ex pat the question of what happiness is, you'll get dopey answer like "happiness is a pint on the beach with some bird". WRONG! Happiness is to crush your enemy, see him driven before you, and hear the lamentations of his women! You and your countrymen have forgotten that.

Do you see China thinking about human rights when it invaded Tibet? Noooooo. Did the United States care about human rights when it invaded Iraq. Nope. You know what Tony Blair said to George Bush? "Yes, master."

Britain, what I want you to do is pull yourself together, and just start invading some country. You really need to start colonizing again to get back in your groove. I mean, you don't have to start by invading a powerful country that will put up a fight, like Thailand. You can start off small...maybe Trinidad and Tobago...something like that. (Really, you need a colony with warm weather and a good beach.)

I hate to break it to you but...well you know how a beautiful woman has "that gay friend". You were once the overlord of America, the world even; now you've become "America's gay friend". Snap out of it!

To inspire you, I leave you with Dick Cheney's words on the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom:

"Be still my dog of war. I understand your pain. We've all lost someone we love. But we do it my way!

We do it my way. Fear is our ally. The gasoline will be ours. Then you shall have your revenge.

There has been too much violence. Too much pain. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give me your pump, the oil, the gasoline, and the whole compound, and I'll spare your lives. Just walk away and we'll give you a safe passageway in the wastelands. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror."


You forgot to mention all the technologies we took with us and left free when we ran the world, it was left behind when we left, it was not all take and if we were all that bad why did they all join the Commonwealth when the they left the Empire? Dont foget cricket either I like cricket.

Britain should return all immigrants to whence they came forthwith.

I'm sure the population will be so happy they won't even notice when they come in about 35th place in the medal count in the olympics!

For that to to be the case once every 4 years I would settle for that. The Olypmics is a corrupt Org which has a a bash every 4 years where countries spend huge amounts of your money for 2 weeks of fun that means F>A> afterwards. The only positive is that the infrastructure gets a poke in the right direction.

You forgot to mention all the technologies we took with us and left free when we ran the world, it was left behind when we left, it was not all take and if we were all that bad why did they all join the Commonwealth when the they left the Empire?

Not arguing with you there. Britain left India with a railroad system and infrastructure, and due to the large English speaking population India is growing as a world powerhouse. The British left Hong Kong and Singapore in a better state than when the found it. I said Britain should rise up again and start invading countries again. The United States does it. China does it. To be a real world player again, Britain needs to start invading and conquering. How is what I said construed as anti-British?

Dont foget cricket either I like cricket.

I don't get it. You throw a ball at some sticks and someone tries to hit it with a bat. Like baseball, but more esotoric. I know the word "googly" is involved in cricket. I like the word googly.


The OP makes a valid point. It's just a pity that he feels the need to mention that he lives in one of the roughest parts of Glasgow in nearly every thread - is it some form of boasting?

Let me clarify.......Bridgeton in Glasgow is famous / infamous beyond virtually any other borough in Scotland. I will not go into the reasons why, except to say that any idea our English compatriots have of Patriotism towards the Queen and the UK is nothing as compared to here. I mean nothing, so I won't be taking lectures on loyalty to the crown, "Hearts of Oak" etc from anyone on Thaivisa.

On that subject I will say no more, the Scots amongst us know exactly what I'm saying, and everyone else can carry on with their blissful ignorance.

Even though it is a seriously ( and I mean seriously ) rough and tumble area, we have a massive immigrant community, and they are accepted with next to no difficulty. It is possible to be a good patriotic Brit ( and Scot ) without being a closet racist and hypocrite.

So if I refer to where I live, it is for the purpose of the topic and for illustration purposes.

But is it possible to live where you live and be accepted if someone abstains from all alcohol? hit-the-fan.gif


Is it a coincidence that the British NHS and the India railroads are the worlds two largest employers!

But only one of of these does anything...and it isn't the one in Britain.


Build a wall around Glasgow and make Scotland happy.

Re-build Hadrian's wall (higher) and make the English happy.


It's interesting that an Englishman does not understand the historical importance of Hadrian's Wall..........it was the point where the greatest nation in human history ( the Romans ) held up their hands and said we cannot defeat the people beyond this wall.........( the Scots, or to be exact, the Picts ).

Beyond that wall lay freedom, behind that wall lay a defeated and subjugated England. So that wall is a symbol of our freedom, and a symbol of your defeat and capitulation. Do you still want to build it higher?

How would you like another history lesson? the name "Great Britain" was imposed when the Scottish king took over the English crown, so we Scots had to take over you rabble to make the country "Great".

How about another history lesson? The United Kingdom of Great Britain came into being when we Scots joined England in political union. Only after that union take place did the new country start to make it's way across the world in the "accidental empire".

Before we joined with you, you were nothing but pirates and vagabonds. The first professional regiment in the British army was Scottish, so be careful what you ask for sir, as I can easily destroy the myth of England with the reality of the last 300 years.

And of course we could add a few years ago we had a one eyed scottish git running the whole place as well, and prior to that he managed to "give away" all the UK's gold reserves...


You forgot to mention all the technologies we took with us and left free when we ran the world, it was left behind when we left, it was not all take and if we were all that bad why did they all join the Commonwealth when the they left the Empire?

Not arguing with you there. Britain left India with a railroad system and infrastructure, and due to the large English speaking population India is growing as a world powerhouse. The British left Hong Kong and Singapore in a better state than when the found it. I said Britain should rise up again and start invading countries again. The United States does it. China does it. To be a real world player again, Britain needs to start invading and conquering. How is what I said construed as anti-British?

Dont foget cricket either I like cricket.

I don't get it. You throw a ball at some sticks and someone tries to hit it with a bat. Like baseball, but more esotoric. I know the word "googly" is involved in cricket. I like the word googly.

Agreed....but sad to say post WWII the UK was run by weak willed, lilly livered liberals (with the expection of Maggie) who basically gave it all away....these days if Great Britain tried to raise an army to invade somewhere, the British HSE would step in and say it was too dangereous to the troops, and if they did allow an invasion they would have to have documented risk assessments and all soliders would have to wear a hard hat, safety glasses and a fluroescent yellow jacket so they can be seen..LOL


i am sorry, while it is indeed a treat to hear brits talk about themselves as if they were either unique or special, i fail to see the part where this has even the most vague association with thailand.


Is it a coincidence that the British NHS and the India railroads are the worlds two largest employers!

But only one of of these does anything...and it isn't the one in Britain.

Unfortunately it is also out of date with them now ranking 7 and 8th respectively with the likes of McDonalds and Walmart being ahead of both

and the list being headed up by the US Department of Defence followed by the Chinese Army.

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-10-biggest-employers-in-the-world-2011-9#us-department-of-defense-32-million-1

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