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Is it a coincidence that the British NHS and the India railroads are the worlds two largest employers!

But only one of of these does anything...and it isn't the one in Britain.

Up to now Cameron and his Health Minister are struggling to break up the NHS so that their cronies can get their hands on the loot generated by this huge Public Service,most of the Medical Organisations are against the breakup or Reform as the Government prefer to call it.

And guess what the general Public don't want to let them get their greedy hands on it either.

A recent Poll of 200,000 voted the NHS service as Very Good and 84% said Excellent.

I doubt it's going to happen Harry,it's a huge Vote loser,and both Cameron and his Minister have already lost "Face" over this Bigtime.

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Is it a coincidence that the British NHS and the India railroads are the worlds two largest employers!

But only one of of these does anything...and it isn't the one in Britain.

Up to now Cameron and his Health Minister are struggling to break up the NHS so that their cronies can get their hands on the loot generated by this huge Public Service,most of the Medical Organisations are against the breakup or Reform as the Government prefer to call it.

And guess what the general Public don't want to let them get their greedy hands on it either.

A recent Poll of 200,000 voted the NHS service as Very Good and 84% said Excellent.

I doubt it's going to happen Harry,it's a huge Vote loser,and both Cameron and his Minister have already lost "Face" over this Bigtime.

They don't know how to get out of it,without appearing to cave in under pressure!


I love how the Brits who want to tighten immigration policies have to defend themselves against accusations of racism (or "racialism"--which is a term I have not heard before this thread).

The onlt time I have heard the term "racialism" before this was on an Ali G. video and I thought that he was pronouncing racism wrong and that it was part of the joke.

Chambers Dictionary:

Racialism or Racism

n 1 a belief that a particular race is inherently superior to others.

2 abusive, opressive behaviour,discrimination and prejudice,caused by such a belief.


replying to an earlier post golders Green is a Jewish area, like Edgware and Radlett, of course there are no Kibutz or whatever this is England and the Jewish areas do at least try and fit into the English landscape. Its obvious that they are Jewish but they do speak English and they dont go round killing people or scamming them, they have integrated the right way, I am not Jewish by the way and before we start getting racist let me just say as white man that where that topic is concerned I am a 2nd class citizen, you can have as many black this or that organisations, competitions or whatever you like as soon as white one is on the go, some one will jump and shout racist! When did a white person ever shout racist to another lot and win? Its tilted against white people accept that,

Has it ever occurred to you that when you are part of the 92% of the British population that is white then you don't need any special representation? In what specific ways are you a second class citizen?


Is it a coincidence that the British NHS and the India railroads are the worlds two largest employers!

But only one of of these does anything...and it isn't the one in Britain.

Up to now Cameron and his Health Minister are struggling to break up the NHS so that their cronies can get their hands on the loot generated by this huge Public Service,most of the Medical Organisations are against the breakup or Reform as the Government prefer to call it.e.

I used to work for a 4 man company that made a little bit of niche kit that none of the big medical boys wanted to bother with. Our kit drove a particular waiting list down in North Wales from 78 weeks to 6. Everybody who used it thought it was wonderful. Unfortunately, being the NHS they faffed and farted around and had meetings and committees. Their prevarication drove us into bankruptcy. The NHS needs a very large kick up the arse and a whiff of competition. At the moment the NHS is a self-serving bureaucracy where most of what it does is for its own benefit. And yes - I've had treatment on the NHS and they're wonderful. That doesn't mean they couldn't be better.They only have to look 22 miles across the Channel for a few ideas.


Is it a coincidence that the British NHS and the India railroads are the worlds two largest employers!

But only one of of these does anything...and it isn't the one in Britain.

Up to now Cameron and his Health Minister are struggling to break up the NHS so that their cronies can get their hands on the loot generated by this huge Public Service,most of the Medical Organisations are against the breakup or Reform as the Government prefer to call it.e.

I used to work for a 4 man company that made a little bit of niche kit that none of the big medical boys wanted to bother with. Our kit drove a particular waiting list down in North Wales from 78 weeks to 6. Everybody who used it thought it was wonderful. Unfortunately, being the NHS they faffed and farted around and had meetings and committees. Their prevarication drove us into bankruptcy. The NHS needs a very large kick up the arse and a whiff of competition. At the moment the NHS is a self-serving bureaucracy where most of what it does is for its own benefit. And yes - I've had treatment on the NHS and they're wonderful. That doesn't mean they couldn't be better.They only have to look 22 miles across the Channel for a few ideas.

The NHS caters for 60,000,000 peoples health,as part of the NI system,and do a fantastic job,employing 1,000,000, put this in the hands of Cameron/Cleggs mob,and we will all be paying Expensive Private Medical Insurance,while they use and control the carved up NHS to provide fortunes for their thieving cronies,the people are not stupid and have seen it all before.

It will not happen....losing power at the Voters discretion,at the next Election, does wonders,for Politicians,and they know the Public will vote them out too,they can't risk it, the Coalition is Hanging by a Wing and a Prayer,and they can't even agree amongst themselves,let alone convince the people their intentions are honorable or indeed necessary.


The NHS caters for 60,000,000 peoples health,as part of the NI system,and do a fantastic job,employing 1,000,000,

Have you ever had any dealings with the NHS other than as a patient?


Build a wall around Glasgow and make Scotland happy.

Re-build Hadrian's wall (higher) and make the English happy.


It's interesting that an Englishman does not understand the historical importance of Hadrian's Wall..........it was the point where the greatest nation in human history ( the Romans ) held up their hands and said we cannot defeat the people beyond this wall.........( the Scots, or to be exact, the Picts ).

Beyond that wall lay freedom, behind that wall lay a defeated and subjugated England. So that wall is a symbol of our freedom, and a symbol of your defeat and capitulation. Do you still want to build it higher?

How would you like another history lesson? the name "Great Britain" was imposed when the Scottish king took over the English crown, so we Scots had to take over you rabble to make the country "Great".

How about another history lesson? The United Kingdom of Great Britain came into being when we Scots joined England in political union. Only after that union take place did the new country start to make it's way across the world in the "accidental empire".

Before we joined with you, you were nothing but pirates and vagabonds. The first professional regiment in the British army was Scottish, so be careful what you ask for sir, as I can easily destroy the myth of England with the reality of the last 300 years.

And of course we could add a few years ago we had a one eyed scottish git running the whole place as well, and prior to that he managed to "give away" all the UK's gold reserves...

I would rather be half eyed than half witted.


to the blether,

things must of got a lot worse in Glasgow.....your the first Scot who i have read or heard say they are a Brit.

By the grace of God I was born Scottish, by an accident of birth I was born British, by an act of democracy in 2014 I will retain the grace of god and discard the accident.

I am english and think there is a huge amount of hypocricy from my own,they complain about the muslims back home not intergrating and speaking english then they come live in thailand dont speak hardly any thai and knock about in falang bars.

Fredtitmus, your a genius.

I shall pray for you,that your accident of Birth may be corrected in 2014.

Give us a hand out then, send a donation to the SNP. Please ensure that you are on the voters roll in the UK and a legitimate tax payer.

Every penny counts!!


Build a wall around Glasgow and make Scotland happy.

Re-build Hadrian's wall (higher) and make the English happy.


It's interesting that an Englishman does not understand the historical importance of Hadrian's Wall..........it was the point where the greatest nation in human history ( the Romans ) held up their hands and said we cannot defeat the people beyond this wall.........( the Scots, or to be exact, the Picts ).

Beyond that wall lay freedom, behind that wall lay a defeated and subjugated England. So that wall is a symbol of our freedom, and a symbol of your defeat and capitulation. Do you still want to build it higher?

How would you like another history lesson? the name "Great Britain" was imposed when the Scottish king took over the English crown, so we Scots had to take over you rabble to make the country "Great".

How about another history lesson? The United Kingdom of Great Britain came into being when we Scots joined England in political union. Only after that union take place did the new country start to make it's way across the world in the "accidental empire".

Before we joined with you, you were nothing but pirates and vagabonds. The first professional regiment in the British army was Scottish, so be careful what you ask for sir, as I can easily destroy the myth of England with the reality of the last 300 years.

You should check your history - most of what you have written above is plain wrong but I don't think that this is the place to discuss it. Thanks.

Proof? proof? You got any??

Be careful.....maybe I'm setting you a trap


The NHS caters for 60,000,000 peoples health,as part of the NI system,and do a fantastic job,employing 1,000,000,

Have you ever had any dealings with the NHS other than as a patient?

The answer to above question is no,perhaps your company had a great idea (which is probably still available,from the drawings?) ,but maybe the NHS Management decided to spend the money on something of a more pressing need at the time,having known some Medical Salesmen that go around punting the latest updates,of new Medical Equipment,it is a very competitive market.

The people pay for their NHS system,and if they are satisfied with the service,then that is the main criteria to judge it,if it ain't broke don't fix it


The NHS caters for 60,000,000 peoples health,as part of the NI system,and do a fantastic job,employing 1,000,000,

Have you ever had any dealings with the NHS other than as a patient?

The answer to above question is no,perhaps your company had a great idea (which is probably still available,from the drawings?) ,but maybe the NHS Management decided to spend the money on something of a more pressing need at the time,having known some Medical Salesmen that go around punting the latest updates,of new Medical Equipment,it is a very competitive market.

Then you have no idea just how incompetent they can be. After a successful trial they were so impressed that they actually purchased systems to fit into 8 hospitals from us. We delivered the kit to their central stores. All we needed for each installation was a network point and an email account which we already knew were available at all the sites as we'd done site surveys. We spent the next TWO YEARS at meeting after meeting with IT managers and Project managers and Ward managers all sorts of other managers all of whom came up with reasons/excuses as to why we couldn't fit the kit. In the end we told them that they'd got a 3 month window in which we'd install the kit free as part of the original contract. After that it would cost them £500 a day. We weren't all that worried as we'd been paid £500,000 when we delivered the kit 2 years previously. They'd left half a million quid's worth of kit, which had been proved to reduce dermatology waiting lists by over 1000%, sitting in a warehouse for 2 years because no-one could be arsed to do anything about it. If you think that the people who pay for the NHS would think that a good deal then I'd have to disagree with you. That's only one episode of what happens every day in the NHS. They need taking by the scruff of the neck and shaking very hard indeed.


The NHS is monolithic and it now suffers from the same fate that is strangling the US to death. People cannot talk rationally about it, everything is stoked with ( sometimes bitter, more often not ) personal experience and emotional attachment to the idea, if not the reality.

In the US people are emotionally attached to the "perfect document", the constitution. The same "perfect document" that had to be added to and amended 27 times. Quite rightly so, as times change, but these days rational and sensible decisions in the US get bogged down in an emotional quicksand.

That is where we are at with the NHS, it is an emotional quicksand, rational debate disappears under a barrage of claim and counter claim from an unbelievable amount of interest ( self interest? ) groups. Each and every one strives to take the moral high ground, and the viciousness of this battle is the biggest cause of NHS paralysis.

Anyway, the topic is veering off into another war zone ...................


The NHS caters for 60,000,000 peoples health,as part of the NI system,and do a fantastic job,employing 1,000,000,

Have you ever had any dealings with the NHS other than as a patient?

The answer to above question is no,perhaps your company had a great idea (which is probably still available,from the drawings?) ,but maybe the NHS Management decided to spend the money on something of a more pressing need at the time,having known some Medical Salesmen that go around punting the latest updates,of new Medical Equipment,it is a very competitive market.

Then you have no idea just how incompetent they can be. After a successful trial they were so impressed that they actually purchased systems to fit into 8 hospitals from us. We delivered the kit to their central stores. All we needed for each installation was a network point and an email account which we already knew were available at all the sites as we'd done site surveys. We spent the next TWO YEARS at meeting after meeting with IT managers and Project managers and Ward managers all sorts of other managers all of whom came up with reasons/excuses as to why we couldn't fit the kit. In the end we told them that they'd got a 3 month window in which we'd install the kit free as part of the original contract. After that it would cost them £500 a day. We weren't all that worried as we'd been paid £500,000 when we delivered the kit 2 years previously. They'd left half a million quid's worth of kit, which had been proved to reduce dermatology waiting lists by over 1000%, sitting in a warehouse for 2 years because no-one could be arsed to do anything about it. If you think that the people who pay for the NHS would think that a good deal then I'd have to disagree with you. That's only one episode of what happens every day in the NHS. They need taking by the scruff of the neck and shaking very hard indeed.

My sister is a senior NHS Human Resources manager within her local district. She was hired from a major private sector company. She was stunned beyond words at what she found when she started.

After 6 months of mental torture she was summonsed to a management meeting where she was told that they had discussed two possibilities about her, either fire her, or give her free reign to re-shape the HR department.

They gave her free reign.......my sister says that the greatest help she has had since she got free reign was from the local union reps. They had decided that too many of their members were ripping the p*ss out of the system and they took an attitude of benign support, ( benign support of their members ) rather than fighting tooth and nail for every member, even when they were patently in the wrong.

My sister says that it will take her at least 3 more years to stabilise her district, that means that she will have been in position for 8 years before that area stabilises.

The worst abusers of employment law have been shown the door already, the people who have stretched their contracts beyond breaking point have now broken them. It is now seeping out to the workforce at all levels that you can't get away with being on the sick for 5 years at a time any more.

These were ( and still are ) the types of absurdities that were taking place within the NHS in her district. They still are as she hasn't managed to get rid of all the absurdities thus far.

No private company in the world would tolerate the sickness levels which are endemic in the NHS. My sister says that her greatest praise goes to the local union reps, as they have opened the door to this pragmatic new approach.

Now then, now that you have read this do you think to yourself.........

"Fantastic, it's good to see the management and unions getting on well for the greater good" ................

or do you think

"Who do those reps think they are selling their members down the river?"

edited for clarity

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