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My Boyfriend Has A Thai 'ex-fiancee'

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Well if not,then what do you suppose that god invented them for?

Just what, pray tell, did god invent men for then?

Answer to that joke? about 7 inches :o


My My 7 inches? kinda settled for the short didn't ya?

And just so you don't think that I am just an ol Harley riding chauvinist,,I do most of the supper cooking as my wife works daily and doesn't get home til 1700, I do part of the shopping,Help with the laundry,take care of things around the house,never drink,and never dictate the use of the PC or the TV. and my Thai wife is the finest wife I have ever had,the first was an american 2nd generation norsky and she was very good and the union lasted 32 years,and had another 6 since she died.so am quite experienced at this shit.

Guest IT Manager

Well in for a penny, in fora pound.

My wife is not Thai. Met her in Thailand.Married in Thailand. I'll stick with what I have. Thanks a lot anyway. Why?

Because she loves me and my son. I suspect I would be hard pressed to find a Thai wife do that.

And just so you don't think that I am just an ol Harley riding chauvinist,,I do most of the supper cooking as my wife works daily and doesn't get home til 1700, I do part of the shopping,Help with the laundry

Kevin, tell your wife you need a work permit to do this and she'll have to do all the work



You should be more careful what you say. People may misinterpret what you are saying.

Labeling people as a misogynist without any real knowledge of them, never having met them, or even spoken to them is at least arrogant. When you add to this the consescending tone of your posts in this thread, can lead people to the conclusion you are a bully.

Maybe from what you write someone could label you a feminist nazi, and suggest you go back to your comrades in the comune to pick the lice out of each other's volumes of body hair.

But for someone to do that would not be polite. :o


mattnich, once again you prove my point. I was pointing out that very few posters had anything relevant to the topic of the thread just insults. And, once again, you had to go and prove it again!

As for the rest of your post, well all I can say is: :o

mattnich, once again you prove my point. I was pointing out that very few posters had anything relevant to the topic of the thread just insults. And, once again, you had to go and prove it again! 

As for the rest of your post, well all I can say is: :o

SBK You are absolutely right. Some of the posts here by so called men are insulting and unnecessary. What they are unwittingly doing is demonstrating their propencity to be half witts.


What Aussie woman would calmly write a post to the forum to ask complete strangers. She would have walked long ago, screaming and ranting and raving like a banshee. Troller for sure


That's what I said last sunday Ned, don't know very many Oz girls that would go along with that sort of a performance. Did the job anyway, provoked a response, 3 pages so far :o

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