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One Thousand Red Villages Open In Isaan: Thailand


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Siripon, #61^

Elections- Thaksin ordered every prospective Pheua Thai MP to sign an undated letter of resignation before they could stand as candidates for Pheua Thai in the last election.

Is that what you call democracy?!


Done all the time.

Not sure what his motivation was, but I have seen Political Parties do that in case they discover they have a renegade, or racist on their hands, who damages the Party's reputation as a whole.

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Now that the Red Shirt Federation is huge, when the PAD & Co. carry out their anti-Thaksin demonstrations, they will be opposed with violence, which will cause more and more anti-Thaksin demonstrations funded by whoever. It will become very messy. Maybe even Thaksin will be forced to leave the country again as it will just be too chaotic. If so, he will start all over again from his base in Dubai, and Jatuporn and Nattawut will use the Federation to oppose the new government and try to bring it down with violence and money from Dubai. I don't think that there will be peace and reconciliation for a very long time, maybe not until Thaksin, Jatuporn, and Nattawut have died of old age. In any case, eventually, the Red Shirt Federation will break up and die.

Edited by renaissanc
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I can say with certainty, that Tanaka has never been around UDD/Red Shirts, or Red Shirt Villages in a meaningful way.

I know these people and have roamed these Villages.

What Tanaka proclaims is so far from reality, it is unconscionable. Unless one sees through it, an outsider would actually think he has a knowledge base.

What he is stating is what he has been conditioned to accept via the Opposition.

An Opposition non-plussed by how these people they are so contemptuous of, have in fact removed them to the political sidelines. They cannot accept this reality.

So they strike out at these people, denigrating them, and denying they even have political awareness other than through association. A truly arrogant and disdainful perspective.

This is the perspective that Tanaka is channelling. Not actual exposure to the people and places he discusses.

And I say this with certainty.

Why is it that anyone that points out problems with red shirts has never been around them in a meaningful way? Do they brainwash you if you spend time around them in a meaningful way?

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Soon there will be more Red shirt villages than 7-11.

I hope so.

Would give coupists pause, wouldn't it.

Plus the economic strength of such a thing.

Would put elitist economic hegemony of Thailand on the backfoot, wouldn't it.

Does the "elitist hegemony" include Chalerm and Thaksin too? They're the ruling elite.

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I thouht the UDD was FOR democracy and AGAINST dictatorship. Seems they are for dictatorship.


That's quite obvious if you see how much the Red Shirts and their leaders love Hun Sen in Cambodia.

Thank God the election put an end to that fabricated, Fascist border idiocy.

Thank god for bribes, intimidation, and the uneducated being persuaded and manipulated by tambon and village headmen. Keep them uneducated so they vote red! And only talk about the loans and handouts and gov't aid they'll get (which they haven't thus far under your favorite PM), not where it came from, nor how much high position red shirts pocketed.

At least they like democracy in south thailand and won't let their souls be bought and sold or intimidated.

Edited by gemini81
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Well, what all this means is that in the next 5 years, this could cause a shed load more grief in Thailand than anything the Iranians could conjure up! The scene is set for a split of the country. Which part would Bangkok be in? North or South? Red or Yellow? Maybe President Thaksin will simply abandon the South to Malaysia, and the Muslim effort to control the South of Thailand.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Reconciliation: they are doing it wrong.

Without responsibility and accountability for R'song murders, forget about reconciliation.

It is a non-starter.

Let's go back to "Shipping Moo's" murder,

when he was expected to release Shin Corp secrets and ends up dead.

Let see how that fits in the One Justice For All scheme.

Abhisit ordered the re investigation of that crime at the same time as the re investigation of the Saudi Gem scandal/deaths. Nothing concluded.
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Redshirt leaders harassing a teacher who tries to teach his student to think by asking them to write whether they agreed or disagreed with the government awarding compensation to red shirts. This shows how the fugitive leader and his red mob are running the country and parallels can be drawn to both Hitler's Jungvolk and the Khmer Rouge brain-washing tactics.

Actually he asked his students to compare compensation awarded to Red Shirt victims to that awarded to troops in the south. Hardly a non political question constructed to encourage reconcilliation, don't you think? Well, obviously not judging by the rest of your post.

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Siripon, #61^

Elections- Thaksin ordered every prospective Pheua Thai MP to sign an undated letter of resignation before they could stand as candidates for Pheua Thai in the last election.

Is that what you call democracy?!


Done all the time.

Not sure what his motivation was, but I have seen Political Parties do that in case they discover they have a renegade, or racist on their hands, who damages the Party's reputation as a whole.

I think the idea came about after the "Friends of Newin" defection. If anybody is attracted by the money on offer as last time they are automatically resigned as MP's. I presume this means that if they wish to join another party they have to go through the process of a by election in order to try and regain their MP status and especially their seat.

Sounds pretty democratic to me. If I voted for someone for their political views (which normally reflect the parties views) I'd be pretty upset if they went across to the opposition and took my vote with them.

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Next it will be Red Thailand! BTW, what happens if you live in a village that becomes a Red village but you aren't a red? Do you opt out of this...erm... democracy... or stay yellow, or try to mix in and turn a kind of orange, or go multicoloured or try to preserve your village life and go green. The Thai political spectrum is truly amazing.

That wont be an option. If your village becomes red you have to adapt. If they cannot force you, and they will use force, you will be treated as paria in your own village. Noone will speak to you, nothing will be available to you in the local shops, your truck/tractor/bike will be vandalised, your electricity and water cut off etc. You do not believe me? Just wait, this is just the initial stage.

I feel sorry for you, both.

Edited by philw
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Siripon, #61^

Elections- Thaksin ordered every prospective Pheua Thai MP to sign an undated letter of resignation before they could stand as candidates for Pheua Thai in the last election.

Is that what you call democracy?!


Done all the time.

Not sure what his motivation was, but I have seen Political Parties do that in case they discover they have a renegade, or racist on their hands, who damages the Party's reputation as a whole.

I think the idea came about after the "Friends of Newin" defection. If anybody is attracted by the money on offer as last time they are automatically resigned as MP's. I presume this means that if they wish to join another party they have to go through the process of a by election in order to try and regain their MP status and especially their seat.

Sounds pretty democratic to me. If I voted for someone for their political views (which normally reflect the parties views) I'd be pretty upset if they went across to the opposition and took my vote with them.

Isn't that what happened in the previous election, smaller parties assuring their voters that they wouldn't join in a coalition with PPP to later turn tail and do exactly that?

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Baaa baaa red sheep have you any wool?

We sold our souls to Nattawoot,

A 3 baht fool

One for the master and one for the dame

An Android for the little boy who lives down the lane

This is actually not a joke. These villages are most security risk to Thailand than any other foreign countries.

These villages are training solders and manufacturing weapons, all the cost is from the existing government. present government earmark a lot of money for public project, but a lot goes to these places and getting themselves ready for anything that stand against them

“United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship” to these Red Shirt Villages mean anything but Democracy for Thailand. There must be something in the constitution that does not allow people to create military, other than the Military branch of the government

They dont do this in the south of Thailand?violin.gif
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Next it will be Red Thailand! BTW, what happens if you live in a village that becomes a Red village but you aren't a red? Do you opt out of this...erm... democracy... or stay yellow, or try to mix in and turn a kind of orange, or go multicoloured or try to preserve your village life and go green. The Thai political spectrum is truly amazing.

Like the Khumer Rouge, if you don't fall inline they will shoot you? Do I dare say it: this is fascism?

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I wonder what kind of tattoo every Red Shirt village member will get to mark their membership...maybe just a bar code for easy scanning into the Red Shirt inventory database.

or maybe a serpent head with the tongue out and when you jab it with your wand, it calls khun-ruu-krai...

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Redshirt leaders harassing a teacher who tries to teach his student to think by asking them to write whether they agreed or disagreed with the government awarding compensation to red shirts. This shows how the fugitive leader and his red mob are running the country and parallels can be drawn to both Hitler's Jungvolk and the Khmer Rouge brain-washing tactics.

Actually he asked his students to compare compensation awarded to Red Shirt victims to that awarded to troops in the south. Hardly a non political question constructed to encourage reconcilliation, don't you think? Well, obviously not judging by the rest of your post.

He should be sacked. Imagine a teacher asking for students to give their opinion.

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So what are some economic objectives of Red Shirt Villages......people don't normally think of that, and only think of them in political terms.

In a nutshell.....purchasing power and economic development through cooperation.

For example, currently there is a small Leo/Singh beer boycott percolating along I understand, with Chang being the preferred choice.

As I understand it, the top doggs at Leo/Singha are somehow pro-actively acting out against the Nitirat proposals.

Nitirat is gospel to these people, so mess with Nitirat, ya mess with them.

With economic purchasing clout, business owners may think twice about messing in non-business business.

Almost correct, I have heard that the owner of Chang Beer has publically voiced support for Nitirat, so the preference is to buy Chang in the North, however it has led to a boycott on Chang down where I live in the South. Whatever, the entire situation is madness, and for those of us that live here, with families, the 'red' situation is a real threat to a relatively peaceful existence. The red leaders are Commies, no doubt about it

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Next it will be Red Thailand! BTW, what happens if you live in a village that becomes a Red village but you aren't a red? Do you opt out of this...erm... democracy... or stay yellow, or try to mix in and turn a kind of orange, or go multicoloured or try to preserve your village life and go green. The Thai political spectrum is truly amazing.

Like the Khumer Rouge, if you don't fall inline they will shoot you? Do I dare say it: this is fascism?

You forgot to say that prior to shooting you, they will eat your babies and forcibly cancel your spouse's account on Thai Visa. Despicable.

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This thread has brought out some of the best of TVF hyperbole.

Many appear to be "moved" by all these red shirt villages.

Once you've washed out your shorts, come back to your keyboards and carry on...

What's that old saying?.....'If you have nothing worth saying then don't bother saying anything'!

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Next it will be Red Thailand! BTW, what happens if you live in a village that becomes a Red village but you aren't a red? Do you opt out of this...erm... democracy... or stay yellow, or try to mix in and turn a kind of orange, or go multicoloured or try to preserve your village life and go green. The Thai political spectrum is truly amazing.

Like the Khumer Rouge, if you don't fall inline they will shoot you? Do I dare say it: this is fascism?

You forgot to say that prior to shooting you, they will eat your babies and forcibly cancel your spouse's account on Thai Visa. Despicable.


Thanks for the laugh.

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Next it will be Red Thailand! BTW, what happens if you live in a village that becomes a Red village but you aren't a red? Do you opt out of this...erm... democracy... or stay yellow, or try to mix in and turn a kind of orange, or go multicoloured or try to preserve your village life and go green. The Thai political spectrum is truly amazing.

Like the Khumer Rouge, if you don't fall inline they will shoot you? Do I dare say it: this is fascism?

You forgot to say that prior to shooting you, they will eat your babies and forcibly cancel your spouse's account on Thai Visa. Despicable.

Total exaggeration as you should know, despiccable. Only the first born will be eaten whistling.gif

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This thread has brought out some of the best of TVF hyperbole.

Many appear to be "moved" by all these red shirt villages.

Once you've washed out your shorts, come back to your keyboards and carry on...

What's that old saying?.....'If you have nothing worth saying then don't bother saying anything'!

Actually, my mother always taught me, "nothing nice to say"... ;)

But you prompt me to abort the short-hand method, so here is a short list of some of the hyperbolic hysteria in the first couple of pages...

terrorist, hitler, communist, facist, khmer rouge, feudalism, dictator, SS, brainwashing, red military, idiots, sheep, civil war, red thugs, napalm, bribes, intimidation, uneducated, wall them in, storm & burn, anti-monarchy commies, maoist...

OK, we're missing some of the usual slurs, red buffalo, kwai, lazy-unemployed-paid-to-protest-scum, etc... but really, the thread embodies some of the worse qualities of TVF in a single place.

So let's you and I agree that 99% of this thread did not need to be "said"...

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Will these be the re-education camps for the Bangkokians after the Thaksin war?

"Thailand's Thaksin Prepares For War"

Our dear leader has said recently (2012-02-08):

"“Definitely. If I were to go back successfully, you know, the people who are fighting against me now will not be fighting. And if I go back, and if I do not take revenge, and if I forgive everyone, those who don’t like me will start to feel more at ease.”"


Some discussion on this here

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Actually, fascism might not be bad for Thailand, never mind some sort of genocide to see it through, but they might get trains to run on time, build new highways and railroads, get some Thai VW and so on.

Those who encourage this just don't mind the price to pay, not yet, at least. It's the lesson that still needs to be learned.

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lungmi, #15^

It's the maoist roadmap. Conquer the rural areas and then storm and burn the big cities.

What model did the coupists follow?

Take over the whole dam_n country, then storm Parliament?

1. Following common logic you say: The maoist roadmap exists.

2. You justify the maoist roadmap saying the "coupist" did it already in another way.

Thank you, you confirm Point 1, this is what I posted.

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