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Uk Citizenship

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No, once someone has obtained citizenship they are free to do as they chose and live where they want.

Correct once a citizen you can do what you please, they cant take it off you if you dont reside there, however if someone was on PR, if absent from a country for a certain number of yours, they could pull your PR

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This is correct once a citizen of the UK they cannot take it away.

If you have Indefinite leave to remain in the UK there are restrictions.

You must not be out of the UK for longer than 2 years.

If you are on your return they may revoke your ILR.

The wording as usual is vague by the use of may but I read it as they will revoke it and you would have to go through the whole process of applying again.

Bottom line is if you have ILR you must go for Citizenship.

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Unfortunately posts #4 and #5 are wrong, UK citizenship can be revoked once it has been attained but that's not the question the OP has asked. Most recently the Home Secretary John Reid revoked the UK citizenship of a Guantanamo detainee, in 2007 as I recall. Also, post #5 states that anyone with ILR must go for citizenship and that is incorrect, citizenship is not a requirement or ILR and never has been.

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Unfortunately posts #4 and #5 are wrong, UK citizenship can be revoked once it has been attained but that's not the question the OP has asked. Most recently the Home Secretary John Reid revoked the UK citizenship of a Guantanamo detainee, in 2007 as I recall. Also, post #5 states that anyone with ILR must go for citizenship and that is incorrect, citizenship is not a requirement or ILR and never has been.

OK chiang mai...I conceed that under certain circumstances UK citizenship can be revoked but I doubt if we normal people would ever place ourselves in that situation.

So what we are saying is that if you attain UK citizenship you can in fact live anywhere in the world and not have it revoked due to not residing in the UK. Correct?

Sorry about that miss info. What I should have said was..

"Once you have ILR you should go ahead and apply for citizenship"

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Unfortunately posts #4 and #5 are wrong, UK citizenship can be revoked once it has been attained but that's not the question the OP has asked. Most recently the Home Secretary John Reid revoked the UK citizenship of a Guantanamo detainee, in 2007 as I recall. Also, post #5 states that anyone with ILR must go for citizenship and that is incorrect, citizenship is not a requirement or ILR and never has been.

OK chiang mai...I conceed that under certain circumstances UK citizenship can be revoked but I doubt if we normal people would ever place ourselves in that situation.

So what we are saying is that if you attain UK citizenship you can in fact live anywhere in the world and not have it revoked due to not residing in the UK. Correct?

Sorry about that miss info. What I should have said was..

"Once you have ILR you should go ahead and apply for citizenship"

Correct on the first part. But with respect to ILR: my ex is a US ctizen who has lived in the UK since 1985 on ILR, there's really no compelling reason to become a citizen if one does not wish to do so.

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Unfortunately posts #4 and #5 are wrong, UK citizenship can be revoked once it has been attained but that's not the question the OP has asked. Most recently the Home Secretary John Reid revoked the UK citizenship of a Guantanamo detainee, in 2007 as I recall. Also, post #5 states that anyone with ILR must go for citizenship and that is incorrect, citizenship is not a requirement or ILR and never has been.

The comments given in posts #4 & #5 are correct in the context of the question asked.....of course citizenship can be revoked, but not for being out the country of citizenship for a pre-determined amount of time.

Strangely enough this was actually considered in the early 80's under Maggie Thatcher, where in it was suggested that British citizens living out of the UK for more than 15 or 20 years (cant remember which) and holding PR or Citizenship of another country would have their British citizenship pulled. It was gear more towards British citizens living in Aussie and South Africa. If I remember correctly the idea lasted all of 10 minutes, when somebody suggested that they were running the risk of over 1 million + British citizens returning to the UK with no jobs, housing so the idea was dropped like a hot potatoe..LOL

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Unfortunately posts #4 and #5 are wrong, UK citizenship can be revoked once it has been attained but that's not the question the OP has asked. Most recently the Home Secretary John Reid revoked the UK citizenship of a Guantanamo detainee, in 2007 as I recall. Also, post #5 states that anyone with ILR must go for citizenship and that is incorrect, citizenship is not a requirement or ILR and never has been.

The comments given in posts #4 & #5 are correct in the context of the question asked.....of course citizenship can be revoked, but not for being out the country of citizenship for a pre-determined amount of time.

Strangely enough this was actually considered in the early 80's under Maggie Thatcher, where in it was suggested that British citizens living out of the UK for more than 15 or 20 years (cant remember which) and holding PR or Citizenship of another country would have their British citizenship pulled. It was gear more towards British citizens living in Aussie and South Africa. If I remember correctly the idea lasted all of 10 minutes, when somebody suggested that they were running the risk of over 1 million + British citizens returning to the UK with no jobs, housing so the idea was dropped like a hot potatoe..LOL

That may yet happen if the UK exchange rate continues to linger at mid 90's levels and the govt. does not make pensions high enough that all the expats living abroad are forced to return.

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