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Most People Believe Floods Will Return: Thailand Poll


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Well it's all a matter of time. The weather Bureau have stated that they do not expect the same rainfall as last year?

If the local governments follow the instructions of Yingluck and the King, it will take time but will definitely help in the long run.

I agree with you 100% but would prefer it on the instructions of the King and PM Yingluck.

But it will only happen IF the local governments AND the pollies of all shades and persuasions keep their sticky hands away.

Id prefer neither and they get some "outside" experts in

No experts needed, there are complete plans, they even started to build that. Than it was stopped as there wasn't enough tea money in it.

Just dig them out again and complete them.

What happened to Thaksin's plan..... the one he said would have saved BKK?

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Very observant some people ,The floods , they will return next year ,the next year after that and so forth and so forth,depending on the amount of rain up in northern Thai and beyond. yawn ho humm...and once again thehit-the-fan.gif

Hmmmm How many times does an average person in Thailand need to hear himself? Four times or forty four times four..... thats how long it will take for this topic to sink into their brain.

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If the rains happen again like last year, and the promised flood management solutions are found to not be in place, resulting in massive flooding again, the multinational companies will start to relocate their factories in earnest. This will devastate the thai economy. These factories employ millions. With the thai GDP being 70% from exports, how much of that export figure is from multinationals manufacturing within thailand? It was reported recently that of 38 companies with plants here, 16 were searching for alternative locations due to the flooding. What if this happens again? Will any stay? Yinglucks ass is on the line here, and so is thailands.

There was a tv news article about about how the foreign factories somewhere were building their own flood barriers around their factories. Don't know if all the complexes are doing so, but perhaps they should.

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