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I am living in Chiang Mai, and have diabetes type 1 for 30 years now. Resently I started on a insulin pump due to several occations of overnight low BG's.

I am able to buy the 3ml NovoPapid Penfill everywhere, but doe's anyone know where to find 10ml vials? Not even Bumrungrad in Bangkok has this!

I try to get my supplyes from abroad.

By the way a pump is a amazing investment - if you as I had to pay myself.

Feel free to post other diabetic related issue in this topic.

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I'm a type 2 diabetic and during my 10 years in Thailand have always made do with the 3ml disposable Novopen Mixtard 30 plastic pen devices or the NovoMix 3ml mixtard 30 disposable glass cartridges...I still have a 10ml vial of mixtard 30 that I bought in saudi, expires on 06-2012...

my feeling is that one has to tool up with regard to what's available whenever one is...I had to make do with Humulin vials in HCMC in Vietnam 6 years ago...the Novopen products were only available at the Franco-VN hospital outside of town...

I was in the UK once to visit my son and needed insulin and was told that I needed a prescription from a doctor to buy (how does one 'substance abuse' insulin?) and it cost about 100 pounds and considerable hassle to obtain a doctor's script to get what I needed...in most civilized places (like in the Middle East and in SE Asia) insulin is available OTC...


I'm a type 2 diabetic and during my 10 years in Thailand have always made do with the 3ml disposable Novopen Mixtard 30 plastic pen devices or the NovoMix 3ml mixtard 30 disposable glass cartridges...I still have a 10ml vial of mixtard 30 that I bought in saudi, expires on 06-2012...

my feeling is that one has to tool up with regard to what's available whenever one is...I had to make do with Humulin vials in HCMC in Vietnam 6 years ago...the Novopen products were only available at the Franco-VN hospital outside of town...

I was in the UK once to visit my son and needed insulin and was told that I needed a prescription from a doctor to buy (how does one 'substance abuse' insulin?) and it cost about 100 pounds and considerable hassle to obtain a doctor's script to get what I needed...in most civilized places (like in the Middle East and in SE Asia) insulin is available OTC...

The reason you need prescription is simple, just imagine what could happen if you are using insulin incorrectly ie injecting 300U at oncehit-the-fan.gif

By the way, before I started on the pump I was using mixtard 30, I was in Phuket a short while and ran out of supplies - I obtained a 10ml Vial in Phuket (Patong Hospital ph: 076-342633-4)


I have just found , this weekend , I have 16 mool/L . I have been prescribed metformin 500mg twice a day . I am interested in opinion and facts on how I could keep this blood sugar level down through dietery intake .


I'm a type 2 diabetic and during my 10 years in Thailand have always made do with the 3ml disposable Novopen Mixtard 30 plastic pen devices or the NovoMix 3ml mixtard 30 disposable glass cartridges...I still have a 10ml vial of mixtard 30 that I bought in saudi, expires on 06-2012...

my feeling is that one has to tool up with regard to what's available whenever one is...I had to make do with Humulin vials in HCMC in Vietnam 6 years ago...the Novopen products were only available at the Franco-VN hospital outside of town...

I was in the UK once to visit my son and needed insulin and was told that I needed a prescription from a doctor to buy (how does one 'substance abuse' insulin?) and it cost about 100 pounds and considerable hassle to obtain a doctor's script to get what I needed...in most civilized places (like in the Middle East and in SE Asia) insulin is available OTC...

The reason you need prescription is simple, just imagine what could happen if you are using insulin incorrectly ie injecting 300U at oncehit-the-fan.gif

By the way, before I started on the pump I was using mixtard 30, I was in Phuket a short while and ran out of supplies - I obtained a 10ml Vial in Phuket (Patong Hospital ph: 076-342633-4)

While the need for a prescription is reasonable, does anyone knows of a hospital in BKK that prescribes repeat prescription - one that be used to purchse the insulin repeatedly? The strange thing about Thailand is one has to queue to see a doictor, go thriu alll the hassle the nurses put you through with the standard BP measurement and weight taking, asking the same questions each month,m and then u get to see a General Practitioner part time doctor (who has no cluse as to yr history) just to tell him/her what to write for the presctiption. Its like a routine way to collect some monies trhough non-value-added services that are justg a waste of time.

Granted its fair if there is an expirty dte for a prescription,. but it is such wa waste of money and especially time having to go to the hospial to repeat the same thing ecah time.


I have just found , this weekend , I have 16 mool/L . I have been prescribed metformin 500mg twice a day . I am interested in opinion and facts on how I could keep this blood sugar level down through dietery intake .

google 'glycemic index' to find information for foods that promote high blood glucose levels...starchy things like rice, pasta and bread come to mind...

once not long ago, I was in a routine where I could strictly control my diet (vegetables, fruit, chicken breast and fish) and get regular exercise and my daily blood glucose readings became normal, ie <115mg/dl without insulin or metformin...but unless the circumstances are propitious the routine is hard to maintain.

and with regard to prescriptions and insulin ODs, no one would be foolish enough to self medicate with the danger of hypoglycemia...daily BG testing and the doctor's dosage recommendation are required to be safe and I've been using the same one for 10 years; and the BG test gives me advice regarding effectiveness...I know what's gonna happen if I decide to pig out on chocolate one day...



I'm a type 2 diabetic and during my 10 years in Thailand have always made do with the 3ml disposable Novopen Mixtard 30 plastic pen devices or the NovoMix 3ml mixtard 30 disposable glass cartridges...I still have a 10ml vial of mixtard 30 that I bought in saudi, expires on 06-2012...

my feeling is that one has to tool up with regard to what's available whenever one is...I had to make do with Humulin vials in HCMC in Vietnam 6 years ago...the Novopen products were only available at the Franco-VN hospital outside of town...

I was in the UK once to visit my son and needed insulin and was told that I needed a prescription from a doctor to buy (how does one 'substance abuse' insulin?) and it cost about 100 pounds and considerable hassle to obtain a doctor's script to get what I needed...in most civilized places (like in the Middle East and in SE Asia) insulin is available OTC...

The reason you need prescription is simple, just imagine what could happen if you are using insulin incorrectly ie injecting 300U at oncehit-the-fan.gif

By the way, before I started on the pump I was using mixtard 30, I was in Phuket a short while and ran out of supplies - I obtained a 10ml Vial in Phuket (Patong Hospital ph: 076-342633-4)

While the need for a prescription is reasonable, does anyone knows of a hospital in BKK that prescribes repeat prescription - one that be used to purchse the insulin repeatedly? The strange thing about Thailand is one has to queue to see a doictor, go thriu alll the hassle the nurses put you through with the standard BP measurement and weight taking, asking the same questions each month,m and then u get to see a General Practitioner part time doctor (who has no cluse as to yr history) just to tell him/her what to write for the presctiption. Its like a routine way to collect some monies trhough non-value-added services that are justg a waste of time.

Granted its fair if there is an expirty dte for a prescription,. but it is such wa waste of money and especially time having to go to the hospial to repeat the same thing ecah time.

Actually in Thailand you are able to buy insulin in many pharmacy's without a prescription - if they don't have it ask them to obtain it for you.

I don't know if it is legal for them to sell without prescription, so I can't tell you where you can go just try - I found 5*3ml NovoRapid at a pharmacy in BKK for 1500 THB


I have just found , this weekend , I have 16 mool/L . I have been prescribed metformin 500mg twice a day . I am interested in opinion and facts on how I could keep this blood sugar level down through dietery intake .

google 'glycemic index' to find information for foods that promote high blood glucose levels...starchy things like rice, pasta and bread come to mind...

once not long ago, I was in a routine where I could strictly control my diet (vegetables, fruit, chicken breast and fish) and get regular exercise and my daily blood glucose readings became normal, ie <115mg/dl without insulin or metformin...but unless the circumstances are propitious the routine is hard to maintain.

and with regard to prescriptions and insulin ODs, no one would be foolish enough to self medicate with the danger of hypoglycemia...daily BG testing and the doctor's dosage recommendation are required to be safe and I've been using the same one for 10 years; and the BG test gives me advice regarding effectiveness...I know what's gonna happen if I decide to pig out on chocolate one day...


First of all you should check your BG in the morning fasting - if it is normal (below 120mg/dl or 6,5 mmol/L, the pills will do, if not you might need another dose or insulin - contact your doctor.

To keep your BG within limits (normal limits for a DM1 is below 180mg/dl or 10 mmol/l) I try to keep my peak below 160mg/dl, and my fasting target at 100, you should limmit your intake of Carbs, be aware that in Thailand Carbs are hidden everywere even in salat.

Salat in natual form contain carbs but approxematly only a 1/3 of the carbs in rice, however in Thailand they use sugar in everything so be aware.

You have just been diagnosed, but you will lern to tell the difference of a Tom Yum Goong that contain sugar and on that dosntlicklips.gif

"No sugar please" or "Mai sai nam dan krap"wai.gif is very usefull here.

Check your BG before you have a meal and 2-3 hours after, if you are high after meal you had too many carbs, too little medicine or need insulin. Buy a home BG meter - I use Accu-Chek Performa the sticks is 456-460 THB for 25 sitcks. Ask for discount at the Pharmacy, list price is 560THB.

As mentioned above carbs is found in among others: rice, bread, pasta and ofcause sugar - try a search for carb counting on the internet.


I have just found , this weekend , I have 16 mool/L . I have been prescribed metformin 500mg twice a day . I am interested in opinion and facts on how I could keep this blood sugar level down through dietery intake .

google 'glycemic index' to find information for foods that promote high blood glucose levels...starchy things like rice, pasta and bread come to mind...

once not long ago, I was in a routine where I could strictly control my diet (vegetables, fruit, chicken breast and fish) and get regular exercise and my daily blood glucose readings became normal, ie <115mg/dl without insulin or metformin...but unless the circumstances are propitious the routine is hard to maintain.

and with regard to prescriptions and insulin ODs, no one would be foolish enough to self medicate with the danger of hypoglycemia...daily BG testing and the doctor's dosage recommendation are required to be safe and I've been using the same one for 10 years; and the BG test gives me advice regarding effectiveness...I know what's gonna happen if I decide to pig out on chocolate one day...


With regard to buying insulin without prescription, insulin is used by some sport freaks to alter their normal body function - it is used as some kind of dope, it could easy be over dosed for people who has heard about this way of using insulin, but without fully understanding the effect.

It is a dangerus drug.

I have just found , this weekend , I have 16 mool/L . I have been prescribed metformin 500mg twice a day . I am interested in opinion and facts on how I could keep this blood sugar level down through dietery intake .

Just out of interest a strip of 10 metformin cost 30 or even 35 baht....... Buy a tub of 500 cost 298 baht... just bought my new tub so is the current price this month, have bought them by 500 tablet tubs for some years here, I take 4 a day, ... in UK 11 years ago prescribed metformin 500mg and 6 a day, reduced it myself, did go down to 3 a day, but had to in-cress it as levels went up.


I have just found , this weekend , I have 16 mool/L . I have been prescribed metformin 500mg twice a day . I am interested in opinion and facts on how I could keep this blood sugar level down through dietery intake .

google 'glycemic index' to find information for foods that promote high blood glucose levels...starchy things like rice, pasta and bread come to mind...

once not long ago, I was in a routine where I could strictly control my diet (vegetables, fruit, chicken breast and fish) and get regular exercise and my daily blood glucose readings became normal, ie <115mg/dl without insulin or metformin...but unless the circumstances are propitious the routine is hard to maintain.

and with regard to prescriptions and insulin ODs, no one would be foolish enough to self medicate with the danger of hypoglycemia...daily BG testing and the doctor's dosage recommendation are required to be safe and I've been using the same one for 10 years; and the BG test gives me advice regarding effectiveness...I know what's gonna happen if I decide to pig out on chocolate one day...


With regard to buying insulin without prescription, insulin is used by some sport freaks to alter their normal body function - it is used as some kind of dope, it could easy be over dosed for people who has heard about this way of using insulin, but without fully understanding the effect.

It is a dangerus drug.

didn't know about the sport freak angle...good to know...

btw, if yer on lower suk in BKK next to soi nana there's a big pharmacy that carries most of the Novolet insulin products as well as whiskey, cigars and hard to find tobacco products...and there's Bully's Bar next door (good glycemic menu, nice chips) and a MacDonalds close by at the Ploenchit Center, go downstairs to the arab restaurant for a huge plate of hummous with nan bread (absolute glycemic poison; garbanzos/chick peas are off the glycemic scale as are most other beans)...a wonderland for a diabetic with a death wish...


1) You do NOT need a prescription in Thailand to buy insulin.

2) Pumps are great if you do not do strenuous work in the trades etc.

3) I now pay (from Fascino) 380 baht for 10ml vials of "N" and "R" and 10ml vials can be bought at most big pharmacies in Chiang Mai (go to Fascino). Selections get less when in deepest darkest Esaan and you can only buy horse sized needles there too.

4) Tons of big pharmacies across from the big University Hospital (forget the name now)

I have also been type 1 for 30 years

You can even buy generic brands for cheaper then 380 baht.

The latest insulin that is the ultimate is that "Lantus" it has no peak time because it delivers a constant supply and just 1 shot every morning but it's like 7000 baht per month.

  • Like 1

1) You do NOT need a prescription in Thailand to buy insulin.

2) Pumps are great if you do not do strenuous work in the trades etc.

3) I now pay (from Fascino) 380 baht for 10ml vials of "N" and "R" and 10ml vials can be bought at most big pharmacies in Chiang Mai (go to Fascino). Selections get less when in deepest darkest Esaan and you can only buy horse sized needles there too.

4) Tons of big pharmacies across from the big University Hospital (forget the name now)

I have also been type 1 for 30 years

You can even buy generic brands for cheaper then 380 baht.

The latest insulin that is the ultimate is that "Lantus" it has no peak time because it delivers a constant supply and just 1 shot every morning but it's like 7000 baht per month.

Hi Gone

Thank you for your feedback, I need very fast acting insulin like NovoRapid or Lispro - I'll give Fascino a try wai.gif

Maybe the Accu check sticks are cheaper there as well. I use about 200 sticks/months - theft.

By the way checkout this page: http://www.c8medisensors.com/ I want to try one of those...


I have just found , this weekend , I have 16 mool/L . I have been prescribed metformin 500mg twice a day . I am interested in opinion and facts on how I could keep this blood sugar level down through dietery intake .

google 'glycemic index' to find information for foods that promote high blood glucose levels...starchy things like rice, pasta and bread come to mind...

once not long ago, I was in a routine where I could strictly control my diet (vegetables, fruit, chicken breast and fish) and get regular exercise and my daily blood glucose readings became normal, ie <115mg/dl without insulin or metformin...but unless the circumstances are propitious the routine is hard to maintain.

and with regard to prescriptions and insulin ODs, no one would be foolish enough to self medicate with the danger of hypoglycemia...daily BG testing and the doctor's dosage recommendation are required to be safe and I've been using the same one for 10 years; and the BG test gives me advice regarding effectiveness...I know what's gonna happen if I decide to pig out on chocolate one day...


With regard to buying insulin without prescription, insulin is used by some sport freaks to alter their normal body function - it is used as some kind of dope, it could easy be over dosed for people who has heard about this way of using insulin, but without fully understanding the effect.

It is a dangerus drug.

didn't know about the sport freak angle...good to know...

btw, if yer on lower suk in BKK next to soi nana there's a big pharmacy that carries most of the Novolet insulin products as well as whiskey, cigars and hard to find tobacco products...and there's Bully's Bar next door (good glycemic menu, nice chips) and a MacDonalds close by at the Ploenchit Center, go downstairs to the arab restaurant for a huge plate of hummous with nan bread (absolute glycemic poison; garbanzos/chick peas are off the glycemic scale as are most other beans)...a wonderland for a diabetic with a death wish...

Since Gone just informed that you don't need prescription to buy insulin in Thailand - that is the pharmacy I was refering abovelicklips.gif Between soi 2 and 4, accu check is sold there for 450 THB still expencive though.


I have just found , this weekend , I have 16 mool/L . I have been prescribed metformin 500mg twice a day . I am interested in opinion and facts on how I could keep this blood sugar level down through dietery intake .


Read the site. Buy the book. Buy a BG meter and test,test,test.


I have just found , this weekend , I have 16 mool/L . I have been prescribed metformin 500mg twice a day . I am interested in opinion and facts on how I could keep this blood sugar level down through dietery intake .

If you can avoid rice, bread, noodles and potatoes it will make a BIG difference to your BG. It sounds difficult at first but once you've got used to it it's easy.


Thanks for the pointers all .

I am showing 11.0 mool/L in the morning with a peak of 15.4 mool/L after lunch and now back down to 12.2 mool/L before the evening meal . I have an appointment for the 5 march to discuss test results and further medication with a doctor .

I am sold on the GI diet , I must give it a try , after the last pint of lager and packet of crisps please .


Thanks for the pointers all .

I am showing 11.0 mool/L in the morning with a peak of 15.4 mool/L after lunch and now back down to 12.2 mool/L before the evening meal . I have an appointment for the 5 march to discuss test results and further medication with a doctor .

I am sold on the GI diet , I must give it a try , after the last pint of lager and packet of crisps please .

Some alcohol actually lowers your BG. I don't about beer but red wine knocks 2 or 3 points off over a couple of hours


I have just found , this weekend , I have 16 mool/L . I have been prescribed metformin 500mg twice a day . I am interested in opinion and facts on how I could keep this blood sugar level down through dietery intake .

google 'glycemic index' to find information for foods that promote high blood glucose levels...starchy things like rice, pasta and bread come to mind...

once not long ago, I was in a routine where I could strictly control my diet (vegetables, fruit, chicken breast and fish) and get regular exercise and my daily blood glucose readings became normal, ie <115mg/dl without insulin or metformin...but unless the circumstances are propitious the routine is hard to maintain.

and with regard to prescriptions and insulin ODs, no one would be foolish enough to self medicate with the danger of hypoglycemia...daily BG testing and the doctor's dosage recommendation are required to be safe and I've been using the same one for 10 years; and the BG test gives me advice regarding effectiveness...I know what's gonna happen if I decide to pig out on chocolate one day...


First of all you should check your BG in the morning fasting - if it is normal (below 120mg/dl or 6,5 mmol/L, the pills will do, if not you might need another dose or insulin - contact your doctor.

To keep your BG within limits (normal limits for a DM1 is below 180mg/dl or 10 mmol/l) I try to keep my peak below 160mg/dl, and my fasting target at 100, you should limmit your intake of Carbs, be aware that in Thailand Carbs are hidden everywere even in salat.

Salat in natual form contain carbs but approxematly only a 1/3 of the carbs in rice, however in Thailand they use sugar in everything so be aware.

You have just been diagnosed, but you will lern to tell the difference of a Tom Yum Goong that contain sugar and on that dosntlicklips.gif

"No sugar please" or "Mai sai nam dan krap"wai.gif is very usefull here.

Check your BG before you have a meal and 2-3 hours after, if you are high after meal you had too many carbs, too little medicine or need insulin. Buy a home BG meter - I use Accu-Chek Performa the sticks is 456-460 THB for 25 sitcks. Ask for discount at the Pharmacy, list price is 560THB.

As mentioned above carbs is found in among others: rice, bread, pasta and ofcause sugar - try a search for carb counting on the internet.

Kripe ,

is salat like lettuce ?


Thanks for the pointers all .

I am showing 11.0 mool/L in the morning with a peak of 15.4 mool/L after lunch and now back down to 12.2 mool/L before the evening meal . I have an appointment for the 5 march to discuss test results and further medication with a doctor .

I am sold on the GI diet , I must give it a try , after the last pint of lager and packet of crisps please .

Some alcohol actually lowers your BG. I don't about beer but red wine knocks 2 or 3 points off over a couple of hours

anything above 7.0 mmol/l as a fasting BG measurement is serious and should be investigated...


I have just found , this weekend , I have 16 mool/L . I have been prescribed metformin 500mg twice a day . I am interested in opinion and facts on how I could keep this blood sugar level down through dietery intake .

google 'glycemic index' to find information for foods that promote high blood glucose levels...starchy things like rice, pasta and bread come to mind...

once not long ago, I was in a routine where I could strictly control my diet (vegetables, fruit, chicken breast and fish) and get regular exercise and my daily blood glucose readings became normal, ie <115mg/dl without insulin or metformin...but unless the circumstances are propitious the routine is hard to maintain.

and with regard to prescriptions and insulin ODs, no one would be foolish enough to self medicate with the danger of hypoglycemia...daily BG testing and the doctor's dosage recommendation are required to be safe and I've been using the same one for 10 years; and the BG test gives me advice regarding effectiveness...I know what's gonna happen if I decide to pig out on chocolate one day...


First of all you should check your BG in the morning fasting - if it is normal (below 120mg/dl or 6,5 mmol/L, the pills will do, if not you might need another dose or insulin - contact your doctor.

To keep your BG within limits (normal limits for a DM1 is below 180mg/dl or 10 mmol/l) I try to keep my peak below 160mg/dl, and my fasting target at 100, you should limmit your intake of Carbs, be aware that in Thailand Carbs are hidden everywere even in salat.

Salat in natual form contain carbs but approxematly only a 1/3 of the carbs in rice, however in Thailand they use sugar in everything so be aware.

You have just been diagnosed, but you will lern to tell the difference of a Tom Yum Goong that contain sugar and on that dosntlicklips.gif

"No sugar please" or "Mai sai nam dan krap"wai.gif is very usefull here.

Check your BG before you have a meal and 2-3 hours after, if you are high after meal you had too many carbs, too little medicine or need insulin. Buy a home BG meter - I use Accu-Chek Performa the sticks is 456-460 THB for 25 sitcks. Ask for discount at the Pharmacy, list price is 560THB.

As mentioned above carbs is found in among others: rice, bread, pasta and ofcause sugar - try a search for carb counting on the internet.

Kripe ,

is salat like lettuce ?

Yes giggle.gif English is not my native languish, but according to Google Translate Danish:Salat is in english both salaD and lettuce - sorry about the mistake :-)


there can be lettuce salat and bean salat and a salat of unspeakable ingredients...but if yer diabetic ye got to look after the glycemia index...I love a 3 bean cold salad but when it comes to the BG, whoa Nellie! with olive oil, chopped spring onions and garlic how harmful can it be?...for a diabetic, plenty my friend as beans are about 80% starch...but good vegetable protein...

how ironic that with diabetes you can eat as much meat as you want but with high blood pressure it's poison...and it seems like diabetes and high blood pressure go together...


1) You do NOT need a prescription in Thailand to buy insulin.

2) Pumps are great if you do not do strenuous work in the trades etc.

3) I now pay (from Fascino) 380 baht for 10ml vials of "N" and "R" and 10ml vials can be bought at most big pharmacies in Chiang Mai (go to Fascino). Selections get less when in deepest darkest Esaan and you can only buy horse sized needles there too.

4) Tons of big pharmacies across from the big University Hospital (forget the name now)

I have also been type 1 for 30 years

You can even buy generic brands for cheaper then 380 baht.

The latest insulin that is the ultimate is that "Lantus" it has no peak time because it delivers a constant supply and just 1 shot every morning but it's like 7000 baht per month.

Hi Gone

Thank you for your feedback, I need very fast acting insulin like NovoRapid or Lispro - I'll give Fascino a try wai.gif

Maybe the Accu check sticks are cheaper there as well. I use about 200 sticks/months - theft.

By the way checkout this page: http://www.c8medisensors.com/ I want to try one of those...

Yeah no probs. They have NovaRapid too. I use Actrapid on occasion when I need a quick down BG. Get a membership card too. You get 5% discount on anything you buy and get stamps for free stuff too.

They also have the 30g extra short syringes that I like too.


Kripe ,

I was just getting worried as I tucked into a bit of lettuce . I appreciate the multi use of the word , back when I was a lad a salad was a plate of chips .

Tutsiwarrior ,

I will surely avoid the kabli chana . What about runner beans , like the ones used in som tam tua ?


Kripe ,

I was just getting worried as I tucked into a bit of lettuce . I appreciate the multi use of the word , back when I was a lad a salad was a plate of chips .

Tutsiwarrior ,

I will surely avoid the kabli chana . What about runner beans , like the ones used in som tam tua ?

luke...check out the link to get an idea about food and the BG...


10 years ago I remember beans as being way up there but not too bad now according to the linked table...


Kripe ,

I was just getting worried as I tucked into a bit of lettuce . I appreciate the multi use of the word , back when I was a lad a salad was a plate of chips .

Tutsiwarrior ,

I will surely avoid the kabli chana . What about runner beans , like the ones used in som tam tua ?

I am not too much in to beans, and hope this is the correct type:

Runner Beans - cooked 100g CARB:0 FIBER:2.5 FAT:0


Seems like you are lucky if you like Runner Beans, I could eat them without having to pump as much as 0,1U of insulin



Kripe ,

I was just getting worried as I tucked into a bit of lettuce . I appreciate the multi use of the word , back when I was a lad a salad was a plate of chips .

Tutsiwarrior ,

I will surely avoid the kabli chana . What about runner beans , like the ones used in som tam tua ?

I am not too much in to beans, and hope this is the correct type:

Runner Beans - cooked 100g CARB:0 FIBER:2.5 FAT:0


Seems like you are lucky if you like Runner Beans, I could eat them without having to pump as much as 0,1U of insulin


Thanks for the links fellas .

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