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Facebook Partly The Cause Of Unwanted Thai Teen Pregnancies: NESDB


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Lies, dam_n lies and statistics ...

As your 'pool' of contacts inceases, so does the amount of peer pressure you are under; I'm guessing, this can be to some expent confirmed by looking at the % rates of bad behaviour in large and small schools. Having said that, I don't think the variation would be that great. With the very small amout of text you can put on a facebook page as opposed to time spent on a mobile phone, I would have thought the latter, is going to have a much greater impact on what one thiks and does.

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Sure, why not.

Couldn't possibly be the lack of a decent educational system, or the lack of a good sex-ed curiculum, or the lack of morality and ethics as displayed by the hi-so's, as depicted on Thai TV soaps EVERY day, or as depicted by Thai politicians EVERY day.

Na, couldn't be any of that. So it must be facebook.

Easy target. Ok, so let's ban facebook in Thailand then. There, problem solved.

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"The public health survey in 2010 indicated that out of 760,000 babies born, 411,000 had died. Facebook is to blame for increased teenage pregnancies"

What a load of rubbish! There were 977,000 babies born in 2009 and only 760,000 in 2010, which using their logic would mean that due to Facebook there were 217,000 less pregnancies occuring, a fall of 22%. Well done Facebook.

The figure of 411,000 deaths is the total number of people of all ages who died in Thailand in 2010, not the total number of neonatal deaths which was around 8,000 (total of under 5's were 13,000).

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Here is a hint: I won't say I experienced it...but I experienced it...that 2 of my former GF's were sure that "pulling it out before cumming" would be a good method of avoiding pregnancy...'nuff said!

So much for sex education in Thailand (BTW: both were 30 or older!)

Edited by DocN
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Wow. Nothing to do with morality, with the lack of good sex education, with parental supervision? Certainly young people can look to such people as MPs or the police for sterling examples of moral leadership in all areas.

There you go, teenagers just need more moral hero's, someone to copy, ie; MP's, the BIB, Michael Jackson and the list goes on. Get real Thailand, all of us were teenagers once with hormones running wild. My dad blamed it on Elvis.

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I just got a multimedia SMS from AIS advertising some book or other, the picture was of a scantily clad young lady.

What should I do, feel morally outraged, and by a wholly owned Thai company or call some friends to play football. Thank heavens I'm not a teenager.

They need to get their own house in order first.

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"The public health survey in 2010 indicated that out of 760,000 babies born, 411,000 had died. Facebook is to blame for increased teenage pregnancies"

What a load of rubbish! There were 977,000 babies born in 2009 and only 760,000 in 2010, which using their logic would mean that due to Facebook there were 217,000 less pregnancies occuring, a fall of 22%. Well done Facebook.

The figure of 411,000 deaths is the total number of people of all ages who died in Thailand in 2010, not the total number of neonatal deaths which was around 8,000 (total of under 5's were 13,000).

The most interesting figures are the ones that show countries having more Facebook users do not have higher birth rates.

North America has a Facebook penetration rate of 50% I think that means about half the people there use Facebook.

Its Total Fertility Rate is below halfway down a table of rates for most countries of the world.

Africa has the lowest Facebook penetration rate of below 4% - more than 95% of people in Africa never use Facebook. However, the top of the said table of Total Fertility Rates is dominated by African countries.

Sorry for bringing facts into the picture on an entertaning topic. I could not find enough figures to isolate teenagers but if Facebook is so productive it would work on all the population.



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Wow. Nothing to do with morality, with the lack of good sex education, with parental supervision? Certainly young people can look to such people as MPs or the police for sterling examples of moral leadership in all areas.

There you go, teenagers just need more moral hero's, someone to copy, ie; MP's, the BIB, Michael Jackson and the list goes on. Get real Thailand, all of us were teenagers once with hormones running wild. My dad blamed it on Elvis.

My dad said I wasn't doing enough.

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I won't even go into main subject of the article, it does not merit comment.

But 411,000 infant deaths out of 716,000? What the hell is this figure? Infant death in Thailand is around 14/1000 according to UN, around 18/1000 according to the CIA. These would mean 540/1000 which is absurd. (Afghanistan is the worst country on record at 144/1000 - that's a lot of dead babies. *shudders*)

It took me a moment to figure out that in fact it's probably the total live births vs the total deaths in the population in 2010 It doesnt exactly match the CIA figure but it's close enough. It has nothing to do whatsoever with abortion, infant death, facebook or anything. And NESDB linking that to abortion is either a mistranslation or utter and complete BS and criminal misinformation.

The birth rate has been steadily declining over the last decades, but that's entirely normal at this stage in the country's development, and there's no reason to link that to abortion in particular rather than prevention or general behavior change unless more data is given.

Here's the actual paragraph in Thai from the NESDB publication.

Facebook is mentioned a few paragraphs above.

สถิติสาธารณสุขปี 2553 รายงานว่ามีสตรีตั้งครรภ์

ทุกช่วงอายุประมาณหนึ่งล้านครรภ์ แต่คลอดเป็นทารกมี

ชีวิตเพียงจํานวน 761,689 ราย เสียชีวิตรวมจํานวน

411,311 ราย แสดงให้เห็นว่ามีมารดาจํานวนหนึ่งที่ต้อง

ยุติครรภ์ด้วยการทําแท้งหรือการแท้งเอง หรือทาร

เสียชีวิตหลังเกิดมีชีพ ทําให้รัฐต้องสูญเสียค่าใช้จ่ายในการ

รักษาภาวะแทรกซ้อนจากการทําแท้งที่ ไม่ ปลอดภัยเป็น

เงินหลายร้อยล้านบาท ทั้งนี้ ยังไม่นับรวมค่าบริการทําแท้ง

การสูญเสียอวัยวะสําคัญ เช่น ถูกตัดมดลูก การสูญเสีย

รายได้อันเกิดจากการพักงานของผู้ป่วย ค่าใช้จ่ ายอื่นๆ


ก่อนวัยอันควร ความสูญเสียด้านจิตใจของครอบครัวผู้ที่

เสียชีวิต รวมทั้งไม่สามารถพัฒนาคุณภาพประชากรทั้งตัว


Edit: Google translate gives somewhat confusing results. There is also a mention of over 1 million women getting pregnant/ over the year. But that's a relatively meaningless figure - a lot of pregnancies are not diagnosed or followed clinically until very late, if at all, and on the other hand about 25% of pregnancies terminate themselves naturally by week 10-12.

Edited by Zolt
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"The public health survey in 2010 indicated that out of 760,000 babies born, 411,000 had died. Facebook is to blame for increased teenage pregnancies"

What a load of rubbish! There were 977,000 babies born in 2009 and only 760,000 in 2010, which using their logic would mean that due to Facebook there were 217,000 less pregnancies occuring, a fall of 22%. Well done Facebook.

The figure of 411,000 deaths is the total number of people of all ages who died in Thailand in 2010, not the total number of neonatal deaths which was around 8,000 (total of under 5's were 13,000).

The most interesting figures are the ones that show countries having more Facebook users do not have higher birth rates.

North America has a Facebook penetration rate of 50% I think that means about half the people there use Facebook.

Its Total Fertility Rate is below halfway down a table of rates for most countries of the world.

Africa has the lowest Facebook penetration rate of below 4% - more than 95% of people in Africa never use Facebook. However, the top of the said table of Total Fertility Rates is dominated by African countries.

Sorry for bringing facts into the picture on an entertaning topic. I could not find enough figures to isolate teenagers but if Facebook is so productive it would work on all the population.



"The public health survey in 2010 indicated that out of 760,000 babies born, 411,000 had died. Facebook is to blame for increased teenage pregnancies"

What a load of rubbish! There were 977,000 babies born in 2009 and only 760,000 in 2010, which using their logic would mean that due to Facebook there were 217,000 less pregnancies occuring, a fall of 22%. Well done Facebook.

The figure of 411,000 deaths is the total number of people of all ages who died in Thailand in 2010, not the total number of neonatal deaths which was around 8,000 (total of under 5's were 13,000).

The most interesting figures are the ones that show countries having more Facebook users do not have higher birth rates.

North America has a Facebook penetration rate of 50% I think that means about half the people there use Facebook.

Its Total Fertility Rate is below halfway down a table of rates for most countries of the world.

Africa has the lowest Facebook penetration rate of below 4% - more than 95% of people in Africa never use Facebook. However, the top of the said table of Total Fertility Rates is dominated by African countries.

Sorry for bringing facts into the picture on an entertaning topic. I could not find enough figures to isolate teenagers but if Facebook is so productive it would work on all the population.



Or is it that half of Americans are being penetrated because of facebook? Maybe these people aren't as feckless as they seem.

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Facebook has raped the youth of Thailand. Now that the government has stated this as a fact, it would seem to me that one of two things could come of this.

One, lawsuits can be brought against Facebook by the parents of these teens for causeing their kids to get pregnant.

Or, Facebook can sue the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), for Libel. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper. Seems like Facebook can sue the Thai government now if it wants.

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This article is missing any evidence or common sense to support its claims. What were the teen pregnancy rates before facebook was available? What were these rates before facebook was widely used by Thai kids? What is the current rate? Even if the rate has risen, and there is no evidence given to support this, how can we be sure that facebook is to blame?

The short answer is that we can't be sure facebook contributes because it obviously does not. Facebook is simply a way to communicate and share pictures, both of which teens were easily able to do long before facebook arrived.

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easy to blame Facebook or any other new communication devices ... maybe a lack of educational system specialy sex education can help ignorant teenagers.

Facebook is responsible for more instances of bullying in the Western world than the actual physical bullying encountered at school. It has produced relationship breakups and caused more family arguments due to its addictive and available services.

If FB took more responsibility for its users actions and collaberated on a professional basis with agrieved victims, maybe it would not receive such bad press.

Yes I hate FB and will have nothing to do with it until it cleans up its act.

Maybe I should form my own "Anti-Facebook" but will have to give it a different name.

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Yes, internet very bad... we get it. How about a study on how many pregnancies have been caused by arrangements made via mobile phones! That would make just as much sense.

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easy to blame Facebook or any other new communication devices ... maybe a lack of educational system specialy sex education can help ignorant teenagers.

Facebook is responsible for more instances of bullying in the Western world than the actual physical bullying encountered at school. It has produced relationship breakups and caused more family arguments due to its addictive and available services.

If FB took more responsibility for its users actions and collaberated on a professional basis with agrieved victims, maybe it would not receive such bad press.

Yes I hate FB and will have nothing to do with it until it cleans up its act.

Maybe I should form my own "Anti-Facebook" but will have to give it a different name.

It isn't FB's fault if your partner is cheating.

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Well, that's the cool thing about facebook! Use it or don't use it, the choice is all yours.

Facebook is a private company, that's providing you a service for free: a space to post and share stuff.

They have no more moral responsibility for what you post on it than say, someone who sells you a sheet of blank paper. If you write marxist propaganda on it, that does not make him a commie.

Oh, and incidentally, common sense suggests that the more time you spend on facebook, the less time you have left for sex.

That's actually pretty easy to verify too thanks to another big internet company:


FYI = poll is fully anonymous. Don't take it if you're under 18 (I'm not too sure why you shouldn't but just in case)....

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Different spin

How does a Farang that would like to adopt a young shild but is not married to but living comon law save any of these kids?????

Would it not make sense (oops soprry i forgot) to lossen the adoption rules in the country. I amsure that some of us could even help the tean mother during the time upto and including delivery.

Also i wonder how many babies are born in locations other than hospitals because people are ashamed?

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