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Deputy PM Chalerm Files More Police Complaints Over 'Drunk' Allegation


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Deputy PM files more complaints

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung announced yesterday that he had filed police complaints against three Democrat MPs and two more daily newspapers for saying that he looked drunk during the parliamentary debate last Friday.

Chalerm said his lawyer had filed a complaint on Monday accusing MPs Rangsima Rodrasami, Theptai Senapong and Boonyod Sukthinthai, as well as Krungthep Turakij and Kom Chad Luek newspapers, of libel.

This was in addition to an earlier police complaint Chalerm filed on Sunday against Thai Post, Thai Rath, Siam Rath and Naew Na accusing them of libel for reporting him as being drunk in Parliament.

Chalerm said he had initially held off filing a complaint against Rangsima because parliamentary immunity protected her when she first accused him of being drunk during the debate on Friday. However, he later decided to take legal action after she repeated her allegations outside Parliament.

He added that he had decided to take legal action against Theptai and Boonyod because they had called a news conference especially to link him to the discovery of several empty bottles of alcohol that had been found in the trash in Parliament.

Chalerm went on to claim that his action was not meant as a threat to the opposition or media. "I just want to protect my rights."

He added that he had a medical report from a Bangkok hospital showing that he suffered from an inner-ear infection and that it made him stagger occasionally.

"I stagger sometimes, but not everyone who walks unsteadily is drunk. Also, not all red-faced people are drunk," he said.

Rangsima had said that with her nursing background, she could tell who was drunk.

In addition, Chalerm yesterday challenged opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva to conduct an alcohol test on him tomorrow. "They will have to prove their accusations. If they can't, I will take legal action against them."

Chalerm also denied that alcoholic drinks had been consumed inside the Parliament building.


-- The Nation 2012-02-29

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Deputy PM Files Libel Suit against 3 Democrat MPs

BANGKOK: -- A deputy prime minister has filed a defamation suit against three Democrat Party MPs for alleging that he was drunk during last Friday’s parliamentary session. He claimed his staggering walk and flushed face is the effects of his inner-ear disorder.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung has appointed his lawyer to file a defamation suit against three Democrat MPs for alleging that he was drunk during Parliament's charter amendment debate on February 24.

The three Democrat MPs sued are Democrat MP from Samut Songkram Rangsima Rodrasmee, Thepthai Sanepong and Bunyod Sukthinthai.

Regarding his legal complaint against four newspapers over their coverage of the issue, Chalerm said he did not intend to intimidate them, but just to protect his right.

He noted that he has prepared a medical certificate from Phramongkutklao Hospital to prove that he has an inner ear disorder that can cause vertigo, staggering walk and flushed face.

Chalerm also challenged Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva to conduct an alcohol test on him at Parliament on March 1.

As for the reports that he and and Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra used office hours for business negotiations at Four Seasons Hotel, he believes that the matter will have no impact on the public's confidence in the government as it still focuses its efforts on fighting corruption, drugs and maintaining national security.

He also expressed confidence that the government will complete its full term.

Meanwhile, Democrat MP and chief opposition whip Jurin Laksanavisit stated that the three Democrat MPs sued by Chalerm are ready to fight in court.

Jurin noted that he will ask House Speaker Somsak Kiatsuranont why a House committee on ethics to look into Chalerm's behavior has not yet been set up as he has the authority to do it immediately.

He said this showed that the House speaker is not neutral and doesn't protect the House's dignity.

Jurin also planned to ask the prime minister to clarify her meeting with businessmen at Four Seasons Hotel by herself to provide more clarity to the public.


-- Tan Network 2012-02-29


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What a sissy. Someone needs to take him out . . . back. Only a genuine puss would file a police report because someone called him on being drunk. A real man would nut up and say I had a few or just nit respond. No courage at all. If you have the balls to show up drunk and walk toward a woman in a threatening way, be a man and own it. One day he will piss off the wrong person while drunk.

What about accusers ir someone file a police report against him and allege he is filing a false police report.

Edited by ttelise
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The first thing 90% of men say when they have been on the pop and someone says 'you're drunk' is, "I am not drunk...honest',

I hope the Dems call Chalerms bluff tomorrow and take a blood sample! Nice that Chalerm can plan a 'breath test' on March 1st and use the result to prove he was innocent many days earlier. A blood test though will prove very quickly if the rumours of his hard drinking are true or not.

Clearly Chalerm had never read anything of great politicians in the past, or his answer to the accusations would have been far better. Churchill in a retort to Lady Astor (it may have been Bessie Braddock!) 'Sir, you're drunk!.'

"Yes, madam, I am drunk. But in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly."

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In addition, Chalerm yesterday challenged opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva to conduct an alcohol test on him tomorrow. "They will have to prove their accusations. If they can't, I will take legal action against them."

Not sure when the 'tomorrow' will be, but it will be at least FIVE days after the event. Hardly usefull, methinks

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I hope the court will summon Chalerm to take a blood test to prove one and for all.

"Laboratory Tests.

Tests for alcohol levels in the blood are not useful for diagnosing [long-term alcohol use] because they reflect consumption at only one point in time and not long-term usage. Certain blood tests, however, may provide biologic markers that suggest medical problems associated with alcohol..."

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He added that he had a medical report from a Bangkok hospital showing that he suffered from an inner-ear infection and that it made him stagger occasionally.

(Why would a man in his position ask his doctor for a sick-note? Methinks he obtained this on Sunday, at the meagre cost of 20,000)

He claimed his staggering walk and flushed face is the effects of his inner-ear disorder.

Oh! So at first it was an infection, and now it's a <deleted> DISORDER he has, which causes staggering and a flushed face.

A lady not too far from me is a GP, and she laughed her ass off when she read that. Tinnitus, dizziness and other infections/disorders do not cause flushing of the face. Some may cause slight problems when standing up and starting to walk - but not staggering.

This guy thinks we're all t*ats!

Somebody shoot him please, I've had enough of his lies! :@


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Personally I think we are forgetting one vital factor in this total facade ,Khao Bin maximum security prison Officers by Decree of this administration are now supposed to be subject to both a Polygraph (lie detector) and Urine test ,as this was obviously brought about with Chalerms permission ,surely he would not object to being tested himself ,with a totally independent tester being brought from the US of course, why does'nt Abhi call his bluff? MAYBE ITS WAY OVERDUE SOME ONE ELSE TOOK THE PISSintheclub.gif

Edited by Colin Yai
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Thank god !!!!! Here I always thought his endless moronic statements were a product of a low IQ. Now I am happy to know that they are a result of being drunk. There is no cure for a low IQ, but if he can stop drinking maybe he could actually start acting for the benefit of Thailand.

Not really sure about libel laws in Thailand. In western countries, basically if you say something that is true, you cannot be held for libel. I suspect in Thailand the person can simply say he was harmed, and it would not matter whether or not the statement was true or not.

I am always a bit confused by Chalerm. His arrogance simply seems to know no bounds. Why ?? Does he have dirt on powerful people, or are Thais afraid of him??

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He's smashed LOL

Maybe this is why he comes out with so much crap all the time. He's smashed by lunch time. The chap behind him that looks like

Sidney Poitier has a look on his face that seems to say "oh dear god, another Chalerm mess to clean up. I'd better help in case he lets one of his sons murder me"

Edited by AdamBanks
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Are there any links to video footage of his drunken rant in parliament last week?.......would like to watch it.

Priceless! Thanks for posting, even my wife had not seen this,she has just had a good laugh. I love the people around him and around Abhisit, watching their respective body language gestures could be used as an exercise in Management communications.

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