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Duke Of York Urges Thailand To Invest More In UK


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He should go begging for help in the richer commonwealth countries such as India, which did not squander its wealth in Thatcher/Reagan style econmics.

The UK was paying off it's debts when Thatcher was in power. It was Blair/Brown that squandered all the money. Even while they were telling us that boom and bust was over and that times had never been so good, they were still borrowing exorbitant amounts. Get your facts straight.

I`m not politically aligned to either Labour or the Conservatives but it does seem to be the case that Labour always involves itself in boom and bust economics and are then replaced by the Conservatives who have to take measures to restore the economy and that makes them unpopular leading to them being replaced by labour who again throw money around like there`s no tomorrow, and so the cycle goes on.

As for narrowing the wealth gap in Thailand, it`s always only going to be a pin prick unless you can alter the selfish mindset of the super wealthy old elite who actually own Thailand.

By "politically aligned" presumably you mean you aren't paying for membership of the party?

I ask as you are clearly very sure of your belief that the Conservatives are far better for the nation than Labour.

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Pretty desperate state of affairs if the uk is asking thailand to invest in it. Hanger on Andrew,you have been stripped of your role as trade ambassador so try and do something else . And as far as US posters are concerned we dont need lectures from a country with 15$trillion debt and counting.keep whinging about 4$ a gallon petroleum tri

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Edited by gay4who
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Prince Andrew hailed progress in Thailand, both in political stability and economic development........ giggle.gif

Ms Yingluck said she welcomed the Duke of York's advice that Thai investors should invest more in the UK and bolster trade and investment partnership between the two countries. - Of course she did - welcome is the only English word she can pronounce correctly!

Thai Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said after the meeting that he told the Prince about Myanmar’s readiness to chair ASEAN next year and the improved relationship between Thailand and Cambodia. - Did the war and bombing stop in Feb, or was it Jan?

After Thailand faced a devastating flood last year, Mr Surapong also told the Prince that financial executive decrees will support the implementation of water management plans to build confidence among investors. - Should be finished by 2020, all things going to plan. cowboy.gif

Touching on the country’s tourism, the minister asked for support from the UK to help promote Thailand tourism after the number of Russian tourists ranked top for tourist arrivals to Thailand, overtaking the number of tourist arrivals from the UK. - Russian tourists? I thought they were all the lynch mob.

What a load of cack that article was....!


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He should go begging for help in the richer commonwealth countries such as India, which did not squander its wealth in Thatcher/Reagan style econmics.

The UK was paying off it's debts when Thatcher was in power. It was Blair/Brown that squandered all the money. Even while they were telling us that boom and bust was over and that times had never been so good, they were still borrowing exorbitant amounts. Get your facts straight.

I`m not politically aligned to either Labour or the Conservatives but it does seem to be the case that Labour always involves itself in boom and bust economics and are then replaced by the Conservatives who have to take measures to restore the economy and that makes them unpopular leading to them being replaced by labour who again throw money around like there`s no tomorrow, and so the cycle goes on.

As for narrowing the wealth gap in Thailand, it`s always only going to be a pin prick unless you can alter the selfish mindset of the super wealthy old elite who actually own Thailand.

Your observations are spot on !

Boom and bust is an inherent feature of market economics, no matter who is governing.

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Lets get this straight(!) Andy swans around the world, leeching of this or that, him or her in the name of Trade Ambassador for the UK PLC, I doubt if anyone thinks its money well spent, why does someone just tell him to get a job! I think he would make a good Red Coat.

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How can any one take any notice of a tosspot like andy all he wants is freebies.if he can do any thing about the visa system or getting the increase in the uk pension i will think he is a great prince.

Ah, yes, I remember - it's called "Freedom of Speech".

Legislation here doesn't allow such comments, so you'd be best to be thankful that you come from a country where the Monarchy is respected but not above criticism, and that the whole thing about GB is that you're allowed to make such insulting comments without fear.

Certainly there's a 'tosspot' here, but it's not Andy!

I will say it again Andy pandy is a user and a leach,and I will say this I have NO respect for the British monarchy.

Agreed, lets not even get started on his older brother, the one who talks to plants, or the younger one who couldnt hack it in the military.

All in all a dysfunctional family may well be an apt description.

We havent even started on "The Greek" yet.

Didnt his wife have a father who used to frequent massage parlours?

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The British are never lacking opportunism. When Thaksin was deposed they went out of their way to please the than powerful yellow shirts and crooked military by revoking Thaksin's visa even though nothing was proven and now another royal who never spoke out against article 112 is asking for investment. Maybe if he bends over Yingluck can spank him first and tell him to apologize to the Thai voters first.

Really ? how you work that out? The man you refer to was a convicted fugitive criminal wanted by the courts of Thailand why shouldnt the UK government revoke his Visa? Maybe Dubai and a Balkan country will take his money, whatever he did wrong in Thailand, doesnt mean every country has to. Unless of course you support the current"crooked" Mafia run government?

Edited by gay4who
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Lets get this straight(!) Andy swans around the world, leeching of this or that, him or her in the name of Trade Ambassador for the UK PLC, I doubt if anyone thinks its money well spent, why does someone just tell him to get a job! I think he would make a good Red Coat.

What, at Butlins?

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The UK was paying off it's debts when Thatcher was in power. It was Blair/Brown that squandered all the money. Even while they were telling us that boom and bust was over and that times had never been so good, they were still borrowing exorbitant amounts. Get your facts straight.

I`m not politically aligned to either Labour or the Conservatives but it does seem to be the case that Labour always involves itself in boom and bust economics and are then replaced by the Conservatives who have to take measures to restore the economy and that makes them unpopular leading to them being replaced by labour who again throw money around like there`s no tomorrow, and so the cycle goes on.

As for narrowing the wealth gap in Thailand, it`s always only going to be a pin prick unless you can alter the selfish mindset of the super wealthy old elite who actually own Thailand.

Your observations are spot on !

Boom and bust is an inherent feature of market economics, no matter who is governing.

I seem to remember it was all boom and bust under the Tories in the 80s and 90s too.

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He should go begging for help in the richer commonwealth countries such as India, which did not squander its wealth in Thatcher/Reagan style econmics.

The UK was paying off it's debts when Thatcher was in power. It was Blair/Brown that squandered all the money. Even while they were telling us that boom and bust was over and that times had never been so good, they were still borrowing exorbitant amounts. Get your facts straight.

Not to mention selling off 50% of the gold reserves at a fraction of it's current value...

cant wait to dance on thatchers grave , she ended the manufacturing industry in the uk and the cummunities died with it , now we rely on bent bankers to try and save the countries economy as there is no industry to help fight our way out of the mess SHE put the country in 30 yrs ago , she" sold it out", water, electricity , railways ,gas , ..........now look what we pay for having a so called "free market", cheaper gas or electric ?? cheaper rail fares ??, water ?? ,..........and the rail network is still payed for by tax payers to give share holders there dividends ,...... & now the youth of britain have to work for free, as there is no industry ,.........genious !!.......NOT !

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He should go begging for help in the richer commonwealth countries such as India, which did not squander its wealth in Thatcher/Reagan style econmics.

The UK was paying off it's debts when Thatcher was in power. It was Blair/Brown that squandered all the money. Even while they were telling us that boom and bust was over and that times had never been so good, they were still borrowing exorbitant amounts. Get your facts straight.

Not to mention selling off 50% of the gold reserves at a fraction of it's current value...

cant wait to dance on thatchers grave , she ended the manufacturing industry in the uk and the cummunities died with it , now we rely on bent bankers to try and save the countries economy as there is no industry to help fight our way out of the mess SHE put the country in 30 yrs ago , she" sold it out", water, electricity , railways ,gas , ..........now look what we pay for having a so called "free market", cheaper gas or electric ?? cheaper rail fares ??, water ?? ,..........and the rail network is still payed for by tax payers to give share holders there dividends ,...... & now the youth of britain have to work for free, as there is no industry ,.........genious !!.......NOT !

you will probably be attacked by the grammar and spelling police (although they may back off now) but your points are absolutely relevant. Her fundamental economic ideal was for the UK to become a "service economy" ie no manufacturing Edited by pastitche
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He should go begging for help in the richer commonwealth countries such as India, which did not squander its wealth in Thatcher/Reagan style econmics.

The UK was paying off it's debts when Thatcher was in power. It was Blair/Brown that squandered all the money. Even while they were telling us that boom and bust was over and that times had never been so good, they were still borrowing exorbitant amounts. Get your facts straight.

Not to mention selling off 50% of the gold reserves at a fraction of it's current value...

You won’t be surprised that not everybody recognises this version of events. I’d say it is a bit more complicated with a worsening of the economic indicators in the late 1980s under Mrs Thatcher, then an improvement and the next dip (of about the same magnitude) well into Labour’s rule around 2000. Labour actually repaid some national debt in the few years after 1997. Things became dramatically worse only around 2007. I know there is a lot of re-writing of history going on, but contrary to what the Daily Mail may say the present problem started in the United States and in the view of many economists is the result of de-regulation policies introduced in the 1980s.



Key in 1979 to present to get an interesting graph

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How can any one take any notice of a tosspot like andy all he wants is freebies.if he can do any thing about the visa system or getting the increase in the uk pension i will think he is a great prince.

Ah, yes, I remember - it's called "Freedom of Speech".

Legislation here doesn't allow such comments, so you'd be best to be thankful that you come from a country where the Monarchy is respected but not above criticism, and that the whole thing about GB is that you're allowed to make such insulting comments without fear.

Certainly there's a 'tosspot' here, but it's not Andy!

I will say it again Andy pandy is a user and a leach,and I will say this I have NO respect for the British monarchy.

Agreed, lets not even get started on his older brother, the one who talks to plants, or the younger one who couldnt hack it in the military.

All in all a dysfunctional family may well be an apt description.

We havent even started on "The Greek" yet.

Didnt his wife have a father who used to frequent massage parlours?

There's not really much evidence to back all this up is there? Andrew had a very distinguished military career particularly during the Falklands war. This was despite the government wanting to move him to a desk job for safety.

Edward didn't really cope very well in the military but then again many people wouldn't. It isn't for everyone.

Charles talking to plants is rather over emphasising one thing just for effect. I think he talks to people as well. Remember he's in his 60s and still waiting to do the job he's been training for.

The Queen and Philip are 85 and 90 respectively so it could be argued they should be retired and putting their feet up. I actually quite like Philip mainly for the outrageous things he says. Search for his quotes or gaffes. If he'd been at the meeting instead of Andrew I'm sure he would have made some inappropriate remark to the PM.

They may not be perfect and of course we are entitled to criticise but we should be aware of how much they actually do particularly the older members of the royal family much of which we don't see. Look at this to see how much the Queen does at her age. http://www.royal.gov.uk/HMTheQueen/DayInTheLife/Queensworkingday.aspx

I wish I was that energetic now in my late 50s let alone in my mid 80s.

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Thatcher was the leader who let council tenants buy their homes,then put so many out of work that they lost the homes,and lets remember her nick name "Thatcher the milk snatcher"

Maggie Thatcher has been gone for many years.

Out of curiosity did the wonderful Nu Labour under Tony B'liar and "Honest"Gordon Broon build thousands of council houses and repeal all Maggie's laws?

No chance, they just bankrupted the UK as they usually do then make large sums of money as "advisers" to the gullible world at large.

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Thatcher was the leader who let council tenants buy their homes,then put so many out of work that they lost the homes,and lets remember her nick name "Thatcher the milk snatcher"

Maggie Thatcher has been gone for many years.

Out of curiosity did the wonderful Nu Labour under Tony B'liar and "Honest"Gordon Broon build thousands of council houses and repeal all Maggie's laws?

No chance, they just bankrupted the UK as they usually do then make large sums of money as "advisers" to the gullible world at large.

Most politicians (of every colour) become advisers/non-exec directors etc.

But this is turning into a political argument rather than a discussion on the original post.

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Thatcher was the leader who let council tenants buy their homes,then put so many out of work that they lost the homes,and lets remember her nick name "Thatcher the milk snatcher"

Maggie Thatcher has been gone for many years.

Out of curiosity did the wonderful Nu Labour under Tony B'liar and "Honest"Gordon Broon build thousands of council houses and repeal all Maggie's laws?

No chance, they just bankrupted the UK as they usually do then make large sums of money as "advisers" to the gullible world at large.

Most politicians (of every colour) become advisers/non-exec directors etc.

But this is turning into a political argument rather than a discussion on the original post.

True and I apologise to you but I was responding to taff33.

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How do you know what was proven or not? Are you a member of the upper echelons of the Home Office? Or a drinking buddy of the PM? AFAIK no reasons were given out to the Press or the broadcasting media. The UK Government probably decided that the less said, soonest mended. Diplomacy in action?

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How can any one take any notice of a tosspot like andy all he wants is freebies.if he can do any thing about the visa system or getting the increase in the uk pension i will think he is a great prince.

Ah, yes, I remember - it's called "Freedom of Speech".

Legislation here doesn't allow such comments, so you'd be best to be thankful that you come from a country where the Monarchy is respected but not above criticism, and that the whole thing about GB is that you're allowed to make such insulting comments without fear.

Certainly there's a 'tosspot' here, but it's not Andy!

I will say it again Andy pandy is a user and a leach,and I will say this I have NO respect for the British monarchy.

Agreed, lets not even get started on his older brother, the one who talks to plants, or the younger one who couldnt hack it in the military.

All in all a dysfunctional family may well be an apt description.

We havent even started on "The Greek" yet.

Didnt his wife have a father who used to frequent massage parlours?

I well never saw him visiting Annies. giggle.gif

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