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i am on indefinite stay in the UK. i would like to bring my wife and child (3 months old) to the uk on spouse and child settlement visa. i live in a shared accmodation ( jjust pay rent to my friend) - my name is not on council tax bill.

the house is not overcrowded and can get a letter from landlor and friend saying its not a problem

what documents do i need to show for shared accmodation proof



I think you have it, a letter from the landlord acknowledging you are sharing/subletting from your friend, and there would be no problem for your wife and child joining you, need to also demonstrate the house is large enough for all of you so a sketch detailing the property and approximate sizes of rooms available to you, your wife and child would help, maybe even better with a few photos.

Even though it may seem obvious that you friend is in agreement by getting a letter from the landlord, best to be on the safe side and have a letter from him.

As for council tax, there need be only one name per property, "the liable person" who is named on the council tax register which I expect would be your friend.



thanks for the quick reply. so is it just 1 name that will be in council tax ( i cant remember how it was when i rented last year).

to give a quick backgroun, my wife was along with me on tier 1 dependant visa (i just changed to ilr last month) for 1.5 years and then left to her country in aug 2011 for maternity. now i need to sponser her visa and for my baby.

i having been reading in other forums that ECO is rejecting mainly on accomdoation and finance. so bit worried. so you think letter from landlord and few photos should do, right ?

also what i need to sponser visa for my baby and wife as well. so are these documents sufficient. if not pls let me know what more to add. i have attached the list i collected

can i write in the covering letter to consider the samd documents for my baby as well.


* Application - vaf 4a (one for my wife and one for my baby)

* copy of my passport

Wedding Proof:

* Marriage certificate

* Copy of invitation to wedding

* Photos

Letter of Support:

* Personal statement (from my wife)

* Letter of support (from me)

English Language

* Letter from my wfe's institution to say she had completed bachlors and was affiliated to a University that is equivalent to British degree (UK NARIC)

Maintainence funds

* Employer reference letter from my company

* 6 months bank statemetns

* Employment contract

* 6 months payslips


* no objection letter from house mates (shared house)

* letter from landlord saying he has no objection in my wife staying wtih me


* Copy of my National Insurance number

* My wife's passport - has my name on the observation page)

* previous tier 1 dependant visa documents - visa also on the passport

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