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Bt50 Million To Be Used To Buy iPads And iPhones For Senators And MPs

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Rumors has it that Apple will package the iPhone and iPad together in a special promotional package just for Thailand that will be called the i'mSilly.violin.gif

It's a political thing so it could be iAye.

But being a Thai political thing the iMememe would be more apt.

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A bit expensive

700 x Iphones at approx 26,000 is under 20,000,000 baht, and Ipads are not that expensive

so where is the rest of the money going?

Where doe's most of the money usualy go? You forgot to factor in the kickbacks and corruption. I don't know why they don't buy thier own ipads if they really want them and then simply claim them as a tax deduction if they actually use them solely for work purposes. What's next new merc's for all ministers?


Can't they get the same tablets for MP's as for the school kids?

You gotta be kidding me.. all the MPs know they will be useless pieces of junk and they wont want that would they?

Anyway there is more money to be skimmed off with the i-phone and i-pads idea.someone will be pocketing 25 Million Baht i-guess


Glad to see they finally found a solution to the flooding! Now they'll be able to sit up in their perches and look at the water roll by in real time.

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I did not realize they were so badly paid.

How much is the fund to train them in the use of these products?

How many PP9 batteries do they take?


Thinking positively though...with the iphones and ipads in place, at least we will see some good results coming out of parliament sessions...

High scores on angry birds...zombies eliminated in zombie planet...


They buy Apple so please not complain about this at least they also bought Chinese shit like they give away. Would have been worse if they would have opted for Korean or Taiwanese toys .


I would imagine that any MP that would want to use an iPad or iPhone would already have one. (probably paid for by the tax payer too)


Maybe those poor and underpaid MP's + senators cannot afford such a high investment to do their job better ?

Not-Amazing Thailand.. it needs a miracle to become decent..

And all Thai voters... think only of next election to get their 20-50 baht "voting money"


This is pretty disappointing.

The kids get iCrap and the Senators and MP's, who could easily afford to buy their own iPads and iPhones, get them for free, whether they want them or not.

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Come on, there must be at least one person who thinks this a really great idea and is willing to defend it! ohmy.png

GK will be along shortly.


Come on, there must be at least one person who thinks this a really great idea and is willing to defend it! ohmy.png

GK will be along shortly.

As will the coupist man.


Iphone 4S costs from 20,900 to 28,900

Ipad 2 costs from 15,900 to 25, 900

using the top prices by 700 still gives under 40 million, so where is the other 10 million going?

Well obviously, on weekend junkets away (Paris or Rome or Rio) for IT training on how to use them - conducted by a Thai of course, because a Farang wouldn't have a clue . We can't have the poor souls running around not using up millions of hours of unproductive work without knowing how to do it effectively can we? I'll bet most of them are given to the kids of the S & G's etc and they then carry Chinese copies for the 'face'.

Blxxdy unbelievable, but TIT, you've just got to love them for their brass neck haven't you, Sod the poor sod that got wiped out with the floods, let's spend the money on something completely inane.


For a nation of people obsessed with 'face' they sure know how to make themselves look like morally bankrupt egomaniacs.

I for one will never touch an Apple product; they are hardly selective of their users - I guess everyone will see this as an endorsement of their (cheap Chinese) products, who next - a massive sale to the Syrian government? The level of greed and corruption in this country is similar - only here the docile, servile population would never think of standing up for themselves.

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A bit expensive

700 x Iphones at approx 26,000 is under 20,000,000 baht, and Ipads are not that expensive

so where is the rest of the money going?

Yingluck... Please do something about corruption in your government!

Lol as if Yingluck has ANY power at all. What a joke too bad the population is too stupid to get upset over this.

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Iphone 4S costs from 20,900 to 28,900

Ipad 2 costs from 15,900 to 25, 900

using the top prices by 700 still gives under 40 million, so where is the other 10 million going?

They wouldn't even cost that much....you know if they did buy them they would be bought at a brokers cost. and then the ipockets would be purchased with the balance less the cost of the gift wrapping paper. You would think this would be embarrassing....intheclub.gif WHO WANTS I PHONE"S.....WE WANT IPHONESclap2.gifgiggle.gif


invest in traffic radar instead to save children......

I asked a guy to stop speeding in or village once. He decided he wanted to kick my A#@. He said I asked him to loud, I guess he thought he could hear me over his roaring engine at a normal tone.

Long story short the motorcycle taxis showed up with the police in Tow, only to inform me that because I asked him to slow down the fight was my fault. That we were not supposed to tell others how to drive even if your children are at risk of being killled. What I am getting at is that the radars wouldn't work.. as we are not allowerd to tell people to slow down.


Assuming 700 iPads AND 700 iPhones ... that's an average of 35,000 baht each.

Need I say more?

Exactly!! how much padding is included in the price.

Not enough that they should buy their own telephones and tablets like anyone else but they pay an inflated price so that "someone" gets a hefty sum of money to boot.

Probably a few fones and tablets will be included for the missus and kids as well. Not called LOS (land of scams) for nothing.


ICT Minister: Ministry to ask cabinet Tuesday to purchase 900,000 low-cost tablet computers from Chinese firm 'Scope' to give to pupils nationwide /MCOT


Come on, there must be at least one person who thinks this a really great idea and is willing to defend it! ohmy.png

GK will be along shortly.

Who or what is a GK?


This may be the only time I would agree with the opposition. Why do they need to be given more? Use the money on education in primary schools in rural Thailand.

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