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Front Row


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Ok here goes. I have recently upgraded my I Mac to Snow Leopard at Apple Store in UK I did this because I wanted "Pages" That is fine but now I have "Front Row" And all my pictures I have about 700 have gone ito Front Row. Some are seperate files, But the bulk are all bundled together.

The Question is how do I get my Pictures in "Front Row" into the same files that are shown in I Photo ? So that I can view them in seperate albums. I hope someone can help me out here I realy don't know how to do this.

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Hm. Upgraded to SL to get Pages? Why? Pages runs on Leopard. Maybe for the AppStore?

Upgraded to SL instead of Lion? I know they say Lion's full of bugs but...

Alright. Let's cut to the chase. Your pictures should still be there. They should still open with iPhoto, provided you've used iPhoto to organise them. You are also confusing terms -- pictures go into FOLDERS not FILES..

The picture you painted for us is all weird.

Here's how iPhoto works on the newer versions of OS X:

You open iPhoto. You import photos into iPhoto. iPhoto keeps those photos in an 'file' called iPhoto Library, which is found in your Pictures folder, in your Home Directory (it won't say 'home' per se but will have your account name instead). This iPhoto Library isn't just a file -- it's a 'packaged' folder -- it's sort of like a folder that you can't really get into unless you right-click and choose Show Package Contents. Then you've got a mess to deal with from there -- but that's why they don't fancy you opening it like this.

Again, use iPhoto to manage your photos.

From you description it seems you're using a really old version of iPhoto, which I can't believe you're actually using, but ... it's true the first versions of iPhoto stored photos in a readily-accessible folder, rather than a 'packaged' folder.

So, in order to solve your problem, first locate your pictures on your desktop. I'd imagine they're all in the same folder.

Then, drag that folder (the one that contains all your photos) onto iPhoto -- whether it's iPhotos window or its icon in the dock.

iPhoto will then import (by copying) all those photos -- it will also organise them into things called 'events' (which is pretty nifty).

When it's finished, all your photos will have been copied into the iPhoto Library, which leaves you to deal with the original folder -- I'd say keep it -- just in case ; )

Edited by theanimaster
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