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Over 1,000 Muslim Woman Abandoned, Separate From Soldiers Sent To South: Thailand


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This Muslim women are real Muslim? because they should know that in Islam is forbidden to a Muslim getting marry with a non-Muslim.

Please inform us from where you picked up this little gem.

It is my understanding, a muslim can only marry "People Of The Book", nowhere does it say they can only marry people of their faith.

In practice its a whole different ball game, in The Land of The Prophet, a Saudi man is free to marry a woman of any nationality or religion, a Saudi woman is not afforded the same rights, and is only allowed to marry Saudi men.

Those problems are man-made nothing to do with religion , a Muslim can't marry a Jew or a christian a Muslim only can marry another Muslim, just pick the Koran a read it.


Leaving aside that religion is a man made construct, let's actually look at the Quran to see what it says.

5:5 says that they can marry monotheists (Christians and Jews) (

And [lawful in marriage are] chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture before you)

2:221 states that a Muslim can not marry a Polytheist until they are believers. (

And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe.)

60:10 specifically says that Muslim ladies can not marry non Muslims (

And if you know them to be believers, then do not return them to the disbelievers; they are not lawful [wives] for them, nor are they lawful [husbands] for them)

I am not going to speculate on your religion, and projected knowledge of another, but there are gaping holes in your assertions that are easily pointed out by a summary googling of exactly what you wanted us to. It is very clear there is a separation between the non-believers of Jewish/Christian faith and the polytheists. Perhaps you can provide a different set of verses to back up your thoughts?

When it says christians a jews the meaning is real christians and jews, people who are actually practicing their religion because they can also be considered muslims, but you can't marry bhuddist, hindus, etc unless they convert to islam.

PS: I'm not a muslim but i was brought up in a muslim country, in Saudi Arabia :)

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The women returned because they couldn't handle living outside their home locality.

Who exactly deserted whom?

Going by the story the women deserted the men and returned to the south or maybe they have been deserted by Islam because they went outside thier religion. The story is not very clear the headline leads one to think that they were deserted by the men. If you read the story again I think you will find it was Ronald McDonald who deserted them.

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This Muslim women are real Muslim? because they should know that in Islam is forbidden to a Muslim getting marry with a non-Muslim.

What is a REAL muslim? if you are born into a muslim family, your religion is decided at birth; you have no choice in the matter.

Should you decide you wish to marry a non-muslim, the penalty id death.

should you wish to renounce your religion, the penalty is death, though there is a case in Malaysia where a muslim-born girl raised by buddhists was allowed to renounce the muslim faith two years after she died..

1) for muslim women: they can't marry a Buddhist. The man must change his religion. Or else she is braking with her religion.

2) in Thailand she can change her religion every day if she wants...up to her....no sharia yet in Thailand.

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That's an ethnic problem, not a religious one, I really wonder how many of the people posting here have ever read the Koran?In Islam they can't kill you because you have change religion neither, in Israel we have plenty of convert into Christians or Jews that originally came from muslim families

You still don't have a clue. Reading the Koran won't help you. The islamic fundamentalists interpret the Koran as they see fit and use that as a bat to hammer their crap into young peoples minds. Islam is the only religion that have not evolved or developed during the last 1000 years. It is today the only religion whose followers claim the right to kill whoever does not beleive the same fairy tales they beleive in. And it is the only religion today that actively work towards having supremacy and power over the world!

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This Muslim women are real Muslim? because they should know that in Islam is forbidden to a Muslim getting marry with a non-Muslim.

What is a REAL muslim? if you are born into a muslim family, your religion is decided at birth; you have no choice in the matter.

Should you decide you wish to marry a non-muslim, the penalty id death.

should you wish to renounce your religion, the penalty is death, though there is a case in Malaysia where a muslim-born girl raised by buddhists was allowed to renounce the muslim faith two years after she died..

Show me an instance of this within the Thai Muslim community. However it is correct that should a Thai Muslim marry someone from another religion they are often rejected by the family.

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This Muslim women are real Muslim? because they should know that in Islam is forbidden to a Muslim getting marry with a non-Muslim.

What is a REAL muslim? if you are born into a muslim family, your religion is decided at birth; you have no choice in the matter.

Should you decide you wish to marry a non-muslim, the penalty id death.

should you wish to renounce your religion, the penalty is death, though there is a case in Malaysia where a muslim-born girl raised by buddhists was allowed to renounce the muslim faith two years after she died..

Show me an instance of this within the Thai Muslim community. However it is correct that should a Thai Muslim marry someone from another religion they are often rejected by the family.

If I have a choice, I would rather die.

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  • 1 year later...

This Muslim women are real Muslim? because they should know that in Islam is forbidden to a Muslim getting marry with a non-Muslim.

What is a REAL muslim? if you are born into a muslim family, your religion is decided at birth; you have no choice in the matter.

Should you decide you wish to marry a non-muslim, the penalty id death.

should you wish to renounce your religion, the penalty is death, though there is a case in Malaysia where a muslim-born girl raised by buddhists was allowed to renounce the muslim faith two years after she died..

1) for muslim women: they can't marry a Buddhist. The man must change his religion. Or else she is braking with her religion.

2) in Thailand she can change her religion every day if she wants...up to her....no sharia yet in Thailand.

Thailand is a Buddhist majority country, and therefore the interest of Buddhists should be placed above everything. Muslims who wish to intermarry with Buddhists should convert to Buddhism.

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I would like to see more soldiers marrying muslim women from the South and subsequently convert them to Buddhism. Thailand is a Buddhist majority country, so people who wish to intermarry with Buddhists should convert first. This is the only option to end the conflicts in Southern Thailand. Besides, the muslims should respect Buddhism as the largest religion in that country.

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This Muslim women are real Muslim? because they should know that in Islam is forbidden to a Muslim getting marry with a non-Muslim.

Please inform us from where you picked up this little gem.

It is my understanding, a muslim can only marry "People Of The Book", nowhere does it say they can only marry people of their faith.

In practice its a whole different ball game, in The Land of The Prophet, a Saudi man is free to marry a woman of any nationality or religion, a Saudi woman is not afforded the same rights, and is only allowed to marry Saudi men.

Those problems are man-made nothing to do with religion , a Muslim can't marry a Jew or a christian a Muslim only can marry another Muslim, just pick the Koran a read it.


Leaving aside that religion is a man made construct, let's actually look at the Quran to see what it says.

5:5 says that they can marry monotheists (Christians and Jews) (

And [lawful in marriage are] chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture before you)

2:221 states that a Muslim can not marry a Polytheist until they are believers. (

And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe.)

60:10 specifically says that Muslim ladies can not marry non Muslims (

And if you know them to be believers, then do not return them to the disbelievers; they are not lawful [wives] for them, nor are they lawful [husbands] for them)

I am not going to speculate on your religion, and projected knowledge of another, but there are gaping holes in your assertions that are easily pointed out by a summary googling of exactly what you wanted us to. It is very clear there is a separation between the non-believers of Jewish/Christian faith and the polytheists. Perhaps you can provide a different set of verses to back up your thoughts?

When it says christians a jews the meaning is real christians and jews, people who are actually practicing their religion because they can also be considered muslims, but you can't marry bhuddist, hindus, etc unless they convert to islam.

PS: I'm not a muslim but i was brought up in a muslim country, in Saudi Arabia http://www.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/smile.png

You say you are Jewish and lived in Saudi? Really? When I lived in Kuwait you were not allowed on the country if you were Jewish. One work colleague who had hidden the fact he was Jewish was rushed out of the country when our employers found out. I thought Saudi was the same.

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Interesting logic ....

Muslim woman marries a Buddiest Thai and then moves to the NE. + She not likes the NE so she leaves him and moves back south = ABANDONED MUSLIM WOMAN


Impeccable Thai logic. Most Thai ladies are tragedy Queens. I chatted with one who professed that she had a broken heart. Her farang had gone home 7 years previously!!

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This Muslim women are real Muslim? because they should know that in Islam is forbidden to a Muslim getting marry with a non-Muslim.

What is a REAL muslim? if you are born into a muslim family, your religion is decided at birth; you have no choice in the matter.

Should you decide you wish to marry a non-muslim, the penalty id death.

should you wish to renounce your religion, the penalty is death, though there is a case in Malaysia where a muslim-born girl raised by buddhists was allowed to renounce the muslim faith two years after she died..

I don't know how much knowledge you have about Islam, but i can tell you, you are not a Muslim cuz of the religion of your fathers, you are a Muslim cuz you accepted it, no one can force you.

Cannot force you? Tell that to all the young people who are kept down by their muslim fathers claiming his right to decide what they shall believe. You sir, are talking <deleted>, you have absolutely no idea about the ongoing surpression in muslim families.

Not too different from life in Farangland. Little infant whose only concern is when they next get onto a nipple and their nappie changed is carted off to church, splashed with water and mumbo jumbo words uttered thus making them a member of a Christian community. Choice has little, if anything, to do with it..

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Very interesting. I've never been to the deep south, but I find it difficult to understand that the women could not cope with living in other parts of Thailand.

It would depend on where in Thailand. Here in chiang Mai there is a large Muslim population. In many areas they would find them selves alone and see other women being treated better than what they are used to. Islam is not a religion for women's rights. Most religions practice some sort of women are lessor but Islam is the star in that field. I have seen them here in Chiang Mai walking down the street with the temperature in the high 30s the women dressed in black from toe to the top of their head including a black veil while the man walked along with a short sleeve white shirt and short pair of white pants.

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This Muslim women are real Muslim? because they should know that in Islam is forbidden to a Muslim getting marry with a non-Muslim.

Please inform us from where you picked up this little gem.

It is my understanding, a muslim can only marry "People Of The Book", nowhere does it say they can only marry people of their faith.

In practice its a whole different ball game, in The Land of The Prophet, a Saudi man is free to marry a woman of any nationality or religion, a Saudi woman is not afforded the same rights, and is only allowed to marry Saudi men.

Those problems are man-made nothing to do with religion , a Muslim can't marry a Jew or a christian a Muslim only can marry another Muslim, just pick the Koran a read it.


Leaving aside that religion is a man made construct, let's actually look at the Quran to see what it says.

5:5 says that they can marry monotheists (Christians and Jews) (

And [lawful in marriage are] chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture before you)

2:221 states that a Muslim can not marry a Polytheist until they are believers. (

And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe.)

60:10 specifically says that Muslim ladies can not marry non Muslims (

And if you know them to be believers, then do not return them to the disbelievers; they are not lawful [wives] for them, nor are they lawful [husbands] for them)

I am not going to speculate on your religion, and projected knowledge of another, but there are gaping holes in your assertions that are easily pointed out by a summary googling of exactly what you wanted us to. It is very clear there is a separation between the non-believers of Jewish/Christian faith and the polytheists. Perhaps you can provide a different set of verses to back up your thoughts?

When it says christians a jews the meaning is real christians and jews, people who are actually practicing their religion because they can also be considered muslims, but you can't marry bhuddist, hindus, etc unless they convert to islam.

PS: I'm not a muslim but i was brought up in a muslim country, in Saudi Arabia http://www.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/smile.png

You say you are Jewish and lived in Saudi? Really? When I lived in Kuwait you were not allowed on the country if you were Jewish. One work colleague who had hidden the fact he was Jewish was rushed out of the country when our employers found out. I thought Saudi was the same.

I have never read the Koran I have read bits and pieces of the old testament which is a part of there Koran.

I read an article once where Mohammad said that if a book counteracted what was said in another book to only read the latest one. Yet they keep the other ones in. He said this before he flew off to heaven on his flying horse.

Yes I am sure there are many different things in the Koran that if taking out of context can change the beliefs of the followers from region to region. I recall several years ago in Malaysia where they had to pass certain laws or change things around so one women could renounce her faith. what was that all about?

I am sorry to see the 1,000 women being abandoned and abandoning their husbands but this has always been a sad fact in war. Women always come out on the short end of the stick.

Much as it goes against the belief of people it is my belief that world wide Islam is the biggest problem we have with there Koran being used to justify all kinds of evil.

Yes I know it does have a lot of good things in it but they do not counteract the parts that justify all the terrorism going on in the world backed by parts of the Koran.

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Not too different from life in Farangland. Little infant whose only concern is when they next get onto a nipple and their nappie changed is carted off to church, splashed with water and mumbo jumbo words uttered thus making them a member of a Christian community. Choice has little, if anything, to do with it..

By the time my age reached double figures, my BS detector was going off-scale with christianity and I flat refused to have anything more to do with it. I very much doubt the story would end there had I been born into a muslim family living in a muslim country.

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As several posters have already pointed out, the purest of religions can be interpreted ( by bitter middle aged men with an agenda) to despise women and demean their role in society, including basic rights and choices.

Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and other texts can be and are twisted to provide an excuse for war and inhumanity. It would be nice to think that the Christian sects have progressed beyond slaughtering each other, but not so long ago the Catholics and the others were at it. The Sunnis and the Shiites are at it as we speak, and the Buddhists in Myanmar are peacefully and benignly slaughtering muslims in the name of social stability.

At least in the middle ages they had to use swords and spears......

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