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Simple Things To Improve Thailand


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I like Thailand the way it is. Full of Graft and Corruption and Semper you cut out the middle man at the Coconut Bar as you well know. That's why I have lived here for 10 yrs. The bottom line really is there is no way you can live home the way you live here. It's cheaper, there is more to do, great places to see, beautiful islands, beautiful women, great food to mention a bit and all at one tenth the price. Keep out of Politics enjoy the ride.

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Actually Thailand is exciting for me, back in Sydney I was bored.

Granted I have only been here a little over 3 years so I guess I am still new (I feel new). But every few days I am always going "<deleted> is that" or "wow look at her....and her...... and her.... oh she is nice too.......oh dam look at that one......" in a matter of 60 seconds.

And as I live in the skirts of Bangkok, traveling and searching for that magic burger just makes it taste so much better.

Also meeting such different characters in the pub here is great, you get the guys who really hate Thailand telling you how crap the place is but been here for 15 years, then the other blokes who telling you how great it is and complaining about the guys complaining all the time.

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improve Thailand you say?


How about taking the money they are going to spend on ipads for students and instead spend it on sending kids to classes where they will learn the following:

Teachers don't know everything in the 21st Century and learning should be led by example

Teachers and learners should be co-constructors of knowledge

learners job is to learn how to learn, not to rote memorize as that is not a valuable life skill

Teachers job is to inspire and facilitate learning

Then I agree, put seat belts in taxi's so at least customers can choose to wear it or not. Good idea.

Introduce real road safety classes in schools

Offer cycle proficiency classes in schools that teach awareness of hazards on the road (yes, I'm tired of kids thinking its funny to walk infront of the teachers car and finding out the hard way that I am happy to test my insurance cover if they are happy to try my patience.)

Send any teacher who offers only multiple choice tests on a proper testing course. If they continue to offer only multi choice tests, only allow them to teach youth offenders.

Introduce the role of "animal control" and give jobs to people to catch dogs sleeping or wandering in the road unsupervised. Take them to the pound where they can be reclaimed for a fee and course in pet management and ownership responsibilities.

Dog licenses would fund the cost of the dog catchers.

Thai culture test for teachers to be extended for anyone with a one year visa being renewed. First year you go free, second year you have to take the course and pass the test. Might make some a little more educated and others a little more agreeable.

But as I said in another post...


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You all have seen the highway signs stating 'REDUCE SPEED XYZZZXY CITY"

These "Citys" some very small, are gone in ths dust quite quickly"

However to make these signs work there must be an END TO THE RESTRICTION. This is done in many countries by usung a circular sign with a diagonal bar accross it. Meaning the "restriction ends here"

The restriction has NO END TO IT.

Most of the locals I have driven with, take no heed of the restriction anyway,still continuing at 120kmh.

What do you reckon??Cheers

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^^Loz, I'd agree with you if those changes COULD be instituted. As it happens, many Thai schools *require* multiple choice tests.

And I wouldn't wish the current incarnation of the 'culture courses' on anyone. They really need to upgrade that to a university-student standard at the very least. But if they did, and if some actual benefit- like, let's say, easier visa terms- were granted in return, it might be worth it. As it is, it's just another ministry moneyspinner.

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^^Loz, I'd agree with you if those changes COULD be instituted. As it happens, many Thai schools *require* multiple choice tests....

I've no problem with "some" tests of that nature when properly constructed but, I have seen some horribly constructed test questions usually along the lines of:

Q1 What was the first thing the man did in the story?

a sit down

b take out his mag

c start w*anking

d take out his tissues.

Q 2 After the man sat down what kind of mag did he start w*anking to?

You can see how the answer to Q1 becomes all but obvious and this happens again and again!! Only a complete twunting baffoon could fail most of these tests!

Fortunately we teach a few to keep the numbers in check.

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