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Pile Of Sh!te In Neighbors Garden.


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I have been living on my current village for over a year now. In terms of expense the village is not in the top bracket, but is well above the average Thai village. To give you an idea the cheapest tiny bungalow costs around 1.3 million Baht. Probably 90% of the residents are Thai. I have spent quite a lot of money and energy to get my house almost right. I am now extremely annoyed to have the house over the road housing an large extended family of Thais that have no regard for anyone else around them. They have also collected a large pile, of what can only be described as junk, in the garden. The garden is also normally over grown and strewn with rubbish. As well as this they have several old pick ups parked in the garden and on the drive. In contradiction to this the owner of the house recently bought a brand new Camry! They live over the road to me and I must suffer the noise and mess every time I sit outside the house. An old women and her daughter live directly next door to the bad neighbors and have commented to us about their unhappiness at the situation.

The problem is that I want to have a word with them, but my wife isn’t keen on this. I also have the usual feeling of being the ferang and therefore have no rights. In my own country I would do something to sort the situation. Indeed I have in the past.

Far from being paradise I feel I may as well be living on a bad council estate in the UK.

Here in Thailand there seems to be a reluctance to complain or confront. ‘Mai pen rai’ seems to cover everything.


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I have been living on my current village for over a year now. In terms of expense the village is not in the top bracket, but is well above the average Thai village. To give you an idea the cheapest tiny bungalow costs around 1.3 million Baht. Probably 90% of the residents are Thai. I have spent quite a lot of money and energy to get my house almost right. I am now extremely annoyed to have the house over the road housing an large extended family of Thais that have no regard for anyone else around them. They have also collected a large pile, of what can only be described as junk, in the garden. The garden is also normally over grown and strewn with rubbish. As well as this they have several old pick ups parked in the garden and on the drive. In contradiction to this the owner of the house recently bought a brand new Camry! They live over the road to me and I must suffer the noise and mess every time I sit outside the house. An old women and her daughter live directly next door to the bad neighbors and have commented to us about their unhappiness at the situation.

The problem is that I want to have a word with them, but my wife isn’t keen on this. I also have the usual feeling of being the ferang and therefore have no rights. In my own country I would do something to sort the situation. Indeed I have in the past.

Far from being paradise I feel I may as well be living on a bad council estate in the UK. 

Here in Thailand there seems to be a reluctance to complain or confront.  ‘Mai pen rai’ seems to cover everything.

If I'm not happy, I tend to make the effort to correct the issue(S). In this case, I would politely talk to them and see what happens. Politeness goes a long ways in Thailand so I think it could lead to resolution. Also, may be ask you neighbors to come with you, since they're Thai, It might help eliviate any negative feelings?

AND, I thinkI don't see why everyone should suffers due to their lack of respect for others. :o

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I guess they see it as their land so they can do what they want, Build a wall or some trees if it annoys you.

If its the picture you have posted, then I cant really see whats wrong, its not overgrown (non of your business really anyway) and looks much as I imagine a 1.5 million baht house to look like.

If you want privacy, buy some more land, bigger house etc... Its probably easier for you to do than them! Really your paying 10% of what a house on a council estate would cost you in the UK, what are you expecting?

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I guess they see it as their land so they can do what they want, ...

And of course they are correct in thinking so...

Presumably the pic shows the tidy property of the OP, which looks really out of place in a Thai village, this isn't suburbia, you know. I'd recommend not to cut the grass for a month and give tropical plants a chance to beautify it, you'll find lots of edible stuff amongst the weeds.

Have a barbecue and invite your neighbours over to mull over the different aesthetics...

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I have been living on my current village for over a year now. In terms of expense the village is not in the top bracket, but is well above the average Thai village. To give you an idea the cheapest tiny bungalow costs around 1.3 million Baht. Probably 90% of the residents are Thai. I have spent quite a lot of money and energy to get my house almost right. I am now extremely annoyed to have the house over the road housing an large extended family of Thais that have no regard for anyone else around them. They have also collected a large pile, of what can only be described as junk, in the garden. The garden is also normally over grown and strewn with rubbish. As well as this they have several old pick ups parked in the garden and on the drive. In contradiction to this the owner of the house recently bought a brand new Camry! They live over the road to me and I must suffer the noise and mess every time I sit outside the house. An old women and her daughter live directly next door to the bad neighbors and have commented to us about their unhappiness at the situation.

The problem is that I want to have a word with them, but my wife isn’t keen on this. I also have the usual feeling of being the ferang and therefore have no rights. In my own country I would do something to sort the situation. Indeed I have in the past.

Far from being paradise I feel I may as well be living on a bad council estate in the UK. 

Here in Thailand there seems to be a reluctance to complain or confront.  ‘Mai pen rai’ seems to cover everything.

Your posting reminds of those people who bought homes near an exisitng airport and then complained about the noise.

Who is there first - you or your neighbor?

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I guess they see it as their land so they can do what they want, ...

And of course they are correct in thinking so...

Presumably the pic shows the tidy property of the OP, which looks really out of place in a Thai village, this isn't suburbia, you know. I'd recommend not to cut the grass for a month and give tropical plants a chance to beautify it, you'll find lots of edible stuff amongst the weeds.

Have a barbecue and invite your neighbours over to mull over the different aesthetics...

That will be a photo of the OP's garden taken from the upstairs window of the noisey neighbour would it? :o

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We had a noisy family on our street. The kids would race up and down the street at all hours of the day, pop wheelies, their friends would come over to "modfy" 125 cc bikes, loud mufflers and all. There is a park in front of or house and theirs and I swore they were going to kill a child some day while doing their monkey tricks on the motorcycles. :o

It got so bad that I even thought of paying a contractor to put 3 speed bumps on our street, one right in front of their house :D

One day, I saw a police truck outside, there were people everywhere on the street. Apparently one of the kids tried to hide at the corner store but a man in brown followed him and loaded his gun and asked him to come back to the house. They were only intimidating them with apparently a stolen motorcycle racket. It got quiet for a few weeks but started again...

When I returned from Panama, my wife informed me that they had moved out. They were renting the house and neighbours had complained to the village head who then talked with the house owner who refused to renew their lease after 1 year :D

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I have been living on my current village for over a year now.

Far from being paradise I feel I may as well be living on a bad council estate in the UK. 

Here in Thailand there seems to be a reluctance to complain or confront.  ‘Mai pen rai’ seems to cover everything.

Get over yourself. You are a guest.


The wifes Thai,The Neighbors dont like it too.

Choices....Sell up or Put up.

Bad neighbors are a global problem,not uniquely Thai ,although they do seem to have an immunity to noise.

Rent your place to someone worse,and let them move?

Any more ideas?

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