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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year


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Thaksin Believes He’ll Return From Exile This Year

Link to Video News from Bloomberg:


"I've done nothing wrong. I've done nothing wrong."

and later in the interview,

You know I'm very hyperactive. I traveling heres and there when during the previous government they force me not to go there, not to go there... so I don't know where to go, I go to see my friends in a... in Africa. So, they invite me to invest in... uh... in mining. So I invest in gold mining.


Thakin's "friends" in Zimbabwe and elsewhere with the result being Thaksin's African gold and platinum mines being valued at 1.63 Trillion Baht.


Re your "note", do you have any evidence of who these friends of Thaksins in Zimbabwe are? Are you trying to imply the Mugabes? If so, maybe you'd like to share that information with the opposition party as they have nothing but unsubstantiated gossip too, something you both share.

While there is no evidence to support opposition party allegations that Thaksin is involved in the internationally outlawed trade in diamonds from Zimbabwe’s massive deposit in eastern Marange district, he has widely publicized his quest to invest in African gold and diamond mines.


For the un-initiated, Thaksin has platinum mines in Zimbabwe, not diamonds.

Also for the unaware, it's difficult to imagine that the despot Mugabe wasn't involved in business dealings within his country that involves billions of U.S. dollars.


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"Thaksin pointed out that some 66 million people support the movement [to amend the constitution]."

How did he come up with this figure? That would mean that every toddler, infant and underaged school kid would support the movement - if there is a "movement".

Basically when you talk out your ass day in and day out,

it never gest any closer to your ears so you never hear yourself blather on,

lose track of the lies, and never even know what is coming out.

Edited by animatic
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"Thaksin pointed out that some 66 million people support the movement [to amend the constitution]."

How did he come up with this figure? That would mean that every toddler, infant and underaged school kid would support the movement - if there is a "movement".

Basically when you talk out your ass day in and day out,

it never gest any closer to your ears so you never hear yourself blather on,

lose track of the lies, and never even know what is coming out.

He must be a nightmare to his handlers.

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i believe Thaksin Shinawatra is delusional. He exhibits all the signs when he is interviewed by a reporter or TV interviewer.

He has the idea that he is being wrongly persecuted and firmly believes he has done nothing wrong. NOTHING!

He plays the humble and meek card when interviewed, the victim of a cruel twist of so-called justice. He "longs', "aches" to return to Thailand.

He speaks of reconciliation yet has an agenda of revenge.

When asked if he wants to go home he never says, "I'd be on the next plane" or explains why he cannot return home, that he is scared of revenge by one or more of his legion of enemies.

He is safe in Dubai, in his palatial exile surroundings,guarded by well paid ex military types, but back here in his own country, he knows there are still those with a long memory and longer knives.

He tries to play the role of an important mover and shaker in world affairs, instead he is probably regarded by those that count as nothing more than a petty upstart with a lot of money who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Sincerity to him is merely an act, a brief performance for the cameras.

As many have said before, the country is being run by an elected government, chosen by the people, but controlled by Thaksin.

If this impediment was removed from the equation, I firmly believe this country would have a real chance.

But as they may say in the desert, he may be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time.

And what about all his corrupt opponents? Can you make another offtopic forum rule-breaking post (type size) highlighting all their crimes and corruptions? Maybe if you and enough other people shout loudly enough, the poeples' eyes will be opened, enough, to drive the lot of them out.......once and for all time.

I hear what you're saying about his opponents, but they're the lesserr of two evils at this point. The onus is on you. Can't you folks come up with anyone better than someone that sees corruption as "normal" and has stolen Billions already? Come on, who's your next choice?

Edited by lannarebirth
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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time.

Reconciliation is like trying to 'kick a dead horse'

I see nothing on the horizon regarding coupists acknowledging frustrations with their unelectableness, and submitting to electoral democracy, their ongoing denial of political space to the electables, and I see no acknowledgement by anyone responsible for the murders by coupists of taxpayers who challenged their power-grab.

Until that happens, just 'fohget' about reconciliation.

Regarding the points made above, let me offer some alternatives:

  • The last election showed how highly Thaksin is regarded by non-coupist voters. Why should those who are negatively affected by his electoral strengths due to their own electoral weakness, deny him.
  • Each Government ushers in its' own people when elected. Every change of Government brings along with it a broom to sweep out the old, and bring in their own people, not cronies, but those sympathetic to the cause which got them elected. Abhi. and Co. are welcome to do likewise, in the unlikely event he could muster an electoral win next time around.
  • All Political Parties develop and advance their political base. The Democrats do it in the South. The vehicles whereby they do that is no business of the Opposition. I'll take Red Shirt Villages any day, over murderous coupists.
  • The main cause of divisiveness is the inability of the Opposition to be elected. So they seek other ways of gaining governing power to which they feel entitled. That notion has been behind everything, which was amply demonstrated with their supremely divisive power grab in 2006.
  • Having alternative advocates on one's behalf is normal. Whether via Amsterdam, or creating all the phony proxy groups the opposition tries to hide behind.
  • Apply the Nitirat proposals as a way of cleansing recent political history. Events whereby the coupists both tried to criminalize those they 'couped' out of existence, and whereby they characterize those who stood up to their coup as anarchic, anti-social elements.
  • Provide restitution to all those taxpayers who were negatively affected to the extreme, by not only the coupist power grab, but also all the egregious actions they undertook to retain their ill-gotten gains. Murders and constitution tampering.
  • Apply taxation policies evenly to all citizens, and quit using legalities to crucify political enemies. Leave the judiciaL system out of politics.
  • Quit trying to silence political enemies through undemocratic means. Let Democracy and electoral politics take their natural course.

There are many more initiatives required to advance Democracy in Thailand. The above merely responds to those highlighted by the Poster.

You obviously just write about the first thing that comes into your head,..,,,,for you alone, the COUP was completely Bloodless,and the people were quite happy to use the opportunity for a photo shoot with the Army and the Tanks in Bangkok.

It's hard to take your posts seriously,when you keep using that silly word "Coupist" (that is not even in my two English dictionaries )that appear in 90% of your Posts.

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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time.

And what about all his corrupt opponents? Can you make another offtopic forum rule-breaking post (type size) highlighting all their crimes and corruptions? Maybe if you and enough other people shout loudly enough, the poeples' eyes will be opened, enough, to drive the lot of them out.......once and for all time.

I hear what you're saying about his opponents, but they're the lesserr of two evils at this point. The onus is on you. Can't you folks come up with anyone better than someone that sees corruption as "normal" and has stolen Billions already? Come on, who's your next choice?

the next family member deserves a chance

Give Payup Shinawatra a crack at it...


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regarding the 66 million people comment :

Regarding the constitution amendment, Thaksin pointed out that some 66 million people support the movement.

The problem is TANN's inability to actually quote people or accurately repeat information in other reports from which they plagiarize.

From Bloomberg : http://www.bloomberg.com/video/87843960/

Changing the constitution to make it more democratic has “almost consensus” support among Thailand’s 66 million people,

And Bloomberg's report used the 66 million figure. Thaksin did not say that himself in the interview posted on the Bloomberg site.

The interview ; http://www.bloomberg.com/video/87843960/

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regarding the 66 million people comment :

Regarding the constitution amendment, Thaksin pointed out that some 66 million people support the movement.

The problem is TANN's inability to actually quote people or accurately repeat information in other reports from which they plagiarize.

From Bloomberg : http://www.bloomberg...video/87843960/

Changing the constitution to make it more democratic has “almost consensus” support among Thailand’s 66 million people,

And Bloomberg's report used the 66 million figure. Thaksin did not say that himself in the interview posted on the Bloomberg site.

The interview ; http://www.bloomberg...video/87843960/

The video of the interview is only a 3 minute long snippet of an interview by Bloomberg.

Do you have any proof for your assertion that the TAN news OP was directly lifted ("plagarized" as you accuse) from the Bloomberg interview?

Was he not interviewed by any other news source while he was in Korea?

It's quite possible for Thaksin to say one thing in one interview and something different in another interview. He's done that before.

At the end of the day.... either statement by Thaksin is false. The latter statement is just as false and runs contrary to published sentiment in numerous polls by several different pollsters.


Edited by Buchholz
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For the un-initiated, Thaksin has platinum mines in Zimbabwe, not diamonds.

Also for the unaware, it's difficult to imagine that the despot Mugabe wasn't involved in business dealings within his country that involves billions of U.S. dollars.

If this is true, and I have no knowledge one way or the other, it is absolute dynamite and enough to destroy Thaksin's international reputation for ever.It would also give context to the appointment of a certain PTP female Minister not persona grata in the US.

So can you put some flesh on the charge? This isn't a wind up.I would be genuinely impressed if this accusation could be made to stick.

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For the un-initiated, Thaksin has platinum mines in Zimbabwe, not diamonds.

Also for the unaware, it's difficult to imagine that the despot Mugabe wasn't involved in business dealings within his country that involves billions of U.S. dollars.

If this is true, and I have no knowledge one way or the other, it is absolute dynamite and enough to destroy Thaksin's international reputation for ever.It would also give context to the appointment of a certain PTP female Minister not persona grata in the US.

So can you put some flesh on the charge? This isn't a wind up.I would be genuinely impressed if this accusation could be made to stick.

You're going to have to wait like everyone else for when he dumps all that toxic waste into Thailand's newly established "sovereign wealth fund". How do you people live with yourselves, seriously? You want to talk about the "elite" university you went to one day and then act like you don't know anything the next. Good money in that?

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You're going to have to wait like everyone else for when he dumps all that toxic waste into Thailand's newly established "sovereign wealth fund". How do you people live with yourselves, seriously? You want to talk about the "elite" university you went to one day and then act like you don't know anything the next. Good money in that?

I don't really understand what you're saying but I deduce you have no idea about the Zimbabwe connection.Probably not worth a post you might on reflection consider.

The "varsity" thing is a light hearted windup by the way.

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For the un-initiated, Thaksin has platinum mines in Zimbabwe, not diamonds.

Also for the unaware, it's difficult to imagine that the despot Mugabe wasn't involved in business dealings within his country that involves billions of U.S. dollars.

If this is true, and I have no knowledge one way or the other, it is absolute dynamite and enough to destroy Thaksin's international reputation for ever.It would also give context to the appointment of a certain PTP female Minister not persona grata in the US.

So can you put some flesh on the charge? This isn't a wind up.I would be genuinely impressed if this accusation could be made to stick.

I recall there was a thread long time ago in the News Forum where Thaksin in an interview said he would go to Africa to invest in gold mines.Can't be ar**ed to look it up but google is your friend.
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I like the guy, he keeps everyone on TVF talking and on their toes, some even pulling their hair out. The Gov opposition, well it gives them something to talk about when there is nothing to report on Yingluck. It will go on as long as you want it to. O and I reckon he has always been unfairly treated and innocent of all the false charges. Are there any.

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For the un-initiated, Thaksin has platinum mines in Zimbabwe, not diamonds.

Also for the unaware, it's difficult to imagine that the despot Mugabe wasn't involved in business dealings within his country that involves billions of U.S. dollars.

If this is true, and I have no knowledge one way or the other, it is absolute dynamite and enough to destroy Thaksin's international reputation for ever.It would also give context to the appointment of a certain PTP female Minister not persona grata in the US.

So can you put some flesh on the charge? This isn't a wind up.I would be genuinely impressed if this accusation could be made to stick.

I dont know about Zimbabwe.

If you look at Thaksin's business interests, he lists gold mines in Uganda, its common knowledge most of the gold exported from Uganda comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and I think you know that means.

However the paper thin cover is good enough to get away with having such 'business interests'.

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For the un-initiated, Thaksin has platinum mines in Zimbabwe, not diamonds.

Also for the unaware, it's difficult to imagine that the despot Mugabe wasn't involved in business dealings within his country that involves billions of U.S. dollars.

If this is true, and I have no knowledge one way or the other, it is absolute dynamite and enough to destroy Thaksin's international reputation for ever.It would also give context to the appointment of a certain PTP female Minister not persona grata in the US.

So can you put some flesh on the charge? This isn't a wind up.I would be genuinely impressed if this accusation could be made to stick.

I dont know about Zimbabwe.

If you look at Thaksin's business interests, he lists gold mines in Uganda, its common knowledge most of the gold exported from Uganda comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and I think you know that means.

However the paper thin cover is good enough to get away with having such 'business interests'.

I wonder if he have a cut in the oil drilling in Bangkok?

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For the un-initiated, Thaksin has platinum mines in Zimbabwe, not diamonds.

Also for the unaware, it's difficult to imagine that the despot Mugabe wasn't involved in business dealings within his country that involves billions of U.S. dollars.

If this is true, and I have no knowledge one way or the other, it is absolute dynamite and enough to destroy Thaksin's international reputation for ever.It would also give context to the appointment of a certain PTP female Minister not persona grata in the US.

So can you put some flesh on the charge? This isn't a wind up.I would be genuinely impressed if this accusation could be made to stick.

I dont know about Zimbabwe.

If you look at Thaksin's business interests, he lists gold mines in Uganda, its common knowledge most of the gold exported from Uganda comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and I think you know that means.

However the paper thin cover is good enough to get away with having such 'business interests'.

I wonder if he have a cut in the oil drilling in Bangkok?

If there are people being murdered I am sure he will be at the head of the queue to join in.cowboy.gif

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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time.

And what about all his corrupt opponents? Can you make another offtopic forum rule-breaking post (type size) highlighting all their crimes and corruptions? Maybe if you and enough other people shout loudly enough, the poeples' eyes will be opened, enough, to drive the lot of them out.......once and for all time.

I hear what you're saying about his opponents, but they're the lesserr of two evils at this point. The onus is on you. Can't you folks come up with anyone better than someone that sees corruption as "normal" and has stolen Billions already? Come on, who's your next choice?

The next choice isn't an individual. It's a sea change. The current patronage system is self-perpetuating, with or without Thaksin. What Thailand needs is democracy with <deleted>, democracy that gives elected politicians the power to tear apart the old patronage networks, as has happened in other parts of SE Asia to such hugely beneficial effects for their populations. Of course, it will be a difficult first few years, dominated by Thaksin (isn't it thus, anyway?). But he will run his race, and newer, more forward-thinking politicians will come to the fore eventually, (as always happens in modern democracies), and Thailand will finally join the twentyfirst century. Going into reverse gear to avoid Thaksin is an abject failure. The good old days are gone.

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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time.

And what about all his corrupt opponents? Can you make another offtopic forum rule-breaking post (type size) highlighting all their crimes and corruptions? Maybe if you and enough other people shout loudly enough, the poeples' eyes will be opened, enough, to drive the lot of them out.......once and for all time.

I hear what you're saying about his opponents, but they're the lesserr of two evils at this point. The onus is on you. Can't you folks come up with anyone better than someone that sees corruption as "normal" and has stolen Billions already? Come on, who's your next choice?

The next choice isn't an individual. It's a sea change. The current patronage system is self-perpetuating, with or without Thaksin. What Thailand needs is democracy with <deleted>, democracy that gives elected politicians the power to tear apart the old patronage networks, as has happened in other parts of SE Asia to such hugely beneficial effects for their populations. Of course, it will be a difficult first few years, dominated by Thaksin (isn't it thus, anyway?). But he will run his race, and newer, more forward-thinking politicians will come to the fore eventually, (as always happens in modern democracies), and Thailand will finally join the twentyfirst century. Going into reverse gear to avoid Thaksin is an abject failure. The good old days are gone.

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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time.

And what about all his corrupt opponents? Can you make another offtopic forum rule-breaking post (type size) highlighting all their crimes and corruptions? Maybe if you and enough other people shout loudly enough, the poeples' eyes will be opened, enough, to drive the lot of them out.......once and for all time.

I hear what you're saying about his opponents, but they're the lesserr of two evils at this point. The onus is on you. Can't you folks come up with anyone better than someone that sees corruption as "normal" and has stolen Billions already? Come on, who's your next choice?

The next choice isn't an individual. It's a sea change. The current patronage system is self-perpetuating, with or without Thaksin. What Thailand needs is democracy with <deleted>, democracy that gives elected politicians the power to tear apart the old patronage networks, as has happened in other parts of SE Asia to such hugely beneficial effects for their populations. Of course, it will be a difficult first few years, dominated by Thaksin (isn't it thus, anyway?). But he will run his race, and newer, more forward-thinking politicians will come to the fore eventually, (as always happens in modern democracies), and Thailand will finally join the twentyfirst century. Going into reverse gear to avoid Thaksin is an abject failure. The good old days are gone.

Are you saying that Thailand is already a Democracy?

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The next choice isn't an individual. It's a sea change. The current patronage system is self-perpetuating, with or without Thaksin. What Thailand needs is democracy with <deleted>, democracy that gives elected politicians the power to tear apart the old patronage networks, as has happened in other parts of SE Asia to such hugely beneficial effects for their populations. Of course, it will be a difficult first few years, dominated by Thaksin (isn't it thus, anyway?). But he will run his race, and newer, more forward-thinking politicians will come to the fore eventually, (as always happens in modern democracies), and Thailand will finally join the twentyfirst century. Going into reverse gear to avoid Thaksin is an abject failure. The good old days are gone.

Are you saying that Thailand is already a Democracy?

No. It's a managed democracy, and the managers (all of them, from all sides) need hoofing.

btw, I'm not bothered about you changing font in my quoted posts, but the mods don't like it. Don't want to see a poster who I like and respect getting into trouble unnecessarily.

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I like the guy, he keeps everyone on TVF talking and on their toes, some even pulling their hair out. The Gov opposition, well it gives them something to talk about when there is nothing to report on Yingluck. It will go on as long as you want it to. O and I reckon he has always been unfairly treated and innocent of all the false charges. Are there any.

I'm sure he's innocent of all the false charges. The true charges are another story.

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