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"why Do Farang Only Marry The Ugly Leftovers?"

Stephen Cleary

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Yes, interesting thread.

I don't worry about other's prejudices and never have. If I were to marry a Thai I would not worry about the shade of her brown skin one bit. In the states I've been with several women who must have been blind. And I would likely want a nice looking Thai woman as well, no matter her skin shade.

Do the sage hands here really think it would negatively affect a couple's life if she were pretty to me, but ugly to Thais?

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i feel sorry for them as their boyfriends haven't a clue what embarassment they are sufferring.

Actually, you have a good point there that applies to many Thai/farang relationships. The language/cultural barrier prevents true understanding, and so many Thai wives are truly unhappy with their farang husbands, but unable to effectively communicate.

They try passive-aggressive signals that would register with a Thai male, but a farang male might be clueless about picking up on them (or just not care). He might also try to make her feel better in a rational, logical, WESTERN manner, but it often just makes her feel worse.

A while ago I met a farang friend of a coworker. We were at dinner and he introduced me to his girlfriend who was clearly a "working girl" complete with a huge spiderweb tattoo ON HER NECK!. She could barely put two words together in English, and yet this farang was going on about how they were about to get married, yada-yada-yada, you've heard it all before. He was asking me for wedding advice because I had just gotten married, and I did my best to clue him in to cultural differences between Western and Thai weddings. I rambled on a bit about my wife and our wedding and the whole time, his girlfriend was making flirty eyes at me while her friend translated what I was saying.

Anyway, so this guy gets up to go to the bathroom, and what does she do? Makes a pass at me!! Geesh! I'm thinking that's just about the ugliest, nastiest thing a woman could do to her fiance', but how's he going to know what kind of woman she is when he can't even talk to her in the same language? "Gin kao mai?" and "Bai Tesco, su Beer Chang" doesn't cut it when it comes to the kinds of conversations you need to have to truly understand and love someone AS A PERSON, and not just a bedmate.

I bet a lot of guys are in the same boat. Convinced that their money, passport, white skin, and sexual appetite has completely won her love, but in reality, completely clueless as to what she's ACTUALLY thinking.

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Pudgi, do wake up early of a morning to practice being this pretentious?

Go back to your teaching kid.


/Edit - specifically:

I bet a lot of guys are in the same boat. Convinced that their money, passport, white skin, and sexual appetite has completely won her love, but in reality, completely clueless as to what she's ACTUALLY thinking.
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So you say that generalising Thai men as heavy drinkers is wrong , it should be that uneducated Thai men living in rural areas are heavy drinkers. Any chance of some links to your statistics.

I'd love to know where these men actually get the money to sit around drinking all day.

It's hard to make a living being drunk all day. Don't I know it.

But seriously though, even with those fairly well off, I'd say the drinking is pretty heavy.


Edited by Heng
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If You Wanna Be Happy

Jimmy Soul

If you wanna be happy

For the rest of your life,

Never make a pretty woman your wife,

So from my personal point of view,

Get an ugly girl to marry you.

A pretty woman makes her husband look small

And very often causes his downfall.

As soon as he marries her

Then she starts to do

The things that will break his heart.

But if you make an ugly woman your wife,

You'll be happy for the rest of your life,

An ugly woman cooks her meals on time,

She'll always give you peace of mind.

Don't let your friends say

You have no taste,

Go ahead and marry anyway,

Though her face is ugly,

Her eyes don't match,

Take it from me she's a better catch.

Say man.

Hey baby.

Saw your wife the other day.


Yeah, she's ugly.

Yeah, she's ugly but she sure can cook.

Yeah?. Okay.

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Interesting to see this topic has cut a few raw nerves with people.

I have to agree with the OP, I see a lot of normal looking middle age guys walking around with what my gf calls "Issan soi dogs". 1 kid obvioiusly from a previous Thai husband and 1 kid there own. I can appreciate the "she's beautiful to me" argument but the interesting thing is these couples never look happy and are always arguing.

The guy often has the "how did my life end up like this" look on his face when your eyes meet.

The disturbing trend is I'm seeing more and more young decent looking guys walking around with the afore mentioned women :o

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I think many of those hi-so women would secretly prefer to have a farang husband over an asian one, as long as he's hi-so as well.  A luk krueng wouldn't hurt things either.

Dead on right. I can't count the number of times my wife's friends have asked her to introduce them to a well-educated, socially-presentable foreigner. And, no, having read through the posts on this thread, I don't think I'm going to mention any of you guys to her as likely candidates.........

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> I have to agree with the OP, I see a lot of normal looking middle age guys walking

> around with what my gf calls "Issan soi dogs".

Charming girlfriend you have there.

> 1 kid obvioiusly from a previous Thai husband and 1 kid there own. I can appreciate

> the "she's beautiful to me" argument but the interesting thing is these couples never

> look happy and are always arguing.

...It's hereby demonstrated that a racial imbalance in offspring significantly contributes to unhappyness and having arguments.

> The guy often has the "how did my life end up like this" look on his face

> when your eyes meet.

Ah, THAT look.

> The disturbing trend is I'm seeing more and more young decent

> looking guys walking around with the afore mentioned women

Out of all the disturbing trends out there in the world.. :o



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Interesting to see this topic has cut a few raw nerves with people.

I have to agree with the OP, I see a lot of normal looking middle age guys walking around with what my gf calls "Issan soi dogs". 1 kid obvioiusly from a previous Thai husband and 1 kid there own. I can appreciate the "she's beautiful to me" argument but the interesting thing is these couples never look happy and are always arguing.

The guy often has the "how did my life end up like this" look on his face when your eyes meet.

You observe well mate!

It's amazing what someone just off the boat can see as attractive - there should be a warning at the airport!

Thai people can take one look at the woman and tell her background.

One I always notice is the posture and table manners.

One good thing about those farm girls is they do anything :o to please their farang.

Farang don't only marry the ugly Thais - my wife is beautiful and well brought up. We met whilst travelling in Europe. Next time you see a pretty normal looking guy with a Isarn horror and you ask them how they met - guess what the answer will be? If they are both happy with this, there is no problem but they do make the rest of us look bad.

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If You Wanna Be Happy

Jimmy Soul

If you wanna be happy

For the rest of your life,

Never make a pretty woman your wife,

So from my personal point of view,

Get an ugly girl to marry you.

A pretty woman makes her husband look small

And very often causes his downfall.

As soon as he marries her

Then she starts to do

The things that will break his heart.

But if you make an ugly woman your wife,

You'll be happy for the rest of your life,

An ugly woman cooks her meals on time,

She'll always give you peace of mind.

Don't let your friends say

You have no taste,

Go ahead and marry anyway,

Though her face is ugly,

Her eyes don't match,

Take it from me she's a better catch.

Say man.

Hey baby.

Saw your wife the other day.


Yeah, she's ugly.

Yeah, she's ugly but she sure can cook.

Yeah?. Okay.


Now I will be single thej rest of my life... :D:D:D

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If they are both happy with this, there is no problem but they do make the rest of us look bad.

Why do they make you look bad?

And why'll I'm here, whats all this sh1t about Issan horrors? Are there no horrors from the rest of Thailand?

Man, some people sure do get stuck up when they get a decent looking gf.

True you see some skanky women with handsome guys and skanky guys with beautiful girls, thats the same all over the world.

Whats the point of this thread?

Edited by bkkmadness
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Is there any reason why everyone seems to be taking a swipe at Issan girls... surely ugly or less attractive women can be found all over thailand, indeed all over the world.

@ bkkmadness sorry for repeating - must have been typing at same time there

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Is there any reason why everyone seems to be taking a swipe at Issan girls... surely ugly or less attractive women can be found all over thailand, indeed all over the world.

@ bkkmadness sorry for repeating - must have been typing at same time there

no worries dude. It seems Issan and ugly seems to be the same word for many of the farang in Thailand that didnt get a gf from Issan.

I guess thats the discrimination that their gf has drummed into them to prove how much higher she is than those 'dirty ugly brown low class farm girls.'

check this:

I see a lot of normal looking middle age guys walking around with what my gf calls "Issan soi dogs".

What a charming girl, whats the term for someone like that, 'speaks like a dog'?

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i think " ugly -pretty" it's just preference..how people can score it?

somebody looks good for someone , and maybe look ugly for other sight..

Miss Universe can be an ugly duck( and never becomes a swan,) in african tribe (who has a small plate at lip) ..or in karen who has long neck.

i still think ..whatever you guys have ugly partner (from other people think)..but i bet your partner is the most beautiful in youre eyes

so...who cares those people?

me.......NO!! :o

and my Pretty Chomchai can be a hottest chick in her moo baan though :D

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bkkmadness - why do they make me look bad?

Is it not obvious?

Have you never experienced the Thai people laughing and giving snide remarks at you thinking that you married a woman from a farm with a face like a gorilla.

It's fine where I live but in bangkok another matter.

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Interesting to see this topic has cut a few raw nerves with people.

I have to agree with the OP, I see a lot of normal looking middle age guys walking around with what my gf calls "Issan soi dogs". 1 kid obvioiusly from a previous Thai husband and 1 kid there own. I can appreciate the "she's beautiful to me" argument but the interesting thing is these couples never look happy and are always arguing.

The guy often has the "how did my life end up like this" look on his face when your eyes meet.

You observe well mate!

It's amazing what someone just off the boat can see as attractive - there should be a warning at the airport!

Thai people can take one look at the woman and tell her background.

One I always notice is the posture and table manners.

One good thing about those farm girls is they do anything :o to please their farang.

Farang don't only marry the ugly Thais - my wife is beautiful and well brought up. We met whilst travelling in Europe. Next time you see a pretty normal looking guy with a Isarn horror and you ask them how they met - guess what the answer will be? If they are both happy with this, there is no problem but they do make the rest of us look bad.

There is something that I find very funny...

Thai girls with white skin seem to be pretty in Thailand...indeed I think most women want to be white skin...

In Europe most people want to have brown skin...


I said many times to my female thai friends that I don´t like white skin...do not look nice TO ME in asian women, arabic... as well as I don´t like when north european people are too brown...I don´t know what it is but I just don´t like it

This obssesion to look just as the magazine top models culture is ruining the world variety of race...

SARABURIOZ can you please define to me well brought up?

Next time you see a pretty normal looking guy with a Isarn horror

maybe your wife is well brought up but you not so much (under my definition of an educated person).

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bkkmadness - why do they make me look bad?

Is it not obvious?

Have you never experienced the Thai people laughing and giving snide remarks at you thinking that you married a woman from a farm with a face like a gorilla.

It's fine where I live but in bangkok another matter.

I've never experienced that. And if people wanna make those remarks at other farang/thai couples, then thats their problem.

I don't see how it makes me look bad?

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bkkmadness - why do they make me look bad?

Is it not obvious?

Have you never experienced the Thai people laughing and giving snide remarks at you thinking that you married a woman from a farm with a face like a gorilla.

It's fine where I live but in bangkok another matter.

No - Ive not experienced that, possibly because my wife doesnt have a face like a gorilla... why have you???

so assuming "poor issan farm girl" doesnt have a "face like a gorilla", would i still be laughed at because i "married a woman from a farm"?

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Interesting to see this topic has cut a few raw nerves with people.

I have to agree with the OP, I see a lot of normal looking middle age guys walking around with what my gf calls "Issan soi dogs". 1 kid obvioiusly from a previous Thai husband and 1 kid there own. I can appreciate the "she's beautiful to me" argument but the interesting thing is these couples never look happy and are always arguing.

The guy often has the "how did my life end up like this" look on his face when your eyes meet.

Who was the scrote that said the above? :o

Nice to see that his wife is racist scum. :D

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> Have you never experienced the Thai people laughing and giving snide

> remarks at you thinking that you married a woman from a farm with a

> face like a gorilla.

Not really, no. Also if you accused my wife of being off a farm then she'd run you over with her Kubota tractor. :o

> It's fine where I live but in bangkok another matter.

Please. It's a phase. London in the 80's was all about show-off yuppie pansies. Even the worst alledgedly hi-so bigots in Bangkok will grow out of it.



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Bkkmadness asks 'what's the point of this thread?'

Then, may ask 'What's the point of many a thread here on these forums?" which continually read like a platoon of expats who come to Thailand while riding their gallant high horses feeling so handsome, wonderful and superior to all the locals?

Turn the table just a bit and they 'go off their heads'!

One reason i started this thread was after reading other posts by misled farangs and their preconceptions of how wonderful they always looked in the eyes of Thai society.

BTW; in my opinion, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

My wife may be a fair-skinned Chinese-Thai from a middle-class family.

That does not however, give me the right to go round criticizing others whose girlfriend is a dark-skinned Isaaner. Should anyone wish to marry into a poor farming family that is their business. And good luck on them.

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> My wife may be a fair-skinned Chinese-Thai from a middle-class family.

Ok.. Nice troll bait, there..

You know what the response will be but let me tell everyone that I will have none of it.

"Incidentally my wife is ivory white Chinese-Jewish minor royalty from Pattani and lays golden eggs twice daily, but if you all want to go ahead and marry your half breed pet labrador then that's fine with me."

This topic is SO being closed real soon.. In many ways this is WORSE than the bargirl-flamefests we had before; at least those focussed on line of work and not racial/regional background.

I will wait for the first person calling you or your wife something or another and then close it. (Who's first? :o Make it good. )

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