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Might You Know These People In Chiang Mai ?

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One short dark skinned english speaking asian guy(not thai) backed up by a 6' plus very well built caucasian, both late 20s.

The short, dark skinned guy was the talker and the leader. I was hospitalised by these guys in a vicious attack in the old city Chaing Mai a month ago.

I realise its a long shot but maybe these two thugs are still around.

pm me if you think you know them



The only time I've been close to getting assaulted in CM is in bars, by fellow English. One time, years ago I was in Lucky Bar talking to, god forbid, another man. Some pissed up yob in a footie shirt was adamant we were gay and wanted to start a fight. The other time was in Mad Dog of all places. Again, some drunken Brit on a mission.....

Good luck OP

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The only time I've been close to getting assaulted in CM is in bars, by fellow English. One time, years ago I was in Lucky Bar talking to, god forbid, another man. Some pissed up yob in a footie shirt was adamant we were gay and wanted to start a fight. The other time was in Mad Dog of all places. Again, some drunken Brit on a mission.....

Good luck OP

I need to get out more often, Haven't seen "a drunk on a mission" in years.

Good luck to you too Sir. And do stay away from those nasty Brits :)


The only time I've been close to getting assaulted in CM is in bars, by fellow English. One time, years ago I was in Lucky Bar talking to, god forbid, another man. Some pissed up yob in a footie shirt was adamant we were gay and wanted to start a fight. The other time was in Mad Dog of all places. Again, some drunken Brit on a mission.....

Good luck OP

I need to get out more often, Haven't seen "a drunk on a mission" in years.

Good luck to you too Sir. And do stay away from those nasty Brits smile.png

Try to read the post


Sorry to hear you were assaulted. What was the situation? Was it some altercation that escalated or just a mugging? Did you report it to the police?

Although from the frequent sarcastic posts on TV, I see that the BIB are unfortunately not very helpful. Hope you recovered without any lasting effect and they catch the bums.


I am interested to hear more about this, could you expand on the events a little more, day- night, sober, alone, robbed, unprovoked etc. Did they happen to be in a gay bar (im not taking the piss) It sounds like they may have been a couple. I am sorry to hear you were assaulted and hope you find them and persue thier arrest and compensation for your losses.


How you describe these guys, I have seen scores just like them around and about.

Could you be more specific? For example; when did the assault take place, where, about what time and what were the circumstances which led up to the assault?

Although they spoke English, what nationality would you guess they are and what sort of clothes were they wearing at the time?

As who knows? Someone on here may recognise them and spill the beans.

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From the OP's report there is Very little to go on, and there USUALLY has to be some sort of situation to get an assault started... unless it was a straight out mugging for cash. I've been coming to Thailand for 15 years and spend 5 months of the year here... in many of the seedier locations and late at night, and I've never even remotely been threatened. I can't say the same for Angeles City in the Philippines, though.


The only time I've been close to getting assaulted in CM is in bars, by fellow English. One time, years ago I was in Lucky Bar talking to, god forbid, another man. Some pissed up yob in a footie shirt was adamant we were gay and wanted to start a fight. The other time was in Mad Dog of all places. Again, some drunken Brit on a mission.....

Good luck OP

I need to get out more often, Haven't seen "a drunk on a mission" in years.

Good luck to you too Sir. And do stay away from those nasty Brits smile.png

Try to read the post

I have read it several times so respectfully request you let me know what you think I missed. Thanks.


I have to admit that this topic mystifies me.

I sympathize with the OP, but don't know what good it is to post a very limited description of 2 assailants.

Where exactly did this assault take place? And on what day and time?

If the OP does not want to post this, I understand.

Sorry this had to happen.


It's also very close to a 'locating people' post, which is typically not allowed on the forum.

And if the description actually was better then it would get into slander territory, especially without any other source or article to back it all up.

Thirdly, it's been 24 hours and the OP hasn't been back.


it could be a case where "he would later succumb to his wounds after posting a last ditch effort plea to the good people of TV"


It's also very close to a 'locating people' post, which is typically not allowed on the forum.

And if the description actually was better then it would get into slander territory, especially without any other source or article to back it all up.

Thirdly, it's been 24 hours and the OP hasn't been back.

And it happened one month before any post to TV. OP, do you think maybe your a little late?


The only time I've been close to getting assaulted in CM is in bars, by fellow English. One time, years ago I was in Lucky Bar talking to, god forbid, another man. Some pissed up yob in a footie shirt was adamant we were gay and wanted to start a fight. The other time was in Mad Dog of all places. Again, some drunken Brit on a mission.....

Good luck OP

I need to get out more often, Haven't seen "a drunk on a mission" in years.

Good luck to you too Sir. And do stay away from those nasty Brits smile.png

Try to read the post

I have read it several times so respectfully request you let me know what you think I missed. Thanks.

How about the bit that said..........."english speaking asian guy".... "english speaking"......"english speaking"...........Does that help? No Judgment…….But I take it you don’t like Brits, are you Australian?


I'm a short, dark-skinned English-speaking Asian guy and I was wondering why normally friendly Caucasians have recently been crossing the street to avoid me. I thought it was my body odor, but now think I understand.

Now, I don't have a 6' Caucasian backing me up, but Mrs. T, who often accompanies me, can be an intimidating presence. Could the OP perhaps have meant 6 inches, describing the Caucasian's appendage? Mrs. T doesn't poses one of those, though she has been described by both detractors and admirers alike as a woman with some balls.

In short, I'm confused.



>> a 6' plus very well built caucasian

That must obviously be me.. :)

>>One short dark skinned english speaking asian guy

Guessing that is probably WinnieTheKwai. The only thing is, we are slightly older than our twenties. However, with our charmingly great looks, I can easily see how that mistake could be made.


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Does the farang member of the pair have a penchant for going shirtless and have tattoos covering most of his torso and legs? Is the Asian guy like an Indian, Nepalese, Bangladeshi kinda Asian? If so i think I spotted them at Chiang Mai Ram on Monday morning at 9:30 in front of the cashiers desk with a couple of bargirls in tow. We didn't didn't exchange pleasantries as they didn't seem the type who would appreciate that sort of thing.

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