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Stop Popping Pills, Thai Public Health Warns


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It's not just the doctors.... anytime my Thai friends have so much as a sniffle or cough, they're headed to the doctor or pharmacy for a magic pill. It's a cold...it'll pass in 7-10 days whether you take drugs or not. Ok, maybe you can mask the symptoms a bit but antibiotics?

I went in because I had an ear infection that wouldn't go away after a few days. I was given antibiotics (understandable in this case) and a boat load of other meds that I couldn't tell you what they were. Unfortunately they're written in Thai and I can't read Thai so I'm not even sure which one is the antibiotic!

I've heard that Thailand has the most cases of liver disease per capita.... it's no wonder.

Last thing....I see some comments here about MSG and I have yet to find any written proof that it is bad for you. I'm not saying it is or isn't because I don't know. I've never read any solid evidence that it is bad for you (no worse than salt or sugar...and definitely not as bad as aspartame!)...but I would really like to see some legit research if someone has a real link.

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Even with the transplant you'll only get another 5 placebo-years.

My doctor always prescribes a fast acting placebo when I get sick.

Can placebo affect your liver like aspirin, and should you take it after meal?

It can affect your liver, but you can always get placebo liver transplant.

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the above post makes a good distinction re; ailments: root cause vs symptoms.

The average hospital visitor will probably get six packages of pills prescribed. Of those, perhaps one or two may treat the cause of the ailment, whereas the majority of pills are earmarked to deal with the symptoms, and even those are of dubious value. Tylenol aspirin is prescribed for nearly every patient who goes in and out a hospital front door - that adds up to millions of Tylenol pills sold per day in Thailand. The Tylenol company must love their lock on Thai hospitals, and Tylenol is just one of several drug corporations which have a tight grip on what doctors prescribe, and they're all making money in the process.

Tylenol contains acetaminophen one of the biggest causes of premature liver failure.

More than 30,000 cases per year of acetaminophen overdose are reported to the American Association of Poison Control Centers (Bartlett D 2004). It is a leading cause of liver failure in the Western world and the leading cause of drug-induced liver failure in the United States (Bartlett D 2004). http://www.lef.org/m...minophen_01.htm

That might be an added incentive to prescribe Tylenol like there's no tomorrow - an added boon to fatten doctors' wallets, when patients get liver trouble later on.

Great collage of Whitney Houston's face.

I'm waiting for the day when Thai authorities start looking in to the Thai habit of putting MSG in nearly all cooked food, whether knowingly or not (it's in all cooking sauces). A significant proportion of pill popping by Thais is probably in response to the crap-head symptoms of MSG ingestion.

Whenever there's a VIP function with foreign dignitaries in Thailand, MSG is not allowed in the food. Authorties in vaulted positions know MSG is harmful - but the heck with the little people - we're just dumb peasants, and will eat whatever makes our rice taste saltier.

Who are these "authorities in vaulted positions" ? MSG is a food enhancer approved safe for use by Food and Drug authorities world-wide. After a century of use, there is no scientific evidence that there are any harmful effects of it's usage by the general population.........including "crap-head symptoms" Sanuk

'Authorities in vaulted positions' refers to those who plan banquets for esteemed foreign guests. Without exception, they know not to include MSG in such meals.

Granted, 'crap-head symptoms' sounds childish, but I could elaborate, would you like me to? I'll say this: of the farang I know who reside in Thailand (some of whom are doctors and/or health care specialists), none, I repeat NONE of them will ingest MSG nor allow anyone in their families to do so. There are many reasons why MSG is harmful, but the OP is not about MSG. Even so, I stand by my projection that, one reason why so many Thais are running to hospitals and clinics, is (at least partly) due to bad symptoms from MSG - which is endemic in Thai food. There's also no such thing as a fresh salad in Thai cuisine, but that's another topic.

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Same in UK and USA. You lot must use the wrong doctors because my Thai doctor never gives me pills. When I have had some health issues we've worked together to resolve them. You should find yourselves new doctors if the ones you already have are so bad. But I think most of you make these stories up for a bit off attention. I know plenty of Thai people who don't pop pills, so maybe you hang around with the wrong people.

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I do not know of any Thai that doesn't take pills less than daily.

High Blood pressure is norm for alot, migraines, stomach ailments, gout etc

I think Diabetes will be the next issue, especially with young fat kids.

It is the culture, seeing others taking pills makes them follow,

almost like a competition to see who can take the most.

My Ex in Australia (Thai) used to brag to friends about pills he was getting cheaply

on trips to Thailand. A Thayang Pharmacy was very obliging to him, even suppositories for migraines.

He was most upset when the Australian Immigration took away his sudafed for headaches

but it is a component in illegal drug manufacturing.

Plus the Thais aren't the healthiest of people, look at what they eat.

Old people, as in Western Countries, love attention as they get older and

going to the doctor to have a 'chat' usually ends up them happy to spend their

Social Security money on medication.

Thailand needs a data base for people's medications to see who is using what and how much

but realistically I can't see that happening.

Even Celebrities are killing themslves with medication. eg. Heath Ledger, Whitney Houston

Good post.

I know this is slightly off topic but I want to say it anyway. I have recently been introduced to Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar by a friend who swears by it's healing qualities. He had been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for the last 3-4 years and tried everything, with regards to medication, with no affect but now says that he takes daily doses of this natural medicine and has never felt better.

Furthermore, he has recommended it to many others who were suffering from a who range of complaints from Diabetes to Back pain, Arthritis to skin complaints and even gout, and all say they are at least in a lot less pain, if not totally cured. Apparently the high level of Potassium content is the main healing ingredient: "Potassium's main function is to promote cell, tissue and organism growth. It is necessary to replace dead cells and tissue. There is no better source of potassium than vinegar - particularly natural organic apple cider vinegar."

Other illnesses it can cure are: sinus infections, high cholesteral, flu, chronic fatigue, candida, acid reflux, sore throats and people are raving about the curing of chronic skin conditions such as acne, rosacea and even dermatitis.

It is a winner and it's available in Thailand, so no need to get bag-fulls of non-effective pills from anyone thats willing to sell em to you.

For more info: http://www.earthclin.../acvinegar.html

Good post...are you able to advise exactly which supermarket/health shop stocks this product in Bangkok please

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Great collage of Whitney Houston's face.

I'm waiting for the day when Thai authorities start looking in to the Thai habit of putting MSG in nearly all cooked food, whether knowingly or not (it's in all cooking sauces). A significant proportion of pill popping by Thais is probably in response to the crap-head symptoms of MSG ingestion.

Whenever there's a VIP function with foreign dignitaries in Thailand, MSG is not allowed in the food. Authorties in vaulted positions know MSG is harmful - but the heck with the little people - we're just dumb peasants, and will eat whatever makes our rice taste saltier.

Who are these "authorities in vaulted positions" ? MSG is a food enhancer approved safe for use by Food and Drug authorities world-wide. After a century of use, there is no scientific evidence that there are any harmful effects of it's usage by the general population.........including "crap-head symptoms" Sanuk

'Authorities in vaulted positions' refers to those who plan banquets for esteemed foreign guests. Without exception, they know not to include MSG in such meals.

Granted, 'crap-head symptoms' sounds childish, but I could elaborate, would you like me to? I'll say this: of the farang I know who reside in Thailand (some of whom are doctors and/or health care specialists), none, I repeat NONE of them will ingest MSG nor allow anyone in their families to do so. There are many reasons why MSG is harmful, but the OP is not about MSG. Even so, I stand by my projection that, one reason why so many Thais are running to hospitals and clinics, is (at least partly) due to bad symptoms from MSG - which is endemic in Thai food. There's also no such thing as a fresh salad in Thai cuisine, but that's another topic.

So I am an "authority in a vaulted position" as I also plan and prepare banquets for esteemed foreign guests.

I must be the exception to the rule as I always include lashings of MSG to demonstate an authentic thai taste experience for my visitors.

Your anecdotal "hearsay" does not provide any scientific evidence to prove that MSG is harmful.

You are entitled to your opinion but without any empirical data to say otherwise your connection between the health of thai people and MSG is tenuous at best.

Sanuk smile.png

Edited by sanuk21
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Great collage of Whitney Houston's face.

I'm waiting for the day when Thai authorities start looking in to the Thai habit of putting MSG in nearly all cooked food, whether knowingly or not (it's in all cooking sauces). A significant proportion of pill popping by Thais is probably in response to the crap-head symptoms of MSG ingestion.

Whenever there's a VIP function with foreign dignitaries in Thailand, MSG is not allowed in the food. Authorties in vaulted positions know MSG is harmful - but the heck with the little people - we're just dumb peasants, and will eat whatever makes our rice taste saltier.

Who are these "authorities in vaulted positions" ? MSG is a food enhancer approved safe for use by Food and Drug authorities world-wide. After a century of use, there is no scientific evidence that there are any harmful effects of it's usage by the general population.........including "crap-head symptoms" Sanuk

'Authorities in vaulted positions' refers to those who plan banquets for esteemed foreign guests. Without exception, they know not to include MSG in such meals.

Granted, 'crap-head symptoms' sounds childish, but I could elaborate, would you like me to? I'll say this: of the farang I know who reside in Thailand (some of whom are doctors and/or health care specialists), none, I repeat NONE of them will ingest MSG nor allow anyone in their families to do so. There are many reasons why MSG is harmful, but the OP is not about MSG. Even so, I stand by my projection that, one reason why so many Thais are running to hospitals and clinics, is (at least partly) due to bad symptoms from MSG - which is endemic in Thai food. There's also no such thing as a fresh salad in Thai cuisine, but that's another topic.

So I am an "authority in a vaulted position" as I also plan and prepare banquets for esteemed foreign guests.

I must be the exception to the rule as I always include lashings of MSG to demonstate an authentic thai taste experience for my visitors.

Your anecdotal "hearsay" does not provide any scientific evidence to prove that MSG is harmful.

You are entitled to your opinion but without any empirical data to say otherwise your connection between the health of thai people and MSG is tenuous at best.

Sanuk smile.png

MSG always makes me ill. And with the same symptoms.

I don't need some empirical study to tell me it's BAD FOR ME.

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Same in UK and USA. You lot must use the wrong doctors because my Thai doctor never gives me pills. When I have had some health issues we've worked together to resolve them. You should find yourselves new doctors if the ones you already have are so bad. But I think most of you make these stories up for a bit off attention. I know plenty of Thai people who don't pop pills, so maybe you hang around with the wrong people.

Good for you. However, it's known that Thais in general pop pills like they're m&m's, and the OP mentions that fact. Your doctor is an exception, if he doesn't prescribe loads of pills. Good for him/her, and hopefully more Thai doctors will follow that person's example. Also, 99% of regular Thais don't have the luxury of shopping around and comparing doctors.

So I am an "authority in a vaulted position" as I also plan and prepare banquets for esteemed foreign guests.

I must be the exception to the rule as I always include lashings of MSG to demonstate an authentic thai taste experience for my visitors.

Your anecdotal "hearsay" does not provide any scientific evidence to prove that MSG is harmful.

You are entitled to your opinion but without any empirical data to say otherwise your connection between the health of thai people and MSG is tenuous at best. Sanuk smile.png

If you prepare food using MSG, then you are poisoning some people, as some people suffer ill-effects from it. Perhaps it's only 15%, but are you ok with poisoning 'only' 15% of your clients? I wouldn't hire you to plan a banquet.

In several posts here on T.Visa and several letters to major newspapers I've articulated how I and many others suffer debilitating symptoms from small amounts of MSG. I resent anyone putting a substance in my food which gives me headaches, rapid/weak pulse, violent dreams (yes, it does adversely affect brains cells and, for that reason, is particularly bad for kids) and other unpleasant symptoms.

Edited by maidu
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Good Input people.....

I forgot to add in my post that there seems to be a lack of knowledge when it comes to the "Immune System"

what it is, what is does etc.

eg. Some prescription and non-prescription drugs are major toxins that many put into their bodies.

Excessive use of antibiotics and cold and fever fighting medications weakens your immune system.

Follow this slideshow > http://www.rediff.co...em/20110104.htm

Thais need to be taught about this part of the human body. Start with the young NOW!


Edited by LindsayBKK
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So I am an "authority in a vaulted position" as I also plan and prepare banquets for esteemed foreign guests.

I must be the exception to the rule as I always include lashings of MSG to demonstate an authentic thai taste experience for my visitors.

Your anecdotal "hearsay" does not provide any scientific evidence to prove that MSG is harmful.

You are entitled to your opinion but without any empirical data to say otherwise your connection between the health of thai people and MSG is tenuous at best. Sanuk smile.png

If you prepare food using MSG, then you are poisoning some people, as some people suffer ill-effects from it. Perhaps it's only 15%, but are you ok with poisoning 'only' 15% of your clients? I wouldn't hire you to plan a banquet.

In several posts here on T.Visa and several letters to major newspapers I've articulated how I and many others suffer debilitating symptoms from small amounts of MSG. I resent anyone putting a substance in my food which gives me headaches, rapid/weak pulse, violent dreams (yes, it does adversely affect brains cells and, for that reason, is particularly bad for kids) and other unpleasant symptoms.

Where did you pluck the 15% from? ....... as if I didn't know smile.png

"Perhaps"...... 0% would be closer to the real percentage of the population with an MSG intolerance.

The active radical in MSG, glutamate also occurs naturally in parmesan cheese, soy sauce, walnuts, grapes, peas, mushrooms, broccoli, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, oysters, mackerel chicken, beef, eggs and mothers' milk.

Sometimes in greater quantities than any added MSG.

Would you suggest that these foods be banned from banquets too?

The attached article link

"If MSG is so bad for you, why doesn't everyone in Asia have a headache?"

from the UK Guardian might be of interest.


Sanuk smile.png

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I do not know of any Thai that doesn't take pills less than daily.

High Blood pressure is norm for alot, migraines, stomach ailments, gout etc

I think Diabetes will be the next issue, especially with young fat kids.

It is the culture, seeing others taking pills makes them follow,

almost like a competition to see who can take the most.

My Ex in Australia (Thai) used to brag to friends about pills he was getting cheaply

on trips to Thailand. A Thayang Pharmacy was very obliging to him, even suppositories for migraines.

He was most upset when the Australian Immigration took away his sudafed for headaches

but it is a component in illegal drug manufacturing.

Plus the Thais aren't the healthiest of people, look at what they eat.

Old people, as in Western Countries, love attention as they get older and

going to the doctor to have a 'chat' usually ends up them happy to spend their

Social Security money on medication.

Thailand needs a data base for people's medications to see who is using what and how much

but realistically I can't see that happening.

Even Celebrities are killing themslves with medication. eg. Heath Ledger, Whitney Houston

Good post.

I know this is slightly off topic but I want to say it anyway. I have recently been introduced to Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar by a friend who swears by it's healing qualities. He had been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for the last 3-4 years and tried everything, with regards to medication, with no affect but now says that he takes daily doses of this natural medicine and has never felt better.

Furthermore, he has recommended it to many others who were suffering from a who range of complaints from Diabetes to Back pain, Arthritis to skin complaints and even gout, and all say they are at least in a lot less pain, if not totally cured. Apparently the high level of Potassium content is the main healing ingredient: "Potassium's main function is to promote cell, tissue and organism growth. It is necessary to replace dead cells and tissue. There is no better source of potassium than vinegar - particularly natural organic apple cider vinegar."

Other illnesses it can cure are: sinus infections, high cholesteral, flu, chronic fatigue, candida, acid reflux, sore throats and people are raving about the curing of chronic skin conditions such as acne, rosacea and even dermatitis.

It is a winner and it's available in Thailand, so no need to get bag-fulls of non-effective pills from anyone thats willing to sell em to you.

For more info: http://www.earthclin.../acvinegar.html

Good post...are you able to advise exactly which supermarket/health shop stocks this product in Bangkok please

Yes, I bought mine from Foodland in Pattaya, so expect it is in their stores. The best brand is by 'BRAGG' as this contains something they call 'The Mother' which I believe is the living organisms in it. My 1 pint bottle cost me 254 baht.

Since my post I have got another 6 people on it for their various problems - like I was told, try it for a week and see for yourself, you could be amazed.

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I do not know of any Thai that doesn't take pills less than daily.

High Blood pressure is norm for alot, migraines, stomach ailments, gout etc

I think Diabetes will be the next issue, especially with young fat kids.

It is the culture, seeing others taking pills makes them follow,

almost like a competition to see who can take the most.

My Ex in Australia (Thai) used to brag to friends about pills he was getting cheaply

on trips to Thailand. A Thayang Pharmacy was very obliging to him, even suppositories for migraines.

He was most upset when the Australian Immigration took away his sudafed for headaches

but it is a component in illegal drug manufacturing.

Plus the Thais aren't the healthiest of people, look at what they eat.

Old people, as in Western Countries, love attention as they get older and

going to the doctor to have a 'chat' usually ends up them happy to spend their

Social Security money on medication.

Thailand needs a data base for people's medications to see who is using what and how much

but realistically I can't see that happening.

Even Celebrities are killing themslves with medication. eg. Heath Ledger, Whitney Houston

Good post.

I know this is slightly off topic but I want to say it anyway. I have recently been introduced to Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar by a friend who swears by it's healing qualities. He had been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for the last 3-4 years and tried everything, with regards to medication, with no affect but now says that he takes daily doses of this natural medicine and has never felt better.

Furthermore, he has recommended it to many others who were suffering from a who range of complaints from Diabetes to Back pain, Arthritis to skin complaints and even gout, and all say they are at least in a lot less pain, if not totally cured. Apparently the high level of Potassium content is the main healing ingredient: "Potassium's main function is to promote cell, tissue and organism growth. It is necessary to replace dead cells and tissue. There is no better source of potassium than vinegar - particularly natural organic apple cider vinegar."

Other illnesses it can cure are: sinus infections, high cholesteral, flu, chronic fatigue, candida, acid reflux, sore throats and people are raving about the curing of chronic skin conditions such as acne, rosacea and even dermatitis.

It is a winner and it's available in Thailand, so no need to get bag-fulls of non-effective pills from anyone thats willing to sell em to you.

For more info: http://www.earthclin.../acvinegar.html

Good post...are you able to advise exactly which supermarket/health shop stocks this product in Bangkok please

Yes, I bought mine from Foodland in Pattaya, so expect it is in their stores. The best brand is by 'BRAGG' as this contains something they call 'The Mother' which I believe is the living organisms in it. My 1 pint bottle cost me 254 baht.

Since my post I have got another 6 people on it for their various problems - like I was told, try it for a week and see for yourself, you could be amazed.

...and Tops Supermarkets also stock it 257baht for a pint bottle...bought two today Braggs brand....

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..yup many doctors are just pill dispensers..work overload , apathy, compensation based ..who knows....every time one visits a doctor come home with a few kilo of pills..what annoys me is that so many of them are not labelled so it's impossible to know what they are...if they are labelled then a quick google can scare the pants off you.

Wife had some antibiotics last year which had very bad side effects.. they were in foil and labelled..so googled and told her to chuck 'em.

....she went back to the doctor and told him..he just said "take less"...very sad...

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Same in UK and USA. You lot must use the wrong doctors because my Thai doctor never gives me pills. When I have had some health issues we've worked together to resolve them. You should find yourselves new doctors if the ones you already have are so bad. But I think most of you make these stories up for a bit off attention. I know plenty of Thai people who don't pop pills, so maybe you hang around with the wrong people.

Why on earth would people make these things up for a bit of attention? I am amazed at the suggestion.

When people are sick and need medication they are generally given some.

What the topic is about and what does happen all too often is that a Thai will see a doctor or a pharmacist and more often than not they walk away with a mixed bag of lotions and potions and that mix usually consists of antibiotics because that is what they believe they need. That is not some story I am currently making up. I have seen it all too often over the years.

Yes there are cases where people have some illness where they do not need medication but they are still offered a handful of pills. That is not the peoples fault. That is the fault of the doctors and pharmacists for not educating the people from the beginning, also part of the problem is peer pressure where their friends advise what to do and take.

So we are not making this stuff up.

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Many times I have been glad to be allergic to most medications because it means less spent on unless drugs that end up in the sewer.

MSG is very similar to Aspartame (lets talk all the Sugar Free diet foods here) and one of the lovely side affects of both of these happens to be Methanol poisoning.Now if you have ever had a batch of bad beer (unlikely but possible) this is the same effect you get then.Gut pain like you wouldnt believe, headaches that make you want to rip your head off and itches just to name a few symptoms. Now granted it is unlikely that the average person would suffer this badly, however, the minor side effects are just as nasty and are more widespread than most give credit for. Didnt someone note that Thailand has one of the highest rates of damaged livers? Well when the liver is damaged the symptoms are much worse.Hence the need for headache meds etc. Vicious cycle really.

Placebo affect is very real and would serve well in this country for those who "need" the drugs for ailments that just dont have any cure except time.

Just my two cents worth.If you need more info on MSG and Aspartame the Wikipedia has a lot of information

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Oh dear,can someone please tell me how to delete a double post please? So much has changed since I was online last.

Oh and as a matter of interest I have been in bed sick for the last 3 months with early liver failure that has been aggravated by the MSG in my food. For the information of the banquet manager who adds it to his dishes.

Edited by KayT
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