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Where To Buy Quinoa?


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Villa market if you want it in person. 225 baht for 500 gram. Great alternative to white rice or most other glutinous rices and wheat and cooks up quickly.

There may be somewhere in little india area that sells it, you'll really have to look hard.

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ah...quinoa...I lived in an andean country for a couple of years and know well of it but can't direct you to a place in Thailand where you can buy it...a very hardy grain that grows at high altitudes with little water (very dry in them highland areas) with a nutty taste and texture when combined with the andean indigenous stew 'llawah' (quechua word) that included whatever was available; meat scraps, carrots and potatoes...lovely with a crust of bread...useta have it for breakfast with me Cochabamba newspaper then I'd be cool until the evening meal...

the natives up the highlands used to live on the stuff but they had nothing else to eat and had vitamin deficiencies...grains and veges alone are no good...ye got to balance, if ye got the means...

an' I remember dancin' crazy all night fueled on high octane chicha punatena from the Cochabamba Valley...just waitin' fer me llawah in de mornin'...

('tutsi, yer insane, ye ain't supposed to dance with the campesinos'...'it's OK, me folks speak quechua better than spanish anyway...')

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Please keep in mind there there is no magical foods out there, quinoa is quite calorie dense and that is what makes you fat. Excess calories are what you need to look at for fat loss not a special food/drink.

Also im not sure if that organic store is imported or not but all organic means is it was grown without pesticides. Any foods organics or not when put in delivery trucks are sprayed down with pesticides. My family owns an apple orchard back in the states and works closely with supermarkets, I have seen many times a huge delivery to whole foods containing all organics fogged with pesticides before they are allowed to be brought in.

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I always was searching for magic foods / pills ect. I have found that most things do contribute a bit and if you change bad foods for good ones on the LONG term you will see progress.

In my opinion my staple foods should be available locally else its a struggle to get your normal daily meal ready. I go through around 130 grams of oatmeal a day. I think would be the same for quino and it would be hard to keep shipping it.

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Id have to say the reason behind weight loss with a lot of "super foods" is they fill you up and generally have low calories. Spinach is a "super food" and its 23calories for 100g. 100g is like 3 cups stuffed full. I used to do 400g and a little oil with crushed almonds, salt and pepper, kept me full for hours for maybe 300 calories.

But besides for the stuffed full for low calories there will be an extremely minor variation on certain foods and how much they take to digest burning minutely increased amounts of calories (your going to digest a soda faster than you would some broccoli).

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I go through around 130 grams of oatmeal a day. I

How much is that in good old fashioned cup measurements? ... and, out of curiosity, what type of oatmeal do you eat? There's quite a few brands available here.

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I go through around 130 grams of oatmeal a day. I

How much is that in good old fashioned cup measurements? ... and, out of curiosity, what type of oatmeal do you eat? There's quite a few brands available here.

Its only 1 cup and a bit. I just use the carefour oatmeal, i used to use quackers oatmeal. I like the Mc garret rolled oats but they are not always available. I start the day with some oatmeal and after that a few raw almonds and a spoon full of honey. Just to get me going.

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