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Austrian Tourist Arrested At Aranyaprathet Border On Drug Charge


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Any gram of grass or heroin residue is more than enough in my book!

That would be by Dr Suess, or perhaps Enid Blyton? Silly me - you are sooo sanctimonious it must be The Bible...

...... baa words from you! I hope to Buddha and God and Allah, if you're into that high merit of shit,

Perhaps you should also condemn the one who provided the ingredients in the first place...

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Oh dear, oh dear oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

Someones grassed him up, he's <snip>.

Who cares? Lock him up and throw away the key. He might just spend the latter years of his life drug free!

boring, old boring news. If you can't do it, don't do it! closedeyes.gif


Spoken like a true politicians rent boy, todays drug laws are akin to burning witches and are only supported by people who have very low IQs. It looks to me as though the drugs found were for personal use but through his own stupidity is now facing serious charges.

I guess you are all in favour of your own little sniff then? I don't care if they were for personal use, the law is the law. If you contend to break it, then by all means suffer the consequences, especially in this land. I think you response referring to IQ levels has totally demonstrated yours, and that probably from your own abuse, seeing as you condone the laws as being hundreds of years old. So what, for personal use. He's traversed from another country to Thailand, and knows the consequences. What planet do you come from? Planet bottle-top? I'll give you change for a grog, for your 2oz...... baa words from you! I hope to Buddha and God and Allah, if you're into that high merit of shit, that he does get good time. Another user and intimidator out of circulation. I have no sypmathy for the idiot whatsoever!

As for IQ, you introduced, go get a measure, sniff it, and then tell me what your measurement is!!


Please learn to write in proper English, you're a disgrace to the Australian education system and a perfect example of low IQ.

condone = to favour, I condemn the law.

"the law is the law" = it must be right then seeing as all laws are true and just and not written by greedy self serving people. We should never question a law because the greater powers are right and never make mistakes (Yeah look at Bush, Blair and the Middle East - they really got that one right!!!!!!)

Grog = a long disused term except in the Antipodes, you're obviously not a descendant of Ned Kelly though who seemed to have issues with British laws in the colonies.

"Another user and intimidator out of circulation" - he doesn't look intimidating to me, you seem to use a lot of words that you don't know the meaning of - hint: they have dictionaries online!!!!!

As for measuring IQ, sorry to say you can't sniff it, those politicians you rent for have been pulling your plonker!!!!!

Greetings from Plant Bottletop we mean you no harm!!!! we only use our ray-guns for protection

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Oh dear, oh dear oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

Someones grassed him up, he's <snip>.

Who cares? Lock him up and throw away the key. He might just spend the latter years of his life drug free!

boring, old boring news. If you can't do it, don't do it! closedeyes.gif


Throw away the key for 3 grams of graz and "some heroine residue" ?!?!?! Hopefully he will get a fine and a red stamp in the passport as thai jails already is overcrowded.

Any gram of grass or heroin residue is more than enough in my book! How do you know he didn't frug up his fecks for free? How do you think he said it was for his own use? I care not if it was for his own use, nor the quantity. Drug users are the lowest of the low, weakest of persons, and pains in the ass to others. Be he 'exported' or locked away I care not. He is a bad man, and that's all that counts!


The worst drug on the planet is alcohol. It causes more problems around the world than all the illegal drugs put together. Are you teetotal?
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Anybody have a translation for 'frug up his fecks for free'????

Yes, Mel thinks, the Austrian could have used the drugs in a way, that the Cambodian Ladies, gave them their Night companion ship for free.

How he is coming to this conclusion? As thevillain, sohethinksofothers?giggle.gif

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Oh dear, oh dear oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

Someones grassed him up, he's <snip>.

Who cares? Lock him up and throw away the key. He might just spend the latter years of his life drug free!

boring, old boring news. If you can't do it, don't do it! closedeyes.gif


Spoken like a true politicians rent boy, todays drug laws are akin to burning witches and are only supported by people who have very low IQs. It looks to me as though the drugs found were for personal use but through his own stupidity is now facing serious charges.

I guess you are all in favour of your own little sniff then? I don't care if they were for personal use, the law is the law. If you contend to break it, then by all means suffer the consequences, especially in this land. I think you response referring to IQ levels has totally demonstrated yours, and that probably from your own abuse, seeing as you condone the laws as being hundreds of years old. So what, for personal use. He's traversed from another country to Thailand, and knows the consequences. What planet do you come from? Planet bottle-top? I'll give you change for a grog, for your 2oz...... baa words from you! I hope to Buddha and God and Allah, if you're into that high merit of shit, that he does get good time. Another user and intimidator out of circulation. I have no sypmathy for the idiot whatsoever!

As for IQ, you introduced, go get a measure, sniff it, and then tell me what your measurement is!!


I think your out of line Mel. But anyways I am starting a "people who hate people club". I am having a hard time getting it started, you know finding people to join. After reading some of the poster's on this here TV forum I think I could actually get a meeting startedmad.gif

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There is a story in the Pattaya Daily News about a child who was playing on the beach at Ban Sarey (near Pattaya) who pricked her hand on a needle/s buried in the sand. Back to our Austrian friend .. he deserves an VIP room at the Bangkok Hilton.

So, was this needle from the Austrian? No! He instead took care of his needles, did not throw them away in Cambodia and had them on his body.

What did you wanted to say with your comment, regarding the needle?crazy.gif

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Make an example of him.

I am always amused at people defending idiot drug users who get busted.

Debate the laws all you like....but when an idiot breaks them and get's caught, defending him makes you look like a chump.

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I'm wondering would an English medical prescription cover me for bringing antifed into Thailand.

The question is: what is antifed ?

Antifed sounds very simular to actifed. A german diver in Egypt once made that slip of the keyboard some 5 years ago. Actifed is a well known OTC drug for which no medical prescriptions are required.

So I advice you not to throw away the original package. That will certainly help an official with his or her investigation. That guy must be wondering, just like me now.

Actifed was promoted by the Apollo crew after they returned to earth :-)

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Your name synonymous for LOCK and throw the key away, for everybody?

No differences in the severity of the crime?

We had here a lively discussion with -mel-, the excesses of the discussion had been deleted.

So, the thread is now a little distorted.

Any way, I am only against it, to condemn somebody, to life sentence -throw the key away-, for a obviously, relatively, small crime.

And I am no chump! And I do not do drugs, even drink nearly nothing. But, I have a sense of justice!

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Your name synonymous for LOCK and throw the key away, for everybody?

No differences in the severity of the crime?

We had here a lively discussion with -mel-, the excesses of the discussion had been deleted.

So, the thread is now a little distorted.

Any way, I am only against it, to condemn somebody, to life sentence -throw the key away-, for a obviously, relatively, small crime.

And I am no chump! And I do not do drugs, even drink nearly nothing. But, I have a sense of justice!

I respect your right to debate the laws.

But I lose all respect when you defend an idiot who breaks them.

I support penalties for anyone caught with drugs, however, those penalties should be relative for the kind of drug, how much they had and if they were they a trafficker. I support the death penalty for traffickers.

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I remember reading a newspaper report some time ago that on over 70% of US banknotes in circulation traces of heroin and/or cocaine could be detected. Putting your folding stuff into the washing machine before travelling to Thailand might be a good idea. I wonder what percentage of Thai banknotes would pass muster?

So what if traces of illegal substances were found in plastic bags? Clearly he had expended his ration of poison in another country, this is not an offence inThailand is it? I would like to know just what defines a trace, one speck or two? If his 'life support' had been used up, why didn't he discard the empty bags? There is no shortage of plastic bags in Thailand.

I am mildly surprised that on finding that this fool's supply had run out that BiB didn't offer to sell him some more, or point him in the direction of one of their street agents. It wouldn't do to have farangs making use of independent suppliers would it?

" remember reading a newspaper report some time ago that on over 70% of US banknotes in circulation traces of heroin and/or cocaine could be detected"

You forgot Meth! Would increase it to 100%.......... jap.gif

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It would have cost him a lot less time in his Majesty's Thai prison service than when he would have bought the drugs in Pattaya per trip. But if you are 51 years of age, still a junk and still do not understand the risk, than the hospitality of a Thai prison might eventually be coin the trick.(or not when he has enough money of course to buy it in prison)

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What a idiot , I hope he gets a few years ! we dont want him back on the streets in Australia. Almost all heroin users in Australia are criminals repeat offenders. So they stick em in jail for a few months and give them a synthetic heroin called Methadone which is more adictive than Heroin !

I never understand why the dont make them do cold turkey in jail !

The do gooders in Australia say "its to cruel to make them do cold turkey"

So they come out of jail more adicted than before they went in!

Non drug users go into jail in Australia and become junkies because they say they are a user just to get the methadone to trade! soon their hooked because if they refuse to take the medicine they will hold you down and force it down!

The traders will vomit it up and sell it but it gets in their system and after a few weeks their hooked for life! its a joke!

There are thousands of these junkies walking the streets of Sydney allways looking something to steal to get a fix, going to jail for them is just a rest and a holiday ! three meals a day TV internet a warm bed and free drugs !

Doing time in a Thai jail is the best thing for this scumbag it may break his government sponcered cycle, i hope when he returnes to Australia he is clean and sobber!

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What a idiot , I hope he gets a few years ! we dont want him back on the streets in Australia. Almost all heroin users in Australia are criminals repeat offenders. So they stick em in jail for a few months and give them a synthetic heroin called Methadone which is more adictive than Heroin !

I never understand why the dont make them do cold turkey in jail !

The do gooders in Australia say "its to cruel to make them do cold turkey"

So they come out of jail more adicted than before they went in!

Non drug users go into jail in Australia and become junkies because they say they are a user just to get the methadone to trade! soon their hooked because if they refuse to take the medicine they will hold you down and force it down!

The traders will vomit it up and sell it but it gets in their system and after a few weeks their hooked for life! its a joke!

There are thousands of these junkies walking the streets of Sydney allways looking something to steal to get a fix, going to jail for them is just a rest and a holiday ! three meals a day TV internet a warm bed and free drugs !

Doing time in a Thai jail is the best thing for this scumbag it may break his government sponcered cycle, i hope when he returnes to Australia he is clean and sobber!

Big mistake hes Austrian not Australian LOL sorry LOL
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He has been a fool.

Not much on him drugs wise but he has been caught and deserves some punishment though not, I believe, as much as some say he should get. Maybe punishment enough for him to learn the lesson of his stupidity.

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Your name synonymous for LOCK and throw the key away, for everybody?

No differences in the severity of the crime?

We had here a lively discussion with -mel-, the excesses of the discussion had been deleted.

So, the thread is now a little distorted.

Any way, I am only against it, to condemn somebody, to life sentence -throw the key away-, for a obviously, relatively, small crime.

And I am no chump! And I do not do drugs, even drink nearly nothing. But, I have a sense of justice!

I have no issue with your sense of justice, but it has to be relative. You and me, coincidentally, of course we have a sense of justice. However, our sense of justice is from the western world. We don't live here in the western world, hence what we perceive as justice is from a totally different cultural regime.

I iterate that the Thais have laws, be they harsh or unwarranted - I OUR BOOK. If one wants to play, risk with, or try to out gun these laws, then one is simply an idiot and 'must' accept the consequences of those laws. For that reason, whether this fool was 'any' of the prior, then his resultant punishment, which will be a large custodial sentence. That is simply what I meant by 'throw away the key'...... not forever. Apologies if I didn't make this clear, as I was recovering from an op yesterday.


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What a idiot , I hope he gets a few years ! we dont want him back on the streets in Australia. Almost all heroin users in Australia are criminals repeat offenders. So they stick em in jail for a few months and give them a synthetic heroin called Methadone which is more adictive than Heroin !

I never understand why the dont make them do cold turkey in jail !

The do gooders in Australia say "its to cruel to make them do cold turkey"

So they come out of jail more adicted than before they went in!

Non drug users go into jail in Australia and become junkies because they say they are a user just to get the methadone to trade! soon their hooked because if they refuse to take the medicine they will hold you down and force it down!

The traders will vomit it up and sell it but it gets in their system and after a few weeks their hooked for life! its a joke!

There are thousands of these junkies walking the streets of Sydney allways looking something to steal to get a fix, going to jail for them is just a rest and a holiday ! three meals a day TV internet a warm bed and free drugs !

Doing time in a Thai jail is the best thing for this scumbag it may break his government sponcered cycle, i hope when he returnes to Australia he is clean and sobber!

I understood that he was Austrian and not Australian

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Have half the posters on this thread ever lived in Thailand or no how Thailand works

Get real he is not going to spend any time in the bkk Hilton, he may spend a couple of days in a local police station then he will either pay a fee to be released or be given bail to attend a court hearing where he will receive a fine and possibly deported my guess is he is already out and enjoying the so called charms off pattaya.

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What a idiot , I hope he gets a few years ! we dont want him back on the streets in Australia. Almost all heroin users in Australia are criminals repeat offenders. So they stick em in jail for a few months and give them a synthetic heroin called Methadone which is more adictive than Heroin !

I never understand why the dont make them do cold turkey in jail !

The do gooders in Australia say "its to cruel to make them do cold turkey"

So they come out of jail more adicted than before they went in!

Non drug users go into jail in Australia and become junkies because they say they are a user just to get the methadone to trade! soon their hooked because if they refuse to take the medicine they will hold you down and force it down!

The traders will vomit it up and sell it but it gets in their system and after a few weeks their hooked for life! its a joke!

There are thousands of these junkies walking the streets of Sydney allways looking something to steal to get a fix, going to jail for them is just a rest and a holiday ! three meals a day TV internet a warm bed and free drugs !

Doing time in a Thai jail is the best thing for this scumbag it may break his government sponcered cycle, i hope when he returnes to Australia he is clean and sobber!

Despite the obvious mistake (Austrian, Australian) which has been pointed out earlier, doesn't this post prove that the current laws and ways of dealing with drug users doesn't work. The scene described is the same the world over and the more these politicians use their catch phrase "war on drugs" the more afraid I am. These addicts are being forced into desperate measures to get their fix such as mugging, burgling, shoplifting etc. Why not let them just have it and spend money on treatment centres as opposed to wasting vast amounts on policing, prosecuting and jailing these people - that is the real mark of a civilised society.

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What a idiot , I hope he gets a few years ! we dont want him back on the streets in Australia. Almost all heroin users in Australia are criminals repeat offenders. So they stick em in jail for a few months and give them a synthetic heroin called Methadone which is more adictive than Heroin !

I never understand why the dont make them do cold turkey in jail !

The do gooders in Australia say "its to cruel to make them do cold turkey"

So they come out of jail more adicted than before they went in!

Non drug users go into jail in Australia and become junkies because they say they are a user just to get the methadone to trade! soon their hooked because if they refuse to take the medicine they will hold you down and force it down!

The traders will vomit it up and sell it but it gets in their system and after a few weeks their hooked for life! its a joke!

There are thousands of these junkies walking the streets of Sydney allways looking something to steal to get a fix, going to jail for them is just a rest and a holiday ! three meals a day TV internet a warm bed and free drugs !

Doing time in a Thai jail is the best thing for this scumbag it may break his government sponcered cycle, i hope when he returnes to Australia he is clean and sobber!

Despite the obvious mistake (Austrian, Australian) which has been pointed out earlier, doesn't this post prove that the current laws and ways of dealing with drug users doesn't work. The scene described is the same the world over and the more these politicians use their catch phrase "war on drugs" the more afraid I am. These addicts are being forced into desperate measures to get their fix such as mugging, burgling, shoplifting etc. Why not let them just have it and spend money on treatment centres as opposed to wasting vast amounts on policing, prosecuting and jailing these people - that is the real mark of a civilised society.

Your naivety is heartwarming.

I too yearn for the day where I can buy meth, crack and heroin at my local pharmacy along with all the other prescription medicine that is readily available over the counter with no prescription and the Government giving free bus tickets to the vomit temple Thamkrabok as their efforts in "treatment centers".

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