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Can A Condo Owner Legally Kick Me Out Mid Contract?


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Hi all, just a question, I've been asked to move to a different condo room, 2 bedroom, almost same, just one big issue, I don't get a Jacuzzi like the place I paid for one month....

A quick run down of what I am in, I've paid for a 2 bedroom condo in Patong for 1 month, so 2 weeks after being here, I get a letter stating that they need to move me to a different room in 3 days time, I was like <deleted>, I have already settled in, things are sorta everywhere, have the fridge stocked up, it would be a huge inconvenience to move, I've been told by a friend in BKK that knows a few lawyers, that if they move me, it has to be same standard and living conditions, but they want to move me to a place with no Jacuzzi, so that is a huge blow, as I use it a lot...

The girl that moved me in stuffed up with the first contract failing to put the correct deposit amount in the contract, so I was never going to sign it, as I wasn't going to agree to receive back much less than what I paid, (So I take it I did the right thing in refusing to sign the first contract?)

It then took her 2 weeks to write up a new contract, and when she did finally get me the new one, I noticed she changed it to say I would need to move on the 20th of March to a new room number, and different building...Since I haven't signed either of them, as they are both wrong to what we agreed, are they legally allowed to force me to move? The manager slipped a note under my door that reads...."After talking to my company's lawyer I'll need to move to another 2 bedroom unit by tomorrow 12.00 noon. Failure to do so, I have orders to cut electricity and water in this unit you currently staying, Regards". Now this seems to be total BS scare tactics to get me to move..

Please anyone with good knowledge of this system, do I have a leg to stand on here? thanks in advance...

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If you didn't sign the contract then I don't think you have a leg to stand on. The property belongs to the landlord/

lady and if there is no written contract that is dated and signed you are pretty much out on your own and the landlord/lady can do what they want.

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Welcome to thailand :)

My friend got kicked out of an apartment hes been in for 14 months because his ex gf who lived in another apartment in the same building

came down and started kicking his door because he was inside with his new GF and then threw a bucket of red paint over his door

the manager came in the next morning ,heard about the disturbance and slipped a letter under under his door

saying he had 7 days to move or security will open the door and move him (without despoit as he had caused a breach of the peace ,thats not allowed in their contracts )

there is cctv

he did call security when she was doing the damage

completely unfair and guess what ,the thai girl who thrown the paint is allowed to stay because she "cant afford to move at the moment " and

the manager was felling sorry for her (manager is apparenty a middle aged thai woman )

oho ,and the girl who thrown the paint ,moved in 6 weeks ago versus y friend who there for 14 months and never had a probelsm at all

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And even if you had a written contract, the fact that your are in Phuket (as with Pattaya) means that you stand a snowball's chance in hell of justice being done, unless you're better friends with the local power players (officials = mafia) than the owner of the building.

Go with the flow - forget about "rules, laws, principles" - and you'll have a much more enjoyable and healthy stay.

That being said, you should definitely choose to spend your money with vendors that give you better value. A little time and effort researching your options will pay off in spades, and you never know, you might just find a friendly and honest landlord within a few years and a half-dozen moves.

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No signed contract:

- Can they: Yes

- Will they: Oh yeah

- Will you get your deposit back: No way!

Signed contract:

- Can they: No

- Will they: Oh yeah

- Will you get your deposit back: Maybe partly, if you hired an expert crew of professional cleaners / redecorators just before you moved out.

Are you in "Mob controlled country" (Pattaya, Phuket)? Forget all the above and run before harm gets done.

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Sadly you don't have a leg to stand on. You should be thankful the owner is agreeing to give you a room at all.

You transfered money to him without a signed contract? Wow...did you send a card also? Without a written agreement, that was a gift. Hope you told him happy birthday as you handed over the cash. He has no obligation to give you anything at this point.

Consider this a lesson well learned. Never, never, never give someone money in Thailand without a written contract stating what the money is for, as well as a signed receipt or other proof of payment. You screwed up big time. Take your jacuzziless room and be happy you aren't being kicked out on the street.

And sign any contract they put in front of you at this point. Something is better than nothing, which is what you have right now.

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Welcome to thailand smile.png

My friend got kicked out of an apartment hes been in for 14 months because his ex gf who lived in another apartment in the same building

came down and started kicking his door because he was inside with his new GF and then threw a bucket of red paint over his door

the manager came in the next morning ,heard about the disturbance and slipped a letter under under his door

saying he had 7 days to move or security will open the door and move him (without despoit as he had caused a breach of the peace ,thats not allowed in their contracts )

there is cctv

he did call security when she was doing the damage

completely unfair and guess what ,the thai girl who thrown the paint is allowed to stay because she "cant afford to move at the moment " and

the manager was felling sorry for her (manager is apparenty a middle aged thai woman )

oho ,and the girl who thrown the paint ,moved in 6 weeks ago versus y friend who there for 14 months and never had a probelsm at all

Not the first time this happened. You are Farang and she is Thai I guess....

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Sadly you don't have a leg to stand on. You should be thankful the owner is agreeing to give you a room at all.

You transfered money to him without a signed contract? Wow...did you send a card also? Without a written agreement, that was a gift. Hope you told him happy birthday as you handed over the cash. He has no obligation to give you anything at this point.

Consider this a lesson well learned. Never, never, never give someone money in Thailand without a written contract stating what the money is for, as well as a signed receipt or other proof of payment. You screwed up big time. Take your jacuzziless room and be happy you aren't being kicked out on the street.

And sign any contract they put in front of you at this point. Something is better than nothing, which is what you have right now.

Rubbish. There are both verbal and assumed contracts in place (how does he have the key in his hand then?).

The problem here is that the details of the contract have now been changed. It is therefore hard to prove. Having the old contract in hand would be a useful start.

That said, a legal battle in this case would be lengthy, draining and costly. Hardly worth it.

OP, what you should of done is to correct by hand the error and have both parties sign the correction. Then you should sign and initial the bottom of all pages to prevent any future changes or pages being added without your knowledge. This should be done for every written contract you ever come across in life.

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Sadly you don't have a leg to stand on. You should be thankful the owner is agreeing to give you a room at all.

You transfered money to him without a signed contract? Wow...did you send a card also? Without a written agreement, that was a gift. Hope you told him happy birthday as you handed over the cash. He has no obligation to give you anything at this point.

Consider this a lesson well learned. Never, never, never give someone money in Thailand without a written contract stating what the money is for, as well as a signed receipt or other proof of payment. You screwed up big time. Take your jacuzziless room and be happy you aren't being kicked out on the street.

And sign any contract they put in front of you at this point. Something is better than nothing, which is what you have right now.

Rubbish. There are both verbal and assumed contracts in place (how does he have the key in his hand then?).

The problem here is that the details of the contract have now been changed. It is therefore hard to prove. Having the old contract in hand would be a useful start.

That said, a legal battle in this case would be lengthy, draining and costly. Hardly worth it.

OP, what you should of done is to correct by hand the error and have both parties sign the correction. Then you should sign and initial the bottom of all pages to prevent any future changes or pages being added without your knowledge. This should be done for every written contract you ever come across in life.

Verbal and assumed contract can be very different for each person....Did he forgot to remember that they told him from the beginning that he need to move?? The others remember it.

Old contract without any signature has zero value.

Giving deposit money without contract????

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even a signed contract has no value in LOS

they can easily claim you broke some insignifigant term or conditon and kick you out without deposit or explaination

in case you havent noticed yet ,a dispute against a thai national is rarely won by a farang,regardless of whos right and whos wrong ....:)

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