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Would You Help With A Pattaya Charity?


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I'm just curious to know how many members here would help or just donate if we were to approach TV inpublisizing a Charity organization in Pattaya.

Of course I need the mods to give feedback here please.

I just feel that there are enough of us decent members living here to do something like this and it would sure help a lot of needy folks as there are a few different charities in need here: street kids, battered woman and children, orphans, blinde etc.

Maybe we could start by putting up a pole to see if it is fesable first and then I for one would do a lot of foot-work and maybe even talk with Father Ray Foundation too.

Depending what we are willing to put into it the sky is the limit. It could be as simple as 1 Saturday per month we could all meet somewhere and bring donations such as food, toys, household items etc. but could even go as far as organizing a "soup kitchen" once or twice per month.

This could even make for a nice day out with the family. I'm sure that there are many areas we could meet and arrange for some refreshments etc. and for people with vihicles to deliver all the collected items. It won't happen over night of course but it is a start.

I for one wouldn't mind putting a great deal of effort into something like this as I don't have a lot to do most days anyways and it could help bring some positiveness to Pattaya as well.

Any suggestions here would be the best start and let's see what the mods and the members think.

I'm thinking along the lines of maybe the first Saturday we could all meet at the orphanage and bring items and also your family, musical instruments, refreshments etc and spend 3 or 4 hours there bringing some smiles and help to the orphans. Like a traveling happy crowd. The next could be the Blind institute, then the elderly home etc.

I know there are legalities as well but I am connected here and feel we could do it without work permits for playing music etc. so let's not start with the negative aspects but conqure them as we go.


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