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Another Drunk Farang.


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Got to be more to this story that meets the eye.

Even at a top 5 star hospital it's about 10,000 or less per night for a private room and meals.

So if he's in there 5 days (4 nights) that gets us to about 40K or less... where is the other 110,000?

What else happened? If he is, as you say, "Another drunk Farang" with no serious medical problems, then he is being ripped off big time. I certainly wouldn't pay a 150K hospital bill for sleeping off a bender.

If he actually has serious medical problems that required 150K worth of medical procedures, and was not being treated for "intoxication", then i don't really see the relevance of him being drunk at the time of admission?

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Another angle - why go to the so called 5 star hospitals, there are many good quality Thai government hospitals with board certified specialists who in most cases speak excellent English. Good care and overall costs, including medications at just a small fraction of the cost of the so called 5 star places.

As the OP said………“brought in intoxicated 5 days ago” I don’t think the guy who was wasted had a lot of say in where he was going.

Being a westerner the people bringing him in did so because it was assumed is had money maybe.

As for Thai general hospitals, I’ve heard some great stories, for the good and some scary one’s …..For the bad.

So are we to assume that like tuktuk and taxi drivers, the ambulance drivers get a back hander when they bring a farang to the hospital then?

Dunno about ambulances, but I suspect at least one particular airline (or its employees) has this kind of arrangement with one particular hospital. A friend suffered from dizziness and collapsed while in transit at Bangkok on his way from London to Auckland. Although he was okay and even able to walk around in time for his flight, he was transferred by the airline staff to a private hospital where he was kept under observation for 2 nights causing him to miss his connection. The hospital bill Baht 85,000. Diagnosis - dehydration.


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Another angle - why go to the so called 5 star hospitals, there are many good quality Thai government hospitals with board certified specialists who in most cases speak excellent English. Good care and overall costs, including medications at just a small fraction of the cost of the so called 5 star places.

As the OP said………“brought in intoxicated 5 days ago” I don’t think the guy who was wasted had a lot of say in where he was going.

Being a westerner the people bringing him in did so because it was assumed is had money maybe.

As for Thai general hospitals, I’ve heard some great stories, for the good and some scary one’s …..For the bad.

So are we to assume that like tuktuk and taxi drivers, the ambulance drivers get a back hander when they bring a farang to the hospital then?

Dunno about ambulances, but I suspect at least one particular airline (or its employees) has this kind of arrangement with one particular hospital. A friend suffered from dizziness and collapsed while in transit at Bangkok on his way from London to Auckland. Although he was okay and even able to walk around in time for his flight, he was transferred by the airline staff to a private hospital where he was kept under observation for 2 nights causing him to miss his connection. The hospital bill Baht 85,000. Diagnosis - dehydration.


Follow up diagnosis: 'Shock' ...at the bill

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Just back from the hospital. Everything settled. Mr. Nomoney was released after signed a piece of paper saying that he owed the money to the hospital. Police was present to scare him, to no effect, as he honestly could not pay and no one was willing to bail him out. I have to say, that the hospital administrators were behaving very relaxed and friendly to this guy, despite losing both face and money. As for the amount on the bill: He had been there since last Saturday and all the time in the ICU, what kind of treatment he recieved, I don't know. But it not exactly a secret that private hospitals here are overcharging big time.

Asking the hospital staff, why they had admitted him in the first place ? He had called their emergency number and the rescuestaff had found him in a very bad shape. Mentally as well as physically. Despite being a profitorientated business: "No way we could just leave him like that". So there are some decent people around here. (ofcourse they hoped for him to pay eventually).

Sounds like a happy ending ? No not really as Mr Nomoney stayed in his brothers 2home here and because of his behaviour locks have been changed, so it only a question about time before he is back in the gutter again. His own fault, yes ofcourse, but still a sad story.

BTW, I do not like to be called a lier, not telling the whole truth, by other poster. I am only the messenger, so don't shoot me !

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brought in intoxicated 5 days ago and ready to be released today. Bill 150k

A bit steep to cure a hangover, no? rolleyes.gif

exactly, and i hope he tells them to get screwed or put a reasonable bill infront of him. Som nom na

If he had minor brain surgery during his stay then i take it all back. jap.gif

If he had minor brain surgery during his stay then i take it all back.

Maybe they replaced the brain that he left at the airport when he flew into Thailand :)

Sorry - couldn't resist it

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Hope he double checked the bill. Hospitals do make "mistakes" on the bills.

I went to Bangkok Hospital in Hua Hin (during the flooding). Paid 10,000 (or something) for a check-up for the wife. We just thought it was just really expensive hospital. Went back next week for another check-up, cost was 800. Good thing we kept the receipt from the week before, we complained and turned out there first week bill was wrong....they refunded us back 9000 baht!

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my experiene of private hospital treatment.

they wanted ID, and details of my visa card ,

before i could have any treatment .

bttopic, dont get involved , self inflicted .

not your problem.wai.gif

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the bill will be written off at the end of the end of the tax year

i know this from experience because my friend was ina bad accident and stayed in hospital 3 months

his insurance refused to pay up because of a loophole in the policy about motorcycles

he was critical so they couldnt just dump him outside

finally ,he was better ,but had no money since his job was lost and savings depleted

he signed a agreement to pay back 20k a month for x amount of months but left thailand to have a follow up surgery in europe

he returned to the hospital 2 years later with 140,000 in a bag and presented it to the cashier

they refused to accept it as the bill was already written off a year ago and they couldnt process an unrecorded payment

before everyone says it didnt happen ,it happened ,it happened in bangkok ,thailand and i will swear it on my life and the lives of my children

Are you sure….Mmmmm? Would you like to phone a friend?

Only kidding ‘wanna’ nothing really surprises me about this world….Even Thailand.

If you want to see bureaucracy in S E Asia come to Thailand and yes……..I know there are lots of honest people here in Thailand.

You don’t need to sell what you’ve written; people will judge what you have written on their own experience.

it sounds ridiculous,i would hardly of believed it had i not witnessd it ,standing at a counter in thailand with 160,000 cash in a bag and being told we cannot accept your money now because your bill has expired biggrin.png

amazing thailand ,eh ?


what is amazing is how the bill goes up 20k every time you tell the story.

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I've been in some "conditions" in my time, even so bad as to have to take the occasional "sickie" yet I never been so bad as to require 5 days in hospital; indeed by 4 PM the following day I'm usually back to mid-season form as it were.

Surely if this were just drunkenness, this chap would have woken in the morning and either paid up or pegged it?

I don't think Soi41 has been told the full tale here...

Perhaps it was liver failure.

Or bleeding stomach haemorage.

I doubt it was the consequence of casual drinking of a Saturday night, taking one for the road and finding it a longer road than first thought...

There's some people suffer much worse from drink than you or I


EDIT: You might get more constructive help on this sub-forum


though the problem seems more of a hospital bill problem than a drink problem, and the mention of the drink only causes people to lose sympathy and display prejudice.

you didn't see me last monday morning. hung, o. ver

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I remember the old timers telling me that at one time in Thailand you could run up a bar tab for days at a time and settle at the end.............then the mutts came in a ruined for everybody by skipping the bill.

It's going to happen again and again and again as long as mutts like this bump the hospitals for their money...........it's the decent people that will pay in the end.

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brought in intoxicated 5 days ago and ready to be released today. Bill 150k

A bit steep to cure a hangover, no? rolleyes.gif

My thoughts too. Looks like the hospital thought they had a live one and decided to milk him for all was worth. Now it has bit them in the arse and they are looking for someone else (you) to get involved so they can get paid.

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the bill will be written off at the end of the end of the tax year

i know this from experience because my friend was ina bad accident and stayed in hospital 3 months

his insurance refused to pay up because of a loophole in the policy about motorcycles

he was critical so they couldnt just dump him outside

finally ,he was better ,but had no money since his job was lost and savings depleted

he signed a agreement to pay back 20k a month for x amount of months but left thailand to have a follow up surgery in europe

he returned to the hospital 2 years later with 140,000 in a bag and presented it to the cashier

they refused to accept it as the bill was already written off a year ago and they couldnt process an unrecorded payment

before everyone says it didnt happen ,it happened ,it happened in bangkok ,thailand and i will swear it on my life and the lives of my children

Are you sure….Mmmmm? Would you like to phone a friend?

Only kidding ‘wanna’ nothing really surprises me about this world….Even Thailand.

If you want to see bureaucracy in S E Asia come to Thailand and yes……..I know there are lots of honest people here in Thailand.

You don’t need to sell what you’ve written; people will judge what you have written on their own experience.

it sounds ridiculous,i would hardly of believed it had i not witnessd it ,standing at a counter in thailand with 160,000 cash in a bag and being told we cannot accept your money now because your bill has expired biggrin.png

amazing thailand ,eh ?


what is amazing is how the bill goes up 20k every time you tell the story.

i forget which it was now ,140 or 160k to be honest but the moral of the story is i was astonished

they said NO to the cash in THAILAND :)

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Got to be more to this story that meets the eye.

Even at a top 5 star hospital it's about 10,000 or less per night for a private room and meals.

So if he's in there 5 days (4 nights) that gets us to about 40K or less... where is the other 110,000?

I was thinking the same.

We had our baby in Bumrungrad by C-section; 5 days in an amazing private room with constant doctor and nurse attention, circumcision for baby and several other charges including all official paperwork translated. Total cost 75k baht.

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Negotiating to get to a more fair, sane and accurate bill sounds like the way forward, for HIM. You may want to suggest this both to him and to the hospital, but I wouldn't bother to try and negotiate this yourself.

Also, did the guy ever sign to be admitted and to authorize treatment, while in a condition to be aware of what he was signing? If not then the hospital's approach is closer to making a risky bet/investment on getting a big payout. To try for an amount like 150K sounds like they figure in that for every 5 of these cases, one is stupid enough to pay in full. Then the numbers work.

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I recently went to the McCormick hospital in Chiang Mai to have an MRI done on my shoulder. It was my choice of hospital and my decision to have the MRI. The hospital insisted that I pay first, which I intended to do anyway. I paid 8000 baht for the MRI, 2500 baht for the doctor's assessment, 2500 baht for the hospital and nursing, and a further 350 baht for the release of the MRI photos.... for a total of 13, 350 baht. The hospital made sure they got their money BEFORE anything was done and I received the documents.

I know I could have gotten it cheaper at the RAM hospital, but the waiting would have been longer. I was willing to pay for the convenience.

Considering what I've paid for other time spent in the hospitals of Thailand I wonder just what procedure was done on the drunk to have such an exhorbitant price.

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I've been in some "conditions" in my time, even so bad as to have to take the occasional "sickie" yet I never been so bad as to require 5 days in hospital; indeed by 4 PM the following day I'm usually back to mid-season form as it were.

Surely if this were just drunkenness, this chap would have woken in the morning and either paid up or pegged it?

I don't think Soi41 has been told the full tale here...

Tha'ts because he forgot to tell you that the hospital charged him and extra 14900 baht for hiring a Thai police to stand there with a gun to his head to prevent him from leaving after the first night.

Talk about exaggeration. This site seems to be full of theses BS ers and posters are falling all over it. Numbnuts!!

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. They had a farang patient, brought in intoxicated 5 days ago and ready to be released today. Bill 150k, yes they are good at charging, and Mr Farang has no money. Asked my hospitalfriend why they admitted him in the first place and got the answer, that he had been a patient before and paid without any problems.

So, the hospital staff bet on the wrong horse this time, but still want their money back. Did the patient asked for a transport to this hospital?. Did the patient in question requested a transport to the hospital? I think not. He should not pay the bill.

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