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Bonito Chinos Hotel Nakhon Sawan


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We're planning to meet up with friends for a bike ride South and as we're from different parts, Nakhon Sawan appears to be the best place for us to meet up, before continuing our trip.

One friend needs to get his bike serviced before journeying South and on the map, the hotel looks to be pretty close to the Kawasaki dealership he takes his bike to. So this hotel would be convenient. We'll be staying for one night and any information relating to this hotel and nearby restaurants would be appreciated.

Incidentally, some time ago, I'm sure there was a posting about a diner, somewhere in Nakhon Sawan. I've gone back through past posts in this section, but can't find it in the listed headings. Is this close to the hotel?

Many Thanks

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Hotel is 50-100m from crossroad Big C, very easy to find. And for motorbike, I have seen they stop all traffic in Sawanvithee to get 5 thai bikers on their way from Bonito :)

In P.A.Place hotel I wake up 2 AM and went to buy snacks in 7/11, I can not see anybody in reseption, they all were washing 5-6 farang bikes, so up to what you want, great people here.

For evening restaurants You maybe have to go somewhere near Sawanpark lake, Bon Bon is good. But in Bonito they have quite nice restaurant up in roof. Check website.



And ofcourse there is these floating restaurants in river

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Thanks. It's good to hear of biker friendly folks. There'll be three bikes, six folks in all.

I browsed their website yesterday and liked the look of the place, so thought we would be o.k. there for one night. It's close proximity to the Kawasaki dealership is an added bonus. Do you have any idea of the room rates. They're not available on the website. One booking site was quoting prices in the region of; 900 - 1,300 baht.

None of us has previously stayed in Nakhon Sawan, so we're unsure about the local restaurants. We'd really be looking at places we don't need to, ride to. The floating restaurants sound good, but I guess they're too far away. The rooftop restaurant at the hotel looks to be an attractive option.

Security for the bikes is always a concern, when travelling around, although your statements have elleviated a little of my fear.

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Bonitos looks a nice place, called in to see if they had pool, they dont, but saw the bikers coming out and front of house looked good, staff very friendly. Restaurants round Sawan Park as stated, mainly the north side, San Savoy is not bad, it has bike room out front and cars along the west side with small steps up the resaturant, tv screens and often a live band, air con room at extra price. Food pretty good too.

PA Place also gets good reviews, Chinitos nearer to the Kawaski garage, I think this is the one on the northbound carriageway of route 1, its walkable from Chinitos. There restaurant looks good thought does it not?

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Bonitos looks a nice place, called in to see if they had pool, they dont, but saw the bikers coming out and front of house looked good, staff very friendly. Restaurants round Sawan Park as stated, mainly the north side, San Savoy is not bad, it has bike room out front and cars along the west side with small steps up the resaturant, tv screens and often a live band, air con room at extra price. Food pretty good too.

PA Place also gets good reviews, Chinitos nearer to the Kawaski garage, I think this is the one on the northbound carriageway of route 1, its walkable from Chinitos. There restaurant looks good thought does it not?

So, there were bikes at the hotel. I must apologise to 'hullupullo'. I thought his comments about the bikes were being overstated, to bring humor into the dialogue. We'll tip the staff, if they don't clean our bikes, as two of us (and I'm one) are somewhat fussy about others who touch our beloved steed.

We would really prefer not to ride in the evening. This may seem a little strange, but it would mean we can't have a beer or two??, with our meal. Perhap's, if the places mentioned are within walking distance, we'll venture out. Otherwise, we'll dine at the hotel. As you say, the rooftop retaurant looks good and we may get a chance to observe the 'beautiful chinese'.

Anyway, I've chosen the hotel as our place to stay, if we use the Nakhon Sawn stop-over option in our travel plan, and passed the details on. All I need do is await agreements on dates of travel etc. It'll be soon, as we want to be in Phuket before Songkran starts

I'm sure the Kawasaki dealership you mentioned is the same one. 'Walkable', I'm not so sure. As I recall there's 8 lanes of busy highway to cross there. Perhaps we'll let him do the walking and observe, from the rooftop.

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I'm staying there right now!

The place is new and built to a western standard, except for the traditional rock-hard Thai bed. Overall a good place to stay. Compare rates on agoda to ones found on the BC website.

I did get the impression there was a western influence in the design and build. It's also a little unusual, in that, it has a Spanish name. Maybe some-one with a CA zip code was consulted.

Thanks for confirming that it's a new build. I was thinking about how dated the picture gallery could be. Having traveled around Thailand (and elsewhere), quite a bit over the years, I've seen hotel picture galleries which should have been consigned to history books. I've become accustomed to the 'solid' beds also.

I'll look more seriously at the pricing when the stop-over option gains approval. I must admit, that recently I haven't found Agoda's prices to be as competitive, as they once were.

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I'm staying there right now!

The place is new and built to a western standard, except for the traditional rock-hard Thai bed. Overall a good place to stay. Compare rates on agoda to ones found on the BC website.

I did get the impression there was a western influence in the design and build. It's also a little unusual, in that, it has a Spanish name. Maybe some-one with a CA zip code was consulted.

Thanks for confirming that it's a new build. I was thinking about how dated the picture gallery could be. Having traveled around Thailand (and elsewhere), quite a bit over the years, I've seen hotel picture galleries which should have been consigned to history books. I've become accustomed to the 'solid' beds also.

I'll look more seriously at the pricing when the stop-over option gains approval. I must admit, that recently I haven't found Agoda's prices to be as competitive, as they once were.

I dont think Madonna has stayed there and they were not seeling trousers when I went there, The Pa Place is reported to much less expensive although I dont think it has the facilities. As far Agoda is concerned they are like all the rest of the booking agents getting a commission so as far as possible I tend to steer away from them.

I think you will find its just the job, so let us know what you think and the prices of the place, also the restaurant.

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I dont think Madonna has stayed there and they were not seeling trousers when I went there, The Pa Place is reported to much less expensive although I dont think it has the facilities. As far Agoda is concerned they are like all the rest of the booking agents getting a commission so as far as possible I tend to steer away from them.

I think you will find its just the job, so let us know what you think and the prices of the place, also the restaurant.

I was asked for the room rate, so, tonight I called the hotel. Superior room is 950 baht including breakfast. Superior to what, I'm not sure as that's the lowest room classification. That's slightly less than Agoda's best offer, so, I guess I'll book directky with the hotel. We may even get a slight discount for a multiple booking.

Directly translated; Bonito Chinos becomes 'beautiful chinese', but who knows, the 'beautiful chinese' may wear 'nice pants'.

It's a town in California, also.

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I dont think Madonna has stayed there and they were not seeling trousers when I went there, The Pa Place is reported to much less expensive although I dont think it has the facilities. As far Agoda is concerned they are like all the rest of the booking agents getting a commission so as far as possible I tend to steer away from them.

I think you will find its just the job, so let us know what you think and the prices of the place, also the restaurant.

I was asked for the room rate, so, tonight I called the hotel. Superior room is 950 baht including breakfast. Superior to what, I'm not sure as that's the lowest room classification. That's slightly less than Agoda's best offer, so, I guess I'll book directky with the hotel. We may even get a slight discount for a multiple booking.

Directly translated; Bonito Chinos becomes 'beautiful chinese', but who knows, the 'beautiful chinese' may wear 'nice pants'.

It's a town in California, also.

Well it sit well in the "Heavenly City" and the view from upstairs looks very good I might go and give it a shot as well.
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I called into the hotel today to check out the restaurant, it open from 630pm-1200 with happy hour from 630-730 no idea what you get in happy hour but I was shown a menue for the other restaurant and told that the prices on the 9th floor were up a bit from what I was shown.

Chang and Leo 80 bts, Singha 100 ( no idea what size your are getting). The menu is extensive and a lot come in small, meduim or large portions. Nothing I noticed was less than 80bts for a small portion. Steaks chicken 180bts, T Bone 200, also Ostrich and Pork. Steamed fish all seemed to be 250 bts. If there are more 10 of you they did do a deal starting from around 2500/3000 bts ( Menuein Thai sorry). Do remember the prices I could remember are going to be more on the 9th floor.

The steamed fish looked a good price, you make your mind up about the others, your options are get yourself round the north side of the Sawan Park for San Savoy or Bon Bon or see you can transport out to the Baan Issan on the 3005, a very popular local place which is about 4 kms from Bonitos, Chang 50bts, Export 55bts, Leo 60 bts, Singha 70bts. 1/2 chicken 80bts, steamed fish 250bts. When we go its usually about 350/400bts for 3 or 4 dishes and drinks, so up to you now.

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I called into the hotel today to check out the restaurant, it open from 630pm-1200 with happy hour from 630-730 no idea what you get in happy hour but I was shown a menue for the other restaurant and told that the prices on the 9th floor were up a bit from what I was shown.

Chang and Leo 80 bts, Singha 100 ( no idea what size your are getting). The menu is extensive and a lot come in small, meduim or large portions. Nothing I noticed was less than 80bts for a small portion. Steaks chicken 180bts, T Bone 200, also Ostrich and Pork. Steamed fish all seemed to be 250 bts. If there are more 10 of you they did do a deal starting from around 2500/3000 bts ( Menuein Thai sorry). Do remember the prices I could remember are going to be more on the 9th floor.

The steamed fish looked a good price, you make your mind up about the others, your options are get yourself round the north side of the Sawan Park for San Savoy or Bon Bon or see you can transport out to the Baan Issan on the 3005, a very popular local place which is about 4 kms from Bonitos, Chang 50bts, Export 55bts, Leo 60 bts, Singha 70bts. 1/2 chicken 80bts, steamed fish 250bts. When we go its usually about 350/400bts for 3 or 4 dishes and drinks, so up to you now.

Thanks for taking the time to do a little research on our behalf. I appreciate that.


Unfortunately, things haven't worked out too well for the earliest stage of our travel plan.

Sadly, one of my wife's uncles, passed on, last night. So, my wife and I, along with my brother and sister in-law need to visit family in Angthong, to show our respects.

Subsequently, we're now on a revised plan. We've explained our planned holiday and commitments, so every-one understands that we won't be able to stay for the duration of the services. Our daughter will represent us all at the burning.

Our friend still needs to get his bike serviced, so he and his wife will go to Nakhon Sawan on Saturday and stay overnight, at the chosen hotel. Don't worry, he's a good guy, so treat him gently if you bump into him.

On Sunday, we'll now meet up near Suphan Buri.

I'm sorry that we'll miss the opportunity to take in the ambience of your fine city. Hopefully, we'll be able to do that at a future date and once again, thank you all for your input.

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The best laid plans of mice and men eh! Enjoy whatever you do wherever you go! Travel safely and arrive!

Thanks. Yesterday was hectic, trying to re-organize everything so we could travel down to Angthong this morning. We're just waiting for the brother in law to arrive, then we're good to go. We should be passing you, on the 117/1 around eleven thirty.

That's another plan and when the extended familiy is involved, things tend to go the Thai way, not my way.

I've asked the guy to take notes, on the hotel., but I'm not sure when we'll be able to post them. Not much luggage space for notebooks and such, on the bike.

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