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Why Is Soi 6 Less Friendly Towards Cameras (Or Farangs) Than 5 Years Ago?


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Personally I can't stand idiots and their cameras, they are rude and disrespectful and often quite pretentious. Even if they don't film me there is something irritating about it. But if they do film me I get serioulsy pissed off, no matter where I am but I imagine especially a place like Soi 6.

To the PP, you are lucky you didn't get your camera smashed and you smashed at the same time. Ive been sorely tempted to smash cameras a number of times, in Pattaya, in London, in fact everywhere I see idiots with cameras.

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Personally I can't stand idiots and their cameras, they are rude and disrespectful and often quite pretentious. Even if they don't film me there is something irritating about it. But if they do film me I get serioulsy pissed off, no matter where I am but I imagine especially a place like Soi 6.

To the PP, you are lucky you didn't get your camera smashed and you smashed at the same time. Ive been sorely tempted to smash cameras a number of times, in Pattaya, in London, in fact everywhere I see idiots with cameras.

+1 ... some people just don't respect other peoples privacy rights...

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Theres so many girls scamming guys from other countries.Probably some have 4 or 5 husbands.

They are getting money sent to them every month.They don't want to ruin A good thing.

many of them will retire before their 40.Unless their partying on ya ba or giving the money to

their thai telocks etc.

Soi 6 girls have sponsors now? Holy ****. There are some really dumb people out there. blink.png

They have probably seen Falangs building houses for their Isaan wives.......................whistling.gif

Bleh. My wife was never a bargirl she sold clothes. Too shy for that line of work. Pattaya women aren't all whores you know..

I wasn't referring to you chops - no need to be overly defensive smile.png

You are right though - they don't need to wear a T shirt with "hooker" on to know how to extract money/shoes/gold/land/property out of you.

Edited by cardholder
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One not so nice off topic post plus all the quoted replies and flames that followed along after it removed, Please stay on topic which is to do with Soi 6 and cameras

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5 years ago the girls didn't know as much about the internet and YouTube like they do now. I don't blame them for not wanting to be filmed and you are lucky you didn't get your camera smashed.

Think this post is spot on.....anyway i would be a lot happier if someone asked me if they could take my picture first, especially in soi 6 lol

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I know what you mean about the vibe going,i spent some time at a bar down soi 6 early 2006,the atmosphere was great i had a couple of girls in the bar.i used to to sit outside the bar with them,they were a good laugh

went back at the end of 2010 to see if the girls were maybe still there or at least to see if there was still the friendly buz about the soi but oobviously the girls had moved on and the buz had gone too.

With regards to the camera,it is rude and lets face it you were filming the girls outside the bars! Like alot of the other members have said i think youtube has alot to do with it,they wouldnt broadcast being a bar girl when they went back to the town or village so why would they like someone filming them and potentialy broadcasting it to the world.Also how many falang want to be on youtube chatting to bar girls dressed as a schoolgirl that looks about 14.

In the 80's and 90's during the dark days of football hooliganism anyone carrying a camera was beaten up and there camera smashed up and that includes the bbc,itv etc because the film would get back to the police and the hooligans prosecuted.Its a similar type of thing here with the bar girls,although the bar girls are not as violent something you should be thankful for.

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Sadly, my FIRST ever post here is going to call you an idiot !

I Have read this forum since I arrived in 2007, but never made an account but

I see your post and just had to reply !

I see MANY YouTube videos where the girls cover thier faces and not wish

to be on film..... maybe they have a stupid farang that sends them money,

maybe they not want thier families to know what they do...

But here is the bottom line.....

For better or worse, THIS is thier job and work.....

I saw a youtube video of a fool going up to a lady on Soi 6 and place the

camera 2 feet away from her face..... and this fool says.... "Say Hello "

Hello, Hello, Can you say Hello" ?

Think about it you twit, Imagine you were at YOUR Work back in the West

or wherever..... and your sitting in your Cube, or at your desk..... and every 20

minutes strange people come into your face with a video camera and says....."Say Hello "

Hello, Hello, Can you say Hello" ? AS your trying to work?

Just sayin.....

PS, After reading this, I am sorry for calling you an idiot, but I can see why they

would flip you off. and also, after the first 8, you should have got the hint, but

it sounds like you kept it rolling ?

Live and learn...


I guess in 2012 it sucks to be a 3rd world Asian prostitute sitting outside a brothel on one of Asia's most notorious streets. But I bet the pretty girls working at Bangkok Bank don't experience the same problem. Odd.

But enough of the nonsense, lets just thank Buddha for the endless amount of hidden cameras that just so happen to be sold all over town. The trick to doing what you want to do in a place like Pattaya is to outsmart the locals, which is usually easily done via technology.

The real irony to it all is many of those Soi 6 bars have websites with the girls featured on them. wai.gif

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Think this post is spot on.....anyway i would be a lot happier if someone asked me if they could take my picture first, especially in soi 6 lol

Your image is being captured everywhere you go in Pattaya, especially on Soi 6. CCTV cams are everywhere, including most bars. All recording your every move without your permission.

Regarding the girls, it is polite to ask them first. That is how it should be everywhere. If they say no, you walk on. However, at no time should any of them, male or female, try to grab at something that sometimes costs more than their mode of transportation. A simple "no photo" should be enough.

Even better, how about the bars put up NO PHOTO / NO VIDEO signs OUTSIDE the bars where they can easily be seen. Tourists have no idea they may get swarmed on a street when they pull out their camera. Signs would be all kinds of help to those who come to Thailand thinking everyone is full of warm smiles and sweet sticky rice.

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Sadly, my FIRST ever post here is going to call you an idiot !

I Have read this forum since I arrived in 2007, but never made an account but

I see your post and just had to reply !

I see MANY YouTube videos where the girls cover thier faces and not wish

to be on film..... maybe they have a stupid farang that sends them money,

maybe they not want thier families to know what they do...

But here is the bottom line.....

For better or worse, THIS is thier job and work.....

I saw a youtube video of a fool going up to a lady on Soi 6 and place the

camera 2 feet away from her face..... and this fool says.... "Say Hello "

Hello, Hello, Can you say Hello" ?

Think about it you twit, Imagine you were at YOUR Work back in the West

or wherever..... and your sitting in your Cube, or at your desk..... and every 20

minutes strange people come into your face with a video camera and says....."Say Hello "

Hello, Hello, Can you say Hello" ? AS your trying to work?

Just sayin.....

PS, After reading this, I am sorry for calling you an idiot, but I can see why they

would flip you off. and also, after the first 8, you should have got the hint, but

it sounds like you kept it rolling ?

Live and learn...


I guess in 2012 it sucks to be a 3rd world Asian prostitute sitting outside a brothel on one of Asia's most notorious streets. But I bet the pretty girls working at Bangkok Bank don't experience the same problem. Odd.

But enough of the nonsense, lets just thank Buddha for the endless amount of hidden cameras that just so happen to be sold all over town. The trick to doing what you want to do in a place like Pattaya is to outsmart the locals, which is usually easily done via technology.

The real irony to it all is many of those Soi 6 bars have websites with the girls featured on them. wai.gif

But of course, there is money in it. And as for the girls looking for men to send them money..........maybe some of them have lost a good catch,by him seeing these Videos on the Web.

One thing is certain there is a loss of money there, much like the shows and theme parks,and shows like Fantasea,in Puket, no photos

but pay the fees and you can.

Edited by MAJIC
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While I have never seen them break a camera......This same rule is applied in Las Vegas Casinos

No Cameras Allowed...........

In that case though I think it is to protect the customers?

Must be part of the "What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas Slogan" wink.png

Maybe the same in Pattaya?

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can;t stand these people who walk around taping everything .. it one thing for them to film themselves on the beach .. or to film there own activities.

but when they start walking around filming everybody else it feels like privacy invasion .

the op says he did not film anybodys faces .. i'm sure he did so as unless he pointed it to the sky all the time he would of been filming in HD do lots of zoom and close up options .

if a commercial film team filming for anything then they would of had to get dinged permision from anyone who ended up in it before they could so much as use it .. in this day of youtube etc. personal video should have the same rules ...

there have even been posts i'm sure about people being assualted on walking street for this type of stuff .. and serve them right is all i can say ..nasty i know but his is one of my pet hates D

agree though , much has changed in 5 years on soi 6 even without a camera in your hand its nowhere near as raunchy as it used to be

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I was in Big C on Sukhumvit yesterday and there were regular tannoy announcements in Thai and English that talking photos in the store was not allowed!

Same with Big C in Chiang Mai. From other comments in the forum, not sure if it is for privacy or for competitors checking them out. In this case, they have a legal right as it is private property as opposed to a public area where it is legal.

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One post discussing prostitution has been removed. see the following rule:

18) Not to discuss the specifics of prostitution.Thailand has a visible sex industry, and acknowledgment of that fact is not forbidden. However ThaiVisa is not the place to seek or give information on this topic, regardless of your sexual habits, preferences or orientation.

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While I have never seen them break a camera......This same rule is applied in Las Vegas Casinos

No Cameras Allowed...........

In that case though I think it is to protect the customers?

Must be part of the "What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas Slogan" wink.png

Maybe the same in Pattaya?

Yes, but the key word in Vegas is INSIDE a casino. Just like inside a bar, where NO PHOTO / NO VDO signs are posted, it is understandable. Their rules.

Taking photos outside is another monster. Who really thinks they own the street / beach and can make the call if you can take photos or not? Punks and whores, that's who. Pattaya really needs to posts signs everywhere (in several languages) they don't want photos to be taken. Otherwise, people don't know and take photos, running who knows what risk in a place like Pattaya with all the scum bag locals lurking about, many looking for any excuse to gang pounce on a foreigner.

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While I have never seen them break a camera......This same rule is applied in Las Vegas Casinos

No Cameras Allowed...........

In that case though I think it is to protect the customers?

Must be part of the "What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas Slogan" wink.png

Maybe the same in Pattaya?

I saw an irate bar owner smashing someone's very expensive video equipment on the Soi, then a car ran over it.

Be warned.

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Yes, but the key word in Vegas is INSIDE a casino. Just like inside a bar, where NO PHOTO / NO VDO signs are posted, it is understandable. Their rules.

Taking photos outside is another monster. Who really thinks they own the street / beach and can make the call if you can take photos or not? Punks and whores, that's who. Pattaya really needs to posts signs everywhere (in several languages) they don't want photos to be taken. Otherwise, people don't know and take photos, running who knows what risk in a place like Pattaya with all the scum bag locals lurking about, many looking for any excuse to gang pounce on a foreigner.

Yeah that is true about Vegas it is just inside the casinos...

I guess folks who want to film in Pattaya need a second guy to always stand in front & pretend he is waving for the camera ;)

With everything that I have read about Pattaya I do not think I will be going in this life to visit...except maybe if brother Naam invites lol

And no I do not take pictures ......... ;)

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I think a pal standing infront of the camera should work ok because then its not seen as being directed at them as much and if they dont like it they will just turn around

Reminds me of a funny thing i saw the other day on the beach,a foriegn guy was taking photos of his kids but when his wife went for a dip in the sea he started moving round at an angle so he got these 3 young topless sweedish girls in shot,fairplay though they were all sat upright and knew what he was doing but didnt move they just laughed.think the pics will be moved to dads collection on the pc 555

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