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High Season?


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I am sure you know best

However 100 usd for a room like this(marriot) you might pay.

Not mepost-3741-1135316311_thumb.jpgpost-3741-1135316311_thumb.jpg

Many long overdue for a refurb.

Havent seen the new SHeraton.

Sounds to me like you haven't seen any of them. The Marriott was completely redone when it changed from the Royal Garden, the Dusit is in fantastic shape, you will go a long way to find nicer boutique resorts than Cabbages and Condoms and the Rabbit Resort, at the Royal Cliff, the Royal Wing is superb, like I said before the rooms at the Amari have just been redone to a very high standard, to even suggest Sunset Park is in need of a refurb is utter nonsense.

Frankly, you are talking complete rubbish. I have no doubt you have not been to any of the places I listed (maybe you once went to the Royal Cliff Beach resort which is the poorest of their hotels, but also one that has just been refurbished).

If you don't know what you are talking about, keep quiet. Otherwise you just look like a total idiot.

I am not sure where you got those photos from, but my friends were staying at the Marriott the weekend before last and their rooms were absolutely nothing like that.

And what about all the other resorts you wrote off as in need of refurbishment. I have been in rooms in those too and every single one of them are top quality 5 star standard

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It amazes me a little that Pattaya can attract a large number of family tourists. I know there's plenty to do but if I was taking my family, I'd want a nice beach to go to.

With family, what would you do in Koh Chang or Koh Samet or even at Hua Hin on a rainy or non-beach day? Koh Samui has Lotus complex since November 2002, fair enough.

At least, in Pattaya there are plenty of places to kill hours or even days. Several shopping malls, underwater world, mini Siam, zoo...

On a good day, I don't know of any place in Thailand that would have a fun area as robust as Pattaya Water Park.

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It amazes me a little that Pattaya can attract a large number of family tourists. I know there's plenty to do but if I was taking my family, I'd want a nice beach to go to.

So in conclusion, the place is fully booked the bars aren't. Sounds good to me :D


the glossy brochures in the travel shop make it look really great.

Skilful camera angles mask the crap beach and the night life is usually quickly passed over as "lively".

No mention of 30,000 girls for rent, maniac traffic, pollution, noise, falling apart sidewalks, dogshite, aggressive katoeys, short-time bars, drunken louts and all the other things that make it Asia's Premier Beach Resort. :o

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If you are travelling from a Western country to third world Pattaya and want to find everything spick and span as you have back home.....stay home and enjoy what you have.

I don't know where you come from but you must live in a crime free country with no traffic accidents and no holes in the footpath. It sounds too good to be true.

Pattaya, and indeed other Thailand locations, may have a few rough edges, but this is what makes this Asian holiday destination so different and enjoyable (and so much cheaper) from high taxing, rich countries.

Don't knock Pattaya. It's constantly improving it's infrastructure, albeit slowly, and has always been and will always be a fantastic holiday destination for everyone.....including families too. :o

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you can call the waste water treatment factory and ask if your little donation already arrived.

No wonder its 100usd, its got a Tor Ra Sap in the shitter  :o  :D  :D

This one mind me about one joke, an swedish man was

taking a shit in the ferry to His way back in Stockholm,

everything was going smoothly, but when He was flushing

the toilet nothing happend, He was trying and trying..

nothing happens, so man takes an towel and ran out

to the lobby (there wosn´t telephone in the toilet)

and ask if someone can come and look was the proplem.

One maid gone with this Swedish man and when they

arriwed to mans cabin, man goes to the toilet and point

the shit, and said " TITTA, TITTA ! " and flush the

toilet, so water cames and flush that shit away :D

( TITTA = Swedish language and means " take a look " )

What we learn about this?

Well, there is very good reason to have an Tor Ra Sap Nai Hongnam :D

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It amazes me a little that Pattaya can attract a large number of family tourists. I know there's plenty to do but if I was taking my family, Isidewalks, dogshite, aggressive katoeys, short-time bars, drunken louts and all the other things that make it Asia's Premier Beach Resort. :o

dont forget the aggresive INDIAN TAILORS and zillions of mo-bikes parked everywhere.

toxic waste dump seas .oh yeah great

and please dont forget the fragrant smell of open sewers spewing their human waste into the sea by the pier.

people actually hang around there at night ,great aromas

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this has always been a mystery about the missing xmas rush visitors.where are they? bars are empty ,girls are gagging for a punter , maybe they are in the rooms watching TV ?

who can solve this conundrom ?Hotels are said to be all full ! weird !

maybe the airfare got so high they dont have cash to spend so have to stay the room ?

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I've had a great high season so far :o

In your opinion :D

Sure, it's all about opinions and we're all entitled to have them. Allow me to say something in defence of Pattaya.

Not that long ago, the British media, bless them once again for bringing their version of the truth to the “it must be true because it was in the paper” mentality of the British public, sent well-paid presenters and their crews around the globe to promote, or otherwise, various holiday destinations. Pattaya bore the brunt of their flak. This reporting could not claim to be spontaneous. It was scripted, rehearsed and had to fill all of a five to seven minute slot, with content dictated by the producer. How could anyone form an objective opinion on this basis?

For some time both BBC and Independent TV channels, and the British tabloid newspapers, have vilified this resort of Pattaya. Fortunately, this smear campaign has been mainly confined to the UK and little of this prejudiced opinion has passed to the rest of Europe. Additionally, the USA has seen little of this negative comment on Pattaya.

Let me give you a fairly recent example of this genre of TV journalism. ‘Lady boys’ are a common sight around Pattaya, and indeed elsewhere around the tourist resorts of Thailand, Phuket and Chiang Mai included. Whatever you may think of them as a phenomenon of this country, they are not unique to Thailand. However, on the surface, Thailand appears to possess a monopoly on the ‘lady boy’ population simply because there are opportunities for them to exploit their gender change. Imagine Blackpool, Clacton, Torquay or any other tourist resort in the UK, or in the USA, with a migrant population of ‘lady boys’ who exploit their circumstances or their patrons. The tabloids would have a ball!!! Not long ago, there was a programme on TV in the UK that introduced and derided the ‘lady boys’ of Thailand, South Pattaya in particular. The programme was hosted by none other than Lily Savage. Can you think of anything (or anyone) more freaky than that?

Pattaya, very much like London, Amsterdam or New York, is a multi-ethnic, cosmopolitan and vibrant city, with its own distinct and individual character. Like people, there is good and bad in every city and it is naïve to place judgment on a city, or a person, based on the negative aspects of this character, especially as portrayed by some of the aforementioned newspapers and TV programmes. Pattaya deserves a comment on its character from the people who have chosen to reside here, to work here and who have no financial or other Brownie points to gain.

I live in Pattaya. I chose Pattaya after considering carefully the alternatives. That was my choice after living and working elsewhere in Thailand. I live here because I like it here. I have no misconceptions about Pattaya and, once again, I exercise choice on what I do and where I go. I would do this no matter where I lived, Pattaya, London, New York or Sydney. The important point is that I have so much to choose from. Maybe that is why “visitors” (families, couples, senior citizens and singles of course) from all corners of the globe come back year after year, in the face of the often heard comment “Can’t imagine why anyone would want to visit Pattaya”.

There is a decent and established infrastructure here. Hospitals, hotels, communications, shopping are probably second only to Bangkok, which itself can be reached in an hour and a half on motorway standard roads. International schools are arguably the best in Thailand. Cinemas would satisfy the most ardent of movie fans. The area is a golfer’s paradise with, at least, 17 superb golf courses nearby. The gourmets amongst us are spoiled for choice; we could eat well and cheaply in a different restaurant every day of the year. There are the endless white pristine beaches of Rayong, within an hours’ drive, even surpassing those of Phuket. I accept that Pattaya beach has some way to go before it can be called anything near pristine but it is getting better. Jomtien beach, on the other hand, provides 14 kilometres of clean windsurfing and sailing waters. For those who want the security and comfort of expat societies, they are here in abundance. Pattaya makes an all-out attempt to provide the best of everything.

Last, but by no means least, there is the night life….clubs, discos, girlie bars and go-go bars. Choice is the by-word here. You partake or you don’t, there is no obligation. For those of you who haven’t seen the sleazy equivalents in Soho, Amsterdam, Hamburg or Lisbon, in comparison, Pattaya is Disney Land when it comes to the sex scene. If the night life centres of Pattaya are somewhat brash and noisy for some, there are alternative, quieter places for evening fun and relaxation.

Obviously, Pattaya has its downside; I could write more on this but the point of my posting is to offset the widely held misconceptions about the city. It is NOT a “hel_l on Earth”. Simply, it’s a case of If you have never tried it then don’t knock it. Maybe, if you do try it, you might find it a “Heaven on Earth”, as the majority of visitors and residents do.

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The bars are empty. Fact is you have to have something special to offer as dave has shown. If you are just another shophouse/beer bar group - you're toast. This is not subjective. We are also talking high season here. have a walkabout in May better yet - October for a reality check.

Too many bars and too many bars that have not differentiated themselves and too many bars with indiferent (read LAZY/unfriendly) women. I only need a smile and my service (not much) - same as I would want in the West.

Honestly bar owners: you can employ men for service and appearance of some of these women, I wouldn't care. For us old hands, it's that bad. Read it this way: This female service is so poor, it's not worth paying for. So, don't bother.

I just go to drinks shops now, drink with the mates. Usually much more fun and much cheaper. I think as the expat pop grows we also find other places to drink (friends house/flat), beach parties bbq...

(NOTE!!) Everyone is moving beyond 'bars' (esp beer bars) as they moved from (cantonese) chinese food to mandarin/schez and then to thai and viet - even punters from Liverpool are becoming more sophisticated. Lots of things 2 do. Lots of options.

And yes Dave- the older places (beer bars on beach rd) with good locales and (LT) mamasans that know what tehy are doing.

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The bars are empty. Fact is you have to have something special to offer as dave has shown. If you are just another shophouse/beer bar group - you're toast. This is not subjective. We are also talking high season here. have a walkabout in May better yet - October for a reality check.

Too many bars and too many bars that have not differentiated themselves and too many bars with indiferent (read LAZY/unfriendly) women. I only need a smile and my service (not much) - same as I would want in the West.

Honestly bar owners: you can employ men for service and appearance of some of these women, I wouldn't care. For us old hands, it's that bad. Read it this way: This female service is so poor, it's not worth paying for. So, don't bother.

I just go to drinks shops now, drink with the mates. Usually much more fun and much cheaper. I think as the expat pop grows we also find other places to drink (friends house/flat), beach parties bbq...

(NOTE!!) Everyone is moving beyond 'bars' (esp beer bars) as they moved from (cantonese) chinese food to mandarin/schez and then to thai and viet - even punters from Liverpool are becoming more sophisticated. Lots of things 2 do. Lots of options.

And yes Dave- the older places (beer bars on beach rd) with good locales and (LT) mamasans that know what tehy are doing.

That's to true man, you will see more of this as years go on from the residents of pattaya, IMO you meet a better class of people at the 7/11 around the white plastic tables and chairs.

(i'm not a cheep Charlie I just chose how and where I spend my money)

But as ever with people with vested interests in Thailand they will always say

things are good. (no slur on any venue mentioned in this thread.)

The term high season can we really use this for pattaya now days? Two weeks ago pattaya was empty and in a week and a half's time all the people will have gone home. Is that what high season is, three and a half weeks a year????

not a long period of time to earn the years rent in.

your right about the bigger venues they do better, but again if things go wrong it takes a bigger injection of capital to prop them up over the troubled times and they all have them at some point.

But entrepreneurs that have something special do ride the storms out.

Good luck to them.

Ps You sure about the people from Liverfool!!!!!!!!

Happy new year.

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I've had a great high season so far :D

In your opinion :D

Of course (speaking as the guy that does the accounts) :D

Best year ever. :D

Alot of the older established bars are also doing ok.

As Mandy Rice Davis said in court. " he would say that, would'nt he." :o

....but would he say that to the tax man...or to the landlord??? :D

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