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Ministerial Action Urged Over Vice TV Message 'Thailand Is The World's Brothel'


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With regard to Thailand being the world's brothel, and some comments about Thailand, I think some users need to get a little education here.

Take a quick peak at the following, and evaluate Taiwan, China, Brazil, AND YES The good ol' U.S of A. !!


Do a bit of google research, and you'll find Thailand is no where near the top of the pile!


Yes, plenty of other countries, especially in Asia, have just as much if not more prostitution. But it is mostly for locals and some places don't even allow foreigners, while Pattaya especially caters to them, so they get the stereotype. Brothels may be everywhere in a place like South Korea but most simply won't allow foreigners so most people don't know. South American countries may be ok with foreigners, but they are much more dangerous places so not as appealing. Honestly Thailand isn't the best place for it anymore but the stereotype will be around for a long time.

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Khun Natee has spent a substantial part of his life trying to help people, unlike the dregs of this site who do nothing but sit at home and fire off nasty comments on every topic. Just saying.

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Vice TV?

Is there really such a channel in Thailand?

Or do they mean Voice TV, which certainly exists?

If it is Vice TV, please tell me how I can receive it?

If it is in fact Voice TV, is this just a strangely appropriate typo, or a sub-editor's private joke?

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There seems to be a conflict between advertising the fact and worrying about the bad name. So the authorities are tempted by the money all those sex tourists bring and at the same time wish to preserve a self-righteous facade. When will they understand that one cannot have both.

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True, but it's the world's largest low quality brothel.If there is a country in the world where most women are totally unskilled and uninteresd in sex, this is Thailand.It's easy to have sex in Thailand, but difficult to have good sex.It's easy to get into a relationship in Thailand, but difficult to get into a good ,meaningful,adult relationship.Any guy having experience with ' latina' will agree with me...

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For your information; Khun Natee was involved in the Red shirt's breaking up a planned Gay Mardi Gras in Chiang Mai several years ago (sounds funny yes but there were disagreements between rival gay groups in Chiang Mai about whether or not they wanted a flamboyant parade).

For your further information: Khun Lakkhana is a controversial outspoken, hardcore red shirt/Thaksin allied commentator who also has a column in Mathichon. There's all sorts of dirty rumours on this women if you read the Thai web boards.

This is the usual case of ego tit-for-tats. Lakkana has a point, but who cares. Natee has a point too, but who cares. Neither of these two can be taken very seriously when you look at their backgrounds for courting controversy.

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Come on he is a Gay right activist....

He is only upset that the gay prostitutes are not mentioned.

Instead of attempting to challenging an obviously true statement he should publish the warnings of the possible death sentence from unprotected gay sex. I heard that with all that anal tearing and blood spilling during their "acts of love" increases the chances of contracting HIV/AIDS. He should concentrate on a more positive message, not throwing a fit.

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So it is illegal to insult the country? How precious are these people?

Now that could go on and on and on and on and on.........

"Thai better than Farang. World better Thailand in it. No Thailand, planet lopsided." As spoken by an ex-girlfriend. She is a nurse.

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Maybe I am wrong. Perhaps I am. I am always willing to learn new things. If I gave you 1000 baht and told you to find a woman for sex but it had to be in a mall and in the day time. What country would you choose? And what city?

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So it is illegal to insult the country? How precious are these people?

Now that could go on and on and on and on and on.........

"Thai better than Farang. World better Thailand in it. No Thailand, planet lopsided." As spoken by an ex-girlfriend. She is a nurse.

Yeh! I went out with her too!

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Maybe I am wrong. Perhaps I am. I am always willing to learn new things. If I gave you 1000 baht and told you to find a woman for sex but it had to be in a mall and in the day time. What country would you choose? And what city?

I think you might try Italy.

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Ha Ha So you "heard" about the gay-anal tearing-and blood spilling, You are a joke, Do you believe Gay sex is all about that. Homophobes and their thoughts amoze me. To my knowledge same sex partners are not ALL into what you suggest. Get real, and mind your business.

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Come on he is a Gay right activist....

He is only upset that the gay prostitutes are not mentioned.

Instead of attempting to challenging an obviously true statement he should publish the warnings of the possible death sentence from unprotected gay sex. I heard that with all that anal tearing and blood spilling during their "acts of love" increases the chances of contracting HIV/AIDS. He should concentrate on a more positive message, not throwing a fit.

Methinks your comments are too salacious for a casually interested party?

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Just In Case You Are Thus Far Unaware...

You CANNOT call a thief a thief,

You CANNOT call a robber a robber,

You CANNOT call a crooked police man crooked,

You CANNOT use proof/evidence to ensure the truth is heard,

You CANNOT get your stolen goods back, EVEN when you KNOW who stole them.

And i could go on & on.....But Ill Leave it there.. I'm probably in trouble now.

only with your poor confused self!

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That's nonesense, people are people everywhere, there are modest and lovely people in Thailand and their are lowlifes just like every other country, if anything thailand is a bit more down to earth and honest about sexuality that closed minded western countries that get all moral about one subject and totally immoral about others.

In other words hypocrytes

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Check out Japan when I was In the Navy during the 60s Yokusku was a bit like Soi Cowboy lots of bars with ladies at that time japanese now they import Thais and Philippinos to do what japanese girls use to do. There are still lots of massage parlours and bars in japan. Sex is for sale in asia.

Oh yes - in Asia and nowhere else......not!

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Well, one country has to be the World's brothel... or, to relate to other news, the "Hub of Brothels".

It would help this case if Nathee would name that country (which apparently is not Thailand), it would also help a lot of other people who may then not have to fly as far away as Thailand anymore wai.gif

Good, free publicity, it will still bring people in. What is the ;problem?

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I don't know for sure but ladies don't come to Thailand to find a brothel do they? Isn't some country in Africa the worlds brothel for women? Just trying to be fair.

You are correct, “Ladies do not come to Thailand …”

Check Thai Immigration records and you will see year-after-year-after-year more MALES enter Thailand than Females. The ratio runs ±80:20

Except at the Southern Border crossing where it runs close to 98% MALES.

The 2% Females are Thai and Malay ladies living either side of the border conducting border trade taking advantage of products price difference between Thailand and Malaysia.

LOL with Thailand’s image it has been going on for years (it comes and it goes away and then it comes again and then goes away again). Still remember several years ago the big intergovernmental Thailand/Japan blowup over the Japanese book describing Thai sex tours, including addresses of the places. That was before Mobil Phones, maybe now with all the Posies having a Mobil the book would also list the Mobil number. After all Thailand is the LOS.

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