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Thailand Pledges To Help Make ASEAN A Drug-Free Zone


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Thailand pledges to help make ASEAN a drug-free zone

BANGKOK, 28 March 2012 (NNT) – Thailand has pledged to help turn the Southeast Asian region and all of its 10 members into a drug-free zone.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' ASEAN Department Director-General Arthayudh Srisamoot said on Tuesday that there will only be leaders of the 10-member ASEAN bloc present at the upcoming annual summit. The 20th ASEAN Summit is scheduled during April 2nd and 4th in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Mr. Arthayudh revealed that the focus of the gathering will be on the many pending issues within the region, including the progress on the realization of 3 main pillars of the ASEAN Community, the regional drug clampdown and the sustainable preparation and management of natural disaster.

He added that all attending leaders will be signing 3 main documents at the summit. They include such documents as the Phnom Penh Declaration on “ASEAN; One Community, One Goal” and the draft Declaration on the Drug-Free ASEAN 2015, which is being pushed by Thailand.

The MFA's ASEAN Department Director-General went on to say that Thailand has planned to stress its determination on the eradication of narcotics and to encourage member countries to make the issue a national agenda.

In addition, ASEAN leaders will hold several meetings with representatives from various parliaments, public sector and youth groups to discuss the future of ASEAN and their contribution to help the bloc achieve its goals.


-- NNT 2012-03-28 footer_n.gif

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Drug-Free ASEAN 2015, which is being pushed by Thailand.

Should be interesting to see how this will be achieved as it seems that there are family members of one of the Prime Ministers of one of the ASEAN countries who it seems according to reports from the Antipodes is involved in the drug trade and seems to have some form of diplomatic immunity too.

Is Chalerm going to be allowed to widen his horizons to international levels, no doubt his sons being well versed in the art of foreign travel would indeed be a valuable asset to him and his campaign concerning the drug issue one is inclined to ask so to how and when will this campaign commence to eradicate the scourge of drugs 100%. in the ASEAN countries ?

Methinks this policy if it is to succeed is going to put the Labours of Hercules into the shade.perhaps we shall find, hens teeth as well

To quote Kipling and a line from the poem, '' Gunga Din,'' concerning the statement made by the Thailand representative to this particular committee, '' You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din."

Edited by siampolee
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Didn't Thaksin declare Thailand a drug free zone after his war on drugs?

several times

This year we have:

Yingluck Pledges To Eradicate 80% Of Drugs Within One Year

Chalerm: Isaan Set To Become Drug-Free Region


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If they really want to erradicate drugs then they are going to have to face the fact that alot of the trade is conducted by the Royal Thai Police themselves.

Where we live drugs are being dealt to the local yabba heads by a ranking officer. The lower ranks know it but are too afraid, unwilling or just plain indifferent to do anything about it.

One of the officers is a friend of my wife. When we talked about it they said the dealing officer enjoys the protection of senior ranks.

Corruption runs to the very core and it is hard to imagine how it will ever be turned around.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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After the declaration, Chalerm passed out bottles of Johnny Walker Red Label to all in attendence, while tripping on the carpet - then shouted, with a big smirk on his face: "Party at my place. Last one there's a rotten egg!" My youngest son will be in charge of the crew parking your limousines, so don't piss him off or step on his shoes, ha ha ha!"

On the other side of the lecturn, an aide passed a note to her country's Foreign Minister suggesting they might float a motion to begin exploratory talks on a common currency for Southeast Asia. The FM smiled while crumpling the paper in to a wad, "you're such a naive little girl, still wet behind the ears. Go get me a refill for this whiskey glass."

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Well, based on its current track record, Thailand will surely be a drug-"something" zone. "Free" perhaps only if they're referring to the relative price of said drugs. Ask the police. They're experts in the arts of drug trafficking, and that's because of the fantastic job they're currently doing. Drugs are more available in Thailand now than they were five years ago (though that's because Thaksin was a fan of summary executions, minus ANY form of referendum/trial).

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