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Dating Muslima


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OP. Why complicate things? Just date a Bar-Lady and eventually marry her, like everyone else does. tongue.png Kids are normally included in the deal, so you miss all the hassle with 0-3 year olds who keep you awake all night. smile.png

Some of us are not into leftovers.

You must belong to the minority group then. rolleyes.gif

No. I think you'll find "the Minority Group" are those who "are a sensible person, get plenty of exercise, live a moderate and temperate life you would probably have a far longer life expectancy than 99% of the posters on Thai Visa"



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Dont' worry about the sex, you may have chances to be with her alone and sex may be no problem. In fact it will be most likely great. But, beyond sex and romance, there are heavy consequences in the future.

The fact that she doesn't wear a head scarf now doesn't mean much. Perhaps at a later phase in life she may decide to become more religious and wear it. For Muslims the faith is paramount. They may have personal liberal convictions, but they rarely have the courage of their convictions when the faith calls. She may become ill or become influenced by her extended family and turn back to the faith at any point in the future.

If you have kids, her family will insist that they study the Koran, which begins by reciting things they don't understand. They may fall then under the influence of an Imam or Islamic teacher and he may tell them at some point that their dad is a Kafir (a loaded, insulting word Muslims have for non Muslims). Otherwise the family will tell them and your wife that their dad is a Kafir. Of course you may consider converting to Islam, but a blind faith may not be compatible with you world vision. For, since you are ready to marry a woman from a different cultural background, I assume you are a broad minded person.

Edited by xavierr
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In Malaysia, I have several friends married with a Muslim lady, everything seems running smoothly. But, they have been obliged to convert to Islam. This is a non return point on which personnally I disagree.

dating with a Muslim lady for fun can be very dangerous because she can force you into marriage, utilising witnesses of the date

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Dated a Thai Muslim lady for a while. She was almost indistinguishable from her Buddhist friends ... she would drink and eat all of the same food so long as there was no pork (just like some Thais won't eat beef). Oh, yeah... pre-marital sex was not an issue (though she was happy to see that I come pre-clipped) :-) In fact, it was a while before I learned that she was Muslim (and I'm not sure all of her friends knew). I can't say how representative she was of Thai Muslims as her mom was an Isaan Buddhist who converted to Islam to get married, but this girl had grown up as a Muslim in a Muslim neighbourhood of Bangkok. All this is to say that you may need to check your stereotypes at the door... Thai Muslims can be little different from their Buddhist 'sisters' (Of course, I understand that the Malay speaking southerners live in a whole different world, so I can say what a girl from the far south might be like...)

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Are you ready to convert to Islam? A muslim woman is prohibited from marrying a non-Muslim. Her parents would likely be very upset if she did. I would be very cautious as you absolutely do not know what you are getting yourself into.

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and does he consider the lower propensity of contracting HIV as an advantage?

I'd never heard of that until I did some Googling . . . a potential 60% reduction in the risks of contacting HIV by being circumcised???

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It never ceases to amaze me the ridiculous lengths people will go to cut off parts of their body for religion based on zero evidence a God exists, why not just chop the bleeding lot off.

Religion the bane of society IMO

Sometimes the religious basis for a practice is supported by overwhelming scientific data. Many religious customs were based upon common sense in particular era. Although ridiculed in "modern" times, it turns out that old practices did have and still do have very clear benefit(s).

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So . . . is the general consensus that it's a bad idea? lol

To be honest, the general consensus on TV is that getting married in general is a bad idea, and every time some suggests it, their case is singled out as a particularly bad idea. I personally am glad that I am already married, or I might be quite disheartened. People seem haopy to generalise about their own bad experience, or bad experience that they have witnessed or heard about, or read about, or imagined, or could imagine, if they set their mind to it...

I suppose if he posts a thread asking for advice based solely on the fact that she is a muslim, then he is bound to get advice based on prejudice and stereotype. My recommendation is to regret ever having asked the question, and do whatever he sees fit


TV is the last place on earth I would post 'relationship' or 'advice' type questions lol

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If you get serious - and to even date a Muslim girl, you either have to be fooling yourself or - serious, then you will be expected to become a Muslim yourself.

Have you been circumcised?

That will be one of the prerequisites.

I can't imagine her family allowing her to marry a non Muslim.

If you're prepared to follow her families demands (they won't be requests), then go for it.

Just have your eyes open before you jump in the deep end.

There must be easier paths to follow in life.ph34r.png

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So . . . is the general consensus that it's a bad idea? lol

To be honest, the general consensus on TV is that getting married in general is a bad idea, and every time some suggests it, their case is singled out as a particularly bad idea. I personally am glad that I am already married, or I might be quite disheartened. People seem haopy to generalise about their own bad experience, or bad experience that they have witnessed or heard about, or read about, or imagined, or could imagine, if they set their mind to it...

I suppose if he posts a thread asking for advice based solely on the fact that she is a muslim, then he is bound to get advice based on prejudice and stereotype. My recommendation is to regret ever having asked the question, and do whatever he sees fit


Experience is the thing that you get 10 seconds after you needed it! (by which time it all might be just too late!)

You can go through life making many non unique mistakes, or you can take an adult balanced view of those around you who already have appropriate experience. It just may be possible for you to avoid a lot of unnecessary heart ache (and also causing it to others). The choice is down to the OP. I am very happily married for one, but I have not yet met any non muslim man who has had a successful relationship with a muslim woman, indeed the only good reports I have heard are here on TV, which is encouraging, and gives the OP some balance.

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So . . . is the general consensus that it's a bad idea? lol

To be honest, the general consensus on TV is that getting married in general is a bad idea, and every time some suggests it, their case is singled out as a particularly bad idea. I personally am glad that I am already married, or I might be quite disheartened. People seem haopy to generalise about their own bad experience, or bad experience that they have witnessed or heard about, or read about, or imagined, or could imagine, if they set their mind to it...

I suppose if he posts a thread asking for advice based solely on the fact that she is a muslim, then he is bound to get advice based on prejudice and stereotype. My recommendation is to regret ever having asked the question, and do whatever he sees fit


TV is the last place on earth I would post 'relationship' or 'advice' type questions lol

Come on ... TV gives advice you could not buy ... or bother to pay for!

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So . . . is the general consensus that it's a bad idea? lol

To be honest, the general consensus on TV is that getting married in general is a bad idea, and every time some suggests it, their case is singled out as a particularly bad idea. I personally am glad that I am already married, or I might be quite disheartened. People seem haopy to generalise about their own bad experience, or bad experience that they have witnessed or heard about, or read about, or imagined, or could imagine, if they set their mind to it...

I suppose if he posts a thread asking for advice based solely on the fact that she is a muslim, then he is bound to get advice based on prejudice and stereotype. My recommendation is to regret ever having asked the question, and do whatever he sees fit


TV is the last place on earth I would post 'relationship' or 'advice' type questions lol

Come on ... TV gives advice you could not buy ... or bother to pay for!

I suppose in some cases it might be worth what you pay for it. Though I worry that some of our posters may have received advice that they will be paying for the rest of their lives. At least a mortgage only lasts 25 years...

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My first experience with Thailand was with a young Muslim girl who I knew through the Internet, she met me in the family car and took me to her home, all very upper class. She spoke perfect English, as did her father and her closest friend, all had spent a year or more in England or America. Her father ran an business supplying sound systems to pop groups and pop concerts, we got on well as amplifier design was one of my interests. Anyway, rather than finding a hotel as originally planned, I was asked to stay, which I did.

Note I was daughter's friend, not boyfriend, then something strange happened. Daughter and her best friend wanted to go on holiday to a island beach resort, but her parents did not approve, eventually they were allowed to go on the condition that I went with them, even though this meant sharing the chalet. Her brother could have gone but everyone preferred me.

For the record, mum was a practicing Muslim, dad was not, neither was daughter.

So in summary, whilst I agree with much that has been said by others, I think the father's attitude to his religion is important and carries the most weight in a Moslem family.

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I have dated a lot of muslim girls, especially in Singapore and I have never come across them being virtuos as far as sex is concerned. But you must repect their religion and eating of pork. I can never forget sitting in a five star restauant and unthinkingly ordering "prosciuto con melone" as a starter. My malay girlfreid "blew up" she was furious and loudly stormed out leaving me rather embarrassed.

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There was this muslim Indonesian girl who used to come to our company club in Jakarta. Obviously in search of an American husband and a ticket to the land of plenty freedom for women. She finally got her guy. He had to follow a short course to become a muslim. Then they got married. She was from a high javanese family and the marriage was quite an affair. The husband even had to dress in traditional Java old hiso garb. But we only got to see the pictures because he didn't invite any of his colleagues to the feast. We were persona non-grata infidels, probably.

She wanted to go live in the US asap so he quit his well-paid expat job to go back to America.

Eventually they settled down in Houston where I went to visit them a couple times. Seemed to me like a normal happy marriage until I got the news that he had caught her cheating on him while he was on drilling platforms in the Gulf.

Prompt divorce though she begged for forgiveness.

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Ask her if she's willing to convert to Christianity. If she says no then forget it. Why should the man be the one to make sacrifices?

Apostasy is a huge crime in Islam punishable by death. Depending on her family she might even get killed if she converted. Their prohet Mohammad said 'he who changes his Islamic religion kill him'. His words are taken quite literally by observant Muslims as he is considered the 'perfect man'

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i'm buddhism but have many muslim friends, both serious and modern ones. i can join their table at the canteen eating khao-khaa-muu without any problem : ) because in thailand we understand and can accept the differences of each religion and we believe every religion wants us to be good people.

however, most of them prefer to marry one who is also musilm. one muslim colleague just married a german and of course he converted to muslim and did the clip, then moved abroad due to his work. she's quite a modern one. i don't know how many times she prays a day (never saw that in office i think) but for sure he will have to attend the ramadan when it's time like she does.

anyhow, forget about having 4 wives because modern muslim women are against that offtopic.gif

Edited by berryranger
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It never ceases to amaze me the ridiculous lengths people will go to cut off parts of their body for religion based on zero evidence a God exists, why not just chop the bleeding lot off.

Religion the bane of society IMO

Male circumcision might be an exception. It makes for easier cleaning, more aesthetically pleasing, lower cancer rates, lower HIV infection rates, and greater incidence of total body sexual awareness due the loss of a penile pleasure zone. Just saying!

As far as food restrictions, anthropologists have found good ecological reasons why that was done that made good sense in the ancient times the rules were set. They make no sense now though!

Oh really http://www.amazon.co..._pr_product_top

Circumcision is carried out on 'people' who have no choice in the decision. It is child abuse, plain and simple, We are supposed to believe that God has made us as he wants us, yet got it wrong with the foreskin. Having a foreskin makes absolutely zero difference to the effort required to ensure your private parts remain clean.

Foot binding was aesthetically pleasing in China for over 400 years. Sadly the small girls who had their feet broken and bound to look 'pleasing' had no choice in the matter...child abuse. Circumcision...child abuse, the difference is the small baby having his foreskin cut off by an aging rabbi cannot scream 'that bloody hurts a lot stop it'!

Circumcision does not lower cancer rates! It is found that circumcised men have a 15% less chance of contracting prostate cancer providing they are circumcised before sex. It is absolute nonsense to consider that having your foreskin cut off prevents cancer of the prostate. The correlation is that most circumcised men are Jewish or Muslim, therefore most do not eat pork and never have done since childhood. It follows that pork may well be the culprit and infact the statistic should simply read men who eat pork have a 15% greater chance of contracting prostate cancer than men who do not.

Lower HIV rates...no, maybe it is higher than circumcised men because those circumcised have lost their 'penile pleasure zone' as Jingthing eloquently puts it.

Mods, whilst this subject has appeared on this thread I do not believe it is off topic and would ask it remains as there is a very important message here, and that is the use of an ancient religious belief is not satisfactory grounds for condoning the continued practice of child abuse aka cutting off parts of the body belonging to the genitalia.

Jingthing said yesterday at 22.39

It's all good as long as we have a CHOICE.

Correct, and that includes circumcision.


I feel you are embarking on this just out of curiosity and to say you would be clipped just to satisfy that curiosity is mind boggling. You are knowingly messing with the feelings of a girl that has a completely different cultural base. You have the potential to do great harm to her if you do not consider your actions carefully. this is not a bar girl!

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