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My Accident Last September And What Had Happened.....


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Sawasdee khrap and hello,

Here’s my update regarding my accident In September and my Pick Up truck that had been destroyed by a speeding Thai doing a red light six months ago. But not just my car had huge problems.

Well, I’m writing this for people who have an accident in LOS, and as usual don’t really know how to react.

I almost got killed in September and had been so close to a wheel chair, which made this accident to a nightmare for all involved. Especially for me!

I was on my way to work early morning on the 25th of September, when a guy in another Pick up made a red light while speeding. He hit me sideways pretty rough, that I had been unconscious.

I woke up at the local hospital, where they didn’t even X-ray my spine, etc.

CRS. (Couldn’t Remember Shit)

Unfortunately, they sent me home after six hours of stitching some wounds, other unprofessional stuff, of course without telling me how serious my injuries were. But they didn’t know it either!

Not just the accident was shitty, also all doctor’s and personals’ work involved. No X-Ray was done and my pain was unbelievable. Not even a pain killer was prescribed.

I had to pay a hospital worker some money to get me home; nobody seemed to give a flying shit about me. I couldn’t sit on a motorbike and one hour on my legs was showing me again that the wheel chair wasn’t gone forever.

It took another two weeks and two more hospitals to find out what had happened. I had serious injuries all over my body; two bones at my spine were broken. And it was very seriously.

First they said my spine, the C3 was broken, another doctor was guessing it was the C4, but in the end it was C5 and C6 that were broken!

That on the other hand was ridiculous, as I had to tell doctors that there’s something wrong.

My Pick up had been completely destroyed, the guy who’d caused the crash had first class insurance, but only with the help a relative, the boss of the local transportation department, I could make it happen that they picked my car up to get it fixed.

Until today, my car’s still at the garage, where they try to get the parts and pieces together. I could receive a car to get around, but again, only with other peoples’ help. (six months of waiting already!)

I’ll check on my car today, as they’d told me it would be ready to pick it up. Well, my bones did a sort of grow together; I did receive some money for my pain and destroyed items, not much for European circumstances, but at least some money.

When I wanted to take a lawyer, almost everybody I know said I shouldn’t do so, having so much pain and broken bones made it not easier to fight against windmills. So I didn’t lose money to a lawyer as it always is, might have been better to do it alone.

The insurance company wasn’t really helpful, as both parties have the same company; a conflict of interest is foreseeable. Three meetings with a police officer and always different insurance guys were not really good in my opinion, just a waste of time. Ridiculous small talk when not wanting to.

I did receive a check, which made it much easier not to pay the cops as it usually is. I know that cops are asking for a good amount of money, when people don’t go to court.

I’d almost lost my job because I’d been absent for six weeks, they couldn’t cancel my contract as I didn’t cause the accident. If I’d have done so, I’d be jobless now. Not just the crash itself sucked, all other circumstances seemed to be against me.

My lovely wife was showing me again that marrying her wasn’t just for her purse, so I had at least a lot of help from my family and neighbors.

I don’t even want to imagine how everything would have been when living here alone.

Fact is that the guy who almost killed me couldn’t make a run, as it happened near the police station and his car was also destroyed. He wasn’t the owner of this Pick Up truck; a female Thai teacher from a nearby place who had first class insurance owns it.

People at the scene were even talking about that the guy had been drunk or on drugs, but cops didn’t even check on this freak. A nasty looking Kathoey with a funnier looking handbag and the license to look stupid had caused the crash, but didn’t even say sorry at our first and second meeting at the cops.

I wish he’ll come back as a cockroach in his next life, not seeking revenge. Or maybe I do.

Neither speeding, nor doing a red light by doing so and causing a serious accident seemed to be a problem. Useless to say that some of them even tried to turn the main witness around to change the circumstances in a way that I had made the red light and the accident.

But he said he wouldn’t even do it for 1 million baht. You don’t find such people here too often!

They got their fixed car back after only 6 days; I on the other hand had to do a lot that they started with their 6+month’s job.

Their insurance which is (still, but not much longer) also my company, wasn’t even trying to make problems for a guy speeding, making a red light and causing an accident.

I thought that all insurance companies on this planet are trying to save money by not paying when somebody is really violating the rules, like the Kathoey did. But I do not know what the deal with the company was, better said with the owner of the Pickup.

Hopefully, I’ll pick my Pick up now; wish you all a nice ride through this country where people are smiling while others are dying.

Of course nobody will stop to help you. I hope they do, I will!

Cheers- M. jap.gif

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