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Lease On Property

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Usual situation. Buying house in Thai partners ( as in many years live in GF but not married) name, need to protect my ability to live in house should anything happen to her.

Does a very simple lease from her (she is quite happy) simply stating that her house is leased to me for a 30 year period, witnessed as appropriate, have legal standing, or do I have to go down the "usufruct" (30 yrs renewable by the next 30 etc.etc)

Frankly, if I can avoid lawyer involvement at all I would be very happy.

Any advice from experience greatly appreciated.

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Does a very simple lease from her (she is quite happy) simply stating that her house is leased to me for a 30 year period, witnessed as appropriate, have legal standing, or do I have to go down the "usufruct" (30 yrs renewable by the next 30 etc.etc)

You have that back to front postmanpat, a lease needs to be renewed and taxes paid every 30 years, an Usufruct can be for life and minimum cost - standard simple paperwork at the land office (around 150 baht) and is perfectly secure for you as you are not married.

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