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Britain to introduce legislation to monitor internet use


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Maybe there would be an end to this never ending problem if all Muslims did not "encroach" on "Infidel soil", unfortunately this is never ever going to happen when a Muslim with a wife and 5 kids who have never paid a penny into the "system" can live rent free in a house worth half a million quid, whilst collecting 300 quid a week in social security benefits , whilst our OAP's who have paid into the system all their lives have to struggle through on their pitiful state "allowance" ,and when people such as myself and thousands like me point this out we are branded as xenophobes and extremists by the left wing PC brigade , so sad ,so sad ,and has Pamela Geller writes, "truth is the new hate speech" .

Ain't that the truth, and we can't even deport the ones with ties to terrorism due to our friends running the central Eurabian rights for terrorists court. I hope at least his house is more wired for sound than celebrity big brother.


A radical cleric once described as "Osama bin Laden's right-hand man in Europe" was freed from a British prison to live under virtual house arrest on Monday after a court ruled that his detention without trial was unlawful.

It's curious why a devout muslim like Qatada would want to live in a 'land of infidels' in the first place. I mean all those women in short skirts running around town, all those pigs slopping around in the country and the British sense of humour can be irreverent to say the least! Surely not the ideal place for a devout muslim to bring up his kids, is it?

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I personally have no problem with transparency.

Regarding 'fear of islam' and the practicers of it, many pakistani muslim family's in the UK are multi-generational descendants of very hard working great-grandparents who came to the UK and worked in the Northern Mills, doing hard labour that even back then was considered undesireable. By all told, they were hard-working and decent people whose religion was not a placard-brandishing affair.

The fact that their grand-children act like arrogant spoilt brats is no different from native Christian white kids today in the UK who also languish on state beneifts and subscribe to drugs, binge-drinking and brawling, which are acts of terror in the sense that they can terrify normal people on the streets of the UK, and can lead to permanent injury. In the UK you are more likely to die from being hit by a drunk-driver than a jihadi bomb.

Regarding the Bill specifically, I would guess that a lot of establishment figures are sweating profusely, in the clergy & Lords and parliament, as we might soon find out if the stories of organised paedophile-rings within the Church and the Lords are true. The website-logging will bring down a lot of cyber-perverts too, including those in high office, which is a good thing.

Edited by Yunla
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Maybe there would be an end to this never ending problem if all Muslims did not "encroach" on "Infidel soil", unfortunately this is never ever going to happen when a Muslim with a wife and 5 kids who have never paid a penny into the "system" can live rent free in a house worth half a million quid, whilst collecting 300 quid a week in social security benefits , whilst our OAP's who have paid into the system all their lives have to struggle through on their pitiful state "allowance" ,and when people such as myself and thousands like me point this out we are branded as xenophobes and extremists by the left wing PC brigade , so sad ,so sad ,and has Pamela Geller writes, "truth is the new hate speech" .

Ain't that the truth, and we can't even deport the ones with ties to terrorism due to our friends running the central Eurabian rights for terrorists court. I hope at least his house is more wired for sound than celebrity big brother.


A radical cleric once described as "Osama bin Laden's right-hand man in Europe" was freed from a British prison to live under virtual house arrest on Monday after a court ruled that his detention without trial was unlawful.

It's curious why a devout muslim like Qatada would want to live in a 'land of infidels' in the first place. I mean all those women in short skirts running around town, all those pigs slopping around in the country and the British sense of humour can be irreverent to say the least! Surely not the ideal place for a devout muslim to bring up his kids, is it?

That may be true ,FOR NOW!, but its changing!, do you honestly think the Europe of 50 years ago is the same as it is today!, Look at the UK, Norway, Sweden, France,Denmark, etc ,all inexorably creeping one way ,towards Islam! ,forgive me for writing this but anyone disputing this simple fact, I suggest they seek urgent psychological treatment ,the time for a wake up call is long overdue, maybe the security services are awakening to the irrefutable truth ,the result being the title of this thread., many in the West complain about "lack of freedom", IMHO there is nothing more oppressive than "Saudi Arabian style" Sharia law !. Edited by Colin Yai
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It is the folks with Paranoid Personality Disorder that should seek treatment

Then again could be projection.....

The concept of psychological projection was developed by Dr. Sigmund Freud, Dr. Freud believed that people used psychological projection to reduce their own stress or feelings of guilt, thus protecting themselves psychologically.

Always funny to watch when one due to religious beliefs claims to hold high moral and religious standards, yet what they talk about and their actions indicate the opposite. Basically religious preoccupation syndrome and grandiosity.....ugly to watch no matter what the religion of the inflicted is.

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It is the folks with Paranoid Personality Disorder that should seek treatment

Then again could be projection.....

The concept of psychological projection was developed by Dr. Sigmund Freud, Dr. Freud believed that people used psychological projection to reduce their own stress or feelings of guilt, thus protecting themselves psychologically.

Always funny to watch when one due to religious beliefs claims to hold high moral and religious standards, yet what they talk about and their actions indicate the opposite. Basically religious preoccupation syndrome and grandiosity.....ugly to watch no matter what the religion of the inflicted is.

Listening to some Educated old sage is quite OK, as you can believe it or completely disregard them,indeed many "educated people" used to say the Earth was flat did'nt they?, but when you disbelieve what your own Eyes have actually seen and your ears have heard , and refute them both out of hand ,then you are in the tragic state of self denial ,a very foolish if not dangerous state of mind,cos in my opinion someones theory's always come a very poor second to indisputable facts coffee1.gif Edited by Colin Yai
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A post with a less-than-appropriate picture has been deleted. Another post about the US has been deleted and one about Canada.

Again, the topic is about internet monitoring in Britain.

Added: Another post deleted. Again, not about the US or other countries and legislation proposed in other countries.

Further attempts to hi-jack the thread and take it off-topic will result in a warning and suspension of posting ability.

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I forgot to mention Anonymous, but it looks like they have thrown down the gauntlet. Of course nihilists, anarchists and other web based criminals are in the same boat as your Islamic terrorist, or right wing activist.


The hacktivist group Anonymous today hacked multiple U.K. government websites over the country’s “draconian surveillance proposals” and “derogation of civil rights.” At the time of writing, the following websites are down: homeoffice.gov.uk (Home Office), number10.gov.uk (10 Downing Street - British Prime Minister’s Office), and justice.gov.uk (Ministry of Justice).

P.S Time for a musical interlude, hopefully copyright issues allow you to see it in your area.

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As well as the internet monitoring there is also this one. Seems to be quite a batch of this sort of thing.


and this is even worse


I cannot think of any Country in Europe that should be considered "rogue" who would want to kill or even control"'non compliant slaves" maybe you could mention one as you appear to agree (THIS IS EVEN WORSE) with the latter link ,as I seem to be at a loss, maybe they was referring to the "hard line" middle Eastern Islamic Countrys or even North Korea !! , Personally writing I think its a total crock ofschitlaugh.png Edited by Colin Yai
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As well as the internet monitoring there is also this one. Seems to be quite a batch of this sort of thing.


and this is even worse


Then this is the latest one.

Looks like next time I change the boiler I will be paying for a whole lot more than a new boiler!


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As well as the internet monitoring there is also this one. Seems to be quite a batch of this sort of thing.


and this is even worse


I cannot think of any Country in Europe that should be considered "rogue" who would want to kill or even control"'non compliant slaves" maybe you could mention one as you appear to agree (THIS IS EVEN WORSE) with the latter link ,as I seem to be at a loss, maybe they was referring to the "hard line" middle Eastern Islamic Countrys or even North Korea !! , Personally writing I think its a total crock ofschitlaugh.png

there is even a word for it --- Democide


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I would observe that the trend of curtailment of freedoms is not just a UK phenomenon but applies to the U.S and Europe as well. Aside from the social issues discussed in this thread there is also the small matter of fiat (debt based) currencies having a long term trend declining to zero. They can go pop due to hyperinflation, or this can be disguised by banks being granted license to charge interest far greater than given out on savings, which leads to the same end, albeit at a rate we notice less. I do see it possible that the entire internet may be shut down and currency exchange controls imposed to stop private money escaping any major meltdown - whilst the media seems to give the impression we are out of the woods I suspect the second half of 2012 to 2013 will see a serious crisis, whether this is the same societal meltdown that befell Rome remains to be seen, though hopefully that day of reckoning can be postponed for our hapless future generations.

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