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PM Yingluck: We Will Return Happiness To Hat Yai


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PM: We will return happiness to Hat Yai





Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra visits a woman at Songkhla Nagarind Hospital in Hat Yai yesterday who was seriously injured in Saturday

HAT YAI: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra flew into Hat Yai yesterday morning - two days after a tremendous blast ripped through a major hotel - to inspect the scene, console the victims and spur on investigating officials.

"I am so sorry for what happened," Yingluck said. Deadly explosions rocked Hat Yai district in Songkhla as well as Yala on Saturday, sending shock waves across the country.

She pledged that her government would urgently approve compensation for the injured, families of those killed and the owners of damaged property.

"We will provide assistance and we will return happiness to Hat Yai," she said. "The government will stand by you."

She urged locals to be strong and join hands in overcoming the unrest in the South.

Yingluck was speaking at badly burned Lee Gardens Plaza Hotel located in downtown Hat Yai.

Her schedule was tight.

After chairing the Cabinet meeting at Government House for just half an hour, she left hurriedly with acting PM's Secretary Maj General Thawat Boonfuang and many Cabinet members to visit Hat Yai, then rushed to an official engagement in Chon Buri before departing for Cambodia for a summit in the evening.

Senator Somchai Sawangkarn attacked the government for being unfair to the victims of southern violence, saying that while the government gave about Bt7.5 million to each of the families of those killed in the political violence, the families of those killed in the southern violence received much less.

Somchai told the Senate floor that he wanted to ask the prime minister about the double standard, but Justice Minister Pracha Promnok responded by saying that the differences seemed unfair but the southern victims had also received other forms of assistance.

The conflict in the deep South has dragged on for many years with deadly attacks on an almost daily basis.

Army chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha said that for public safety, the governor, police and civil defence volunteers were responsible for urban areas.

"The military has mainly been in charge of forest and mountainous areas," he said.

Severe violence erupted whenever authorities started to relax security, he said.

"We have to adopt stringent measures and everyone must watch out," he said.

Security officials could not negotiate with armed insurgents if they were going to press for something illegal, such as demanding a special administrative zone or secession.

Prayuth accompanied Deputy Prime Minister Yuthasak Sasiprapha during his trip to see four injured victims at Yala Hospital.


-- The Nation 2012-04-03

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Waiting for the report that tourist arrival into Hat Yai is significantly higher than the same time last year. Dear "Statistic Department", where art thou?

It takes time to fabricate the numbers; give them a month.

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If I was one of those poor souls burnt like that I would not be happy any time soon. The seeds are being sown for further attacks by not addressing the causes. How I wish Shakespeare was here. There is a Muslim Buddhist dimension to this. Buddhists awarded 7.5 million baht compensation for red massacres in Bangkok. Muslims offered nothing for Tak Bai massacres and very little for other massacres. Only 400,000 baht given for the death of four Muslims coming home from prayer - shot by soldiers. I guess they don't feel a Muslim life is worth very much. Injustice begets violence. Obviously those in the Thai government would do well to read Shakespeare and take concrete measures to put a stop to the needless slaughter - It needs someone in government with intelligence - not someone hell bent on revenge wanting to go into deep South villages firing at random like has been done now and in the past. Real reconciliation for the deep South would go a long way to stopping innocents killed, maimed and receiving burns to 90% of their bodies. Bali revisited.

I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

Edited by heiwa
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I will never be flying on a plane in the South of Thailand. It makes me wonder if the significant number of planes that have crashed into the sea and airports in the South of Thailand were not an act of terroism - does anyone remember the Hat Yai airport bombing? If they were able to bomb the airport perhaps they were able to bomb the planes.

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They are completely crazy if they thing this conflict can be solved by more security and pressure. Oppression is what made this whole situation sparked in the first place. You just cannot killing/oppressing people indiscriminately because of a minority as doing it makes the rest of the population aligning with them, everyone who has lived in a country with an armed conflict knows this very well.

On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

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Does seem like quite a double standard that the "Reds" are greatly compensated by hundreds of thousands of dollars and everyone else is compensated with just a few. I wonder how the man in charge can explain this. If you pull my finger do i not smell? Somethings rotten in Denmark!

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She pledged that her government would urgently approve compensation for the injured, families of those killed and the owners of damaged property.

"We will provide assistance and we will return happiness to Hat Yai," she said. "The government will stand by you."

I don't know...maybe it's just me but, giving these people money is not the answer. Or is that all they care about? Money for pain and suffering? Then again, that does seem to be what some people are complaining about... how the people in the north got more than they did. Sad...you would think people would care more about peace and safety than about how much I'm going to get for my dead relative.

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They are completely crazy if they thing this conflict can be solved by more security and pressure. Oppression is what made this whole situation sparked in the first place. You just cannot killing/oppressing people indiscriminately because of a minority as doing it makes the rest of the population aligning with them, everyone who has lived in a country with an armed conflict knows this very well.

On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

I have been to the Lee Gardens complex almost everyday for the last year. They have never failed to check a car from what I have seen. They were not lax about that. It seems that checking process was unable to detect the bomb. However impenetrable security would only lead to suicide bombing which would probably cause more fatalities.
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She pledged that her government would urgently approve compensation for the injured, families of those killed and the owners of damaged property.

"We will provide assistance and we will return happiness to Hat Yai," she said. "The government will stand by you."

I don't know...maybe it's just me but, giving these people money is not the answer. Or is that all they care about? Money for pain and suffering? Then again, that does seem to be what some people are complaining about... how the people in the north got more than they did. Sad...you would think people would care more about peace and safety than about how much I'm going to get for my dead relative.

How does one eat maimed with no arms, no legs, no eyes unable to work. I see this all around me in the deep south. What do you do when the only bread winner your husband is killed by Thai soldiers. This is not the land of milk and honey. There is no social security. Money equals rice and shelter. If you find that appalling then you better return to your grande mansion. This also applies to soldiers maimed and killed of which there are many. How long could you eat and sleep on 400,000 baht with no chance to work. However you can see the maimed selling lottery tickets - this is a form of social security - Thai style. Edited by heiwa
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Waiting for the report that tourist arrival into Hat Yai is significantly higher than the same time last year. Dear "Statistic Department", where art thou?

It takes time to fabricate the numbers; give them a month.

Or give them 20 minutes and a dart board....

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Security officials could not negotiate with armed insurgents if they were going to press for something illegal, such as demanding a special administrative zone or secession.

Sowing the seeds of Bali style bombings of Phuket, Pattaya etc - My estimate forward 2030 - 150,000 maimed, 30,000 killed. This long-term will make Iraq look like a picnic.

Reconciliation would avoid all of this. But of course the clash of egos are far more important than loss of life and a life frankly for many not worth living for - for the maimed.

Edited by heiwa
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On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

Perhaps they have come to the end of their tether with their sorrow and hold a grudge for the international community who remains silent about these massacres. Perhaps they feel it is their only way to stop these massacres. John Paul Satre would argue we are guilty by our silence. Martin Luther King has also said the same. We come here for holidays while ethnic minorities are being targeted and massacred. Isn't that a bit like sending postcards from the gas chambers of a german concentration camp? We are saying it is not OK to exterminate Jews but it is OK to exterminate ethnic Malay Thais. Is this not a double standard beyond unimaginable shame. Have we not learnt from the past. Where is our humanity in being the silent good people of the world.

Edited by heiwa
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Let's follow Ghandi's lead. The only way to stop this if you have a conscience is for everyone to boycott Thailand's merchandise. Boycott their products. Boycott their holidays. Bring them to their knees economically to stop the massacres of ethnic Malay Thais. Our silence and lack of action will only protract this problem for decades to come. I suggest we also do this with Chinese products for the massacres of Tibetan people. You may save yourself becoming a charred remain in the process like the poor souls in Hat Yai by boycotting Thailand as a holiday destination. This is a peaceful way to achieve an end to the needless slaughter of ethnic Malays and Thai soldiers. Join the peace train. I am not hopeful that the Thai government will be able to bring an end to it.

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"We will provide assistance and we will return happiness to Hat Yai," she said. "The government will stand by you."

I'm sure there is many a resident of Hat Yai questioning that statement.

Be Fair. The South receives some of the largest subsidies directed at the provision of medical services and education. The problem is that the insurgents keep burning down the schools and clinics.

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The PM has been using the same script since taking the helm. "Sorry this happened, we are doing our best, be patient, Support is on the way, we are working to solve this, etc"

Maybe if the PM would deligate some of the trips, utilize her time to solve the problems in Thailand, which she referred to in the campaign, spent less time traveling to cabinet photo shoots in proviences (spend more time travelling than in cabinet meeting), and to lead the country/government in its quest to solve the multiple problems we are facing, Thailand could get on the road to prevention, instead of trying to stamp out the brush fires.

Then again maybe for the countries sake she should continue on as she is doing.

Your comments are unwarranted. You guys can't wait to take any opportunity to slam the PM. She showed up in the South alot faster than the previous PM did after terrorist incidents, and her comments are sincere and genuine. She is there to provide comfort and leadership.Her hands are tied and you know it. She cannot change the military command policy by specific order. No civilian leader in Thailand can. One thing is certain: The Thai people will see her sincerity here and her position as PM will strengthen.

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On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

Perhaps they have come to the end of their tether with their sorrow and hold a grudge for the international community who remains silent about these massacres. Perhaps they feel it is their only way to stop these massacres. John Paul Satre would argue we are guilty by our silence. Martin Luther King has also said the same. We come here for holidays while ethnic minorities are being targeted and massacred. Isn't that a bit like sending postcards from the gas chambers of a german concentration camp? We are saying it is not OK to exterminate Jews but it is OK to exterminate ethnic Malay Thais. Is this not a double standard beyond unimaginable shame. Have we not learnt from the past. Where is our humanity in being the silent good people of the world.

Cease and desist with the false claim of exterminating ethnic Malay Thais. This is not occurring and there is no government policy to do so either. You have no evidence to support your claim. Your allegations and statements get more fantastic and lost in the mists of delusion each post.

Edited by geriatrickid
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On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

Perhaps they have come to the end of their tether with their sorrow and hold a grudge for the international community who remains silent about these massacres. Perhaps they feel it is their only way to stop these massacres. John Paul Satre would argue we are guilty by our silence. Martin Luther King has also said the same. We come here for holidays while ethnic minorities are being targeted and massacred. Isn't that a bit like sending postcards from the gas chambers of a german concentration camp? We are saying it is not OK to exterminate Jews but it is OK to exterminate ethnic Malay Thais. Is this not a double standard beyond unimaginable shame. Have we not learnt from the past. Where is our humanity in being the silent good people of the world.

Cease and desist with the false claim of exterminating ethnic Malay Thais. This is not occurring and there is no government policy to do so either. You have no evidence to support your claim. Your allegations and statements get more fantastic and lost in the mists of delusion each post.

You can fool most of the people most of the time but not all of the people all of the time. Body counts don't lie. In October 2004 the town of Tak Bai in Narathiwat province saw the most publicized incident of the insurgency. Six local men were arrested for having supplied weapons to insurgents. A demonstration was organized to demand their release and the police called in army reinforcements. The army used tear gas and water cannons on the crowd, and shooting started in which seven men were killed.

Hundreds of local people, mostly young men, were arrested. They were made to take off their shirts and lie on the ground. Their hands were tied behind their backs. Later that afternoon, they were thrown by soldiers into trucks to be taken to the Ingkayutthaboriharn army camp in the nearby province of Pattani. The prisoners were stacked five or six deep in the trucks, and by the time the trucks reached their destination five hours later, in the heat of the day, 78 men had suffocated to death.

This incident sparked widespread protests across the south, and indeed across Thailand, since many non-Muslim Thais were appalled at the army's behaviour. Thaksin, however, gave the army his full support. Those responsible for the ill-treatment and death of the detainees received the most minor of non-custodial punishments. Thaksin's initial response was to defend the army's actions, saying that the 78 men died "because they were already weak from fasting during the month of Ramadan."

Charges were filed against 58 suspects accused of participating in the demonstration. The trials went on at a slow place, and As of October 2006, the court had finished questioning of only two out of the 1,500 witnesses in the case. Police were also unable to find 32 Tak Bai protesters who were still at large after fleeing arrest.[40]

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont gave a formal apology for the incident on 2 November 2006.[41] The day afterwards, the number of violent acts increased fivefold, compared to the average in the preceding month.[42]

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Let's follow Ghandi's lead. The only way to stop this if you have a conscience is for everyone to boycott Thailand's merchandise. Boycott their products. Boycott their holidays. Bring them to their knees economically to stop the massacres of ethnic Malay Thais. Our silence and lack of action will only protract this problem for decades to come. I suggest we also do this with Chinese products for the massacres of Tibetan people. You may save yourself becoming a charred remain in the process like the poor souls in Hat Yai by boycotting Thailand as a holiday destination. This is a peaceful way to achieve an end to the needless slaughter of ethnic Malays and Thai soldiers. Join the peace train. I am not hopeful that the Thai government will be able to bring an end to it.

Please lead the way. Stay away from Thailand. Take your peace train back to Australia. Volunteer to assist the aborigines or something. I appreciate that you are a self proclaimed communist. However, despite the claims of your hero Stalin, collective punishment such as the forced famine in Ukraine do not work for these situations.

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On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

Perhaps they have come to the end of their tether with their sorrow and hold a grudge for the international community who remains silent about these massacres. Perhaps they feel it is their only way to stop these massacres. John Paul Satre would argue we are guilty by our silence. Martin Luther King has also said the same. We come here for holidays while ethnic minorities are being targeted and massacred. Isn't that a bit like sending postcards from the gas chambers of a german concentration camp? We are saying it is not OK to exterminate Jews but it is OK to exterminate ethnic Malay Thais. Is this not a double standard beyond unimaginable shame. Have we not learnt from the past. Where is our humanity in being the silent good people of the world.

Cease and desist with the false claim of exterminating ethnic Malay Thais. This is not occurring and there is no government policy to do so either. You have no evidence to support your claim. Your allegations and statements get more fantastic and lost in the mists of delusion each post.

You can fool most of the people most of the time but not all of the people all of the time.

Editorial Note: Cut and paste from Wikipedia referencing 78 prisoner deaths for the incident referred to as Tak Bai is deleted.

Yes, we can all cut and past from Wikipedia. An incident involving a tragedy several years ago is not evidence of a genocide, real or attempted. The event was gross misconduct resulting in manslaughter due to the army's actions at worst or it was another example of the incompetence and lack of thought typical of Thai logistical practices. The event was not a genocide anymore than the Santika (sic) club fire on New Years Eve was, or the building fires in Bangkok that killed guests last month were genocides. These are all examples of Thai sloppiness, nothing more.

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Let's follow Ghandi's lead. The only way to stop this if you have a conscience is for everyone to boycott Thailand's merchandise. Boycott their products. Boycott their holidays. Bring them to their knees economically to stop the massacres of ethnic Malay Thais. Our silence and lack of action will only protract this problem for decades to come. I suggest we also do this with Chinese products for the massacres of Tibetan people. You may save yourself becoming a charred remain in the process like the poor souls in Hat Yai by boycotting Thailand as a holiday destination. This is a peaceful way to achieve an end to the needless slaughter of ethnic Malays and Thai soldiers. Join the peace train. I am not hopeful that the Thai government will be able to bring an end to it.

Please lead the way. Stay away from Thailand. Take your peace train back to Australia. Volunteer to assist the aborigines or something. I appreciate that you are a self proclaimed communist. However, despite the claims of your hero Stalin, collective punishment such as the forced famine in Ukraine do not work for these situations.

I apologise I guess only the British and its colonies understand sarcasm. I aplogise to all non-British. I just love sarcasm ; ) Yep, Communism did not work. But in Broken hill it did help in wage increase negotiations and better conditions. Obviously did not work in the Ukraine. Nothing is so black and white. Look at the socialist nordic countries. The truth is I am naive and I am going to stop my posting. Have realised very few possess humanity or the intelligence to make change. Stalin was not the man of course. And therefore the world will always be barbaric. We will never escape our gorilla shell. Very depressing to have to concede there is no hope for peace when it is always ends up a clash of egos. Over and out. No more posting. You guys have more chance of finding a solution to peace than any elected government. That's for sure. I guess the world will have to wait for Ghandi or Jesus. Edited by heiwa
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I heard the other day that to lose face is to lose what is yours. (To lose their land)

The Muslems as far as I know want to take over the land down south to declare their own state.

The area in question is part of Thailand and the Military, the Government and the Thai people will never give up their land or to this type of Terrorism.

It will go on for many many more years, the murdering of innocent Muslems, Buddists and Thais by these Terrorists. I see no end in site to date.

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On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

Perhaps they have come to the end of their tether with their sorrow and hold a grudge for the international community who remains silent about these massacres. Perhaps they feel it is their only way to stop these massacres. John Paul Satre would argue we are guilty by our silence. Martin Luther King has also said the same. We come here for holidays while ethnic minorities are being targeted and massacred. Isn't that a bit like sending postcards from the gas chambers of a german concentration camp? We are saying it is not OK to exterminate Jews but it is OK to exterminate ethnic Malay Thais. Is this not a double standard beyond unimaginable shame. Have we not learnt from the past. Where is our humanity in being the silent good people of the world.

Cease and desist with the false claim of exterminating ethnic Malay Thais. This is not occurring and there is no government policy to do so either. You have no evidence to support your claim. Your allegations and statements get more fantastic and lost in the mists of delusion each post.

You can fool most of the people most of the time but not all of the people all of the time.

Editorial Note: Cut and paste from Wikipedia referencing 78 prisoner deaths for the incident referred to as Tak Bai is deleted.

Yes, we can all cut and past from Wikipedia. An incident involving a tragedy several years ago is not evidence of a genocide, real or attempted. The event was gross misconduct resulting in manslaughter due to the army's actions at worst or it was another example of the incompetence and lack of thought typical of Thai logistical practices. The event was not a genocide anymore than the Santika (sic) club fire on New Years Eve was, or the building fires in Bangkok that killed guests last month were genocides. These are all examples of Thai sloppiness, nothing more.

I think we all agree Thai sloppiness is best avoided... 555
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