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3 children die in Gaza candle fire amidst energy crisis


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Golda Meir had some great quotes. Here are a few of her better ones.

The Egyptians could run to Egypt, the Syrians into Syria. The only place we could run was into the sea, and before we did that we might as well fight.

We don't thrive on military acts. We do them because we have to, and thank God we are efficient.

We have always said that in our war with the Arabs we had a secret weapon - no alternative.

We Jews have a secret weapon in our struggle with the Arabs; we have no place to go.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/g/golda_meir_2.html#fdf38cRmtVvHtjdv.99

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Netanyhu said........ If the Palistinians lay down their arms today , there will be peace !

If Israel lays down her arms today, there will be no more Israel.

Says it all does'nt it !

And I stand corrected but I think it was former Israeli PM Golda Mayer who said and I quote , "when the Arabs learn to love their Children more than they hate us then there will be peace" , this statement is sadly Impossible as the Islamic Arabs are taught from Childhood to regard the Jews as "subhuman" and without compassion for those of a different religion (Muslims) which is basically what this thread is all about, ,and of course I truly welcome members to prove me wrong in my assumptions . Edited by Colin Yai
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Here is a Hamas spokesman ranting on about Egypt's failure to provide them with fuel. He does make a couple of points that Hamas apologists may struggle to explain though, especially concerning the origin of the fakestinians. smile.png


The Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security in Gaza, Fathi Hammad, wants more petrol from Egypt and makes two points that few in the anti-Israeli lobby will want to hear.

First, he wants the help of Arab nations so that Gaza can wage “jihad” against Israel so “Zionists” will be “annihilated”. (From 1:15)

Second, the people of Gaza are not originally from Israel - “Brothers, half the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis.” (From 1:45.)

And this is where your obsession let's you down.

Try watching the actual video of this Hamas guy and you will see the context of his comments. It's rather like your use of the word "indigenous", beloved codeword nowadays of racist organizations such as the BNP and extremists such as Breivik. Does that mean you are a racist? Context is key.

The Hamas person was trying to appeal (and doing a pretty poor job of it) to Arab countries by drawing attention to the origins of the Palestinian people. Without wishing to be too controversial, where do most Israelis come from?

It's a silly argument for any friend of Israel to get into. The Middle East is a hideously complicated mish-mash of diametrically opposed objectives and objections, reducing it down to simplistic viewpoints serves little purpose. Quite who is truly "indigenous" to that scrap of real estate is basically irrelevant. What needs to be addressed are the concerns and priorities of those sharing it today, and if Israel ever wants real peace and be allowed a normal life as most people crave, it will have to sit down with scumbags from Hamas and other unpleasant folk just as the Brits had to deal with murdering scum like Adams and McGuinness to resolve the N. Ireland conflict.

You forgot to unspin jihad to annihilate the Zionists. What is there for Israel to discuss, quick annihilation or slow annihilation? Indeed that the Hamas spokesman is there at all speaking in the capacity he does is down to Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, uprooting 7,500 of their own citizens while they were at it.

As for where do the Israelis come from, there is a wealth of archeological evidence of a Jewish presence in Israel for 3000 years, including the temple which the Al-Aqsa Mosque was built on top of.

P.S it is most revealing you seem to have Breivik and Baruch Goldstein on a continuous loop seeing as these two apart you are really pretty hard pressed to find racist religiously motivated mass murderers who are not Muslim, and even Breivik is a stretch.

Edited by Steely Dan
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You forgot to unspin jihad to annihilate the Zionists. What is there for Israel to discuss, quick annihilation or slow annihilation? Indeed that the Hamas spokesman is there at all speaking in the capacity he does is down to Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, uprooting 7,500 of their own citizens while they were at it. As for where do the Israelis come from, there is a wealth of archeological evidence of a Jewish presence in Israel for 3000 years, including the temple which the Al-Aqsa Mosque was built on top of. P.S it is most revealing you seem to have Breivik and Baruch Goldstein on a continuous loop seeing as these two apart you are really pretty hard pressed to find racist religiously motivated mass murderers who are not Muslim, and even Breivik is a stretch.

As I said discussions over true "indigenous" populations in a much contested part of the Eastern Mediterranean are pointless and counter-productive. Any sensible person wants to see peace in that part of the world achieved at the least cost to all involved. I am no anti-Semitic, apologist for terrorists, just someone keen to avoid situations escalating to a point where bloodshed ensues. I am also acutely aware of the complexity of many situations and thus detest simplistic, narrow-minded answers. Everyone in a dispute has an agenda, everyone has skeletons and good points. The trick is teasing out the latter while keeping the former tucked away as much as possible, to enable a deal that satisfies all parties to the highest degree possible.

PS Have never mentioned Baruch before and Brievik is symptomatic of filling an empty vessel with evil ideas.

As with geopolitics in general, seldom is religion the only motivator of mass murder by an individual. Thus if we take Wikipedia's worst 47 killing sprees of the last 100 years you will notice a good selection of troubled people from around the world, which does include 5 muslims (so proportionally under-represented), and 3 Brits. Perhaps therefore you could conclude that Brits are more murderous than muslims, at least on an individual basis. Statistics and narrow agendas can spin a myriad of stories.


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Nonsense. Nicolas Sarkozy said it, but he's been known to tell a few tall tales himself.

Here is the exchange from CNN.......

Sarkozy's comments in French and Obama's reply through a translator.


"I can't stand him. He's a liar," Sarkozy said of Netanyahu,

Obama replied, "You're tired of him; what about me? I have to deal with him every day," .

Edited by flying
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Nonsense. Nicolas Sarkozy said it, but he's been known to tell a few tall tales himself.

Here is the exchange from CNN.......

Sarkozy's comments in French and Obama's reply through a translator.


"I can't stand him. He's a liar," Sarkozy said of Netanyahu,

Obama replied, "You're tired of him; what about me? I have to deal with him every day," .

You might notice that Obama did not agree with Sarcozy's comment. He pretty much just said he did not like him and that is no surprise coming from a committed leftist. wink.png

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Here is a Hamas spokesman ranting on about Egypt's failure to provide them with fuel. He does make a couple of points that Hamas apologists may struggle to explain though, especially concerning the origin of the fakestinians. smile.png


The Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security in Gaza, Fathi Hammad, wants more petrol from Egypt and makes two points that few in the anti-Israeli lobby will want to hear.

First, he wants the help of Arab nations so that Gaza can wage “jihad” against Israel so “Zionists” will be “annihilated”. (From 1:15)

Second, the people of Gaza are not originally from Israel - “Brothers, half the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis.” (From 1:45.)

And this is where your obsession let's you down.

Try watching the actual video of this Hamas guy and you will see the context of his comments. It's rather like your use of the word "indigenous", beloved codeword nowadays of racist organizations such as the BNP and extremists such as Breivik. Does that mean you are a racist? Context is key.

The Hamas person was trying to appeal (and doing a pretty poor job of it) to Arab countries by drawing attention to the origins of the Palestinian people. Without wishing to be too controversial, where do most Israelis come from?

It's a silly argument for any friend of Israel to get into. The Middle East is a hideously complicated mish-mash of diametrically opposed objectives and objections, reducing it down to simplistic viewpoints serves little purpose. Quite who is truly "indigenous" to that scrap of real estate is basically irrelevant. What needs to be addressed are the concerns and priorities of those sharing it today, and if Israel ever wants real peace and be allowed a normal life as most people crave, it will have to sit down with scumbags from Hamas and other unpleasant folk just as the Brits had to deal with murdering scum like Adams and McGuinness to resolve the N. Ireland conflict.

You forgot to unspin jihad to annihilate the Zionists. What is there for Israel to discuss, quick annihilation or slow annihilation? Indeed that the Hamas spokesman is there at all speaking in the capacity he does is down to Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, uprooting 7,500 of their own citizens while they were at it.

As for where do the Israelis come from, there is a wealth of archeological evidence of a Jewish presence in Israel for 3000 years, including the temple which the Al-Aqsa Mosque was built on top of.

P.S it is most revealing you seem to have Breivik and Baruch Goldstein on a continuous loop seeing as these two apart you are really pretty hard pressed to find racist religiously motivated mass murderers who are not Muslim, and even Breivik is a stretch.

Just been doing a bit of research on Google about who was there first etc etc, its pretty obvious to me that the Jews was there in Roman times and Palestine was just a nickname given by the Romans for Israel , but let members not get carried away and try and the face facts , this is not and never has been about who owns what ,that is just an excuse that is eagerly taken up by the West , this is solely about the total liquidation of the Jews through Jihad by the Islamic Middle East ,sorry to write it but any one thinking any different is living in some sort of topsy turvy dream world ,as Hamas says in their own Charter or Covenant they want the WHOLE of the state of Israel to be ruled by Islam, nothing more nothing less.
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Nonsense. Nicolas Sarkozy said it, but he's been known to tell a few tall tales himself.

Here is the exchange from CNN.......

Sarkozy's comments in French and Obama's reply through a translator.


"I can't stand him. He's a liar," Sarkozy said of Netanyahu,

Obama replied, "You're tired of him; what about me? I have to deal with him every day," .

You might notice that Obama did not agree with Sarcozy's comment. He pretty much just said he did not like him and that is no surprise coming from a committed leftist. wink.png

Interpret it as you like............I did not have an opinion on it , I just posted it because I had seen it previously while

reading CNN World

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Netanyhu said........ If the Palistinians lay down their arms today , there will be peace !

If Israel lays down her arms today, there will be no more Israel.

Says it all does'nt it !

Doesn't quite say it all. Perhaps worth bearing in mind that the Presidents of France and The USA were caught on camera recently agreeing with each other that based on their dealings with Mr Netanyahu, he was a bare faced liar!

Do you send money the poor Palestine's or just hate Jews and buy beer to drink

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Netanyhu said........ If the Palistinians lay down their arms today , there will be peace !

If Israel lays down her arms today, there will be no more Israel.

Says it all does'nt it !

Doesn't quite say it all. Perhaps worth bearing in mind that the Presidents of France and The USA were caught on camera recently agreeing with each other that based on their dealings with Mr Netanyahu, he was a bare faced liar!

Do you send money the poor Palestine's or just hate Jews and buy beer to drink

I seem to remember from my School days, Thousands of years ago A Jew said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" or in Laymans lingo to the 2 respective Presidents , Don't be such frigging Hypocriteslaugh.png Edited by Colin Yai
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