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What Do You Puut At Home?


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Voted Thai- English,

I'm German, so English is a foreign language for both of us (OK, for me less then for she), we used English like a tool, never thought this was really a language :D .

Nowadays, my Thai has improved to a grade that I (we... :D:D ) sapeak Thai but still use: I, you, he, she...

With the kid's from Meea I only speak Thai, not want confuse them or starting arguments with their teachers about prassa angrit...

Maybe there is someone who can confirm what I experienced about bringing up kid's bilingual: Imho this only works, when both parents speak both languages fluent, then the youngsters can learn two languages, in the other case, the kid"s only learn two languages "half" :o


Edited by Patex
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i have a  Canadian friend .. he  told  me  that his  farang friend  has a TH  missus ..

the  guy cant speak TH (understand only few words)

the  girl can't speak Eng (and  dont understand any word)

i still doubt how  can  they communicate each other  :D

it just like

Farang Guy - Im  hungry , Could  you cook something for me,please?

Thai Girl  - Mai reed pah , nuay  ( i dont iron cloths , im tried)


Bambina, you´re kidding right?

Maybe you have some family backround

with PM Mr. Thaksin? They also think that they are

superior class of thais :o

Some countries (most of them) people stay together

and not stabbing all the time anothers backs :D

Choke dee..

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I just noticed that in the Uk, Australia on holiday we speak English mostly with myself doing a lot of translating.

In Thailand, we speak Thai when there is Thai company or farnag that speak Thai and English when the company is farnag that can't speak Thai. My wife doesn't want to learn to read or write English, which is fair enough. Gradually her English is getting better although she often pretends not to understand.

Swearing is always in our own first languages, although we have both now learnt all the swear words.

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Wife speaks Lao, Thai and English (very well I might add) :o

I speak English (of course), Lao and Thai. (very poorly unless I've had a few beers, then I make perfect sense) :D

We try and speak to the nippers in English some of the time, and they pick it up very quickly.

totster :D

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My wife's English is pretty good, so we almost always speak English at home with just a few words of Thai thrown in. She's an awful teacher, has absolutely no patience for my mispronuncations or misused words, so I rarely speak Thai around her. Of course, I speak Thai every day, outside the house, so she is occasionally astonished to hear me talking to someone else in understandable Thai. :o

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Some countries (most of them) people stay together

and not stabbing all the time anothers backs ph34r.gif

I can tell from your comment that you are not referring to the US! Just look at the situation in New Orleans. Rich folks ignore the poor. Pretty obvious.

And plz do not say that it is better to be poor/humble, than to be an rich/a$$. Everyone lives a short life... he who has the most toys wins. You may disagree, but for most, this is a simple fact.

AMEN for that :D

( btw, here is one excamble how can make

q.tes more shorter and friendlier others to read ) :o

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