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Many Villages Hit By Drought As Dams Less Than Half Full: Thailand


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Amazing that after the floods how many water shortage problems there seem to be. The country needs to seriously start planning and organizing some water shed control and population housing.

The water shortages apply to some regions which have typically suffered drought and flooding. It's the nature of the weather patterns. You will find that other areas have no water issues at this time.

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I comment when the statements are unfounded or are gross exaggerations or are misleading. I am not going to get into a pissing match on who has the more impressive CV and holds a fancy job title. It's an internet forum and there is no way of verifying claims. You object to my comments. Well then, show me where I am incorrect. The fact of the matter is that many regions in Thailand have always been subject to a drought/flood cycle. We are now in a extreme phase of the weather patterns. All the dam building cannot change that. As was previously mentioned, water levels have to be kept at certain levels, otherwise there is an impact on power generation. Instead of attacking me, have a look at some of the idiotic comments.

that 75

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Cue, the frothers to blame PTP and Thaksin for the drought conditions.

Please, try and engage your brain before you post! And if you do not have anything to say that will move the issue further, do not post at all. Please.

Really, look at some of the comments. I suggest you follow your own advice. The national government is not responsible for leaking pipes in the villages. it is the local administration. if some foreigners are that concerned, they should go and talk to the local chief. BTW, one respondent has illustrated my statement by intimating that the government is responsible for weather conditions.

I am shocked do you mean the government is not claiming they have the weather under control.

Sorry I forgot they were going to make every one rich in 6 months then they would not care how munch or how little water there was.

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Amazing that after the floods how many water shortage problems there seem to be. The country needs to seriously start planning and organizing some water shed control and population housing.

The water shortages apply to some regions which have typically suffered drought and flooding. It's the nature of the weather patterns. You will find that other areas have no water issues at this time.

It is compulsory with you, I see. You just have to post on almost every subject whether you have any knowledge or not. Is it because you like to see your writing or your avatar so much? It would save a lot of space if you could try and restrain yourself just a little bit. Or is it that you do not have anything else to occupy you with? Then I pity you.

I comment when the statements are unfounded or are gross exaggerations or are misleading. I am not going to get into a pissing match on who has the more impressive CV and holds a fancy job title. It's an internet forum and there is no way of verifying claims. You object to my comments. Well then, show me where I am incorrect. The fact of the matter is that many regions in Thailand have always been subject to a drought/flood cycle. We are now in a extreme phase of the weather patterns. All the dam building cannot change that. As was previously mentioned, water levels have to be kept at certain levels, otherwise there is an impact on power generation. Instead of attacking me, have a look at some of the idiotic comments.

that 75

Basically what you say is true many ares have lived for years with the drought/flood situation and know how to handle it.

The issue is only a big deal now because it is the Government's effort to take the people mind of all the unfulfilled promises the government made.

The world has many experts in the field. They are experts through education ad experience. Thailand tells them no we know what we are doing. The only expert on water management Thailand has is the King and they ignore him.

I believe Yingluck told many provinces t restore their forest' that will hold back munch or the water. How is that working out? I believe she gave them three months, A quick spin around Chiang Mai and I see fires but no tree planters. I guess smiles and photo ops don't do a lot.

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http://www.kromchol.com/array/BDam.htm check the water levels, the Bhumibol and Sirikit dams are still above the norm for this time of the year at 56 and 58% respectively

Your water experts have to look at both ways, namely extreme flood or extreme drought event. All the major dams have to be strategized so that they can serve all their intended purposes under both extremes.

Severe flood last year, as far as I can see has turned the dams in Thailand to be used mainly for flood control. I'm sure this is not the only intended purpose of the dams in the first place.

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