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Do You Smoke More?


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I've been smoking for 25 yeears now. I' ve always smoked about a pack a day when living in Canada but have been smoking more and more since I've moved to Thailand 2 years ago...

I can't really say exactly how many I smoke a day now since we buy cartons but I'm guessing I smoke between 2 to 3 packs a day :D

It sure isn't because of stress or boredom and I only drink once every few months...

Have any of you smokers noticed that you smoke a lot more here?

Do you think some tobacco companies are manipulating the weed with some funky recipes?

I intend to quit but haven't yet decided why, when and how. :whistlin

*Penz flicks and inhales* :o

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I only drink once every few months...

What are you trying to say :o

Penz, could the cost of smokes have anything to do with it? with them being so cheap you can tend to become blasé about them.

*tchik! ffffp, ahhhh*


Maybe my housewife routine is leading me there... What's next tv soaps? :D

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I only drink once every few months...

What are you trying to say :D

Penz, could the cost of smokes have anything to do with it? with them being so cheap you can tend to become blasé about them.

*tchik! ffffp, ahhhh*


Maybe my housewife routine is leading me there... What's next tv soaps? :D

tv soaps...valium....hidden liquor bottles throughout the house....pms.... :D

quit smoking and use the money to buy something you enjoy..like a new amp :D

I only smoke when I drink....and the next day I always feel like :D ... you might be stressed about something?? 3 packs a day = 60 cigs...That is like a cigarette every 15 minutes...if you are awake for 16 hrs of your day... :o

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I find the opposite. I used to smoke much more in the UK, and i particularly enjoyed those cigarettes when its nice and cold out. The cold air feels nice when u inhale and u get a satifyingly large puff of smoke/water vapour when u exhale.

In Thailand, i don't know what it is but smoking when its warm is nowhere near as pleasurable.

Anyway, its a filthy habit and i've been gradually cutting down to the point where i only have about 6 or 7 a day.

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increased from 1 pack or less per day in Austria to 3 packs here.

than I stopped.....

be sure at 3+ packs your body will give you a reason why to stop smoking...

I've been smoking for 25 yeears now. I' ve always smoked about a pack a day when living in Canada but have been smoking more and more since I've moved to Thailand 2 years ago...

I can't really say exactly how many I smoke a day now since we buy cartons but I'm guessing I smoke between 2 to 3 packs a day  :D

It sure isn't because of stress or boredom and I only drink once every few months...

Have any of you smokers noticed that you smoke a lot more here?

Do you think some tobacco companies are manipulating the weed with some funky recipes?

I intend to quit but haven't yet decided why, when and how. :whistlin

*Penz flicks and inhales*  :o

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Ok you are just not smoking enough my friend.

Get with the program boy!

Dont you know that it will just take too long to knock you off the way you are going

So up it to 4 packs and you will be out of here a lot quicker.

Isnt that the point anyways?

Then we wont have to read the most boring post ever again!

This is the "W T" label I was speaking about.

I rest my case.

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Ok you are just not smoking enough my friend.

Get with the program boy!

Dont you know that it will just take too long to knock you off the way you are going

So up it to 4 packs and you will be out of here a lot quicker.

Isnt that the point anyways?

Then we wont have to read the most boring post ever again!

This is the "W T" label I was speaking about.

I rest my case.

Most of the people on this site (NOT ALL) are just low class white trash to put it bluntly.

What a nice guy!

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I find that when i'm in the UK i smoke a pack a day. And i mean i SMOKE them (as in, i inhale the maximum amount you can from one ciggy). But when in LOS i can easily go through 2 pack's a day. However, i don't think i inhale the same amount from each ciggy, usually it's about having more time on my hands and having a ciggy in them for something to do :o

Did that make sense to anyone :D:D

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WEDNESDAY, Dec. 21 (HealthDay News) -- Smoking greatly increases the risk of vision loss due to age-related macular degeneration, and that risk hits both smokers and people who live with them, a new study shows.

Macular degeneration is a progressive eye disease that is the leading cause of partial vision loss and blindness in the United States and many European countries.

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Reporting in the current issue of the British Journal of Ophthalmology, researchers studied 435 people with end-stage macular degeneration and 280 people who lived with them.

People who regularly smoked a pack of cigarettes or more a day for 40 years had nearly triple the risk of age-related macular degeneration compared with non-smokers. Smoking increased the risk of both of the two main types of macular degeneration, the researches noted.

However, quitting smoking for 20 years or more reduced the risk to a level comparable with people who'd never smoked.

The study also found that non-smokers who lived with smokers for five years or more had nearly double the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

The macula, located at the center of the retina at the back of the eye, is crucial for the fine central vision necessary for tasks such as driving and reading.

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I've been smoking for 25 yeears now. I' ve always smoked about a pack a day when living in Canada but have been smoking more and more since I've moved to Thailand 2 years ago...

Have any of you smokers noticed that you smoke a lot more here?

Do you think some tobacco companies are manipulating the weed with some funky recipes?

I intend to quit but haven't yet decided why, when and how. :whistlin

*Penz flicks and inhales*  :o

Have any of you smokers noticed that you smoke a lot more here?

When I first moved out ot LOS, I went from 20 cigs, to easily 40, and if I went out drinking 60....a day.

I still maintain that, nearly 6 years living on the same latitude of the world, if at the other end of the globe now.

Do you think some tobacco companies are manipulating the weed with some funky recipes?

Nah, I think there are just more local people, esp at borders, handing out fake cigarettes wrapped in famous brandnames. The genuine famous brands do also taste a little, but only a little different. Probably because of planting/processing/ tobacco/ places of origin.

songsaitang said the satanic klown... sparking up again.

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