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To me this sounds like coming from a different place.

Never experienced anything like this in he 6+ years that I live here.

Also a bit strange that he drags a story into his story about two westerners being murdered which didn't even happen in Samui but sure gives the impression that it did happen on Samui.

Uncohorent rambling in my humble opinion.

To me this sounds like coming from a different place.

Never experienced anything like this in he 6+ years that I live here.

Also a bit strange that he drags a story into his story about two westerners being murdered which didn't even happen in Samui but sure gives the impression that it did happen on Samui.

Uncohorent rambling in my humble opinion.

I have been here for five years now and I have not experienced or seen anything like the situation described. Yes there are incidents here, mostly amongst the Thai community although on the odd occassion foreigners do get involved but then the same could be said of many towns and cities in the UK or USA. I read with some alarm the regular reports of murders and attacks in my home town in England and feel a hundred times safer here - even more so than in Bangkok where I lived for a year.

1.2 million tourists are reported to have visited Samui last year and I think this has to be put in proportion. These days you are at risk anywhere you go in the world and the number of incidents I hear about here are very few in relation to the numbers.

Yes, of course it was unfortunate for this particular individual to have this experience and it cannot be excused. Nor if the report is correct can the attitude of the Police - but we all know that a Thai smile can mean different things and cannot be taken at (excuse the pun) face value.


I just had a look at my UK local newspaper website for yesterday - this is what I found

Savage murderer has destroyed my family

20 Dec: A grieving widow has told how her children were "robbed" of their father as his gunman killer was jailed for 30 years.

Charges denied

20 Dec: A 33-year-old man accused of carrying out two assaults has appeared in court.

Not guilty plea

20 Dec: A 61-year-old man accused of assaulting a woman, causing her actual bodily harm, has appeared in court.

That is just one day - so lets keep this in proportion.


I think the guy must have asked for it, but in a way some of the Thai's are starting to dislike us Farangs more than before....I mean I would if I had to deal with mindless drunken Brits running around fighting and singing football songs with beer bottles in their hands....As a Brit myself, who's not afraid of a good drink, I'm pretty embarressed by them and won't go out in Chaweng, ever. I can understand Thais not liking us for that.

Also a lot of these gthai guys aren't from here, but from Nakhon and further south, and they don't seem to be as friendly as the Samui-ites.


I think you have a good observation there steverino, when we visited samui in march this year after a year away, I noticed an increased level of hostility from the thai people on the island. Shop keepers, the bungalow staff & drivers. I saw several times opp 7-11 in Bohput a big group of thai lads hanging around shouting abuse at farang motorbike drivers. Never experienced anything like that in 7 years living there. Sad :o


I hate to say it, but the article is <deleted>! Forgive my language, but any emotive badly written letters like this should just be ignored - I have never read such jibberish.

I hate to say it, but the article is <deleted>!  Forgive my language, but any emotive badly written letters like this should just be ignored - I have never read such jibberish.

....with no name, nationality or date its impossible to verify what actually happened, save to say there's more to it than appears in print.

This is the reputation we're getting.

and deservedly so.

the island has become a dumping ground for loud mouthed western beer swilling slimeballs of low intelligence , and their obnoxious womenfolk , all failures in their homelands , trying to make a fast buck by scheming with equally dishonest and ignorant thais to fleece anybody they can before disappearing off the island.

combine that with a lazy corrupt police force , a bunch of simian taxi drivers , avaricious local small businesspeople and ineffectual local government on a goldmine island in the south of thailand and what else would anybody expect.

talk to any half decent thai there , and there are many , and they will all agree that the island is slowly degenerating into an immoral lawless swamp with all the detritus and garbage that such places attract.

the stench of greed and selfishness pervades the atmosphere there like a putrid fog. it has become ugly and nasty both visually and cerebrally and draws the worst kind of people to it.

it has become thailands dodge city.

This is the reputation we're getting.

and deservedly so.

the island has become a dumping ground for loud mouthed western beer swilling slimeballs of low intelligence , and their obnoxious womenfolk , all failures in their homelands , trying to make a fast buck by scheming with equally dishonest and ignorant thais to fleece anybody they can before disappearing off the island.

combine that with a lazy corrupt police force , a bunch of simian taxi drivers , avaricious local small businesspeople and ineffectual local government on a goldmine island in the south of thailand and what else would anybody expect.

talk to any half decent thai there , and there are many , and they will all agree that the island is slowly degenerating into an immoral lawless swamp with all the detritus and garbage that such places attract.

the stench of greed and selfishness pervades the atmosphere there like a putrid fog. it has become ugly and nasty both visually and cerebrally and draws the worst kind of people to it.

it has become thailands dodge city.

I have never experienced any of the above - maybe some people just attract such things...

To me this sounds like coming from a different place.

Never experienced anything like this in he 6+ years that I live here.

Also a bit strange that he drags a story into his story about two westerners being murdered which didn't even happen in Samui but sure gives the impression that it did happen on Samui.

Uncohorent rambling in my humble opinion.

He probably owns a business in Phukett.Sent my 2 baht opinion into the post,Maybe it will be in tomorrow-- :o:D It ends with I wonder?

you two cant get out much.. Samui is completely lawless from what i've experienced  :o

ya I've been there a dozen times,the thai's are no worse than pattaya,, but the police are way more corrupt , if you can believe it and more brutal :D

This is the reputation we're getting.

and deservedly so.

the island has become a dumping ground for loud mouthed western beer swilling slimeballs of low intelligence , and their obnoxious womenfolk , all failures in their homelands , trying to make a fast buck by scheming with equally dishonest and ignorant thais to fleece anybody they can before disappearing off the island.

combine that with a lazy corrupt police force , a bunch of simian taxi drivers , avaricious local small businesspeople and ineffectual local government on a goldmine island in the south of thailand and what else would anybody expect.

talk to any half decent thai there , and there are many , and they will all agree that the island is slowly degenerating into an immoral lawless swamp with all the detritus and garbage that such places attract.

the stench of greed and selfishness pervades the atmosphere there like a putrid fog. it has become ugly and nasty both visually and cerebrally and draws the worst kind of people to it.

it has become thailands dodge city.

I have never experienced any of the above - maybe some people just attract such things...

Buddy I guess you just stay shut in with you ladyboy :o

This is the reputation we're getting.

and deservedly so.

the island has become a dumping ground for loud mouthed western beer swilling slimeballs of low intelligence , and their obnoxious womenfolk , all failures in their homelands , trying to make a fast buck by scheming with equally dishonest and ignorant thais to fleece anybody they can before disappearing off the island.

combine that with a lazy corrupt police force , a bunch of simian taxi drivers , avaricious local small businesspeople and ineffectual local government on a goldmine island in the south of thailand and what else would anybody expect.

talk to any half decent thai there , and there are many , and they will all agree that the island is slowly degenerating into an immoral lawless swamp with all the detritus and garbage that such places attract.

the stench of greed and selfishness pervades the atmosphere there like a putrid fog. it has become ugly and nasty both visually and cerebrally and draws the worst kind of people to it.

it has become thailands dodge city.

I have never experienced any of the above - maybe some people just attract such things...

Buddy I guess you just stay shut in with you ladyboy :o

Yes, my wife and I don't go to the places that are often described in the negative posts about Samui - we visit the quieter places. As such we have the view that you get good and bad everywhere. Don't seek it and you won't find it!


hmm dunno i have only played tourist on samui- i agree it had the most jaded and unfriendly thai people of any i ever met in thailand, but that was it... though i have to say, i meet a lot of people in koh phangan who moved over here from samui for the same reasons posted in the OP letter. it definitely has that reputation of being mafia-controlled and dangerous under the surface. not that KPG is always much better.

This is the reputation we're getting.

and deservedly so.

the island has become a dumping ground for loud mouthed western beer swilling slimeballs of low intelligence , and their obnoxious womenfolk , all failures in their homelands , trying to make a fast buck by scheming with equally dishonest and ignorant thais to fleece anybody they can before disappearing off the island.

combine that with a lazy corrupt police force , a bunch of simian taxi drivers , avaricious local small businesspeople and ineffectual local government on a goldmine island in the south of thailand and what else would anybody expect.

talk to any half decent thai there , and there are many , and they will all agree that the island is slowly degenerating into an immoral lawless swamp with all the detritus and garbage that such places attract.

the stench of greed and selfishness pervades the atmosphere there like a putrid fog. it has become ugly and nasty both visually and cerebrally and draws the worst kind of people to it.

it has become thailands dodge city.

I have never experienced any of the above - maybe some people just attract such things...

i dont think so suegha

the bad will always impose themselves on the good , and never the other way round.

the ratio of bad to good on samui seemed to be increasing daily.

i came across it in the way you are dealt with in your daily life , the levels of bad manners , impoliteness , poor service , couldnt care less attitude , selfishness , greed , losing trust in people , take it or leave it philosophy , poor value for money , and an air of aggression lying just beneath the surface.

its such a shame really because a pretty island like that has or had the potential to become an absolute world beating gem of a place both to live in and to travel to.

but as with so many places in this region , vested interests and out and out greed have started to ruin it for the majority .


[quote name=taxexile' date='2005-12-22 17:19:46

its such a shame really because a pretty island like that has or had the potential to become an absolute world beating gem of a place both to live in and to travel to.

but as with so many places in this region , vested interests and out and out greed have started to ruin it for the majority .


Samui has definately changed. the growth is unbelievable.

Every month or so we decide to go for a weekend to get my fix of farang food and see friends. We miss Samui until we actually get there. Often, even though we planned to stay 2 days, we only stay one night then head back home. Then, after a month we forget and miss Samui again.

The memory or image we have of what Samui used to be is so different from what is now. :D

But then I remember when there was jungle along the road between Nathon and Chaweng. :o

"Come to the edge, He said. They said, "We are afraid." "Come to the edge," He said. They came. He pushed them... and they flew."

Guillaume Apollinaire


"We miss Samui until we actually get there. Often, even though we planned to stay 2 days, we only stay one night then head back home."

So, for you is a big mistake spend summer holidays in Koh Samui? :o


Maybe if you have never been to samui or only spend your 2 week holiday there once a year then it will seem like a paradise but once you get a more in depth understanding of your surroundings & the workings of the island then things don't looks so idyllic as originally thought?

Maybe if you have never been to samui or only spend your 2 week holiday there once a year then it will seem like a paradise but once you get a more in depth understanding of your surroundings & the workings of the island then things don't looks so idyllic as originally thought?

But, lets be fair Boo, nothing in life ever is. I think it is human nature to see something new and different through rose colored glasses, its only until the glasses have been removed that we see the thing for what it is, warts and all.

Can't you remember your first love? How great he was, now you probably think you were a fool for falling in love with such an idiot :o Same is true of places as well.


Thats exactly the point of the last post sbk, a 2 week holiday wil have someone raving about the place & what a paradise it is & shouldn't we move there & try to make a life, the reality is so different that people will quickly become disallusioned & start to trash the place.

I admit, I would never live there again as I think it has become too crazy & doesn't meet the relaxed lifestyle that I want but I still recomend it to people who ask, as for a holiday destination for a week or 2, it IS paradise. :o



That's rather the exception to the rule.

Shit does happen everywhere but to the best of my knowledge it's not a daily occurance on Samui.

Western European or American cities are way more dangerous than Samui at night.


so we all think samui has changed and thing's have gone down hill abit but hey that happen's every where and just because someone rights in the paper and makes it sound like death island so what,you either like the place or you don't.

but what i really want to no is why did this person get attacked,i have travelled to a few places in this world which are far worse than samui and yes people get attacked but there is always some reason,so i wonder if this person wouldn't mind telling us the full story or is it the case that it is just a story :D:o


I do agree that Samui is changing but you can't stop that! I have never had any problems on Samui and I still find the people to be great and as long as you don't go looking for trouble you 'usually' don't find it. Sometimes sh1t happens, but doesn't it everywhere?

Keep out of trouble, treat people with respect and your experiences are more likely to be positive. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule but that is the same anywhere you go!

keep it real.


I'd rather be in Samui than Benidorm although a mate on Khao San Road told me it was rammed with chavscum. Disturbing but the lure of things like the FMP, cheap women, cheap booze, cheap digs etc. is too great for them to resist.

Quick line on this is as I have to dash but as I see it 'mafia' type operations go hand in hand with tourism in Thailand.

Samui is still a 'young' resort compared to places like Pattaya and Phuket where such operations have now become part of the system. Expect teething troubles and things to get worse before they get better.

I do agree that Samui is changing but you can't stop that! I have never had any problems on Samui and I still find the people to be great and as long as you don't go looking for trouble you 'usually' don't find it.  Sometimes sh1t happens, but doesn't it everywhere?

Keep out of trouble, treat people with respect and your experiences are more likely to be positive.  Obviously there are exceptions to the rule but that is the same anywhere you go!

keep it real.

Absolutely, I've been going to Samui for years, and I've never had any trouble.

You can get in trouble in any city anywhere in the world.

I also agree that for a holiday, Samui is great. Before I moved to Thailand, I spent alot of time in Samui. months at a time over years, that experience was positive and led me to my present situation. Tourist going to Samui now don't compare it to what I remember and their experience will be as great as it was for me. They don't know Samui without a Starbucks or the MacDonalds.

Samui, to me, is like going back home except at the beach, it's Farangland.

"Come to the edge, He said. They said, "We are afraid." "Come to the edge," He said. They came. He pushed them... and they flew."

Guillaume Apollinaire

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